The two hosts were dumbfounded and didn't know how to get over it.

This is a live broadcast, it was fine during the rehearsal, what are you doing now?

Even if you know that your fans are brainless, you can't say it in front of so many people during the live broadcast.

The director is still a little level, and immediately asked the host to skip this link through the earphones, don't talk to Xue Bo, and let everyone watch the big screen.

The male host hurriedly turned to the big screen to signal.

"Dear audience friends, please watch the big screen. Let's enjoy the tidbits during filming."

The director cuts into the shooting highlights.

No one asked questions, and no one spoke to Xue Bo, and Xue Bo himself did not take the initiative to speak.This temporarily relieved all the staff, Tang Shuang and others at the premiere ceremony.

Pandona was very happy in her heart, but of course she didn't dare to make trouble.

This matter is full of weirdness, but it may be Xue Bo's deliberate hype.

She doesn't know the situation, so don't rush to participate.

The truth card needs to be exchanged for [-] reputation points.After using it on the target, it can make the other party tell the truth unconditionally.The target doesn't feel that there is anything wrong, and only complains about why he is confused and talking nonsense afterwards.

After Wu Long knew that the premiere ceremony of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" was going to be broadcast live, he looked to see if he had a chance to play tricks on Xue Bo.

When Xue Bo's fans asked that question, Wu Long knew the opportunity had come.Immediately redeem the truth card and use it on Xue Bo.

The truth card cannot force the target to speak, only when the target speaks, what is spoken is the truth.

Xue Bo didn't want to talk, the truth card was useless.

No one asked questions, no one talked about topics related to Xue Bo, so Xue Bo stopped talking.

In order to avoid causing Xue Bo to speak, the two hosts were instructed that even Tang Shuang and Pandona would not ask questions or lead them to speak.

In short, in the following time, the three actors, the director and others on the stage all became the background board.

The two hosts are just interacting with themselves and interacting with the big screen.Then, end this premiere ceremony ahead of schedule.

Under Xue Bo's Weibo, many comments are asking whether what he said during the live broadcast is true or not.It's just that he just got off the show and was immediately taken away by the company's people.His mobile phone has also been confiscated from his assistant by the company.Before the matter is dealt with, it is impossible for him to show up again, and there is no way for him to speak out again.

Under Wu Long's Weibo, many people are asking him whether what Xue Bo said is true or not.Wu Long immediately posted Weibo.

"I don't know anything else. As far as what he said about acting in a rival role, it's true. I saw that he didn't read his lines, but counted 1234567. I was very angry and felt very unprofessional. Then the director shouted 'click' .”

"As for the question of me bringing someone into the play, it's actually very easy to explain. I wanted to bring him into the play, but he didn't act seriously himself, so how could I bring him into the play?"

People on the Internet didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and immediately spread Wu Long's Weibo everywhere.Soon, Wu Long's Weibo became a hot search.

A few minutes later, this hot search magically disappeared.

When "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" was broadcast, Wu Long received a call from a stranger.

"Mr. Wu, I am the lawyer appointed by the production team of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian". You have signed an agreement with the production team, and you are not allowed to publish any news or comments that are unfavorable to the production team. You delete Weibo immediately, and send Weibo to clarify that the previous words were fabricated by you."

"Are you entrusted by the crew? Or by the boss behind the crew? If you are only commissioned by the crew, then you should first ask the boss behind the crew if they really decided to play with me?"

Wu Long hung up the phone.

Wu Long is not afraid of a lawsuit.If this kind of lawsuit is really fought, the other party will also be very troublesome.It was Xue Bo who spoke first, not him.

He is no longer someone to be manipulated casually.

The local companies on Hong Kong Island are afraid of Wu Long when they sit in the hall. Aren't those big bosses afraid of death?

Without Wu Long saying anything, public opinion spread quickly on the Internet.

The ratings of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" are good, but the comments are all in the air. Let's see how many substitutes were used and how many 1234567 were counted.

As for Xue Bo's matter, netizens have already used their imaginations and expressed the hypothesis closest to the truth.

This hypothesis, of course, spread from Hong Kong Island.

"It turned out that Xue Bo played tricks on Brother Long, which can explain why he went crazy during the live broadcast."

"Don't these people watch "One Zhang High"? Brother Long is not only from Shaolin, not only knows kung fu, he is also Zhou Tiandao's master uncle, he also knows Taoism!"

