I'm not just an action star

Chapter 224 Watching him rise and fall

"Dr. Feng, Professor Feng, walk slowly!"

Hu Yubo and Xue Bo sent the two experts out of the office together and waved goodbye.The assistant personally took the two experts away.

After spending a lot of money on Xue Bo's treatment during this period, Xue Bo's condition has improved.Two experts believe that the restrictions on Xue Bo can be lifted.

Hu Yubo also wanted to lift the restrictions on Xue Bo as soon as possible.After Xue Bo was restricted from contacting the outside world, his temper gradually became irritable.He could see that Xue Bo seemed to have reached the limit of his patience.

When the two returned to the sofa and sat down, Xue Bobo let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I can finally be liberated!"

Hu Yubo personally handed Xue Bo's mobile phone to Xue Bo.

"You think I am willing? I am doing it for your own good." Hu Yubo sighed: "The fees of these two experts are not low."

Didn't the money come from me?Xue Bo took the phone and turned it on, complaining about Hu Yubo in his heart.

"You can read the news on Hong Kong Island first."

"News from Hong Kong Island?"

Xue Bo browsed the news on Hong Kong Island according to Hu Yubo's prompt.Then, he looked up at Hu Yubo.

"Those rumors about Wu Long's Taoism, and those weird events that happened, are they all fake? Hype?"

"The police on Hong Kong Island made a special statement, who do you think you should believe?" Hu Yubo asked Xue Bo back. "Actually, you are also an insider. You should understand the hype, but you will believe it?"

Hu Yubo shook his head.

Xue Bo thought while looking at his phone.I don't believe it either.Don't make this excuse, could it be because of me?

Who knew you would actually find an expert to treat me.Fortunately with timely treatment, I should be fine.What subconscious, what is my inner fear of Wulong?

I didn't believe it at first, but I was convinced by these two experts.

"Mr. Hu, look at those comments. Some people still believe that Wu Long knows the way."

"is it?"

Hu Yubo took Xue Bo's cell phone to read.

"These rumors prove that Brother Long knows the Tao!"

"Those debt collectors have been searching for so long but haven't found the debtor. It turned out that the debtor said those words at the premiere and was found when he came out. This is the best proof!"

"Black Eagle Killer, it shows that Brother Long's Taoism is better, and he doesn't even need the paper-cut man's witchcraft."

"Paper-cut people are too troublesome. Brother Long will make those who want to harm him kill each other once he rebounds."

Hu Yubo returned the phone to Xue Bo.

"Those people were deceived and still stubborn."

He glanced at Xue Bo.

"You don't believe those people's comments, do you?"

Xue Bo shook his head.

"No, how could it be? I've been cured and don't believe that anymore."

When Hu Yubo heard what Xue Bo said, he felt a little uneasy.

Feng Renzhen often cited the example that the patients in their hospital always said that they were not sick.Xue Bo wouldn't believe it in his heart, because he was afraid of being restricted again, so he deliberately said he didn't believe it?

"I heard that the company is going to cooperate with Xing Zhongfei to shoot Wu Long's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?"

Hu Yubo nodded.

"Mr. Hu, don't worry, I won't do stupid things again and cause trouble for you."

You make me feel at ease, but I am not at ease.After much deliberation, Hu Yubo decided to give Xue Bo a reassurance.

"How much do you know about acting? Do you know experience school?" He asked Xue Bo.

Xue Bo nodded.

"Wu Long uses the experience school." Hu Yubo observed Xue Bo, paying attention to the changes in Xue Bo's eyes.He found that Xue Bo's eyes flickered and then returned to the original.

"Did you know that there is a serious problem with the Experience School?" He asked Xue Bo again.

Xue Bo thought for a while and nodded.

"Using experiential actors, if you can't get out of the role, you will collapse or even go crazy."

Hu Yubo nodded.

"Yes, this is a serious problem."

Xue Bo laughed.

"Mr. Hu, this is what the two experts said, isn't it?"

