I'm not just an action star

Chapter 210 Tiger Roar Golden Bell Cover Dragon Yin Iron Cloth I Didn't Practice

When he came in front of Chen Shibei, Wu Long received the Formless Kung Fu and his muscles and bones.

Chen Shibei, who was so shocked that he wanted to kneel down, barely recovered.She is the closest to Wu Long and has the strongest feeling.If she hadn't had a relationship with Wu Long and had supper together last night, I'm afraid she would have knelt down to Wu Long in front of the camera and under the gaze of countless audiences.

The influence of the non-phase skill, as Wu Long practiced and used it, the effect became stronger and stronger.

The two sat down again.

"Brother Long, we have all seen your muscles and bones. Some viewers have asked some questions from this, and I wonder if you can answer them."

"I can say, I can say."

"The audience asked, your bone sound alone sounds like a hot pan frying soybeans, crackling. Your tendon sound alone sounds like the sound of water absorption or stirring in water. Why does the combination of the two sound very different? The momentum, like landslides, huge waves, or howls of dragons and tigers?"

"That's easy to explain."

"The tiger dominates the mountain, and the dragon dominates the sea. The tiger roars at the earth, the mountains collapse and the earth cracks. The dragon sings for nine days, and the river topples the sea."

"There is a saying in martial arts that the bones are tigers and the tendons are dragons. The sound of the two sounds is not only a matter of superposition of sounds, but also changes in the internal tissues. The water and liquid in the body flow and mix with each other, so the formed sound will change. .”

"There are two hard kung fu related to this, Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Shade and Dragon Chanting Iron Cloth Shirt."

"Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Shade? Dragon Crying Iron Shirt?" Chen Shibei showed a reminiscing expression. "I've also heard of the golden bell jar and the iron cloth shirt. But I haven't heard of it after adding the roar of the tiger and the dragon's song."


"Haha, me too."

"It's not for a gimmick, Brother Long made it up himself?"

"The Golden Bell Shade is just the Golden Bell Shade, with a tiger's roar added to make it superfluous. The same is true for the iron cloth shirt!"

"This is the style!"

Wu Long smiled.

"Of course you haven't heard of it. Few people know it now, let alone spread it to the world."

"Brother Long, is it convenient for you to talk to everyone?"

"no problem."

"Everyone knows that the golden bell jar and the iron cloth shirt are used to practice kung fu outside the school, resisting blows, and boasting of invulnerability. It is impossible to be invulnerable, but it is possible to resist blows."

"Since they all practice kung fu outside the sect, why do they have different names? In fact, we can get a glimpse of it from the names."

"The golden bell shield means to train the body like a big metal bell to protect one's body from being injured."

"Iron cloth shirt, which means training your body as if you are wearing an iron shirt, so as to ensure that your body will not be harmed."

"Look at the golden bell jar, you can imagine, it's a solid thing."

"Iron cloth shirt, if you imagine it, it should be something like a garment, soft."

Chen Shibei seemed to understand, nodded and said:

"Practice the breath internally, and train the muscles, bones and skin externally. Bones are hard, while tendons and skin are soft. The corresponding bone cry is the roar of the tiger, and the corresponding tendon call of the tendons and skin is the dragon chant!"

At the end, Chen Shibei's eyes lit up.In the camera, the audience felt as if she had opened a door.

Wu Long smiled and nodded in approval.


"Although the golden bell cover contains the effect of the iron cloth shirt, and the iron cloth shirt contains the effect of the golden bell cover, in fact the emphasis of the two exercises is different."

"Golden bell cover is mainly for bones, while iron cloth shirt is for tendons and skin. The two kung fu can be combined and complement each other."

"Those who practice these two exercises, in addition to practicing the Qiming of muscles and bones, can be regarded as masters of these two exercises. They are the so-called tiger roaring golden bell jar and dragon singing iron cloth shirt."

Chen Shibei applauded.


"I think the audience watching our program should understand what is the real golden bell jar and iron cloth shirt, and why the sound of muscles and bones is the roar of tigers and dragons."


"Long knowledge."

"It turns out that the meaning of tendons and bones is that it all depends on the Qiming of muscles and bones."

"So, Brother Long has already practiced the golden bell cover of the tiger's roar, and the iron cloth shirt of the dragon's singing?"

The eyes of all the people from the local companies on Hong Kong Island glistened when they heard this.

"Hang, if I master one of them, I won't be afraid of being hacked to death!"

