Feng Renzhen said that what Hu Yubo said was the way of normal people.Xue Bo is no longer a normal person, so the question is, what do abnormal people do?

Hu Yubo looked at Feng Zaixin, waiting for the other party to explain.

"Xue Bo wants to surpass Wu Long wholeheartedly, but there is nothing he can do. The signal given by his subconscious mind, Wu Long knows the way and is invincible at all."

"Here, Xue Bo's self-awareness is in conflict. Wu Long is invincible? The consciousness that wants to defeat Wu Long searches his memory to see if there is any history of defeating Wu Long."

Hearing this, Hu Yubo understood.

What Xue Bo said was exactly what Xue Bo thought was the victory over Wu Long.

In fact is it?of course not.

Xue Bo didn't read his lines, Wu Long didn't realize it all of a sudden, and was tapped by the director for missing the scene.

Of course, from the point of view that Wu Long didn't take over the show, it was indeed Wu Long's fault.

Xue Bo took it for granted that if Wu Long made a mistake and was shouted out when he played against him, it meant that Wu Long lost to him.

"Because of being blinded by jealousy, Xue Bo automatically ignored that he was in a live broadcast environment at this time, and ignored that he should not say such things in public. He wanted to show everyone that Wu Long is not as good as him."

"So this strong jealous consciousness temporarily replaced Xue Bo's main consciousness, and said those words. Because those words were spoken through searching memory, they are true and unmodified words."

Hu Yubo can figure it out even if Feng doesn't worry about it.

The audience asked questions about the hard work of filming.The memory of this conscious search and Xue Bo's own feeling is that filming is not hard.You don't even need to memorize the lines, just count to 1234567, what's the trouble.So just say it.

In order to prove that he is better than Wu Long, he said that along the way.

When answering the male host's words, it was also because of searching memory that he directly said that he relied on his face for food, and his acting skills were superfluous.This is also Xue Bo's own true thought.

In the same way, the male host helped him out by saying that even though Xue Bo had no acting skills, fans liked him.The jealous consciousness that seized control of the body is also searching for memory, and telling Xue Bo's true thoughts.

"Dr. Feng, if according to what you said, Xue Bo was overwhelmed by jealousy, then he shouldn't remember it afterwards, right? I watched this situation in movies and TV shows. What kind of second personality does it seem to be called? Second personality control The body does things and recovers without knowing what happened."

Feng said in his heart:

"What you said is serious. It has split into a second personality, which is commonly referred to as a dual personality. Now Xue Bo is not so serious, so he can know what happened before through his memory afterwards."

Feng spread his hands in his heart.

"It's just that he can't figure out why he said that and did that. So he has to find reasons and excuses for himself. It's just that his subconscious mind has already determined that Wu Long knows magic, and when he wants to make excuses, he will naturally point to this reason, so as to find this excuse."

It was a perfect explanation, and Hu Yubo believed it.

"If it is more serious, he has a dual personality and will go to a mental hospital, right?"

Hu Yubo thinks this is one step away, two steps away from what Feng Renzhen said.

Feng shook his head heartily.

"Dual personality is a mental illness, not a mental illness."

"No?" Hu Yubo was surprised: "They have become two different people, haven't they?"

Feng Renzhen, the head of the psychiatric hospital, gave Hu Yubo the science:

"It's too technical and you may not understand it. In layman's terms, although dual personality is scary, it still makes sense. Of course, this reason refers to the recognition of the rules of science, physics, and chemistry in our world. It is not law or morality. The reason for this."

"The simplest distinction between psychosis is sensory impairment, hallucinations such as auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, hallucinations, hallucinations, hallucinations, and hallucinations. The most common is auditory hallucinations."

"Another distinction is that mental illness is unreasonable and illogical, that is, thinking disorder. For example, not being able to do arithmetic, such as being persecuted and delusional."

"Xue Bo broke his mobile phone more than once because of Wu Long. This is a manifestation of emotional disorders, irritability, and bad temper. Constantly dropping too many things can easily lead to auditory hallucinations."

Feng Renzhen's words made Hu Yubo feel scared.

