Although the public relations of Xingwan Film and Television had fooled Xue Bo at the premiere ceremony last time, they only spent money to delete the post to lower the popularity.

They also asked the navy to mix up the water, saying that they did it on purpose to hype the drama "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

The internet has memory.But for things on the Internet, as long as the popularity drops, netizens will forget about it over time.

Soon, the PR of Xingwan Film and Television pushed the matter down.Only Wu Long's fans, and some netizens who were unhappy with Xue Bo, brought up this matter from time to time.

It's just the role of Xingwan Film and Television's public relations, and the popularity of this matter has never been raised.Many people don't really care about these things, they just eat them as melons, and continue to eat other melons after eating melons.Eating a melon repeatedly is boring.

In this way, this matter is already within the scope of control and permission of Xingwan Film and Television, and it will not cause too much impact.

But this time, the encounter between Fa Hai played by Wu Long and Xu Xian played by Xue Bo sparked controversy again.

The public relations of Xingwan Film and Television hurried to work, and the navy was dispatched again.

Xue Bo saw the comments on the Internet, and gradually clenched his hand holding the phone.

"No, I can't drop my phone again!"

"Don't let people think that I'm sick again!"

According to Xue Bo's understanding, it's normal to be angry and throw things, so why should he become mentally ill when it's his turn to fall?

This world is, after all, an unsatisfactory world.Two experts said that he was sick, even if he thought he was not sick, he could only be sick.

Maybe really sick?

Maybe it's not sick.

If there are no patients in the world, wouldn't doctors be unemployed?

The phone rang, Mr. Hu called.

"Boss Hu."

"Comments on the Internet? I read it. Don't worry, Mr. Hu, I'm fine."

"No, no, I didn't drop my phone. If I dropped my phone, I wouldn't be able to answer your call."

"It's definitely a little bit angry. But I already know how to control, yes, yes, it's not worth getting angry about that kind of thing. Which star hasn't been sprayed by sunspots?"

"Sit and watch him rise, sit and watch him collapse."

"I understand, I understand."

After chatting for a few more words, the call ended.

Wu Long!

You are the one who is sick!

Thinking of the Internet saying that Wu Long is hotter than him, hotter than him and Tang Shuang together, Xue Bo felt uncomfortable.


Wu Long, your Fa Hai movie should be released at the end of the year, right?


On this day, "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" broadcast Xiaoqing asking Fahai for trouble.Seeing Fahai meditating by the river, Xiaoqing casts a magic spell, using paper figurines to transform into a little lady in order to confuse Fahai.

Unexpectedly, Fa Hai suddenly opened his eyes!

The moment he opened his eyes, it was as if his eyes were electrified, and he looked at the flirtatious little lady in front of him like an iron face.


"Hey guy, scare me!"

"I knelt during the live broadcast!"

"I threw my phone away!"

"Fahai's eyes made me suddenly understand what is called virtual room electricity!"

"Buddha appears wrathful!"

"Master, I will surrender immediately!"

Fahai broke Xiaoqing's demon technique and fought with Xiaoqing.

This period of sparring is a double fight with Wu Long.After the fight, the filler Pandona performs some Snake Fist moves.

The scene of fighting skills is played by Pan Duona and Wu Long herself.


"Good guy, Pandona's snake punch is so beautifully twisted!"

"It has a taste, and it works better with a steel pipe."

"Pandona's acting skills are really penetrating. Seeing that she was so frightened that her body trembled and almost knelt down, she acted very realistically!"

"Strange, when viewed from the front, Pandona's acting skills are not so good."

"Pandona and Brother Long have a good relationship, it should be Brother Long who brought her into the play."

With the appearance of Fa Hai played by Wu Long, the broadcast volume of "The Legend of White Snake Xu Xian" has been increasing steadily.Viewers don't know which episodes Fahai appears in and which ones don't, so they pay to watch each episode.

Someone made a table listing which episodes had Fa Hai and which episodes didn't.In which episode, Fahai just appeared on stage, without any wonderful fights.What a great fight.

