I'm not just an action star

Chapter 208 Crying of Tendons and Crying of Bones

"There is a word in martial arts called muscles and bones, I wonder if you have heard of it?" Wu Long asked Chen Shibei.

"Muscles and bones singing together?" Chen Shibei thought for a while, nodded and said, "I've heard of it. I seem to have seen someone performing muscles and bones singing together on the Internet."

Wu Long smiled.

Chen Shibei grabbed Wu Long's smiling face and asked:

"Brother Long, what do you mean by that smile? Don't make excuses, I can see that your smile just now is full of contempt, or contempt."

She turns to the camera.

"I think the audience in front of the screen just now saw what Brother Long's smile meant."

In the live broadcast room, there were barrages:

"Brother Long just despises him!"

"Brother Long is contempt!"

"No, what Long Ge meant was that those people's muscles and bones are all fake."

"Brother Long would definitely not say that. How many people will be offended by this?"

"Brother Long is afraid of offending people? If you have the ability, go to Brother Long for a pk!"

Wu Long explained his smile.

"Let's put it this way, let's not say who is real and who is fake. If you want to prove that you are real, first of all, don't use videos, either live performances for people to watch, or live broadcast. Second, don't wear clothes, wear sports shorts Or race shorts."


"Haha, Brother Long is cracking down!"

"Brother Long exposed the master liar on the Internet."

"I knew that many people were actually dubbing!"

"And some are the sounds of clothes!"

"There is also the sound of feet slamming on the ground!"

"There is also the sound of patting my body."

"What do you mean by patting yourself?"

"Punch with one hand, and slap the arm, chest, abdomen, thigh, etc. of the punch with the other hand to make a sound."

Chen Shibei asked:

"Does that mean that if you perform live or broadcast live according to your request, it proves that you have all the muscles and bones?"

Wu Long shook his head.


Chen Shibei made a cute frown expression, which means you're playing tricks on me again.

If a woman is beautiful, even if she frowns, she will look good.Chen Shibei is such a woman.Age is not a problem, as long as you are beautiful and look young, men will automatically ignore age.

"The sound of muscles and bones is not punched out. The sound of muscles and bones is not called the sound of muscles and bones."

"Didn't the sound of muscles and bones come from punching?"

"Yes, it wasn't made by typing. In fact, even ordinary people can do it."

"Brother Long, I feel like you're fooling me. Ordinary people can do it, but what are those martial arts practitioners doing?"

Wu Long explained:

"Why do bones make noise? It's not a flute, right? Even if it's a flute, it needs wind to make it sound. So the sound of bones is just the sound of joint movement, dislocation, and loss of lubrication between joints."

"Some elderly people will have their knees crack when they go up the stairs. This is actually a kind of bone noise. Because there is less lubricating fluid between the joints, they make noises. This is not a good phenomenon."

"There is also what ordinary people often do. When you break your fingers and press your fingers, the joints will make a clicking sound. This is also bone cracking."

"Ordinary people need one hand to press the fingers of the other hand. Some people don't need to press with the other hand. When they make a fist with a certain degree of force, the finger joints can also click. This is also bone cracking."

"I see." Chen Shibei nodded in understanding. "What about the muscle ringing?"

"Normal people can do tendons. The so-called tendons, in part, mean muscles. How can muscles make noises? It means muscles move."

"The human body contains a lot of water and fluid. There is also a lot of fluid between muscles and between muscles and other body tissues."

"Muscles move quickly, occupying the surrounding space, and the fluid flows during the friction, making a sound."

Chen Shibei was thinking more about Wu Long's explanation, she asked:

"However, it is impossible for ordinary people to move their muscles. Don't tell me that the arm muscles move when holding something. No one has heard that the muscles make a sound at this time."

"Well, it was my slip of the tongue. It is true that they are fitness experts, not ordinary people." Wu Long raised his hands to express that it was his fault.

"In fact, muscle movement is a must-show skill for fitness men. How can a fitness expert show his muscles to be more attractive? You will see that they like to use this trick the most."

"So, what exactly is this trick?" Chen Shibei laughed at the right time.

"Shaking the chest muscles."

The screen played a shot of the muscular man shaking his chest muscles at the right time.

"Well, I should be able to think of it." Chen Shibei approved of this muscle movement. "But shaking the chest muscles won't make a sound, will it?"

"There will be noise, but it is very small and subtle. If you are in a quiet place and there is no other sound interference, you can hear it in rapid succession." Wu Long replied.

"You said before that the floating of clothes is related to the sound of muscles and bones. So, can you perform the sound of muscles and bones for us so that we can hear the sound?"

Wu Long hesitated.

"It's fine for me to perform, but I need to be shirtless, otherwise someone will say I'm a fake. I'm afraid it's not good for you to be shirtless for this official show?"

Chen Shibei laughed and said:

"No problem, the director has agreed."

"Then I'll go down and change."

Soon, Wu Long took the stage shirtless and wearing sports shorts.

Perfect man muscular figure!

This is a figure where a woman is excited and limp when she sees it, and a man is jealous when he sees it.

The whole body is in a T-shape, with well-defined muscles but not exaggerated.Chest, abs, biceps, all the muscles that should and should not be there.

"The so-called tendons are actually strip-shaped muscles formed after the muscles are compressed and condensed. Many people's muscles look like a lump, bulging, and lumpy."

"My muscles are compressed and formed into individual muscles. Even if some muscles look lumpy, they are actually composed of countless muscles."

"I'll perform Gu Ming first."

Chen Shibei put the microphone in front of Wu Long, and saw that Wu Long's whole body trembled slightly, and there was a crackling sound from his body, and when the sound became one piece, it was like the crackling sound of soybeans on a hot pot.

Wu Long's body stopped shaking and his voice disappeared.

"I'm going to perform Jinming for everyone again."

At this time, Wu Long's body didn't tremble, but all the muscles in his body were moving rapidly.

It's not shaking, it's movement!

The whole body, no matter where it is, seems to have boa constrictors rolling, coiling, or crawling under the skin.

There are also places with few muscles such as the face and head.

Even where the sports shorts cover, you can see under the fabric, as if there are countless boa constrictors swimming.

Chen Shibei was dumbfounded on the spot!

In the live broadcast room, there were many "fucking troughs".

Has anyone ever seen such a scene?

If it wasn't for Wu Long's explanation in advance, it was because the muscles were moving, and some people must have suspected that there were snakes hiding under Wu Long's skin.

At the same time, a deep sound like absorbing water was heard.


"I seem to hear the dragon chant!"

"It's the sound of a dragon sucking water!"

"It's the sound of a dragon swimming underwater!"

"Tiger Leopard Thunder!"

"Fart tiger leopard Leiyin, no dragons! The voice is like a dragon chant!"

"Brother Long said earlier that it was tendons!"

Wu Long stopped muscle movement, and the muscles under the skin returned to normal.

It makes people feel that the surface of his body is a calm sea, and when his muscles move, he turns into a stormy sea.When the muscles stopped moving, the sea returned to calm.

"This is the sound of tendons. Next, I will perform the sound of muscles and bones for everyone."

Chen Shibei asked a timely question:

"Brother Long, you purposely performed Gu Ming and Jin Ming separately, and then performed together in the end. Will the situation be different if you combine the two?"

Wu Long showed a smile.

"Look at it and you'll know."

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