I'm not just an action star

Chapter 214 Premiere Ceremony

"The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" is a web drama.If the online broadcast has a good reputation, it will be picked up by the TV station, and it will be broadcast on the TV station or on satellite TV.

Live broadcasting is more attractive than recorded broadcasting, because live broadcasts can interact with the audience.If you can interact, you can attract more people.

Everyone watched the premiere ceremony of the live broadcast, and then watched "The Legend of White Snake Xu Xian" by the way.

Many people like to watch live broadcasts.The requirements in the live broadcast are relatively high. If the level of actors or guests is not good, it is easy to overturn in the live broadcast.This is what the audience likes to see the most.

The studio and auditorium were full of fans of Tang Shuang, Xue Bo, Pandona, as well as media reporters.

The music of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" sounded, and two hosts, a man and a woman, came out.

"Good evening, everyone watching our live broadcast live and on the screen!"

"Hello everyone!"

"What everyone is watching now is the premiere ceremony before the broadcast of the large-scale costume myth TV series "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian". The premiere ceremony is over, and "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" is officially broadcast."

"Our premiere ceremony tonight will be broadcast live, and there will be an interactive session. Everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the lucky draw."

""The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" is based on the folk myth "The Legend of the White Snake"."

"It's a folk tale of love."

A CG was played on the big screen. A white snake came out first, followed by a green snake. The two snakes met and transformed into a human form.

Tang Shuang played the role of Bai Suzhen, and Pan Duona played the role of Xiaoqing.

Xue Bo, who played Xu Xian, appeared, and the images of the three were frozen on the big screen.

"I invite the three of us to come on stage."

Tang Shuang, Xue Bo, and Pandona came out one by one to greet the audience.

"Welcome three."

"Hello host!"

Hostess: "As soon as the three come out, I think the show will come out."

Male host: "Like White Snake, Xu Xian, and Xiaoqing, they traveled from ancient times and became modern people."

"How about asking the three of you to describe in a few words what kind of person you are playing in the play." The hostess began to ask questions.

The male host shook his head: "Your request is too difficult. The theme of our program is relaxation, so that everyone can welcome the launch of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" happily."

The female host looked at the male host.In fact, she knew what the host was going to say next, but she had to follow the script and act like she didn't know what the host was going to do.

"To be simple, please use one word for each of the three to describe what kind of person they are playing in the play."

After the male host finished speaking, the female host laughed.

The fans laughed too, but the media reporters didn't.They all know what's going on.I've seen so much, I can't laugh.

In The Legend of the White Snake, of course Tang Shuang is the first protagonist, and of course she will answer first.


Bai Suzhen is a virtuous wife.

Tang Shuang's answer drew cheers from her fans in the auditorium.

Most of the barrage agrees with her answer.

"The white lady is dedicated to repaying her kindness, she is indeed very virtuous."

"Shuangshuang looks the most virtuous, she will play the role of the white lady, she is the best and most beautiful white lady!"

The male host nodded.

"I was joking just now, please explain in detail."



"I knew it was like this!"

Tang Shuang raised her hand and stroked her hair, which seemed to be smoothing it behind her ears.In fact, there is no hair hanging in front of the ears at all. She does this to express that she is kind and virtuous.

"Although Bai Suzhen is a white snake, she has all the advantages of a perfect woman, such as virtuousness, kindness, beauty, and gratitude."

"In order to repay her kindness, and also for this love, she did not hesitate to fight against the vicious Fahai, but Fahai finally suppressed her under the Leifeng Pagoda."

"Her obsession with love, in exchange for Fa Hai's evil deeds, in this regard, she is a poor woman."

"Pursue beauty and happiness, but she was harmed by Fa Hai. This is why her story can be passed down to this day and is still talked about by the world."


"Shuangshuang is so gentle!"

"Acting in true colors, the best among the past generations playing the role of the White Snake!"

"Shuangshuang is kind, but was forced to be crushed under the Leifeng Pagoda by Fahai. Fahai is so hateful!"

The hostess applauds.

"Well said!"

"It's really popular." The male host gestured to Xue Bo.

Xue Bo laughed and said:

"Xu Xian is a happy man, but also an unfortunate man."

"His happiness is meeting Bai Suzhen." Xue Bo looked at Tang Shuang.

"His misfortune was to meet Fa Hai. Fa Hai ruined his happiness and his family. But he persisted and never left Bai Suzhen. This is true love!"

