I'm not just an action star

Chapter 225 Fa Hai Appears

In the kitchen of Jinyu Building, the chefs chatted and discussed.

"I heard that Zhenrong is learning how to cook chop suey noodles from that Wu Long."

"Is that the kung fu star? Hang, he knows kung fu, he knows shit about cooking!"

"Easy to learn or not to learn, learn chop suey noodles? What's so good about chop suey noodles? It's garbage!"

"I saw Zhenrong practicing here the other day. When boiling noodles, the net spoon was kept in hand and rotated in boiling water."

The talking chef used a spoon to imitate Ou Zhenrong's appearance and turned the spoon in his hand.

"Damn it, this movie is really fake. Who would cook noodles so hot?"

Ou Jiafeng walked to the door of the kitchen, but did not go in after hearing these words.After thinking about it, he turned and left.

In the eyes of the chef, chop suey noodles are really not on the table.

It's really embarrassing for my son to learn chop suey noodles from a kung fu boy like Wu Long if he doesn't learn it well.

Will someone come to Jinyulou to order a bowl of chop suey noodles?

On the Internet, many people are spreading the word.

"I heard that in tonight's "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian", Fa Hai played by Brother Long will appear?"

"The program preview says that Fa Hai will be on stage tonight."

"It's really hard to see from the front. Love, love, it's very watery."

"Water doesn't matter, the problem is embarrassment."

"Has anyone counted how many times Xue Bo used doubles, how many times did he count 1234567?"

"Not to be said."

"Wait for it to be deleted."

Tonight, Fa Hai, played by Wu Long, will appear on the stage. Many people, especially Wu Long's fans, have been waiting to watch the drama for a long time.

Just before the start, the number of visits soared!

Someone is constantly refreshing.

The number of hits that had dropped down had already returned to the highest hits of the previous episode before the show started tonight.Its rising momentum is unbelievable.

Wu Long's fans and appeal definitely surpass Xue Bo and Tang Shuang!

It's time, let's start!

The number of visits increased sharply again.


"I'm coming!"

"Where's my brother Long?"

"Where's my Fahai?"

"No fast forward tonight, annoying!"

Finally, Fa Hai played by Wu Long appeared on the stage!

On-demand volume is once again a straight rise.

"So handsome!"

"The most handsome Fa Hai in history!"

"Bai Suzhen is also blind, but she actually likes Xu Xian who has no strength to restrain a chicken."

"Bai Suzhen should like Fa Hai!"

"It's so majestic."

"It is obvious at a glance that Fa Hai is a powerful monk!"

Seeing that Fahai's expression changed suddenly, he rushed into the lake with a bad word.

"Tread the waves!"

"Plagiarized from "Drunk Caught"!"

"This is Brother Long's classic."

"This is a tribute!"

"Anyway, it's Brother Long."

"It's not the same. Ye Ying in "Drunk Catch" walks on the waves with a chivalrous air. Brother Long, Fahai, is an eminent monk who has entered the world. solemn."

"Walking the Waves is the same, and the same is played by Brother Long, but they have two completely different auras."

Fahai ran into the lake with big strides, and didn't stop when he passed by the person who fell into the water.Bending down and stretching out one hand to grasp, accurately grasp the belt of the person who fell into the water, and lift the person who fell into the water.

"Good posture!"

"Good work!"

"This is not in "Drunk Caught"."

"One shot to the end is a long shot, there is no fake, there should be no Diao Weiya!"

When Fa Hai applied the seal of fearlessness and seal of vows to save people, everyone seemed to see a merciful Buddha who was saving all living beings.

At night to catch demons, the vixen changes into a human form and comes out to harm people.

Fa Hai appeared on the roof.

"Bold monster, how dare you come out to harm people!"

Against the backdrop of the moon, Fa Hai's bald head was illuminated by the moonlight, and it actually emitted a faint halo like a silver moon.

The bullet screens were amazed:

"This shot is great!"

"Like the light of Buddha!"

"The director is amazing!"

"Great job by the cameraman!"

"Brother Long acted well. It feels like the Buddha appeared. If it was someone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't have the ability to turn moonlight into Buddha's light!"

"Don't brag about it?"

"Awkward? Because Brother Long's acting skills let us watch the show, so we identified the moonlight as Buddha's light. Is this awkward? This is real!"

