I'm not just an action star

Chapter 219 Experts Are Experts

Xue Bo didn't dare to shout any more, and sat down anxiously.

Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen also sat down.

Hu Yubo also sat down, and he panicked again.

I'm in a hurry!

I am irritable!

Isn't this what Feng Renzhen said to Xue Bo?

What the hell, I don't want to follow Xue Bo's footsteps, do I?

No, I want to calm down!

Calm down!

Control yourself!

Feng said in his heart that it doesn't matter if he believes that Wu Long knows the way, the key depends on whether he has done anything against common sense.

As long as I don't do anything against the law, I'm fine.

People on Hong Kong Island are all talkers.Both the police station and the local company worship Guan Gong, and the people there cannot easily trust him.

"Mr. Xue, Mr. Hu invited us here for your own good. You must understand this first, and thank Mr. Hu for caring about you so much."

Xue Bo should have said thank you to Hu Yubo, but at this moment, his mood and condition had already forgotten this etiquette.

At this moment, Hu Yubo was not unhappy because Xue Bo didn't thank him.He just wanted to know quickly whether Xue Bo could be saved and how.

The money tree cannot fall.

"You have to understand that we are also for your own good. If you can have a good talk with me, it is the right way to make things develop for the better."

"If you can't have a good talk with me, then it's Professor Feng's turn to have a good talk with you."

Xue Bo glanced at Feng Renzhen, who was smiling but not smiling, and quickly turned his gaze back to Feng Zaixin.

"I'll talk, I'll talk."

"It's good to be able to talk. You are a patient and have the right to know. In fact, for mental illness, its treatment cannot be avoided without the patient's knowledge. You will not close yourself if you know. I can't open your heart. There is no way to really help you. If it arouses your doubts and suspicions, it will be counterproductive."

"From the test questionnaire you filled out, I found that you do have some psychological problems. Of course, this problem is not too serious. It is this psychological problem that made you say those inappropriate words during the live broadcast."

Isn't Wu Long good at Taoism?Xue Bo subconsciously thought so.

"Can you tell me, when did you first notice Wu Long?" Feng asked in his heart, "Don't keep it. Once you keep it, not only will I not be able to help you, but it will also aggravate your situation. Don't hide your psychology, I'm a psychiatrist with professional ethics, you don't have to worry about me saying it."

Xue Bo thought for a while and answered honestly:

"It's Wu Long who is often on trending searches, and he doesn't need to spend money to buy trending searches. I think he is lucky. Others spend money to buy trending searches, but he doesn't use them."

Hu Yubo thought to himself, the other person you are talking about is yourself.

"He plays Ximen Qing in "Water Margin", and I want to play Wu Song after I know it. Then I can fight Ximen Qing, which means I can fight Wu Long in an open and honest manner. Wu Long can't beat me yet. I can use this to step on Wu Long. Hot search, but he has nothing to do with me."

When Hu Yubo heard Xue Bo say this, he secretly praised Feng Zaixin for his accurate analysis.Just now Feng Zaixin said that Xue Bo is a dark inner problem caused by jealousy.

Now according to what Feng Zaixin said, he immediately grasped the point, it was indeed jealousy.Because of jealousy, I wanted to play Wu Song beating Ximen Qing by beating Wu Long.

Because of jealousy, I want to step on Wu Long on the hot search to prove that I am better than Wu Long.

A professional is a professional, worthy of being a well-known psychiatrist in the imperial capital, Hu Yubo admired Feng Zaixin.

"Following that, when he was filming "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian", Wu Tingjun actually stopped working on his live broadcast on purpose, and used the resources of the crew to do the live broadcast for him. What is this?"

"He's not a supporting role, he's even more powerful than us protagonists. Wu Tingjun did this, so that everyone in the crew regarded him as the protagonist and me as a supporting role."

"When I acted opposite him for the first time, I counted 1234567 without memorizing the lines. As a result, this Wu Long couldn't make it to the scene!"

"You're still bragging that he's a movie star? And you're bragging that he brings people into the show?"

"I bother!"