"Although he doesn't know martial arts or spells, he is a brave man. He dares to confront Fa Hai, believes in his love, and believes in the natural principles of the world. He and Bai Suzhen are good and good will be rewarded, and Fa Hai is evil and evil will be rewarded! "


"Bobo is so good!"

"Bobo is handsome and has a temperament, he is the most suitable to play the son."

"His temperament is very similar to that of Xu Xian, and he brought Xu Xian to life!"

"You haven't watched it yet, but you already know that he played Xu Xian?"

"A primary school student, didn't you see that Bobo was astonished as soon as he came out? It's like Xu Xian coming to modern times, just like the modern version of Xu Xian!"

The hostess applauds.

"It's really on point, and I completely understand the role of Xu Xian."

"I saw you walking out just now. For a moment, I was a little dazed. I almost thought it was Xu Xian who appeared in front of me wearing modern clothes."

The host also applauded.

"Your appearance and temperament can restore the most authentic Xu Xian to the greatest extent."

"Even if Bai Suzhen didn't come to repay her kindness, she would still fall in love with you the first time she saw you!"

"You are a woman who is delighted when she sees it, and a man who is jealous when she sees it."

After the male host finished speaking, he and the female host looked at Pandona.

"Xiaoqing is a loyal person. She is loyal to her elder sister Bai Suzhen and also to Xu Xian."

"Bai Suzhen is affectionate and righteous, and Xiaoqing is also affectionate and righteous. In the end, he will take the risk of fighting against the law and save Bai Suzhen,"

"If it wasn't for my elder sister Bai Suzhen, if she met Xu Xian first, she would definitely marry Xu Xian."

Next, please come to director Wu Tingjun and martial arts director Dong Lufeng.

The two talked about interesting things during the filming, only the crew knew, and many of the funny things the two said about the filming were made up.

During the interactive session, the audience asked questions.

There was no problem before, until a fan asked Xue Bo.

"Bobo, I heard that acting is very hard. You were injured during filming, is that true?"

Xue Bo chuckled and said:

"What's so hard about acting? I don't even memorize the lines. When I want to read the lines, I can count to 1234567, which is simple and easy."

"It's funny to say, the acting skills that everyone touts are bursting, Wu Long who brings people into the play. Do you know? When he and I acted opposite each other, when he heard me read 123456, he immediately became stupid. He was directly shouted by the director' Click'."

"At this level, how dare you say that your acting skills are good and you can bring people into the play? Others and I acted opposite each other, and he was not called 'click' by the director like him when he couldn't make it to the scene."

"No way, I can only let the stand-in act opposite to him. He is a group performer, but he knows a little bit of kung fu and became a martial artist. He really thinks he is a movie king."

Xue Bo shook his head.



Tang Shuang and Pandona stayed on the spot.

Xue Bo's fans were all stunned, some of Tang Shuang's and Pandona's fans were stunned, and some were laughing.

The barrage was interrupted instantly.

No one expected that Xue Bo would answer like this, let alone that Xue Bo would expose such a thing.The viewers watching the live broadcast were shocked by Xue Bo's words, and forgot to post the barrage for a while.

The hostess quickly shifted:

"Haha, brother Xue really knows how to tell jokes."

The male host also hurriedly laughed and rounded up the situation.

"Brother Xue is really humorous. Everyone knows that Brother Xue is very good at acting and very dedicated. When he is actually filming, he won't do that."

Xue Bo said again:

"I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth."

"Does a man like me need acting skills? No. I'm handsome, and that's my capital. All I need is to put on a cool pose. I rely on my appearance for a living, and acting skills are superfluous."

The hostess hurriedly tried to find a way to help Xue Boyuan come back.

"Brother Xue is really humble."

The male host also spoke immediately to make a rescue.

"Brother Xue has always been very humble. If Brother Xue didn't have acting skills, how could he be loved by fans?"

Xue Bo glanced at the people in the auditorium with contemptuous eyes.

"That's because there are too many stupid fans now. They worship me, and they believe everything I say. I treat them like leeks, and they regard me as a god."

There was an uproar!

The bullet screens all "fucked", thinking that Xue Bo is crazy, this is going to be a broadcast accident!

Xue Bo's fans immediately explained for Xue Bo:

"This is Bobo joking with everyone."

"The host has said that the premiere ceremony is to be relaxed and funny."

"Bobo is acting, you have all been deceived by him!"

"Bobo is showing us acting skills."

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