I'm not just an action star

Chapter 221 He's Not Human

You are a fan of the authorities.Feng Zaixin explained to Hu Yubo:

"Everyone's situation is different. Maybe Tang Shuang doesn't compare herself with Wu Long, maybe Tang Shuang doesn't envy Wu Long."

"Besides, Tang Shuang was frightened unconscious by Wu Long. It doesn't necessarily mean that Wu Long performed well. It may also be that Wu Long's Zen staff almost hit her, and she was so frightened that she fainted."

"For example, when Wu Long hits your head with a knife, how do you know if Wu Long can stop it? If he can't stop it, will Wu Long split your head and kill you?"

"Tang Shuang is a woman, it's not surprising that she was frightened and fainted in the face of this situation."

"Even if Tang Shuang was intimidated by Fa Hai, played by Wu Long, it might make Tang Shuang really afraid of Wu Long in her heart, and she didn't dare to have the idea of ​​provoking Wu Long, so there was nothing wrong with her psychology. At most, she was afraid of seeing Wu Tian. .”

Only then did Hu Yubo understand a little bit.

"So, Tang Shuang's proposal not to let Wu Long participate in the premiere ceremony is actually because he is afraid to see Wu Long, not because he wants to provoke Wu Long."

Feng nodded heartily.

"Back to Xue Bo, his situation is actually different from Tang Shuang. Tang Shuang faced Wu Long directly, but Xue Bo didn't. He heard about it. You can believe it, or not, or both. I don't even believe it."

Hu Yubo interface said:

"It's just a letter. But I think that if it's me, I won't be like Tang Shuang, who has the ability to resist."

"That's right." Feng Zaixin continued, "But this matter has become a thorn in Xue Bo's heart."

"In Xue Bo's consciousness, Tang Shuang was frightened into unconsciousness by Wu Long's treatment because he provoked Wu Long. This formed a hint that Xue Bo also targeted and provoked Wu Long, and he might also be dealt with by Wu Long."

"You also said that Xue Bo's substitute has been filming with Wu Long since then, and Xue Bo himself has never filmed with Wu Long. Xue Bo subconsciously thinks that he used a substitute wisely and did not film with Wu Long, so he hid It will be a catastrophe. If he will film with Wu Long later, he may encounter what Tang Shuang encountered."

"So this thorn was planted. Because Xue Bo was jealous of Wu Long, every time Wu Long made achievements, he became very angry, and his heart knot became bigger and bigger. At first, he mocked Wu Long in a strange way, but then he was slapped in the face by Wu Long. I don’t dare to ridicule anymore, I can only sulk myself.”

"If this stuffiness is not expressed, it will form a shadow."

Feng sighed inwardly.

"Actually, it would be a good thing if Xue Bo was intimidated by Wu Long like Tang Shuang. Then he would know that he couldn't win against Wu Long, lose the heart of comparison, and dare not be jealous anymore, and this incident would not happen .

"What should we do now?" What Hu Yubo was anxious about was how to cure this cash cow as soon as possible.

"As I said just now, the person who tied the bell must be untied. It is best to turn hostility into friendship and enemies into friends."

"But Xue Bo is not willing." Of course Hu Yubo knew, he was watching Xue Bo's reaction just now.

"Xue Bo is afraid of Wu Long, and he is also afraid of you. He is also afraid of losing his current status and becoming an ordinary person." Feng reminded in his heart.

Hu Yubo seemed to understand. "Fight poison with poison?"

"Use other Xue Bo's worries and fears to influence Xue Bo's fear of Wu Long, which can offset part of it. You can also use these to let Xue Bo try to make Wu Long a stranger. Everyone does not violate the river water. Remember, Don't be too direct, so as not to arouse Xue Bo's subconscious resistance."

"for example?"

"For example, in the company's plans and publicity, expressing goodwill to Wu Long, or being able to cooperate with Wu Long. It is a good thing for mutual benefit to create a cooperation and friendship with Wu Long in the general environment. Let Xue Bo see , the company and Wu Long are not enemies, but friends."

Hu Yubo nodded slowly.

"Dr. Feng means that Xue Bo can't make Xue Bo feel that it is aimed at him, but a natural development of the company?"

"Yes. Just don't let Xue Bo feel that in order to develop with Wu Long, ignore him. At least let Xue Bo and Wu Long have the same status, and let Xue Bo know that the company still supports him."

"Mr. Hu still needs to find evidence from Hong Kong Island to prove that those rumors and rumors are false, and help Xue Bo realize that this world is a world of science. There is no Taoism, magic, or spells."

Feng Zaixin explained, which made Hu Yubo feel a little bit at ease.

"That Wu Long, who used to be unknown, suddenly became popular and knows everything, so it can't help but make people feel weird." He sighed.

Feng wanted to say something in his heart, but he smiled and didn't say anything.

"Dr. Feng, what's not to say? I hope to hear you explain my doubts." Hu Yubo didn't like someone who hesitated to speak in front of him.

That's because people like you are ignorant and short-sighted, and Feng laughed in his heart.All you see is money, beautiful women, luxury cars and mansions, cruise ships and beaches.

So for people like you, you have to be brutally slaughtered.You treat others as leeks, but we can only treat you as leeks.

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders. You haven't seen it, but you haven't met it. When you see a genius, you will feel that you are not human."

"But a genius also has a trajectory of a genius, right?" Hu Yubo still didn't understand.This is what bothers a lot of people.Of course everyone thinks that Wu Long is Xing Zhongfei's pawn, he trained secretly, and then became a blockbuster.

