I'm not just an action star

Chapter 207 It's About Kung Fu

"If you invest, it should be fine. It's just that the screenwriter hasn't written yet..."

"Mom, as long as Brother Long agrees, when I ask the screenwriter to write the script, I will write you a role."

"Hey boy, remember not to write me as a villain!"

"Mom, don't worry. You are my mother, how can I let you play the villain." Ou Zhenrong patted his chest to assure.Turning around, he asked Wu Long again: "Brother Long, can you give me a role too?"

"You invest, you have the final say. But be careful, if the script is not good enough, I will not act." Wu Long first declared that bad scripts will not be filmed.

"Brother Long, don't worry, you are the idol of me and my mother, how could we let you make bad movies."

Without a script, Wu Long did not sign.Everyone made a verbal agreement first, and made a final decision after reading the script.We had dinner together at noon, but Ou Jiafeng never showed up.

After Wu Long left, Ou Jiafeng returned to Jinyu Tower.

"Wanxia, ​​your son is messing around, why are you messing around with him?" Ou Jiafeng blamed his wife.

Shen Wanxia put her hands on her hips.

"You, you, restaurant decoration, you know that you need to ask someone to read Fengshui, and it's Brother Long's turn to film, why don't you believe it?"

"Can this be the same? Wu Long is good at kung fu, I admit it. But we are not opening a martial arts gym, we are opening a restaurant. Do you really think that Wu Long plays a Taoist priest, and he is a real Taoist priest? He is an actor, that is a movie .Movies are all fake, not real."

"Then do you believe in Huang Lilin?" Shen Wanxia asked.

"Of course I believe it. If you don't believe me, I will invite him to be a Fengshui bureau? Since he has done a good job in Fengshui bureau, our Jinyulou has returned to the top three in Hong Kong Island!"

"Look. Since you believe in Huang Lilin, and Huang Lilin believes in Brother Long, why can't you trust Brother Long?" Shen Wanxia reasoned with her husband.

"Can this be the same? This is different!"

"What's the difference?"

"Huang Lilin is not that kind of letter. He asked Wu Long to advertise their business."

"We also asked Brother Long to advertise for our Jinyu Building, isn't it the same?" Shen Wanxia continued to reason: "Do you know? There is a big boss in the mainland who is optimistic about Brother Long, saying that Brother Long is lucky."

"Mom, are you talking about Xing Zhongfei? No one bought the song that Brother Long wrote back then, but that Xing Zhongfei bought it for 100 million. Later, Brother Long sold the songs and sold them three times, each for 300 million!"

"That's hype!"

"Dad, in fact, we won't lose money. The big part of hiring Brother Long to film is Brother Long's salary, and other actors don't need to be paid. I told you that we use our own venues and our own ingredients. That is to hire directors, photographers, etc. Teachers spend money. We don’t hire expensive ones, and it doesn’t cost much.”

Ou Zhenrong said confidently: "Brother Long's play will definitely be watched by people. So, no matter how bad it is, it's just not making money. How could it be possible to lose money?"

"Once this drama is broadcast, everyone will know about our Jinyulou, and they will recognize our Jinyulou. I guarantee that by then, our Jinyulou will firmly sit at the top of the list of restaurants on Hong Kong Island!"

"How many years has Brother Long been popular, and how many years has our Jinyu Tower been at the top of the list!"

"Dad, now is the era of traffic and the new economy!"

"Do you know the check-in points, Internet celebrity places, and Internet celebrity spots? From now on, our Jinyulou will be an Internet celebrity spot. Diners who come to our Jinyulou for dinner will line up from the door to the end of the street!"

Ou Jiafeng sneered:

"Still queuing up to the end of the street, you're dreaming!"

"Jiafeng, you should trust us once." Seeing that Ou Jiafeng still disagreed.Shen Wanxia said flatly: "Then raise your hands to vote. Those who agree with filming, raise your hands. Two to one, Jiafeng, you lose!"

Ou Jiafeng was not in a hurry.

"So what if I lose? We can't afford that much money."

"It can be taken out." Ou Zhenrong said: "As long as the Jinyu Building is mortgaged, the bank and venture capital will give money."

