In the movie, it is impossible for the three judges to really finish the soup filled yellow croaker.They also want to eat the dishes made by Huang Hu.That is to say, he couldn't help but want to eat more, but was stopped by Huang Hu.As a judge, it is to taste, not to eat.Huang Hu asked to ensure the fairness of the game, so he stopped drinking.

"You guys did a great job!" Ou Jiafeng praised the three actors who played the judges.He thought that the performance of these three people made him feel that the soup filled yellow croaker was really delicious in the world.

"It's weird, I feel like I'm really a judge."

"I feel that this yellow croaker in soup is really delicious and delicious."

"Even if the performance is over now, I still want to eat this yellow croaker in soup."

At this moment, the three actors couldn't tell whether they were eating yellow croakers in soup just now, in the world of the play, or in reality.

Is this soup filled yellow croaker really as delicious as the one you tasted just now?

"Is it really so delicious?" Ou Jiafeng actually wanted to come and taste it, to find out if it was really delicious.

Or maybe it's just because of the performances of these three actors that people think it's delicious.

Ou Jiafeng is an investor in this movie, and the actors all know it.Hearing Ou Jiafeng's question, they nodded at the same time.Anyway, that's how it felt just now.Illusion is also true, it should be true.

"Director, do you still want to shoot this yellow croaker?" Ou Jiafeng asked.

Liu Jinqiu has swallowed several times.

"No need to shoot." He asked Wu Long: "Brother Long, can we try this yellow croaker in soup?"

Wu Long nodded.

The entire shooting process of cooking yellow croakers in soup is captured in one shot.But in fact, it is impossible to achieve a true one-shot to the end. Some shots will be cut in the later stage to form the rationality in the movie.

For example, the shot of soaking seafood.Wu Long didn't have internal strength, so it was impossible for him to soak up dried seafood in such a short period of time.

The seafood in his hand will be replaced with soaked seafood.

There are also frozen seafood soups with Xuanminghan ice palms.It is impossible for Wu Long to use the real Xuanming Ice Palm to freeze the soup, and he also replaced it with frozen seafood for the soup.

What will be presented on the screen will be a pseudo long shot.

Ou Jiafeng first took a spoonful of soup to taste.The soup is delicious, sweet, mellow but not greasy.

"Good!" He couldn't help but praise.

"Good taste!"

"too delicious!"

Others were full of praise after eating the soup filled with yellow croaker.

The three actors who acted as judges have already eaten, so naturally it is not good to eat again.Can only keep swallowing saliva, drooling, wiping saliva, and then swallowing saliva.

Judging from the performance of others, what they ate just now was really delicious, not an illusion after the performance entered the play.It's just that when I ate it just now, it was like a show, so it's a pity that I can't eat it with the attitude I have now.

Ou Jiafeng is a chef himself, and he has a positive attitude towards this soup in his heart.As the lines say, it tastes more delicious and fragrant than Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

It should be the reason why it is wrapped in the body of the yellow croaker.

Wild yellow croaker itself is a very expensive fish, and it is delicious and popular.

Coupled with the seafood soup similar to that of Buddha Jumping over the Wall, it is really fully blended together.The taste is layered, yet seamless.

He takes another bite of the fish.The fish skin is springy and firm, and the fish meat is white, tender and fresh.The freshness of the yellow croaker itself is mixed with the freshness of the seafood soup.More unique, really fresh, fragrant and sweet.

This sweetness is not the sweetness caused by adding sugar, but the sweetness of the ingredients themselves, and the freshness and sweetness of the fish itself.

Among the fish cooking methods, only steaming can ensure the sweetness and deliciousness of the fish itself.

Some people say that fish is the best.

Yusheng is the best way to taste the original taste of fish, but it is not the fresh and sweet fish of the Normal University itself.

Because when the fish is raw, it is not changed by heating, and its freshness and sweetness cannot be better stimulated.

Only when the fish is turned from raw to cooked, the deliciousness of the fish itself is released the most.

Therefore, steaming fish is the most test of a chef's mastery of the heat.

Ou Jiafeng originally thought that Wu Long was only good at kung fu, and his cooking skills were just superficial.Unexpectedly, I took it for granted.

Wu Long's cooking skills are better than his!

Even, many times stronger!

A fish was eaten quickly, and even the soup was eaten clean.Ou Zhenrong took out the bread and dipped the soup on the bottom of the plate, he came prepared.

"Brother Long, why didn't you scrape the scales first?" Ou Zhenrong asked the question he wanted to ask just now.

Everyone was also very curious about this question, and they all looked at Wu Long, waiting for Wu Long to answer.

Ou Jiafeng thought of the reason, but he didn't say it.It's not that I don't want to show off, but I'm worried that I won't learn something after speaking.