After this list came out, the episode without Fahai was obviously not as popular as the episode with Fahai.The one with Fahai fighting has the highest number of on-demand broadcasts.

Many people on the Internet are discussing Wu Long's Fa Hai.

For example, when the Zen stick is thrown out to hit people, some people say it is special effects, while others say that Wu Long's kung fu is so strong that he can do it without special effects.

Twenty years later, Xiaoqing came to take revenge, and was almost beaten to death by Fahai together with Bai Suzhen who came out of the tower.

Fahai flew towards him holding his Zen stick, his eyes were like a diamond in the air.The audience was frightened and their scalps burst.

Commentators have praised this version of Fa Hai as the most handsome, most capable, most authentic and most like Fa Hai in history.

People believe that this Fahai really has the Buddhist supernatural power to subdue monsters.

"Yingguo Liusheng" also commented, agreeing with this Fahai, which is better than all previous versions of Fahai.

In other versions of Fa Hai, some people don't even feel like monks.Some people feel that they are just monks, and no one feels that they have the ability to subdue demons.Anger is the anger of a monk, it is the anger of a mortal, and it does not have the feeling of an eminent monk.

Wu Long's Fa Hai is different.

In normal times, his expression is peaceful.

When saving people, be merciful like Avalokitesvara who saves suffering.

When subduing the demon, it seems to be a different person, sometimes the treasure looks solemn, sometimes the Buddha's spirit is overwhelming, sometimes it is as brave as an Arhat, and sometimes it looks like a vajra glaring.

According to the plot, Wu Long's acting face has changed, and his temperament and momentum are obviously different.

This is the real actor-level performance!

"Shadows and Voices" gave Wu Long the highest evaluation.

It's a pity that he's just a famous film critic on the Internet.For netizens, he is a professional.For insiders, his professionalism may not be recognized.

He believes that Wu Long is an actor-level performance. If someone disagrees or does not have an authoritative identification, if he does not win an award, he is not considered an actor.

"The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" is an online drama, and it has obtained a broadcast license from Shangxing.If you really want to be a star, you have to see if it is broadcast on a TV station, and it depends on whether it is popular on the Internet.

At first, despite being hyped up by the crew, it looked like a hit.But in the professional judgment of the TV station, it is not considered popular.

Fake fire can fool fans, but not professionals.

However, when Fa Hai, played by Wu Long, took the stage, the situation changed immediately.

Not only has the broadcast volume increased significantly, but the quality of the show has also been improved.Wu Long, with his acting skills, promoted "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

A TV station is already negotiating to purchase "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

Some people even said that Wu Long, who was paid only 20 yuan in this drama, forcibly raised a bad drama to the qualifying line.

The investors of this show made a lot of money.

Someone mentioned again that if it wasn't for Wu Long, Tang Shuang and Xue Bo's fame would not have allowed the TV station to buy it.

This is the proof that Wu Long is hotter than Tang Shuang and Xue Bo!

On Hong Kong Island, Wu Long is teaching Fang Zhuming to cut fish.If Fang Zhuming can't learn it, he can only find a way later.This is a dish that Huang Hu, played by Fang Zhuming, cooked when he was competing with Wu Long-Splendid Fish.

This dish is a mixture of five kinds of fish, including Sumei, Xingban, Sandao, Anchovy, and Parrot. It sounds surprising.

Even Ou Jiafeng, who has been a cook for many years, has never heard of such a dish.

"Brother Long, does this dish exist in reality? Or is it made up for the purpose of making a movie?"

"That's right, Brother Long, why haven't I heard of such a dish?"

Wu Long explained seriously.

"In reality, I have never heard of this dish, maybe there is, maybe not. If it doesn't exist in reality, then I made it up."

"However, it's okay to eat."

Ou Zhenrong thought of an idea and hurriedly asked Wu Long:

"Brother Long, if I learn how to cook this dish, can I ask Jin Yulou to cook this dish?"

"Yes." Wu Long nodded in agreement.

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