I'm not just an action star

Chapter 228 Good!it is good!it is good!

Boil the pot dry, first add some oil to moisten the pot.

Put the cold oil in the hot pan and wait until the oil is hot.

Egg whites, raw flour, and meringue paste.

Dip it into the gills first to ensure that the shrimp glue and the fish, gills and fish body can adhere to the shape.Then dip the fish body to ensure that the fish skin is not broken, and protect the fish meat to prevent the meat from breaking out.

Sprinkle dry starch protection at the end.

When the oil is [-]% warm, Wu Long holds the fish tail and puts the fish head into the frying pan to set the shape.After the fish head is shaped, put the whole fish into the oil pan.

Put scallions and ginger slices on the steamed fish plate to prevent the fish body from sticking to the plate.It also allows steam to pass under the fish.Put some base oil and wine to keep tender and remove fishy smell.

When the fish is shaped, use a colander to hold the bottom of the fish immediately, take the fish out, and put it on the plate with sliced ​​green onion and ginger.

Steam over high heat.

During the fish steaming process, vegetables are cut and placed on a plate.

The kitchen knife is dancing in the hand, cutting green and red peppers, ginger, and green onions.

First cut into slices, and then pressed these side dishes under his hands, the kitchen knife in Wu Long's right hand suddenly became blurred.

All I could hear was a series of dense rattling sounds from the kitchen knife and the cooked cutting board.

Green and red pepper shreds, ginger and onion shreds appear on the other side of the kitchen knife.

The kitchen knife skimmed over the cutting board like silver swallows, and shredded green and red peppers, ginger and scallions were shoveled onto the kitchen knife, followed by the kitchen knife out of the arc, and fell into the bowl for later use.

Grab a handful of kale, cut the leaves and leave the stalks, rub them into a ball, grab the head and cut off the petioles.Press down and pull, and the kale will form a row.

The blade was blurred for a while.

Da da da sounded into a series.

The kale stalks on the left side of the kitchen knife decreased rapidly, while the kale discs on the right side of the kitchen knife increased rapidly.

Lay the blade flat, copy with one shovel, and put the kale discs into the oil pan for oiling.Take it out with a colander and shake it, and drain the oil immediately.

The kale discs became even more verdant and alluring.

With another flick, the kale discs flew to the big plate, and fell neatly into the big plate, laying it flat on the plate.

Two small onions were thrown into the air, and the two-finger-wide sharp knife swung back and forth in the air to cut them.

Small onions become discs in the air.The colander came suddenly, collected all the small round onion slices, and passed them into the oil pan.

Shake out of the pan and drain the oil.

With another flick, the small onion discs flew out of the colander, forming purple circles in the air.These purple circles fall into the platter and sit on top of the kale discs that are laid out on the platter.

Looking at it at a glance, it feels like the market is like the sea, with blue waves rippling.The kale slices are blue waves, and the small onion slices are circle ripples.

The white radish started, the knife flew back and forth on the white radish, and the white radish skin kept flying out.

In the blink of an eye, the skin of the white radish is removed.Put it on the chopping board, the knife flashes five times, and the white radish is cut into six pieces on average.

Pick up a piece of white radish and keep turning it in your left hand.The knife in his right hand kept flying.

In less than half a minute, a white lotus appeared in Wu Long's hand.

Soon, six white lotuses were carved.Pass the oil pan together, shake off the oil, fly into the large plate, and arrange them in equal proportions on the edge of the plate.

Bihai Shenglian!

time up.

Burn oil on high heat.

Take out the steamed yellow croaker with tongs.With a flick of the hand, the yellow croaker filled with soup flew out of the plate and flew into the air.

Wu Long picked up the large plate that had been set up and moved it under the yellow croaker filled with soup.When the soup-filled yellow croaker falls, one catches it with unloading force.

The soup filled yellow croaker landed steadily on the market.The fish was not broken, and the soup inside did not flow out.

At this time, the soup-filled yellow croaker is not lying on the side of the large plate, but the belly of the fish is attached to the large plate, and the dorsal fin of the fish is on top, as if swimming in the middle of the plate.

Green kale slices, purple onion rings, and white lotus flowers.

In the rippling sea, yellow croakers in soup swim to their heart's content!

Wu Long picked up green red shreds, ginger and onion shreds and sprinkled them on the soup filled yellow croaker.

