I'm not just an action star

Chapter 209 The True Muscles and Bones

What happens when the muscles and bones sing together?

According to Wu Long's previous performance, according to everyone's imagination, the two performance scenes are superimposed.

So, the body is trembling, and the muscles are rolling and swimming under the skin like a python?

Then is the sound of soybeans being fried in a hot pan mixed with the sound of Longyin absorbing water?

The barrage in the live broadcast room, netizens use their imagination:

"Could it be that the sound of the bones and the sound of the muscles will turn into a roar of dragons and tigers?"

"That said, it's very possible!"

"It feels like the case has been solved!"

Everyone stared at the screen, wanting to see what a real symphony of muscles and bones is.

Chen Shibei also stared at Wu Long, to see the harmony of muscles and bones that Wu Long had not shown her.But I thought in my heart that when I was having supper, I felt that Wu Long could not be handled by one person, and two people could barely handle it.Wu Long was alive and well eating supper, while she and Zhang Zhulin were devouring and exhausted.

As the saying goes, there are only exhausted cattle, but no plowed fields.

That may be true.

But Wu Long is not a cow, he is a dragon!

Seeing the dragon in the field, benefiting to see the adult (pronunciation of silver characters).

When a dragon plows a field, there are only plowed fields, not exhausted dragons.

It's live!

Do not think too much!

Chen Shibei restrained his mind and stared at Wu Long carefully.

Wu Long took a deep breath.


His subcutaneous muscles inhaled with this breath, turning over like a boa constrictor, rolling, swimming, and entwining under the skin one by one.

There was a sound like landslides and earth cracking, and waves surging.

At the same time, Wu Long's body also changed.

Visible to the naked eye, with the fluctuation of python-like muscles, Wu Long's body is getting bigger!

His height is increasing!

Chen Shibei looked at the scene in front of her in shock.

People from local companies watching TV or watching live broadcasts on Hong Kong Island dropped their cigarettes and wine bottles in shock.

"Hang on! Brother Long is making a move!"

"Sharp! Muscles can still play like this!"

"Brother Long's muscles are like little dragons. I bet that Brother Long must be the reincarnation of the Dragon God!"

"No wonder those two-flowered male sticks can't beat Brother Long. How can a man beat a god!"

In the live broadcast room, "Damn it" swipes the screen.There is really no other language to express the mood of netizens at the moment.

"Brother Long is growing taller!"

"why is that?"

"How do you do it? I really want to grow taller!"

"Brother Long is not only growing taller, but also getting stronger and bigger!"

Soon, Wu Long's muscles stopped moving.Although Wu Long is still Wu Long, his height and build are obviously taller and stronger than before.

"This is the real sound of muscles and bones!" Wu Long's voice was loud.

"Brother Long, how did you do it?" Chen Shibei didn't know how to express it. "I mean, how can you grow taller and get stronger?"

Wu Long explained:

"Human skin can actually be stretched. When I practice exercises, the distance between muscles can be opened. Under the cover of skin, it's like I become stronger."

"My bones are also spaced apart, which makes me look taller."

Chen Shibei asked:

"When you say this, can I understand that it looks strong on the outside, but it is not as strong as before, is it?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"No, my muscles are like springs. The distance between the springs increases, which means that the springs have more room to move."

"When hit, the cushioning effect is more effective. When attacking, the spring stretches more, accumulates more momentum, and forms a stronger blow."

"But, if the gap between your bones is opened, isn't it easy to be discounted and dislocated?" Chen Shibei didn't understand.

"No." Wu Long explained: "Although the distance between the bones is stretched, the tendons and muscles that wrap the joints are also stretched. It's like a tendon, but it becomes tighter when stretched."

"In this way, my joints can be bent at will. Not only is it hard to guard against, but also people can't easily hit my joints. Even if they are hit, the muscles and muscles that protect the joints can also act as a good elastic buffer, and it will not make the bones hard. withstand the attack."

