I'm not just an action star

Chapter 211 Sports Brand MV

"Master, Jinyulou invited Wu Long to make a movie. It is said that it is like Shaolin Temple, helping Jinyulou to promote it. It is said to be a movie, but it is actually a promotional film for Jinyulou."

Inside Zuixian Building, Zhao Gangsheng came to Bao Dexi and reported respectfully.

Zhao Gangsheng is a fan of Wu Long. He heard rumors among Wu Long's fans in Hong Kong Island, so he made some inquiries and confirmed that Ou Zhenrong asked Wu Long to make a movie. He hurriedly reported it to his master.

Zuixianlou, one of the three restaurants in Hong Kong Island.It is not in the same district as Jinyulou, but there is also competition among the high-end restaurants on Hong Kong Island.

"Wu Long? Is it the Shaolin bodyguard and Zhou Tiandao Taoist Wu Long who has been rumored crazy recently, who is more popular than anything else?"

After the release of "One Zhang High" the day before yesterday, everyone in Hong Kong Island was spreading the miracle of Wu Long.

In "Shaolin Bodyguard", it was said that Wu Long's kung fu was superb and his hidden weapons were superb.Flying chopsticks knocked down the double-flowered sticks of Shengwang Company, and made some boys from local companies on Hong Kong Island publicly declare that as long as Wu Long pulls the flag to set up a local company, he will immediately transfer to Wu Long as his younger brother.

On the second day after the release of "One Zhang High", some people have already used the photo of Wu Long wearing a golden Taoist robe and opening an altar as a protective god, saying that it can exorcise evil spirits.

It has been passed down to this day, and it has been heard that some people worship Wu Long in addition to Guan Gong.

Bao Dexi shook his head at this, many people on Hong Kong Island are really talking about it.

It's just an actor, at most he knows a little bit of kung fu and can fight, how can he reach this level?It can only be said that in the current Internet society, as long as you can hype and operate, pigs can also become popular.

"Yes, Master, it's that Wu Long." Zhao Gangsheng nodded.

"How did you know?"

"I'm a fan of Brother Long. I heard fans say that Ou Zhenrong had this idea after watching "Shaolin Bodyguard". I even asked some fans who are close to him if it's feasible."

"This time Brother Long came to Hong Kong Island to do publicity, so he asked Huang Lilin, the president of the Li Qi Yun Association, to act as an intermediary, and invited Brother Long to discuss."

"So you're Wu Long's fan. You're in your thirties, and you still do this?" Bao Dexi frowned.

"Master, Brother Long's kung fu is very strong. He has real kung fu."

"You also know that he plays kung fu, so let me ask you, can he cook?"

Zhao Gangsheng was stopped by the question, and replied:

"Probably not. He knows kung fu, Taoism, singing, writing songs, and acting. No matter how you say it, it's impossible for him to cook again."

Baldsea nodded.

"You still have some brains. He knows so many things, how can he find the time to learn how to cook? How many years have you practiced before you can really master the dishes?"

"So, if Jinyulou has money to mess around, let Jinyulou do the filming. Wu Long doesn't know how to cook, so what are you worried about?"

Zhao Gangsheng quickly persuaded Bao Dexi.

"No, master. Brother Long has a lot of fans. His movie is like an advertisement for Jinyulou, and all the diners will go to Jinyulou for dinner."

"Let me ask you. Your brother Long is advertising Jinyulou, will the food in Jinyulou become better?" Bao Dexi asked.

Zhao Gangsheng shook his head. "No. But..."

"It's fine if you don't. A real diner won't care about such an advertising gimmick. Ou Jiafeng wants to train his son to succeed him, but unfortunately his son is not that kind of material. His son can't inherit his craftsmanship, so he can only engage in this kind of gimmick. Anyone with a discerning eye can see what's going on. If Jinyulou does this, it will push out high-end diners."

Zhao Gangsheng also wanted to persuade Bao Dexi.

"Master, I thought that if Zuixianlou also sponsors Brother Long to make this movie, wouldn't we be able to advertise together?"

Baldsea sneered.

"Do you think Jin Yulou will agree?"

"Jin Yulou's disapproval is not important. The important thing is that Brother Long nods. We explain the stakes to Brother Long. Brother Long can collect money from both sides, so it shouldn't be..."

Baldsea shook his head.

"You, you treat him as an idol, and you think about him too. If you are chasing after him one by one, isn't that raising his worth?"

