I'm not just an action star

Chapter 216 Too Much Coincidence Is Not a Coincidence

It happened when filming "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian"!

Xue Bo's words had great power.

Hu Yubo is the boss of Star Bay Film and Television Group, and he is also a bigwig in the entertainment industry.He is used to the ups and downs in the entertainment industry, and he has always been calm and composed.

Xue Bo's words almost made him jump up from the boss chair in fright.

What the hell, why didn't I know about such a big thing?

"There are also in our play?"

Xue Bo nodded affirmatively.


"But they always thought that Wu Long's acting skills were too good."

Xue Bo told Tang Shuang that he was frightened into unconsciousness by Wu Long's Fa Hai when Tang Shuang and Wu Long played a martial arts rivalry.

After discovering that something was wrong with Tang Shuang that day, Xue Bo has been wondering what happened to Tang Shuang and Wu Long that day.He inquired secretly from time to time, and he found out about it only after someone who wanted to curry favor with him told him the truth.

"After I heard about it, I thought it was Wu Long's good acting skills. But what happened to me today is too weird. I don't think it's Wu Long's acting skills at all, but Wu Long used Taoism to Tang Shuang!"

Xue Bo swears.

"Do you believe it yourself?"

Xue Bo replied honestly: "So I didn't believe it. When it happened to me, I believed it."

"Since you believe it, do you still dare to say that about Wu Long? Are you afraid that he will plot against you again after he finds out?"

"I'm afraid. But if I don't say it, everyone will not believe me."

The assistant knocked on the door and came in, Hu Yubo asked Xue Bo to go out first.The assistant listened to a recording for Hu Yubo, which was the recording of the conversation between Wu Long and the crew's lawyer.

"Let that lawyer not act rashly. You call Wu Tingjun and Dong Lufeng."

Hu Yubo closed his eyes and meditated.He observed Xue Bo just now, from Xue Bo's expression, Xue Bo did not touch something that should not be touched.

If it is true that Tang Shuang was stunned by Wu Long's Fa Hai, it is no coincidence.

Too many coincidences come together, it is definitely not a coincidence.

Wu Tingjun and Dong Lufeng came in.

"I heard that something happened when you were filming. Tang Shuang was frightened unconscious by Wu Long's Fa Hai. Is there such a thing?"

When Wu Tingjun and Dong Lufeng heard Hu Yubo's question, their faces turned pale at the same time.It seemed that the two of them thought of something at the same time, even beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

That incident, they think there are probably two reasons.One is that Wu Long's acting skills are so good that Tang Shuang was frightened when he entered the play.Or Wu Long's Zen stick almost hit Tang Shuang on the head, and Tang Shuang was frightened unconscious.

Listening to what Hu Yubo said now, the two of them thought about what happened tonight at the same time, and read the rumors on the Internet. It is inevitable that they will change their previous views.

Seeing the sudden change in the expressions of the two, Hu Yubo couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.It seems that things are not good, and things may be true.

Seeing the two looking at each other, Hu Yubo pointed to Wu Tingjun.

"You speak first."

Wu Tingjun recounted the situation that day, Hu Yubo didn't sound much different from what Xue Bo said.

"I think maybe Tang Shuang entered the play and was frightened by Wu Long's performance. It may also be that Wu Long's Zen stick almost hit Tang Shuang at that time, scaring Tang Shuang into unconsciousness." Wu Tingjun added.

It was Dong Lufeng's turn to speak, and what he said was the same as Wu Tingjun.

At the beginning, the two didn't report because they didn't want to cause trouble for themselves.If you want to say it, it should be said by Tang Shuang himself.

The assistant knocked on the door, and the Minister of Public Relations followed in.Hu Yubo asked Wu Tingjun and Dong Lufeng to go out first.

"Tell me, what solution does the PR department come up with?"

"After the hard work and screening of all of us, there are now two more feasible options."

"The first plan is to find someone to take the blame."

"Throw out an unfounded screenwriter, saying that he changed the script for Xue Bo. The reason is that he has conflicts with Xue Bo and holds a grudge, so he changed the script to punish Xue Bo."