"Then Xue Bo can still be saved?"

Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen nodded at the same time.

"As long as you actively cooperate with the treatment, you can still be saved. If you don't actively cooperate with the treatment, it will be troublesome."

"Do you want him to know?" Hu Yubo asked again.

"Of course, only by knowing and cooperating with the patient can he truly heal his heart. Besides, if we don't let him know, won't he stop doubting it? Once he suspects it, it will cause rebellious psychology and make the condition worse."

Hu Yubo was still a little unwilling to accept such a result.

"Just believing that Wu Long knows Taoism is mentally ill? So many people believe that Wu Long knows Taoism, and there are more people on Hong Kong Island. Are they all mentally ill?"

Feng nodded heartily.

"Mr. Hu believes that Wu Long knows the way?"

Hu Yubo quickly denied it.In fact, he is not completely unbelieving, nor is he completely convinced.

"Actually, it's okay for Mr. Hu to admit it." Feng smiled in his heart: "Believe that Wu Long knows the way, it can be said that he is mentally ill. But, it can also be said that he is not ill. As long as those who believe, they will not do things that violate common sense. "

"It's like praying to the gods and worshiping Buddha, and celebrating the Mid-Yuan Autumn Festival on July [-]. That's fine. But if you do something against common sense because of this, don't you think Mr. Hu still thinks that such a person is okay?"

Hu Yubo nodded.

"Understood, it's a question of speed." He said.

"Yes, it can also be said that it is a matter of degree."

Hu Yubo asked Xue Bo to come in.

Xue Bo re-entered the office.

"Introduce these two experts to you again."

"This is Dr. Feng Zai Xinfeng, a famous doctor of psychology in the imperial capital."

Xue Bo was taken aback.

"This is Dean Feng Ren Zhenfeng, professor of psychiatry."

It turned out that what I was asked to write just now was a psychological test and a psychiatric test, and Xue Bo instantly understood.

"I'm not sick!" Xue Bo subconsciously shouted: "I'm not mentally ill! I'm not crazy!"

He immediately realized where the problem was, and quickly defended:

"Wu Long doesn't know the law! I didn't know why I said those words. I just said that Wu Long used Taoism to harm me in order to find an excuse!"

Feng smiled in his heart to comfort Xue Bo:

"You see, you speak clearly and logically, and you immediately know what the problem is and defend yourself. Mental illness can't do that, and we didn't say you were mentally ill."

"Of course I'm not mentally ill, I'm sure I'm not mentally ill!"

Feng Renzhen smiled and said nothing.When Hu Yubo caught a glimpse of Feng Ren really smiling, he felt a little terrified.

Feng Zaixin patiently smiled and said:

"That's right, you're not mentally ill. If you were, we'd take you away by force, right? Sit down, sit down, and talk slowly."

"I'm fine mentally! I'm not a pervert!" Xue Bo continued to defend.

Feng Renzhen laughed and said:

"You're in a hurry."

"You are irritable."

"You have emotional problems."

"You know, all the patients in my hospital say that they are not sick. You are an adult, what is the mark of an adult? It is to face the problem correctly. If you don't calm down and sit down and talk slowly, I can I can assure you that you are only half a step away from mental illness."

Half a step?

Hu Yubo panicked.

You said it was just one step away, why is it half a step away now?

Where is the half step?

Is it because Xue Bo is in a hurry to defend?

Whoever encounters such a thing is not in a hurry.Change me, I am also anxious.

Am I sick too?

At this thought, Hu Yubo frightened himself into a cold sweat.

If I believe that Wu Long knows Taoism and uses Taoism to harm Xue Bo, and I am anxious, according to the two experts, I am really sick!

Do I believe that Wu Long knows the way?

I had a little letter before.

Otherwise, how could Wu Long become so popular in one year?

Why does Crazy Xing pursue Wu Long like that?

"Xue Bo, calm down!" Hu Yubo scolded Xue Bo angrily.

Xue Bo didn't expect Hu Yubo to be angry all of a sudden.He was brought here after the incident. Although Hu Yubo was angry at that time, he was not so angry.

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