I'm not just an action star

Chapter 217 The Doctor Comes

The navy bought by Xingwan Film and Television also contributed to the flames.

The four kinds of dissemination are hype, deliberately creating conflicts between Xue Bo and Wu Long, and attracting fans of Xue Bo and Wu Long to fight.

This is an operation. Xue Bo and Wu Long deliberately created conflicts to create momentum and hype for "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

Xue Bo's acting skills are so good that he fooled everyone.

Soon, most people on the Internet agreed that the incident was a hype.Because no one would be stupid enough to say something like that on a live broadcast.

Only hype is the most reasonable explanation.

Seeing how successful the crisis public relations of Xingwan Film and Television was, Wu Long had to admire these public relations talents for having two skills.

This can expose the matter, amazing!

However, Xue Bo's live broadcast incident also made many people feel critical when watching "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

It's not just Wu Long's fans, there are also many netizens who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement and have hands-on skills.

As long as there are shots of Xue Bo, you must look carefully, record the screen, and compare them with pictures.

Point out where the stand-in is, compare the figures, and point out where the flaws are.

Where is the face change, and where is the flaw.

When speaking, instead of reading lines, it is the number 1234567.

But all the shots with the number of 1234567 have the same mouth shape, but the words are different.

Then some netizens pointed out that as long as the number is counted, it means that a substitute is useless.

Xue Bo was banned from walking and mobile phones, and temporarily lived in the company's dormitory.

Star Bay Film and Television, Hu Yubo's office, an assistant knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Hu, the experts are here."

Hu Yubo stood up to greet him.

"This is Dr. Feng Zaixinfeng, a doctor of psychological medicine, a well-known psychologist in the imperial capital."

Hu Yubo shook hands with the other party.

"Thank you, Dr. Feng, for coming despite his busy schedule."

"This is Feng Renzhen, the director of the mental hospital, he is a professor of psychiatry."

"Hi Dean Feng, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Hu Yubo greeted the two to sit down.

"Both of you are experts in this field, and you are busy with time, so I will make a long story short..."

Hu Yubo told the two experts about Xue Bo's situation and related matters, hoping that the experts could help him solve his doubts.Xue Bo is a cash cow and cannot fall.

As the saying goes, it is easy to cut down a tree and difficult to plant a tree.

Planting a cash cow is even more difficult.

Hu Yubo didn't want to give up easily, and was also worried that Xue Bo would have another thunderstorm.

Feng Zaixin looked at Feng Renzhen after listening, the two knew each other and had a lot of dealings.Take money to do things, do you want to tell the truth?

After looking at each other, the two reached a tacit understanding.

You Feng said first in his heart.

"Mr. Hu, from the situation you described, there is indeed something wrong with Xue Bo's psychology. But how big the problem is, whether it is serious or not, we need to test and observe him before we can draw a conclusion."

Feng Renzhen nodded.

"Judging from his frequent breaking of his mobile phone, it is only one step away from hallucinations such as auditory and visual hallucinations. It is only two steps away from entering our hospital for treatment."

Hu Yubo's heart beat twice faster, and he quickly ordered his assistant to bring Xue Bo over.

Soon, Xue Bo came in.When I saw two elderly people, I didn't know what they were doing, I thought they were talking about business.

"Xue Bo, this is Dr. Feng, and this is Professor Feng." After Hu Yubo introduced, he returned to his desk and sat down.

Xue Bo sat on the reception sofa with Feng Zaixin and Feng Renzhen, facing each other.There are question marks in his mind, two with the same last name?

He still greeted the two of them.

"Mr. Xue, do you think Wu Long cast Taoism on you when he said those words during the live broadcast?" Feng asked in his heart.

Xue Bo nodded.

"If he hadn't cast a spell on me, how could I have said that?"

"Do you believe that there is a way in this world?"

"So I didn't believe it. But this happened to me. If Wu Long hadn't cast a spell on me, how could I have done such a stupid thing?"

Feng pushed through two test questionnaires in his heart.

"Here are two questionnaires, please write them down."

One is a psychological test questionnaire, and the other is a mental test questionnaire.

Xue Bo looked at the questionnaire and frowned at Hu Yubo.Hu Yubo was reminded in advance not to disturb Xue Bo as much as possible so as to observe the real reaction of Xue Bo.

Xue Bo saw Hu Yubo behind the desk, and Hu Yubo pretended to be reading documents, but did not respond to Xue Bo.

Without waiting for Hu Yubo's response, Xue Bo had no choice but to fill in the paper honestly.When Hu Yubo handed him over to these two, he definitely wanted him to follow their wishes.

When something like this happened, he didn't dare to ask Hu Yubo any more, for fear of offending Hu Yubo.

While writing, Xue Bo felt a little wrong.

Is this an IQ test?

Not like ah?

After finishing writing, Xue Bo pushed the questionnaire to the other party.

"Thank you, Mr. Xue, please wait outside first, we have something to discuss with Mr. Hu."