"Xue Bo thought it was the company's strategy, so he said his lines directly according to the revised script."

This is a common method, Hu Yubo and other public relations ministers said the second option.

"For the second plan, Xue Bo did it on purpose. He wanted to prove his acting skills, and he said it on purpose to see how many people believed it. Then he apologized to the fans, hoping to get their forgiveness. Then he asked the navy to guide the fans to be considerate of Xue Bo .”

Hu Yubo thought for a while, and immediately said:

"How about combining these two plans into one?"

The Minister of Public Relations doesn't quite understand.

"What does Mr. Hu mean?"

"The two schemes are combined. Xue Bo wanted to show his acting skills, so he asked a screenwriter to design a plan to see how he could quickly prove his acting skills, so the screenwriter wrote such a script and lines."

The public relations minister's eyes lit up.

"I see, Mr. Hu is still smarter."

"Xue Bo can't be wrong, someone must take the blame, let Xue Bo's fans have a vent. The combination of the two plans can not only show that Xue Bo wants to show his acting skills, but also make fans believe him. Xue Bo's hatred is passed on to the unwarranted screenwriter."

"We can also invite the navy to imply that Wu Longfa's Weibo is actually in line with the hype."

Hu Yubo nodded, so sure, he quickly went online to explain.

After the people left, Hu Yubo called his friends in Hong Kong Island and asked them to find out whether the rumors about Wu Long were true or not.

Is Wu Long so mysterious?

Soon, the assistant knocked on the door again and brought Xue Bo's assistant in.It turned out that Xue Bo's assistant took the initiative to report, saying that he had something to tell Hu Yubo.

"Mr. Hu, I have something to report to you!"


Xue Bo's assistant rushed to report.

"Mr. Hu, I read the rumors on the Internet, and the things about Wu Long from Hong Kong Island. I think what happened in the live broadcast tonight may really have something to do with Wu Long."

Hu Yubo was not calm anymore.I thought it was Xue Bo's brain that made a wrong connection, but I didn't expect it to be related to Wu Long.


"Xue Bo has been to Hong Kong Island to watch the Hong Kong Island version of "The Way Is High". If the rumors on the Internet are true, then it is possible that Xue Bo has been infected with the evil spirit of "The Way Is High."

"Has he been to Hong Kong Island?"

"Yes, I have been there. And there are people on Hong Kong Island who are willing to pay 3000 million for Wulong's gourmet drama. Many people @薛波 on Weibo, asking Xue Bo what he thinks. Xue Bo was so angry that he broke his phone again."

After listening to Assistant Xue Bo's words, Hu Yubo asked him to go out first.

"Is it really because I went to Hong Kong Island to watch "The Way Is High", and I got caught up in the so-called evil spirit that Hong Kong Island said, and brought the evil spirit to the crew?"

"Or is it that after Xue Bo was frightened by Wu Long, his nerves were miswired during the live broadcast?"

Hu Yubo was talking to himself.

Xue Bo posted on Weibo!

His fans thought it was Xue Bo himself who sent the Wei letter, but in fact, the Wei letter was sent by someone from the PR department himself using Xue Bo's mobile phone.

"I'm sorry that I was wrong, I sincerely say sorry to my fans, please forgive me.

That's what happened:

Seeing that someone questioned my acting skills, I decided to use my acting skills to fight back all the doubts on the show.

The company's screenwriter helped me write those lines.

I felt inappropriate after seeing the lines.

The screenwriter said that only in this way can I show my acting skills.As long as everyone believes what I say, it will prove that my acting skills have been successful and I have deceived everyone.

I believed the scriptwriter's words, and read out the lines written by the scriptwriter during the live broadcast.

Although my original intention is to prove myself, I should not lie to you, nor should I say things that hurt you.

My fans and family, I sincerely say sorry to you, please forgive me. "

As soon as Xue Bo posted this Weibo, it immediately attracted praise from fans.It is said that Xue Bo's acting skills are really good, no one can see that it is fake.

Others said that he had already explained that Xue Bo was acting, and he guessed it.

Xue Bo also sincerely apologized to the fans, begging the fans to forgive, love love!

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