Hu Yubo thought for a while, then nodded.Although before the two experts said, he somewhat understood.

"Mr. Hu, it's actually not like that." Xue Bo explained: "I remember the teacher who taught us said that a professional actor should not only be able to enter the play, but also be able to act."

"Furthermore, filming is now done in disorder and separately. Start, click, pass, next, very quickly. The whole shooting process is not coherent at all, it is jumping, how can there be time to get into the scene? Even if you are in the play, you will be out of the play immediately."

Hu Yubo was stunned, never expecting that Xue Bo dared to talk to him like this.

Is this denying him?

"Mr. Hu, if you know a little bit, you will know that there are no actors who have accidents because of the so-called too deep into the play. Those who say that they have accidents because they are too deep into the play are far-fetched. Their friends and relatives have already explained it. rumor."

Xue Bo's restricted and suppressed mood these days was finally released.


Normally, even if he knew Hu Yubo was wrong, he wouldn't dare to make a mistake like this.

"No, you're wrong. It's not that they didn't, but they eventually got treated and came out."

"What you said makes sense. Not every experiential actor can fully immerse himself in the character and cannot get out. But, if you deny everything with this, then you can only say..."

Hu Yubo didn't want to hit Xue Bo, because Xue Bo is a small fresh meat, and he doesn't know what experience school is.

"Let's put it this way, how many long shots are there in your filming?"

Facing Hu Yubo's inquiry, Xue Bo did not answer.After thinking about it, he himself didn't know.People who are too lazy to memorize lines, will remember these?

Substitutes are often used.

"Wu Long's play has many long shots."

"The more long shots, the longer it takes for him to assume the role."

"One more thing. When Wu Long changed his face in seconds in the live broadcast, two experts said it was true. I also asked a professional to analyze it, and there was no editing element."

"Doesn't this prove that Wu Long can get into and out of the play quickly?" Xue Bo argued immediately.

If Wu Long couldn't play quickly, how could he quickly replace another person?

"Then, look, is there anyone in the film industry at home and abroad who can do Wu Long?"

Xue Bo thought for a while, but it seemed that there was not.

"Can't think of it? I checked it out, and there isn't one."

"However, just because an actor doesn't have one, doesn't mean others can't."

"Who?" Xue Bo subconsciously asked.

"Severe multiple personality patients and schizophrenic patients."

Xue Bo's face suddenly changed.

Hu Yubo thought to himself, I finally scared you.

"Then Wu Long?"

"Two experts assert that Wu Long is hovering on the verge of multiple personalities or schizophrenia. He is currently safe only because of his strong kung fu and sufficient willpower. Once he can't control himself, he will collapse!"

"So, you don't have to worry about Wu Long. It's a matter of time before something happens to him. Just watch him build a tall building, watch him be proud, and watch his building collapse."

Xue Bo's eyes lit up, he clenched his fist and said:

"Yeah, I just watched him go crazy quietly."

Seeing Xue Bo's appearance, it seems that confidence has returned to his face.

It's finally done, Hu Yubo sighed in his heart.

"Don't tell the outside world about this matter, and no one is allowed to tell it. Otherwise, if it reaches Wu Long's ears, you will be in trouble."

"Experts said that psychopaths and mental patients only hold grudges and don't remember good things. Wu Long is good at kung fu. If you are held grudge by him, who can stop him if he really goes crazy?"

"As the old saying goes, when a man is angry, blood splashes five steps. Wu Long is a martial artist, no one can stop him from being reckless."

When Xue Bo was told by Hu Yubo, he immediately became frightened.

"Boss Hu is right, I won't spread the word." He quickly promised.

"However, since Wu Long can go crazy at any time, wouldn't the company suffer a loss if it invests in Wu Long to make "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?"

Hu Yubo laughed and said:

"It's good that you can think about the company."

"Actually, Wu Long is not necessarily willing to let others participate. He likes to eat alone."

"Besides, even if something happens to Wu Long after the company invests, it won't be a loss. Because "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will become a swan song instead. And we caught the last train."

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