Wu Long made several movements. His limbs and waist seemed to have no joint restrictions, twisting, turning, and swinging like a boneless man.

I can see people's teeth are sore, and I worry about him.Fearing that one would be bad, Wu Long twisted himself on the spot.

Chen Shibei hurriedly said:

"Brother Long, I think you should have received your supernatural powers."

"it is good."

Wu Long took a long breath, and his body shrank rapidly, returning to its original shape.

"Brother Long, we saw the sound of muscles and bones, and gained knowledge. Then how do you make the clothes automatic without wind?"

"It's just using my muscles and muscles to exert force on the clothes and make them flutter." Wu Long motioned to the prop master. "Please ask the prop master to put on the props."

The prop artist puts on a clear plastic suit.

Chen Shibei didn't know that there was such a costume.In order to broadcast the effect, the director did not let her know.

"This is plastic clothes?" Chen Shibei showed a surprised expression, took the clothes and inspected them. "It's really plastic clothes."

"In order to let everyone see the effect and avoid people saying that I have tampered with the clothes, I specially asked you prop masters to make such a transparent dress."

After Wu Long finished speaking, Chen Shibei picked up the clothes, just like when the husband went out, the wife took the coat and dressed the husband at the door.

"I'll help you put it on."

"it is good."

"This is the first time I have seen such a strange dress, forgive me for almost laughing."

"Brother Long, your clothes are the same as those you don't wear."

"Ha ha!"

The audience watching the live room and watching the TV show also laughed.

Only those from Hong Kong Island Land Company, some laughed, while others thought Wu Long looked very stylish in such transparent plastic clothes.

"Next, watch my muscles roll and make my clothes float up."

I saw Wu Long's chest muscles were like big pythons crossing his chest, undulating up and down, pushing under the skin like waves.

The chest muscles rolled and hit the plastic clothes with the front of the chest open, and the front of the clothes began to shake.

Wu Long turned around and stretched out his arms, so that the muscles on the side, back and under the arms were displayed in front of the camera, so that the audience could see them.

Wu Long's deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, teres major, latissimus dorsi, and serratus anterior also surged like waves.These muscles beat against the clothes like waves, making the clothes fly away.

There are also upper serratus posterior, minor rhomboids, lower serratus posterior, internal abdominal obliques, and external obliques surging like a constrictor. They first lift up the back and hem of the clothes, and then provide strength after the clothes float up For the upper back muscles.

Under the action of multiple forces, the transparent plastic clothes fluttered like flags without wind.

"It's really floating!" Chen Shibei couldn't help exclaiming.

Needless to say in the live broadcast room, "Fuck" is an eternal classic word.In Wu Long's live broadcast room, there are often dense crowds.

"I thought it was using internal strength, but it turned out that it was all about muscle movement!"

"If Brother Long doesn't tell you, no one will know the reason."

"What's the use of knowing? Who can do it except Brother Long?"

People from local companies scattered all over Hong Kong Island pointed at the screen and shouted.

"Look, I said Brother Long knows magic!"

"That's muscle."

"Muscles ass, who can move their muscles like this? This is a magic spell! Brother Long is showing power!"

After the performance, his muscles and bones shook his clothes, and Wu Long went down to change.

Chen Shibei looked at Wu Long's back and shook his head: "This is a man you can never imagine!"

Wu Long changed into casual clothes, unbuttoned, and walked onto the broadcasting stage with his skirts open.

Music plays as his feet appear to the side of the camera.

This is "the&n" redeemed by Wu Long through the system.

As the music played, Wu Long's suit flew backwards.

Wu Long took the role of the god king, appearing like a flying dragon on his feet.

At this moment, Chen Shibei, the cameraman, the director, the program staff, the audience in the live broadcast room, the audience watching TV, and the people from the land company on Hong Kong Island all felt the appearance of a high-ranking god king, and they needed to look up to them devoutly. <Blessing, actually gave birth to the idea of ​​kneeling to Wu Long.

At this moment, Wu Long is like a god king!

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