I'm not just an action star

Chapter 220 Expert Says Don't Mess With That Man

"Do you have any friends? The ones you can talk to, or the ones you can confide in." Feng asked in his heart.

"I..." Xue Bo opened his mouth for a long time, his eyes were clearly recalling and thinking, and finally he shook his head: "No."

"Have you ever talked to others about what is in your heart? Or have you chatted happily, happily, and openly with others, have you?"

"..." Xue Bo opened his mouth again, and replied after a long time: "No."

"It's too cold to be high. You belong to the top layer among the stars in the entertainment industry. You are too good and your status is too high, so you are lonely and lonely. There is no one with the same status to share, sue and chat with. .”

Feng Zaixin said this, against his will.But to treat patients, we must treat them according to their illnesses.For a jealous person, support him and make him happy first.

Sure enough, Xue Bo had a sense of substitution in an instant, thinking that Feng Zaixin was worthy of being an expert, and he could see his extraordinaryness at a glance.

Xue Bo smiled wryly and said:

"The entertainment industry must be very careful. You can't talk casually, and you can't talk to others casually, let alone let go of chatting. Who knows if the other party will sell you."

"Sometimes, I really feel that those people don't understand me at all."

Feng nodded heartily.

"You are right, this is also the problem. But don't worry, your problem is very mild and you will recover soon."

"Really?" Hearing Feng Zaixin said that his problem was not serious, Xue Bo became relaxed.

"Of course it's true. People who really have problems don't tell me so much. The subconscious mind will subconsciously close your heart and prevent people from observing and understanding. I have many patients who need to use hypnosis to understand his heart world."

Feng's words reassured Xue Bo a lot.

"Your problem is that there is something in your heart that you can't vent. It's like a flood. It's easy to disperse and not easy to block."

"Especially for actors. Some actors use experiential methods to act. After entering the show, they can't get out, and they are prone to mental illness."

"Then what should we do?" Xue Bo asked quickly.

"See a psychiatrist, the sooner the better. Do psychological counseling and get out of the drama. Of course, if you can get out, you don't need to see a psychiatrist."

"As for you, you have a knot in your heart, and this knot is Wu Long."

"After you had this knot in your mind, you went out of your way to watch the Hong Kong Island version of "Tao Gao Yi Zhang" and learned about those rumors. The bad scenes in the Hong Kong Island version of "Dao Gao Yi Zhang" you mentioned are actually A negative emotion, or negative energy. Coupled with the effect of the soundtrack, it forms a bad psychological suggestion for you."

"It's this psychological hint that makes you cast a shadow."

"This shadow makes your heart knot suddenly enlarge at a certain moment, forming a consciousness that temporarily replaces your main consciousness at that moment, controls your body, and then says that."

"If you want to avoid such a situation from happening again in the future, you must dispel the shadows in your heart and untie your knots."

Music has a suggestive effect, Hu Yubo knows.If a horror film has no soundtrack, the effect is reduced by half.

The expert's explanation explained Xue Bo's cause very well.

The weird rumors about "One Foot in the Road" in Hong Kong Island, the rumors about Wu Long's knowledge of Taoism, coupled with the horror atmosphere and soundtrack of "One Foot in the Road" made Xue Bo feel self-suggested.

Hu Yubo understood.

I can't help but secretly amazed at the movie "One Zhang High".It's just a movie, but it's really unimaginable that a star can become like this.

According to analysis, the box office of "The Way Is High" is not as high as that of "Shaolin Bodyguard".But in Hong Kong Island, the influence of "One Foot High" is stronger than that of "Shaolin Bodyguard".

Do you want to watch the Hong Kong Island version of "The Road Is High"?

Forget it, or don't ask for trouble.

"Dr. Feng, how do I dispel the shadow in my heart and untie the knot in my heart?" Xue Bo anxiously wanted to know how to solve his troubles.

If it is not resolved, Hu Yubo will definitely not let him out.

"As the saying goes, to untie a bell, one needs to tie it."

"Wu Long is your heart knot, and the weirdness of the Hong Kong version of "The Way High" is your shadow. "The Way High" is also a movie starring Wu Long, so you need to untie the knot before you can dispel the shadow. Otherwise the shadow will never be driven away."