Wu Long is better at cooking than him, maybe Wu Long has a better explanation?

If he said it, Wu Long might not have a better explanation.

Wait for Wu Long to say that if it's not what he thinks, he can steal the teacher and learn something.

Seeing Wu Long's ability today, he dare not underestimate Wu Long anymore, thinking that Wu Long is just a kung fu guy.

"Because the scales are scraped first, the fish will suffer pain and also hurt the fish. At this time, the fish will struggle and emit more fishy smell. The blood will also be injured by the scraping of the scales and seep into the flesh. Although not much, it is It will increase the fishy smell of the fish."

"I've seen fishmongers kill the fish first and then scrape the scales. Does it mean that the fish won't be in pain, won't emit excess fishy smell, and won't release blood into the meat?" Liu Jinqiu asked.

"What you said makes sense. But when the fish dies, the blood will coagulate. Of course, it will not coagulate so quickly in reality, but the blood will definitely not flow out completely. Fish blood is very fishy, ​​and it remains in the fish, causing the fish to smell. .” Wu Long explained.

"However, the fish I have eaten is also slaughtered according to this process. Why is it not as fishy as you said?" Liu Jinqiu asked, as if he must understand this truth.

"Because they use ginger wine and other means to remove the fishy smell, and then use other fragrances to cover up the fishy smell, so people who are not so sensitive to the fishy smell will no longer feel the fishy smell. However, the fishy smell and residual blood will still affect the taste and sweetness degree."

Wu Long's explanation didn't seem to have any scientific reason, and everyone half understood it.Anyway, Wu Long made this soup filled yellow croaker and it was delicious.Regardless of whether there is scientific proof or not, everyone thinks Wu Long is right.

"Brother Long, don't you kill the yellow croaker and take the intestines and internal organs of the yellow croaker raw, which will cause the yellow croaker to bleed profusely, and the blood will flow out of the body quickly, so as to reduce the residue and fishy smell from entering the fish, right?" Ou Zhenrong asked.

"Yes. It's the same pain and injury. But when you scrape the scales, the blood can't come out. Pulling the internal organs directly is like pulling out the plug at the bottom of a container, and the water in the container is released directly, and there is no time to go out." released in the flesh."

"Brother Long, the way you scrape the scales just now seems to be different from everyone else's way of scraping the scales?" Ou Zhenrong asked again.

"Yes. My technique is actually not scraping, but picking and pulling." Wu Long made a gesture. "If you scrape the scales in the usual way, it is easy to damage the skin and flesh of the fish, cause the flesh of the fish to break, and also easily cause the soup to leak out during cooking."

Ou Zhenrong watched Wu Long's gestures from a close distance, nodded and said: "I understand. You know martial arts, and your sword skills are very good. Insert the knife under the fish scale, turn the knife, use the blade to cut the fish scale, and then pick it up. It was pulled out by you."

"That's it." Wu Long nodded.

Ou Jiafeng sighed:

"Unfortunately, even if we know the principle and your method, we can't do it."

Without Wu Long's kung fu, even if he knows it, he can't do it.

"Brother Long was in a hurry to make a movie just now. If you really put your heart into making this soup-filled yellow croaker, I'm afraid it will taste even better."

Someone said in surprise, "No way. This is already the best dish I've ever eaten. Is there anything better?"

"To be honest, I feel sick to my stomach after eating Fang Zhuming's chop suey noodles these days, and I almost feel afraid of eating fish. I didn't expect that today I just took a bite of this soup-filled yellow croaker made by Brother Long, and I feel it is worth it. It seems that I eat it these days The bitterness, won back. When it comes to chop suey noodles, I don’t feel much.”

The staff member's words drew everyone's unanimous agreement.

"Brother Long, if you cook Fang Zhuming's beautiful multi-flavored fish, wouldn't it be delicious?" Ou Zhenrong asked.

"Splendid Taste Fish eats a variety of fish, so another chef can cook it no worse than me. But when it comes to the complexity of cooking, Jinxiu Tasty Fish is also very complicated and troublesome, and ordinary people can't do it."

Someone was doing the action that Wu Long stabbed into Huang Yu's body with a bamboo sword just now.

"Brother Long, your fish bone picking action just now is so cool. You can finish it with just two swords, how long have you been practicing? It feels like you practice kung fu and kill fish at the same time. You can do everything, and you are too powerful."

"Haven't you seen the video of me performing the needle-and-thread swordsmanship? This is a one-shot method, and all methods are returned."

Everyone looked up.

Know one thing, all methods return to the sect.

Could Brother Long be called a master?

However, the word guru does not exist in reality.The master should only exist in martial arts novels and film and television dramas.

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