"It's hard to hit the street if you practice the golden bell cover of the tiger's roar and the iron cloth shirt of the dragon's singing."

"Wake up, don't talk about the tiger roaring golden bell jar and dragon singing iron shirt, you don't know how to practice even the golden bell jar and iron shirt."

Chen Shibei smiled and asked:

"Brother Long, you should have practiced the golden bell cover of the tiger's roar and the iron cloth shirt of the dragon's singing, right?"

Wu Long shook his head:

"I didn't practice."

Chen Shibei was taken aback, then nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you didn't practice."

It's just her expression, a look of disbelief.


"Brother Long, if you say you haven't practiced, who will believe it?"

"Always keep some hole cards."

The people from Hong Kong Island Land Company also didn't believe it.

"Brother Long must have trained into the golden bell cover of the roar of the tiger, and the iron cloth shirt of the dragon chanting!"

"Hei Diao still wants to chop Brother Long? Brother Long stretches out his hand for him to chop, but he keeps chopping!"

"Brother Long stretched his neck to let the black eagle chop, but the black eagle couldn't cut it either!"

"Brother Long is Sun Wukong, with a bronze head and an iron body!"

Wu Long said that he really didn't exchange for the Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Jar and Dragon Yin Iron Shirt.After getting the system, he insisted on exercising every day, and the rewards of the system were integrated in the continuous exercise.

After 20 years of skill, I exchanged the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Xiao Li's Flying Knife, and upgraded it to flash and move, and the muscles and bones will naturally come out.

Chen Shibei asked again:

"Brother Long, you said the roar of the dragon and the roar of the tiger. I saw the audience also mentioned a word, tiger, leopard and thunder."

"In the beginning, some people guessed that the sound of your muscles and bones was the thunder sound of the tiger and leopard, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I wonder if you can tell me, is there a thunder sound of the tiger or leopard?"

"There are tiger and leopard thunder sounds."

Chen Shibei asked curiously:

"The roar of dragons and tigers is made by the sound of muscles and bones, but what is the sound of thunder from tigers and leopards? Could it be the internal organs?"

After Chen Shibei finished speaking, she shook her head.

"Impossible, how can the internal organs make sounds. Don't tell me about hiccups or stomach growling sometimes. I don't think these sounds are Tiger Leopard Leiyin."

Wu Long said:

"Although it's not the sound made by the internal organs, it is also related to the internal organs."

"Many people don't understand what tiger and leopard Leiyin means. Generally speaking, it is dragon and tiger, and dragon and tiger are in parallel. Why is it tiger and leopard?"

"Actually, adding Lei together makes it easier to understand. Hubao Lei, what do these three voices have in common?"

Chen Shibei thought for a while, then shook her head.

"Think from the gossip." Wu Long reminded.

"Shock?" Chen Shibei asked tentatively.

Wu Long nodded.

"These three voices have one thing in common, which is vibration."

"However, thunder has only one sound, and tigers and leopards make more than one sound, and they all have the effect of shaking."

"Hubao Leiyin is actually the sound that people make themselves, through which the sound vibrates the organs of the body to achieve the effect of cleansing and maintenance."

"The most common method of exhalation by Tao Hongjing, a doctor, is a kind of tiger leopard thunder sound."

"Of course, the sound is probably the same sound, but the specific sound is different. Everyone's body is different, and the sound is also slightly different."

"But how do we know if the pronunciation is correct?"

"Concentrate and calm down, exhale and utter the sound as a practice, and slowly find the frequency that can shake your body."

"Everyone's own voice is the result of a mixture of air conduction and bone conduction. Part of the sound is air conduction to the auditory ossicles, and part of the sound is transmitted to the skull through the throat and directly vibrates to the inner ear. .”

Chen Shibei nodded.

"I know. Listening to your own voice is actually different from others hearing your own voice. You can find out when you record it."

"Hubao Leiyin made a vibrating sound at the beginning. After a long time, it sounds similar to the sound made by Hubao Lei." Wu Long said.

"If it can cause the resonance or resonance of body organs and bones, then others will sound like tigers and leopards."


"What Brother Long said seems to be different from what is said on the Internet?"

"Of course I listened to Brother Long!"

"It's useless to talk about it, who can ask who."

"Wu is just one word, the one who wins is right!"

"Whoever refuses to accept it, find Brother Long to PK, and if I lose Brother Long, I will accept his reason."

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