Xue Bo had a bad premonition in his head, he wouldn't want me and Wu Long to be friends, would he?

"You regard Wu Long as an enemy, and you will never be able to untie your knot. You have to treat Wu Long as a friend, and your knot will be resolved by yourself."

The words that are abundant in my heart are like the Buddha's voice in the west, coming from afar.

Sure enough, Wu Long and I should be friends, how is this possible!

I can not do it!

Even if I want to be friends with Wu Long, do you think Wu Long will agree to be my friend?

Both Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen were observing the changes in Xue Bo's eyes and expression.They had a panoramic view of Xue Bo's thoughts.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't be friends. It's fine to treat him as an ordinary person or a stranger. You just can't treat him as an enemy anymore, and you can't treat him as an object of comparison."

No need to be friends, Xue Bo's expression slowed down a lot.

Hu Yubo also saw the change in Xue Bo's expression, knowing that Feng Zaixin was testing Xue Bo with words.

"That's all for today. I'll prescribe some medicine to soothe your mood and mental state, so that you can sleep peacefully for a few days. You don't have to pay attention to the entertainment industry these few days, and you can relax wholeheartedly. Wait a few days before you come back Looking at what happened these days, I feel that there is nothing difficult to overcome."

After Feng Zaixin finished speaking, Feng Renzhen signaled Hu Yubo to let Xue Bo leave.

Hu Yubo received Feng Renzhen's gaze, got up and signaled Xue Bo to leave first.

"After talking so much, you are also tired. Go back and rest first. After the medicine is back, I will send someone to give it to you."

Hu Yubo personally sent Xue Bo to the door and opened the door for Xue Bo.Let the assistant ask someone to take Xue Bo back to the dormitory to rest.

Xue Bo was not flattered because Hu Yubo personally opened the door to see him off, he was still thinking about how to stop thinking about Wu Long.

This incident really scared him, even if Wu Long didn't use Taoism to deal with him, he would still be very scared.If you have a mental problem, or go to a mental hospital, it's really... embarrassing.

Hu Yubo watched Xue Bo leave before closing the door and returning to the sofa to sit down.

"Dr. Feng, Xue Bo's situation is not as simple as what you just said?" Hu Yubo read a lot from Professor Feng's eyes.

"It's easy to say, but it's not easy to say. Some things need to be known to patients, and some things don't need to be known to patients." Feng Zaixin seemed to be saying a tongue twister.

"The cause of the disease is what I said to Xue Bo. I didn't hide it. I need to let his main consciousness know and realize that Wu Long is not terrible and Wu Long does not know the law. Only in this way will his main consciousness continue to fight and avoid It got worse."

"Will it get worse?" Hu Yubo was shocked. "Didn't you say it was simple? From what you said, it doesn't seem serious?"

"Simplicity means finding the crux, and Xue Bo didn't resist. Xue Bo is jealous of Wu Long, and it may not be easy for him not to treat Wu Long as an enemy. It may not be easy to see him. So if it is not done well, it will worsen."

"This is the reason why mental patients are not easy to treat. The process of treatment is the process of psychological confrontation of the patient. If it cannot be cured, the condition will become stronger. Because every treatment is a deepening of his psychological shadow."

Hu Yubo is upset, the cash cow.

"Please, both of you, please help cure Xue Bo. He is a star, and he has always been aloof. If he really can't be cured, he will fall from the sky to the ground, and he will definitely not be able to accept it. It will kill people. Save people." Mingsheng built a seven-level pagoda, the two must find a way. Don't worry about the cost, please."

Feng smiled in his heart and said:

"Physicians are parents, don't worry Mr. Hu, we will do our best."

"Just now I took the initiative to mention going to Hong Kong Island to watch a movie, but there is one thing he didn't say, and I didn't mention it either. You told me that Tang Shuang was scared to death by Wu Long's Fa Hai."

When Feng mentioned this in his heart, Hu Yubo remembered, and he asked:

"What Dr. Feng said, I want to ask. Xue Bo was not frightened unconscious by Wu Long, but had an accident. Why was Tang Shuang fainted by Wu Long, and nothing happened?"

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