"Xue Bo is actually lucky. Look at the dragon and tiger martial artist who filmed "The Way Is High". He tried to kill Brother Long, but Brother Long used Taoism to rebound him. He broke his foot and went to prison."

"In the first scene of the premiere of "One Foot High", some people said that being hacked to death is better than the way to die in the movie, but after watching the movie, he was hacked to death while eating supper. Brother Long, I know it is What's the end?"

"The one in the mainland is the cut version. In it, Brother Long is fighting alien creatures. Hanging, it hides Brother Long's true strength."

"Even if Brother Long doesn't use Taoism, he can be dealt with casually with kung fu. Replace the chopsticks with needles, and fly over with one needle to see if he dies or not."

"Brother Long doesn't know how to use kung fu, and it's easy to be found out. Wu Long uses witchcraft to beat villains. My friend is on the crew of "The Way Is High". He said that Wu Long can not only fly paper cranes, but also Know how to cut paper figures. Just write the name of your enemy on the paper figures, and you can do whatever you want.”

"I know this, and I've heard it too. If you bury a paper doll with your enemy's name on it under a pit, that person will be very unlucky. Hu Zhengren in "The Way Is High" has his original shape, and someone offended him Brother Long, the paper doll was buried by Brother Long."

"I know, I'm from Shengwang Company. After Black Eagle defeated Brother Long, he felt resentful. He wanted to trouble Brother Long, so Brother Long cut a paper figurine and wrote the boy's name on it." Then tied the neck of the paper figurine with a rope and hung it up. After the black eagle was captured, someone found out that the puppet had been hanged for a week."

Wu Long looked at these rumors and said in his heart that I didn't say it, nor did I pass it on.

Netizens ate melons, while blowing the Hong Kong Island version of "The Road Is Higher", while circulating those rumors on Hong Kong Island.

If there are too many rumors, some people will believe them.If someone believes, more people will believe.

Xue Bo was brought before his boss.

"Give me an explanation." The boss said with a cold face.

The effect of the truth card has passed, and Xue Bo also understands that he said something wrong.He couldn't figure out why he had a brain twitch and said such things during the live broadcast.

No matter what, he had to give an explanation, preferably one that excused himself.Just before entering the door, he really figured it out.

"It must be Wu Long's fault!"

"Wu Long?" The boss's face became even colder. "You think I'm as stupid as you?"

"It's really Wu Long, he is not an ordinary person at all!" Xue Bo felt that his acting skills were overwhelmed at the moment. "Wu Long not only knows martial arts, but also Taoism. He uses magic, let me tell the truth. It must be like this!"

It has to be said that Xue Bo's reasoning was half right.It's not that Wu Long uses spells, but that Wu Long has a system.

The boss frowned.

"Did you check your phone when you came?"

Xue Bo shook his head.

"No, the phone was confiscated."

"Someone told you?" The boss was surprised. This is a rumor that just came up on the Internet. How could Xue Bo know?

Xue Bo continued to shake his head.

"No. Wu Long has been against me all the time, and I have been paying attention to him. He went to Hong Kong Island to shoot "The Way Is High". I asked friends in Hong Kong Island. Evil door."

"It is said that the screenwriter who wrote "Tao Gao Yi Zhang" later suffered a serious illness. There was a dragon and tiger martial artist from Hong Kong Island who wanted to kill Wu Long, but Wu Long used Taoism to fight back. In the end, the dragon and tiger martial artist replaced Wu Long himself. Ya, almost fell to his death. Someone said later that he was going to die. Wu Long didn't want the other party to die, but wanted everyone to know that the other party was actually trying to harm him, so that the dragon and tiger warriors in Hong Kong Island would lose face and scold that dragon and tiger warrior for life A generation."

"It must be Wu Long who used Taoism to deal with me, let me tell the truth!"

"He doesn't want our "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" to be popular, he is afraid that our drama will overwhelm his "Fahai Zhiweitianlong" and "Legend of the New White Snake"!"

After hearing Xue Bo's explanation, the boss shook his head.

He had heard a little about the rumors that Xue Bo said.That was the rumor that came out after the accident in the filming of "One Zhang High" and the incident that Hei Diao wanted to take revenge on Wu Long.

After the Hong Kong Island premiere of "The Road is High", these rumors have been stirred up again.It should be the operating method on Hong Kong Island, but it can't be true.

"Those are rumors, the operation hype of the crew of "The Way Is High"."

"No, it happened in "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian"!" Xue Bo said surprisingly.

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