"I disdain to act with him, let a double act with him. He is just a group of actors and martial arts, but he was fired by Xing Zhongfei. At first, everyone didn't know why he was popular. Xing Zhongfei came out and crazily raised Wu Long's worth. Who wouldn't?" Understand that Wu Long is actually an Internet celebrity secretly operated by Xing Zhongfei?"

"In the back, his fans always @我, laughing at me. Why should he?"

The more Xue Bo talked, the more excited he became. Hu Yubo, who was at the side, saw Xue Bo's appearance, and was really worried for Xue Bo.

After all, it is a cash cow, Hu Yubo originally comforted Xue Bo.But thinking of the exhortations of the two experts in advance, he didn't dare to talk too much.

"I don't want him to come to this premiere ceremony. Tang Shuang doesn't want him to come either. We all suggested to the higher-ups not to let Wu Long come."

"Wu Longlai will only steal our popularity and traffic. There are only disadvantages and no benefits."

"During the live broadcast of the premiere ceremony, I still performed very well in front of me. After my fans asked questions, I didn't know why, and I said those words suddenly. When the live broadcast was over, they took me back to the company, and halfway through I realized what I said. not good."

"I really don't understand why this happened. It's like being possessed by an evil spirit. I'm really not making excuses. If Wu Long didn't use Taoism to harm me, how could I say such things?"

"Of course, I don't believe that Wu Long knows Taoism, but at present, science can't explain such a thing. I can only think that Wu Long used Taoism to harm me, which is the most reasonable explanation."

After Xue Bo finished speaking, he looked at Feng Zaixin.

Feng Zaixin smiled kindly.

"Science can explain things like this, so here we are. The reason you think science can't explain it is because you don't know enough about science."

"I heard that you specially went to Hong Kong Island to watch Wu Long's Hong Kong version of "The Way Is High", right?"

Hu Yubo couldn't help being surprised when he heard Feng Zaixin's question.That's right, Xue Bo didn't say that just now.


Why deliberately avoid it?

Xue Bo really has a problem!

An expert is an expert and can see the problem at a glance.

Xue Bo froze for a moment, then nodded in recognition.


"Can you tell me? Why did you go to Hong Kong Island to see it?"

Xue Bo thought for a while and said:

"I read rumors on the Internet that the Hong Kong Island version is different. There is a person called 'Ying Guo Liu Sheng' who praised Wu Long specifically. His film review specifically mentioned not to watch the Hong Kong Island version. Many people said that the Hong Kong Island version is terrible. , It’s also very weird. In addition to the rumors about Wu Long in Hong Kong Island, it is said that Wu Long knows Taoism and can break other people’s framing of him. Many weird things happened during the filming of "The Way Is High". I am very curious, I went to see it."

"How do you rate the Hong Kong Island version of "The Way Is High?"

"It's disgusting and scary. I think it's right not to introduce the Hong Kong version."

"What disgusting law? Horror law?"

Xue Bo looked a little panicked, and the whole person seemed to be a little withdrawn, a little evasive, and he didn't want or want to speak out.

"Don't be afraid, I'm asking you now to help you. Professor Feng and I are experts in this field, so don't worry."

Xue Bo stabilized and said:

"The people who dug out the coffins in the Hong Kong film "The Way Is High" all died terribly. Those people were not murdered or killed by others. They were all affected by evil spirits and had accidents."

When Xue Bo spoke, his body trembled a little.

"Those accidents, which each of us may encounter in our daily life, are really scary."

"It is said that during the premiere on Hong Kong Island, there was a gangster who said that he would rather be hacked to death than die like in the movie. As a result, he was hacked to death on the way back after the movie ended."

Feng was in his heart not to let Xue Bo continue talking.When Xue Bo said this, the situation was over.Going on, it can only be repeated, repeating those fears that made Xue Bo.This is not necessary.Everything should be done step by step, and there should be no haste.

He said in a kind tone:

"Look, you dare to tell us now, after talking with us so much, after you tell us, don't you feel much more comfortable and less afraid?"

Xue Bo was taken aback, thought for a while, and nodded in surprise.

"Yeah, after I said it, I felt much more comfortable, and I wasn't so scared anymore."

"Do you know why?" Feng asked in his heart.

Xue Bo shook his head.

Hu Yubo also waited curiously for Feng Zaixin to give the answer.

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