"My money didn't fall from the sky, so there's no need to use my money to raise his value."

Who hasn't used celebrity advertising?

Have you never used the Jinyu Building before?Of course I did.

Have you ever used the Drunken Immortal Tower?Of course I have.

The photos of celebrities dining on the walls of Zuixian Tower are all real.

"Master, we also have stores in the Mainland. If we join, it will greatly improve the reputation of our stores in the Mainland." Zhao Gangsheng is still persuading.

"No. I know your intentions are good, but remember, if a restaurant wants to retain customers, it does not rely on advertisements, but on word of mouth. The most important thing is whether your food is good or not. Otherwise, even if it can attract people, it will not Can't keep customers."


Before the script was written, Wu Long left Hong Kong Island.First, go back to the imperial capital, gather Qiu Ya, Wu Xia and Qiu Yu who are on vacation, and some loyal fans of the imperial capital who have time, and go to selected places to do charity together.

According to the plan, iron fans from all over the country will visit people in need locally, with the focus on students studying.

There are also orphanages that need help.

It took about a month for Wu Long to meet fans from all over the world.In fact, it secretly subsidizes students in need, allowing them to study at ease and solve their tuition and living problems.
The prelude sounded, a powerful strumming.

The picture is the stadium overlooking.

Instantly switched to Wu Long who was running on the field, and Wu Long suddenly fell down.

"How many times have I fallen on the road!"

The screen switches to Wu Long's pole vault failure.

"How many times have you broken your wings!"

Wu Long, who failed, sat on the ground with his head in his arms, his feet were bruised from a fall.

The girl appeared with the Feifan sneakers in her hand, and put the Feifan sneakers at Wu Long's feet.

Wu Long raised his head, his face covered with beads of sweat.When he put on Feifan sneakers, his face became determined and tenacious.

"Now I don't feel lost anymore!"

He bent over at the starting line and prepared to start. This is an official race!

Wu Long looked up at the [-]-meter finish line.

"I want to go beyond this ordinary luxury!"

The starting gun goes off!

Wu Long started running.

"I want a life in full bloom!"

The screen switches to Wu Long's pole vault, jumping high over the bar.When he completely jumped the crossbar, he switched shots instantly, and Wu Long jumped from the plane.


"It's like flying in the vast sky!"

Below are fields and rice fields.The camera moves and appears above the stadium in an instant.

"It's like walking through the boundless wilderness!"

Wu Long is running, sprinting, and crossing the line!


With his hands up high, strapped to the finish line, he jumped up excitedly, pumping his fists high and letting out a triumphant roar.

"Have the power to break free!"

Wu Long missed a shot and was very frustrated.

"How many times have I lost my way!"

Wu Long played football and missed the goal.

"How many times have my dreams been shattered!"

Wu Long put on Feifan sneakers, picked up the basketball and looked at the basketball hoop with a confident expression on his face.

"Now I don't feel lost anymore!"

The screen switched to the basketball game, with the last second left to end the game, Wu Long made a jumper from outside the three-point line.

After the ball was released, he smiled triumphantly.

"I want my life to be set free!"

Basketball into the basket!

The screen switched to the ongoing football match on the football field. Wu Long shot angrily from outside the penalty area, 30 meters away from the goal.

"I want a life in full bloom!"

The football passes through the opposing defenders, arcs around the goalkeeper, flies into the goal and bounces the net.

Wu Long ran loudly on the green field to celebrate, with his hands spread out in a flying posture.

The screen switches, a wingsuit is flying, flying in the background of the blue sky.

"It's like flying in the vast sky!"

The screen switches to hang glider.

"It's like walking through the boundless wilderness!"

An Xtreme bike is doing a roll in the air.

"Have the power to break free!"

Wu Long is doing parkour.

"I want a life in full bloom!"

Wu Long climbed to the top of the mountain with his bare hands.

"It's like standing on top of a rainbow!"

At night, the calm surface of the lake reflects the stars, just like the stars falling into the water, forming a star river.

Wu Long walked on the lake, and the camera followed him.

In the beautiful picture, Wu Long seems to be leaping and running on the galaxy.

"It's like walking through the bright galaxy!"

The camera zooms out and the sun rises.

In the sea of ​​clouds, the logo of "Feifan Sports Brand" appeared.

"Have the power beyond ordinary!"

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