Both of them were very polite to Xue Bo on the surface, but Xue Bo felt that the eyes of these two people were not right.

There must be something hidden from him.

After going outside, Xue Bo asked Hu Yubo's assistant about the situation, but the assistant said that he was not very clear and asked Xue Bo to wait patiently.

Xue Bo can't play with his mobile phone and doesn't watch his computer, so he feels a little irritable.

Hu Yubo waited for Xue Bo to leave, and hurried to the sofa to inquire.

"You two, what's the situation with Xue Bo?"

Feng Zaixin looked at the questionnaire and said seriously:

"From the questionnaire, it is certain that Xue Bo has psychological problems."

"Is it a big problem?" Hu Yubo asked quickly.

Feng hesitated in his heart and said:

"It's hard to say. If it's not big, it's likely to be big. If it's big, it's not very big under normal circumstances."

What does this mean?Hu Yubo looked at Feng Renzhen.

Feng Renzhen read the questionnaire.

"According to my questionnaire, Xue Bo may have a mental attack at any time. However, at present, he has not had an attack. It is impossible to predict when it will occur. It is also impossible to predict where the critical point will be."

"Why did this happen?" Hu Yubo didn't understand, the situation seemed too complicated.

"You don't want us to ask him explicitly, but judging from your description, the few questions you asked him just now, and this questionnaire, he should be a dark inner problem caused by jealousy."

"Tell me, Xue Bo's assistant told you that the reason Xue Bo broke many mobile phones was related to Wu Long. I searched for this Wu Long, who is an Internet celebrity and a martial arts star. A year ago, Wu Long Long is still an unknown ensemble performer, and now he has surpassed Xue Bo, Xue Bo was jealous of Wu Long, so he broke the phone because of Wu Long."

"He wants to compare with Wu Long everywhere, but the more he compares, the bigger the gap between himself and Wu Long..."

Hu Yubo interjected:

"Let me make a correction. Wu Long's popularity and traffic have only recently caught up. In terms of popularity, Wu Long is not as good as Xue Bo."

He believed that a large part of Wu Long's popularity and traffic was brought up by that lunatic Xing Zhongfei who spent money on it.

Feng said in his heart:

"I don't know much about the entertainment industry. But what I'm talking about is Xue Bo's mental performance. Even if what you said is true, in Xue Bo's heart, it's what I said."

"He heard the rumors about Wu Long on Hong Kong Island, and he believed it. Because only in this way can he explain why Wu Long surpassed him in just one year. If he didn't believe it, he wouldn't go to Hong Kong Island to confirm it. "

Hu Yubo interrupted again.

"Xue Bo told me that he didn't believe that Wu Long knew the way before. It wasn't until after the live broadcast that he thought that Wu Long knew the way."

Feng Renzhen shook his head.

"Patients in our hospital never think they are sick."

Feng smiled heartily.

"Mr. Hu, you are right. Xue Bo told you so. I can tell you that there is a kind of subconsciousness in human consciousness. It is the unaware part of human psychological activities."

"Professional speaking, it is the psychological activity process that has already occurred but has not yet reached the state of consciousness. It includes primitive instincts, impulses, childhood psychological imprints, environmental influences, concepts, personality and other factors."

"Xue Bo needs to find a reason why Wu Long is better than him, and why he can't beat Wu Long. This reason is found in Hong Kong Island. Wu Long knows the way, so as a mortal, he can't beat Wu Long."

"However, he is not willing to condescend to Wu Long. So even though he found this reason, he refused to accept such a reason because there is no Taoism in the world."

"In this way, the subconscious mind believes that Wu Long knows Taoism, but the superficial consciousness is unwilling to admit it, because jealousy makes him unwilling to admit defeat."

"In this way, his psychological consciousness is in conflict."

"This conflict caused him to be eager to prove himself."

"You told me that the premiere ceremony was originally recorded and not broadcasted live. Xue Bo requested the live broadcast. But Xue Bo didn't let you invite Wu Long to participate, right?"

Hu Yubo nodded.

Feng spread his hands in his heart.

"Look, Wu Long never recorded. If Xue Bo beat Wu Long, he couldn't record and broadcast. He didn't dare to invite Wu Long, for fear that Wu Long would steal his limelight."

"I probably browsed the introduction about Wu Long. Wu Long has gimmicks every time he broadcasts live, which is very special and can attract a lot of attention. But your premiere ceremony does not have such gimmicks."

Hearing this, Hu Yubo seemed to see a ray of light shining down, dispelling all the doubts in his heart.Feng Zaixin didn't need to continue talking, he took Feng Zaixin's words and said:

"So Xue Bo said those words on purpose to create a stunt."

"So, Xue Bo came prepared, and afterwards deliberately said that Wu Long used Taoism to shirk his responsibility."

Feng shook his head in his heart:



"Of course not, that's what normal people do. Xue Bo has a mental problem, he's no longer a normal person." Feng Renzhen said heartily on behalf of Feng.

Xue Bo is no longer a normal person!

Hu Yubo was terrified when he heard that.

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