To attend awards shows like this, phones are either turned off or muted.Even on silent, no one will answer or take out the phone.

This is basic etiquette.If you can't do it, you will be hated by everyone, and you will be sprayed badly on the Internet.Even if you act well, you will rarely have a chance to win awards in the future.Unless your company is willing to spend a lot of money and energy to repair the relationship.

With such an obvious disrespect to an award show, other award shows will fear that it will happen at theirs as well.

If you don't respect others, others don't need to respect you, and they don't need to give you awards.

Therefore, everyone present at the awards ceremony did not know that a wave of battles started online because of this incident.

Wu Long's ridicule greatly stimulated Xue Bo's fans.

Fans of small fresh meat are quite scary.There are many who don't even know their fathers or mothers, but they have to give their all for the little fresh meat.

During the live broadcast of the Orchid Awards Ceremony, Xue Bo's fans scolded Wu Long for being shameless and narrow-minded.

He also said that what Xue Bo said at the premiere ceremony was originally a secret discussion between the two, and it was a hype for the operation of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".But Wu Long used this to defame Xue Bo, he is simply a villain and a bandit!

Sitting Tiger is a bandit!

Wu Long didn't abandon the dark and turn to the bright like a mountain tiger at all, but continued to do evil and harm the people!

If other actors, especially those who have worked hard on their own, don't have enough fans, they will definitely be scolded by Xue Bo's fans to the point where they cannot retaliate.

After all, Xue Bo was once on the top ten traffic list, and the number of fans is really large.

Even if you don't work hard on your own, there is company support behind you.As long as it is not a traffic star, it is difficult to compare the number of fans with a traffic star.He will also be scolded by Xue Bo's fans so that he dare not speak out.

But Wu Long also has traffic and fans. He was born as an Internet celebrity through live broadcasting, and the number of fans has risen again and again, and he is no longer lost to traffic stars.

Wu Long not only has movie fans, but also music fans, as well as martial arts enthusiasts, sports and fitness enthusiasts, extreme sports enthusiasts, parkour circles, as well as a group of superstitious Wu Long people in Hong Kong Island, and those from Hong Kong Island's land companies. people.

The two sides sprayed each other on the live broadcast of the Orchid Awards Ceremony, and the dense barrage forced those who wanted to watch the live broadcast to close the barrage.

Some passers-by were so angry by these fan battles that they randomly joined one side, unreasonable, just spraying randomly.

Soon, this year's Orchid Awards ceremony became the award ceremony with the highest on-demand and most barrage in history.

It wasn't until the awards ceremony was over that Wu Long went out and turned on his phone, only to find that his Weibo and Douyin had been washed away.

Xue Bo's Weibo was also overwhelmed by Wu Long's fans.

The fan battle between the two sides moved from the live broadcast room to the Weibo of the two.

After 10 minutes, a big v topic appeared, which escalated the battle between the two sides.

"The best supporting actor won for the first time, the arrogance is boundless!" "

The beginning of the article is to introduce that Wu Long started as a group actor, and in just one year, he was shortlisted for the Orchid Award for the first time as a newcomer, and won the Best Supporting Actor.


The turning point has come, first rising and then lowering.

However, Wu Long mocked Xue Bo, who is also a competitor, in public on stage. Not only did he lose his style, but also let people see that Wu Long rose too fast, was so crazy that he ignored the rules, and did not give the face of the Lanhua Award, causing trouble in public.It is really immoral to provoke fans from both sides to scold and fight.

This son of Wu Long has a huge problem with his character!

Too inflated, presumptuous.

In the accompanying picture, it was Wu Long who showed contempt for Xue Bo.

When this article came out, it quickly became a hot search.It first occupied tenth place, then went all the way up, and finally occupied the top spot in the hot search list.

As soon as this article came out, other articles aimed at Wu Long appeared one after another.

"Those who don't know think it's inspirational, but after a little thought, they know it's operation!" "

This is also an article by a big V.

Talk about how Wu Long does group performances, how to perform kung fu for live broadcast, and how to rise.It seems to be an inspirational story, but when you think about it for a while, there are many doubts and coincidences, which make people have to suspect that this is a premeditated and planned operation.