Feng Zaixin looked at Feng Renzhen, Feng Renzhen gave an example.

"My classmate in junior high school is a head shorter than me and has a thin body. When I came back from vacation and saw him, he was half a head taller than me and stronger than me."

"The son of my classmate, his grades before the second year of high school were a mess. He was admitted to a key university in the college entrance examination."

"We often talk about enlightenment, and sometimes it really happens. If you are not enlightened, you are an ordinary person. If you are enlightened, you are either a genius or a monster."

"People like Wu Long, if they weren't pawns used by Xing Zhongfei to hype, they might have actually met a master and learned Kungfu. Maybe because of learning Kungfu, they got enlightened by accident, and ended up skyrocketing."

"It's just that, in my opinion, Wu Long is on the verge of schizophrenia."

Hu Yubo was surprised by Feng Renzhen's judgment on Wu Long.

"Professor Feng, what do you mean Wu Long is wandering in schizophrenia?"

Feng Renzhen clicked on Wu Long's video, it was Wu Long's face-changing video.

"Have you seen this video, Mr. Hu?"

Hu Yubo glanced at it, nodded and said, "I've seen it."

"What does Mr. Hu think of Wu Long's acting skills? It's really unreal to play a role after changing his face. If you don't know beforehand, do you think Wu Long is acting?"

"The acting skills are really good. If I didn't know it in advance, I would have thought it was the role." Hu Yubo was very objective.

Facing the two experts at this time, Hu Yubo didn't need to hurt Wu Long.

"Actors who have acted with Wu Long commented that Wu Long can bring people into the play. I have never studied acting, and I only analyze it from a spiritual perspective. Only when I truly regard myself as a character can I lead people into the play. Because I am a character, then At this time, there are no actors themselves, only the characters. Then what the characters express and radiate is the world in the script. Through the world in the script, it affects others.”

"The actor you mentioned is the role, and that should be the experiential style." Hu Yubo added. "Is it true that only the experience school can do it?"

Feng Renzhen nodded.

"Because only experientialists think that the scripted world of filming is real."

"A joke we often say is to cover the prisoner's eyes and cut a knife on his wrist. Then use the sound of dripping water to simulate the prisoner's bleeding. The prisoner himself will think that he will die after bleeding."

"Wu Long's performance was seen by the actors who played opposite him, and being attracted by him was equivalent to being blindfolded by Wu Long. Wu Long's performance was equivalent to the sound of dripping water. The actor was psychologically suggested by Wu Long. Wu Long believed that The actors also feel the world of the plot. They will say that they were brought into the play by Wu Long."

Hu Yubo nodded slowly, expressing his understanding.

Feng Renzhen continued:

"Look at Wu Long's acting skills of changing his face in seconds, is there any other actor who can do it?"

Hu Yubo shook his head.

"Even the actor can't do it. Sometimes it's difficult for the experience group to play a role. Not to mention another role will be replaced immediately. So everyone is skeptical about Wu Long's performance in this video. Is it a real live broadcast or a staged filming? still……"

Feng Renzhen laughed and said:

"In fact, there are people who can do what Wu Long did. There are such people in the mental hospital."

Feng said in his heart:

"Psychological patients with severe multiple personalities can also do it. One second is the patient, and the next second is the second personality."

Hu Yubo suddenly got goosebumps when he heard it, and subconsciously wanted to step back.

"What do you two mean?"

Feng Renzhen nodded:

"I have watched this video carefully, it should be live and real. Wu Long so frequently substitutes roles, plus he substitutes a role in every play. And he also substitutes roles when performing and shooting commercials. It's unique. No one dares to play like this, and can't play it."

Feng sighed inwardly.

"Wu Long must have over-trained himself in acting when he was a group performer. He has become accustomed to substituting roles and has become a subconscious reaction. In fact, many of my patients are actors. They can't get out of a role when they are filming. It is already very uncomfortable. Some It's even about to collapse. But Wu Long, his situation..."

Hu Yubo's voice trembled a little.

"How is he?"

Feng Renzhen said:

"It stands to reason that he has transcended multiple personalities and should suffer from schizophrenia. But I watched his recent live broadcast, but he can still control himself. Maybe it has something to do with his martial arts prowess, and his willpower is stronger than others."

"But, this is what I just said, Wu Long is hovering on the verge of schizophrenia."

"Once he loses control of himself and exceeds the critical point, he will definitely suffer from schizophrenia."

Feng Zaixin said in a worried tone:

"Wu Long's martial arts are too strong. Once he is schizophrenic, he is more dangerous and terrifying than a psychopathic murderer."

Feng Renzhen lamented:

"People like them with high martial arts skills are too bloody, and they like to say that a man will splatter five steps with blood when he is angry."

Feng Zaixin added:

"And this kind of mental patient is especially easy to hold grudges."

Feng Renzhen nodded.

"Yes. He may not remember other things. For example, if you treat him well, he may not remember it. But if you treat him badly, he will never forget it."

Hu Yubo suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

A lunatic who can kill with flying chopsticks is useless in body armor.Unless you wear a mech.

Mechs don't work either!

Wu Long can fight cattle across mountains.The tofu can be smashed across the wooden board.It should be possible to smash the internal organs through the mecha, right?

Don't be afraid, I have never provoked Wu Long, and I have no grudge against him.

Fortunately, two experts were invited today, and fortunately the two experts mentioned Wu Long.Otherwise, it would be really...

"A person like Wu Long, Mr. Hu had better not provoke him." Feng Ren really kindly persuaded him.

Inexplicably, Hu Yubo felt his neck chill again.

Don't mess with this son!

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