Then pour the boiling oil on top.

There is a buzzing sound, and the aroma is tangy.

Steaming hot, like the Penglai fairy sea, or the South China Sea Putuo lotus pond, a spirit fish emerged from the mortal world!

The camera showed a close-up of this plate of yellow croaker in soup. On the screen, the emerald green background is dotted with purple circles, and the golden yellow croaker in soup is like a heavy-color meticulous painting.With a unique visual aesthetic, the "color" in the "color and fragrance" of the three-character formula for food is vividly expressed.

The beauty Chuancai in cheongsam served the yellow croaker in soup to the judges.

Influenced by Wuxiang Gong, coupled with the fact that this dish of yellow croaker filled with soup looks good and is delicious in color and fragrance, the three judges are no longer performing at this time, but are really attracted by this dish.

They stared at the yellow croaker in soup, and couldn't help but close their eyes first, and took a breath of the aroma of the yellow croaker in soup.

"It smells so good!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"I've never smelled such a good fish scent!"

"Yellow croaker is an expensive fish. I have eaten so many yellow croakers, and I have never smelled such a fragrant yellow croaker before eating it."

"This must be the combination of the sea treasure aroma in the yellow croaker and the fish aroma of the yellow croaker, so that it emits such an attractive and appetite-inducing aroma!"

"Coupled with this unique plate arrangement, the three characters of color, aroma and taste have already got two of them."

"Let's see how the soupy yellow croaker tastes."

The three judges drank water and rinsed their mouths.

The three of them picked up their chopsticks and began to chop open the fish together.

The soup in the fish immediately flowed out.Like the jade liquid flowing out from the fairy stone, the scallops, sea cucumbers and other delicacies inside also flow out.

The aroma was stimulated again, and the three couldn't help but take another breath, and the word "intoxicated" was written on everyone's face.


"It's so fragrant!"

"Extremely fragrant!"

"Smells like Buddha jumping over a wall."

"It is more fragrant and special than the aroma of Buddha Jumping over the Wall."

"It should be wrapped in the fish body, steamed, and mixed with the fish aroma of yellow croaker to form this unique aroma."

"This is pearl soup ball?"

The three judges didn't pick up the fish, picked up the spoons one by one, and first scooped up the soup and seafood flowing out of the fish belly.

The steaming soup is like a fairy in the spoon.People are willing to risk their tongues being scalded, but they can't wait to taste it.

Put it on your mouth carefully, first observe its shape, then smell its taste, and then slowly enter the mouth to savor it carefully.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The three judges shouted in succession.Like the echo of the valley, but three different voices.

"This kind of soup stewed by internal strength is not only full of heat, but also thick but not heavy."

"Not only is the taste strong but not heavy, it is also mellow but not greasy!"

"These ingredients are of the highest quality, and they are mixed with each other to produce a variety of flavor changes. Just like Tai Chi is divided into two instruments, the two instruments form four phases, and the four phases form eight trigrams, eight eight 64, changes and changes, endless aftertaste!"

"Take Buddha Jumping Wall as an example. The best Buddha Jumping Wall requires 49 hours of stewing. Even if the time is reduced, it will take at least six hours. But just now, Wu Long used his inner strength to generate fierce fire, and beat the earthen pot with his inner strength. It only takes a few minutes to make this superb soup, but it’s even better than Buddha’s Jumping Wall stewed for 49 hours!”

"It seems that real cooking can only be done with kung fu. This statement is true!"

The three of them tasted the seafood in the soup without getting enough, and then used chopsticks to pick up the fish.

When the chopsticks are caught in it, the fish skin and meat are broken, and it looks fresh and tender.

The pure white fish meat, like a lotus out of water, also looks like a sacred product on the fairy table, making people want to put it in their mouths and try it out.

"it is good!"



"The frying is overcooked, and the steaming time is just right."

"The fish has absorbed the best soup, forming a unique flavor!"

"The aroma and taste are different in layers. Every time you chew, there is a taste and aroma. However, it also combines the umami flavors of various seafood into one. Wonderful!"

Regardless of their personal image, the three judges ate this soup-filled yellow croaker again.

Liu Jinqiu shouted: "Crack!"

"it is good!"


Ou Jiafeng and others hurried over.

I'm so hungry!

If it doesn't go any further, the soup filled yellow croaker will be eaten up by the three actors playing the judges!

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