Ou Zhenrong brought the script to the Imperial Capital and showed it to Wu Long.Wu Long asked Xing Zhongfei if he wanted to participate in this film, and Xing Zhongfei was in a dilemma.


The Ou family will not give him shares in Jinyulou.

Spend money to help people advertise?

What a fool's behavior, people in the circle will laugh at him to death.

Do not vote?

Then there is no way to participate in Wu Long's luck and take advantage of Wu Long's luck.

In the end, Xing Zhongfei let go.

Xing Zhongfei did not participate, and Wu Long signed a contract with Ou Zhenrong.Ou Zhenrong found a film company to be affiliated with, and he himself was the producer.

"Brother Long, I don't think big-name directors can be hired for this movie. Big-name directors have their own ideas, but I think this movie is based on your ideas, Brother Long. If the director is too opinionated, it will affect the shooting."

"You're actually trying to save money, aren't you?"

Ou Zhenrong was seen through and smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, just do as you want. There is no need for dragon and tiger martial arts masters. I have martial arts myself."

After signing the contract, Au Zhenrong immediately returned to Hong Kong Island to prepare.

Wu Long is filming again!

The salary is 3000 million!

Good guy, "The Road is Higher" is only 200 million, and the new drama jumps directly to 3000 million, and the rocket is not as fast as you.

Wu Long's fans cheered, while Wu Long's sunspots cursed.

It's all that lunatic Xing Zhongfei, driving up Wu Long's worth.

Still Ou Zhenrong, a fan of Wu Long, relied on being a rich second generation, took his parents' hard-earned money, imitated Xing Zhongfei, a lunatic, and drove up Wu Long's worth!

Only those stars are sour in their hearts.

Why don't they have such rich fans?Throwing 3000 million paychecks to make them film?

Wu Long was so lucky to meet such fans.

What blessings did he cultivate in his previous life?


Xue Bo was @, so angry that he threw his phone.

"The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" will finally start broadcasting.

During this period of time, Wu Long has been very popular, no, it should be said that Wu Long's popularity has never dropped. I plan to invite Wu Long to the premiere ceremony of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian".

After receiving this news, Tang Shuang was reluctant.

She has a psychological shadow on Wu Long.When I saw Wu Long, I remembered the scene where I was frightened and passed out by Fa Hai played by Wu Long.

"No, I can't invite Wu Long!" She told her agent to tell the company boss that Wu Long couldn't be invited.

"Wu Long is hot now, why not invite him?" Her manager didn't understand Tang Shuang's thoughts. "The current Wu Long is not the same as before. He sold 1000 million for a commercial song, and 2000 million for the endorsement of the Feifan sports brand. His salary for the new movie is 3000 million!"

"What about 2000 million? What about 3000 million? That lunatic Xing Zhongfei and Wu Long's crazy fans drove up the price."

"In order to promote his theories, Xing Zhongfei deliberately speculated on Wu Long's salary and endorsement fees."

"Wu Long's rich second-generation fan is brainless, a fool!"

Tang Shuang lost his temper.

"If you don't have a reason for me, what can I use to convince the higher-ups?"

"Is there a reason for this? Inviting Wu Long is equivalent to helping Xing Zhongfei promote his company's "Legend of the New White Snake"."

This is a reason.

"You must have thought about the reason above. When "Legend of the New White Snake" is about to air, our "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" has already been aired, so there is no need to worry about this."

"Wu Long's fans already knew that he played Fa Hai in our film. Even if he was not invited, Wu Long's fans would definitely watch it. But if Wu Long is invited, it will overwhelm the guests. It makes people feel that only Wu Long is in the scene. It’s good, Wu Long doesn’t appear on the stage, the show is not worth watching. If such a thing really happens, it will definitely affect the overall ratings.”

Tang Shuang tried her best to find a reason, but she just didn't want to see Wu Long, and didn't want to share the stage with Wu Long.

Her agent thought about it and agreed to give it a try.

Seeing her manager communicate with the higher-ups on the phone, she immediately avoided the manager and called Xue Bo.

Whenever Wu Long sells a song, Xue Bo will be slapped in the face by Wu Long's fans.She knew that Xue Bo, like her, did not want to share the stage with Wu Long.