After Fa Hai finished speaking, he jumped out from the roof.Fa Hai, under the bright moon in the sky, unexpectedly took a cross-legged meditation posture.For a time, Fahai looked like an Arhat like a Buddha.

At this moment, the full moon was just above his head, like the Buddha statues in those Thangka portraits, exuding the majesty of the Buddha's light.

Fa Hai, who was cross-legged in the air, put his hands together and recited the Buddha's mantra, and his hands changed to show the lotus mudra.

The crossed legs were lowered, one hand was turned upwards into a lift, and the other hand was palmed like a fearless seal to hit Qi Ke below.

For a moment, it was as if Fahai was supporting the moon.Coupled with the solemn expression of Fahai's treasure, it feels like the Buddha really came from the sky and raised his hand to hold the bright moon.

The barrage increased sharply.



"I'm on my knees!"

"Brother Long is like a Buddha coming from the sky!"

"It's the same as the Buddha in the thangka portrait!"

"Brother Long did this during the live broadcast!"

"It means Brother Long didn't hang on to his majesty!"

"No one can do it except Brother Long!"

"This picture, this shot, absolutely perfect!"

"I'm done!"

"From then on, I will become a fan of Long Gelu!"

"I remember this was the video that was leaked online at the time!"

Next, there is a long shot of Fa Hai fighting the vixen.

Fahai's Arhat boxing makes people feel that Fahai is like a Vajra Arhat who came down from Lingshan Mountain.

Walking up the wall in two steps gives people an illusion that Wu Long really has the supernatural powers of Buddhism and is not limited by the gravity of the earth.This is the real Fa Hai, not a fake one.

The long shot, coupled with the fact that some actions cannot be performed continuously while hanging Wia, made it enjoyable for everyone to see.

Fahai's every move seems to radiate the magic power of a Buddhist monk, which makes Yao feel admirable and full of confidence.A mere vixen must not be Fa Hai's opponent.

Fahai jumped out of the wall, kicked on a tree trunk by the yard with one foot in the air, and flipped onto the vixen's head with a flip.

The movements are real, it seems that Fa Hai really knows magic spells, has the power of Buddha, and can fly in the air.

"The Buddha's light shines!"

Fa Hai made a somersault, and pressed his palm on the fox spirit's cap.


The vixen let out a scream and fell to the ground.

Fa Hai turned around on the ground, and when he raised his hand, there was already a golden bowl in his palm.


"How did this golden bowl come out?"

"It seems to have been transformed."

"Could it be that Brother Long really knows magic?"

"Except that the special effects are a bit spicy, the rest are very good!"

“It was amazing!”

"Watching a TV series feels like watching a blockbuster movie."

There are two episodes tonight, and Fahai is on stage to save people and catch demons.In the next episode, meet Xu Xian.

Seeing Xu Xian, played by Xue Bo, digging herbs with a hoe, the barrage burst into laughter.

"With this strength, can you dig flowers and plants?"

"I'm worried that if he becomes unsteady, he will hoe his own foot."

"What do you know, Heizi knows how to spray!"

"Without quality, they should be banned!"

"Digging herbs is not hoeing. Be careful not to hurt the herbs. If you don't understand, pretend to understand!"

Soon, the barrage became Xue Bo's fans and others sparring each other.

Fa Hai, played by Wu Long, appeared on the stage. He found that Xu Xian was abnormal, so he used the seal of Guanshi to see Xu Xian.


"Good guy, Fahai's eyes combined with this handprint made me tremble."

"I feel as if I have been seen through by Fahai!"

"What kind of handprint is this? Brother Long doesn't understand Buddhism, does he?"

"This is the Seal of Guanshi. With three fingers spread out, it's like opening the Buddha's eyes to see the truth of the world. Fahai uses this seal to see if Xu Xian has a demonic aura or what kind of aura."

"This glance made me feel guilty, and I almost knelt down to tell my guilty conscience."

Then, the scene between Fa Hai and Xu Xian, some people saw that something was wrong.

When Fa Hai and Xu Xian are in the same frame, it is either Fa Hai's front or the side of the two.Even if it is the profile of the two of them, Xu Xian is the rear profile, and there is no camera on the front profile.

Unless it is only Xu Xian's shot that is cut, it is the front of Xu Xian played by Xue Bo.

Reminiscent of what Xue Bo said at the premiere ceremony, everyone barraged that it must be a substitute.He also said that the frontal shots of Xu Xian must have been made up after the fact.

For a while, the discussion about Xue Bo started again.

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