Xing Zhongfei entered the film and television industry for the first time.His "Drunk" was only a small investment, but it became the dark horse of the annual box office.

The key person is Wu Long.

Coincidentally, Wu Long's rise also originated from "Drunk Catch".

He was originally a group performer, seemingly unknown.But in "Drunk Catcher" when he called for martial arts, he surprisingly used more than a dozen sets of boxing techniques, and was selected by the crew of "Drunk Catcher" as a martial artist.

Coincidentally, "Drunk Catching" suddenly added a supporting role for Wu Long.

May I ask, has such a coincidence ever happened in the history of film?


However, it happened to Wu Long.

Later, Xing Zhongfei crazily hyped Wu Long. Whether it was Wu Long writing songs, or Wu Long shooting commercials or filming movies, Xing Zhongfei crazily raised Wu Long's social status.Forcibly using money, smashed Wu Long's coffee position.

In one year, Wu Long jumped from a group performer with limited income to a star with a salary of over [-] million.

May I ask, before Wu Long appeared, did there ever be such a star who raised his status?

And the latest news is that Wu Long filmed "The God of Cookery: All the Gold and Jade" in Hong Kong Island, which was invested by his fans, and the remuneration was paid by fans, 3000 million!

I am afraid that there is no one but Wu Long who uses the money of his fans to speculate on his own worth.

I don't know whether it is a real fan, or Xing Zhongfei secretly funded the speculation of Wu Long's worth.

I can only say what everyone wants to say.

Operations become popular, and people are hyped!

This Weibo also quickly became a hot search.

In addition to these two Weibo with big V, there are many Weibo with V who publish articles and comments aimed at Wu Long.

The navy even exposed Wu Long's rescue of Zhang Zikang.

It is said that Wu Long was behind Zhang Zikang at that time, and Zhang Zikang had acted in many war scenes, how could he go the wrong way?

It was Wu Long who led Zhang Zikang to make a mistake behind Zhang Zikang, and got the chance to save Zhang Zikang, so as to establish a character.

Another navy said that it was actually Wu Long who hit Zhang Zikang's feet with a hidden weapon behind Zhang Zikang, causing Zhang Zikang to fall to the explosion point, and then he acted as a good guy to save Zhang Zikang.

Wu Long watched his reputation rise faster than the Rockets.

He was happy.

Now his fans are very sticky and are not afraid of the dark at all.

He was not in a hurry to argue.

He didn't know how to explain Xing Zhongfei's matter.If he were replaced by someone else, he would also suspect that Xing Zhongfei was secretly planning and operating hype.

Parents called to comfort them, but Wu Long comforted them instead.

Brother and sister also called to comfort them, and it was also Wu Long who comforted them in turn.

Qiu Yu called immediately, comforting Wu Long, and said that she would always stand behind Wu Long and support Wu Long.

Qiu Ya called to ask Wu Long what to do, Wu Long told her not to worry, just let nature take its course.

"Wu Long, I didn't expect you to be unable to defend yourself because of me." Xing Zhongfei called.

"My kung fu is real kung fu, what are you afraid of? What do you need to explain?" Wu Long laughed instead. "No one has the kung fu like me. Isn't it normal that it is unprecedented?"

Xing Zhongfei also laughed on the other end of the phone.

"As expected of the person who watches the scenery side by side with me."

Not long after the phone call with Xing Zhongfei, Xue Bo's Weibo became a trending search.

"My family, I have let you down. I feel guilty for not being able to win the award, and I want to say sorry to you deeply.

In the face of other people's mockery of me, I am not angry, and please don't be angry.

I have no complaints.Maybe I'm not doing well enough, so keep trying.

We read books and have been educated since we were young. We must be magnanimous and learn to forgive.

Don't fight for me anymore, don't fight for me anymore, it's not worth it.

I cherish you, my fans and family, you are what I care most about.Rest well everyone, tomorrow is another day.Good night. "

Xue Bo's Weibo moved his fans to tears.Fans left messages to comfort the wronged Xue Bo.Such Xue Bo made them love him even more.

Their male gods were wronged, unable to speak out, and advised them to be magnanimous and learn to forgive. What a noble feeling this is!

Xue Bo's fans feel that they cannot let their idol be wronged.Even if you don't sleep, you still have to fight for your idol!

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