Xue Bo answered Tang Shuang's call, saying that he also meant the same thing, and was asking his agent to communicate with the above.

The two protagonists jointly boycotted Wu Long's participation in the premiere ceremony, and asked director Wu Tingjun's opinion, finally the upper management agreed to their opinion.

Inviting Wu Long to attend the premiere ceremony, the representative acknowledges Wu Long's current popularity.Wu Long is not from their company, so it shouldn't be helping Wu Long to gain popularity.

In case there is a situation where the guest takes the lead and the actor of his company is robbed of popularity and traffic by Wu Long, that will be a big joke in the entertainment industry.

What's more, what Tang Shuang said made sense, Wu Long's fans had long known that Wu Long played Fa Hai in the play.Even if Wu Long is not invited to attend the premiere ceremony, Wu Long's fans will definitely watch it.

Please don't please, not much difference.

If they are really invited, there may be a situation where they can't set off Tang Shuang and Xue Bo, but Wu Long will share the heat and traffic.

Not worth the candle.

In order to show that he is different, and to prove that he is no worse than Wu Long, Xue Bo suggested that the premiere ceremony should be broadcast live.

Wu Long brags that he does not record or broadcast but only broadcast live, and they can do it too.

This is just a gimmick to make fans think it's real.

In fact, as long as you act according to the script.

No difficulty.

Tang Shuang originally disagreed with the live broadcast because she was afraid of making mistakes.But the higher-ups saw that if Wu Long was not invited, a live broadcast could be a gimmick, so they agreed.

Everyone in the industry knows that programs such as variety shows and shows claim to have no scripts, but in fact they all have scripts.

It's even possible that everyone's script is different.Some will communicate with the actors in advance, and some are afraid that the actors will not want to, and even the actors will hide it.

Then through editing, the audience thinks that the actors themselves have conflicts, or that the actors' performance is different from their usual image, which becomes the selling point of the show.

When an actor signs a contract, there will be clauses that must be obeyed by the program group.So even if the actor finds out that he was cheated afterwards, he can only swallow his anger.

Some people can't bear to swallow their anger, unless the people behind it are strong enough, they will be framed and distorted the facts instead.In the end, the reputation was discredited, and there was suffering.

The energy of the program group may not be large enough, but the capital behind the program group has much greater energy than the actors.

In the entertainment industry, employers are predators.

The premiere ceremony of the TV series is not a variety show, nor is it a show program, so there is no need to cheat your own actors.Xue Bo is not worried that something will go wrong.

The small programs that need to be performed have also been rehearsed in advance, and they can only be broadcast live if they are sure.

So, what to worry about?

Only the fans are stupid and believe what their idols say about the real live broadcast.In fact, it's just a little more complicated posing.

This complex posing, with fans and journalists present, looks real.

The value of live fans and reporters is to make the audience in front of the screen think that the live broadcast is a real live broadcast.

I really want to question it, it is indeed a live broadcast, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Brother Long, did you receive an invitation to the premiere ceremony of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian" tonight?" Pan Duona called Wu Long immediately after she found out that Wu Long would not attend the premiere ceremony.

After the filming of "The Legend of the White Snake Xu Xian", she really wanted to find Wu Long.Martial arts and acting, she wants to learn from Wu Long.

It's just that Wu Long didn't have time to film "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long".When Wu Long finished filming "Fahai: The Great Mighty Tianlong", the two had no chance.

Either Wu Long went to various places to meet fans, or Pandona's time was not right.

"No." Wu Long knew that there was a premiere ceremony, and he saw the advertisement.I didn't receive an invitation, and I probably guessed why.

"It's a pity. With your current popularity, they should invite you."

"It's better not to go. I don't want to see those two people either."

Thinking that Tang Shuang fainted from being frightened by Wu Long's live broadcast of Fa Hai, Pan Duona laughed.

"I don't want to see them either. It's just the company's request, so I can only go."

Pandona asked Wu Long again when she would be free, and she still wanted to be a teacher.As a result, Wu Long said that the apprenticeship fee is very expensive and not worthwhile.

A song is at least 300 million, how much can you charge for teaching apprentices?

I charge you 300 million, are you willing?

Certainly not.

When he has time to teach his apprentices, won't Wu Long think about writing songs?

This point, Pandona can also think of it.She brought it up just to see what Wu Long meant.

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