"How dare you take the Jinyu Building as a mortgage!"

Shen Wanxia said: "Why not dare? Even if we lose money and sell Jinyulou, we can still start from scratch. The craftsmanship is in our own hands. Opening a restaurant, as long as you have craftsmanship, you are not afraid of failure!"

The Ou family is rich, but they won't have tens of millions of working capital to open a restaurant.Wealth is in real estate and investment and financial management.It is not easy to take out tens of millions at once.

"Dad. In fact, as long as Brother Long comes to our Jinyu Tower today, even if you don't agree, you can only agree. Do you know why?"

Shen Wanxia clasped her arms around her chest and said triumphantly, "Because of me."

Ou Zhenrong shook his head.


"Why? You bad boy, if I hadn't supported you, you thought..."

"Mom, listen to me."

"Okay, you say it. If you don't tell a reason, see how I will deal with you!"

"Actually, the reason is very simple. As long as Brother Long comes to our Jinyu Building, someone will ask what's going on. Even if we don't tell, someone will guess."

"If we don't make it, other restaurants will find Brother Long and ask Brother Long to make a food movie to promote them. Dad, it will be too late to regret it."

"My boy, you really have read the book, and what you said makes sense." Shen Wanxia patted Ou Zhenrong on the shoulder. "Hurry up and find a screenwriter to write a script, and show it to Brother Long before he leaves Hong Kong Island."

In the evening, Wu Long came to the program "A Rare Invitation".Like last time, the TV station broadcast live, and at the same time, it was also broadcast live online.

"Brother Long, I'm very glad to invite you to our "Rarely Invite" again."

"It's my great honor to be on your show again."

"Brother Long, there are rumors in the world that you first learned martial arts in Shaolin Temple, and then worshiped Zhou Tiandao. "Shaolin Bodyguard" and "The Way Is Higher" are based on your real experience. I wonder if this rumor is true or not?"

Wu Long smiled.

"you guess?"

"Well, I know that just like a magic show, the magic world has rules for magicians. They are not allowed to tell the secrets of magic and keep a sense of mystery. Presumably you also have to maintain a sense of mystery."

Wu Long smiled and said nothing.

"Speaking of mystery, we heard another rumor in the world that when you were filming "The Way Is High", you calculated with your fingers that there was something wrong with the steel wire hanging from the wire. Then you rebounded the disaster to those who harmed you People. I don’t know if this rumor is true or not?”

Wu Long shook his head in denial.

"That's not the case. At that time, my right eyelid twitched. I thought the left eye twitched for money, and the right eye twitched for disaster. I was going to hang Wia again. Could it be that there is something wrong with Wia?"

"But I don't know where the danger is. I tried it with the idea of ​​changing the wire wire, but the director refused. Who knows, if the director asked a martial artist to act as my stand-in for filming, that martial artist would hurt himself."

The program is carried out according to the script communicated in advance.Later, it was time for Wu Long to perform again.

"Brother Long, the audience is very curious. Why does your feng shui compass fly out and come back? Isn't it really Taoism or magic? There are rumors in the world that your flying compass is Taoism, not kung fu."

Wu Long explained:

"This is kung fu. Do you know Errenzhuan? There is a special skill called Phoenix Returning Nest in the handkerchief-changing show."

"The phoenix returns to the nest? You mean the performance where the handkerchief was thrown out, and the handkerchief flew back by itself?"

Wu Long nodded.

"Yes, that's the performance. Think about it, a handkerchief can be thrown out and fly back by itself, why can't the compass?"

"The only difference is that I can send hidden weapons, so I am better than them at throwing things."

Chen Shibei suddenly realized.

"I understand. Because you know how to throw knives and hidden weapons, you applied this method to throwing the compass, and you have practiced the unique skill of throwing the compass and then flying back by itself."


"So, playing cards can do it too?"

"Of course poker can do it, and even ordinary people can do it after mastering the skills."

Chen Shibei asked one of the most important questions of this program.

"Brother Long, people often say that walking is accompanied by wind, or automatic without wind. I found that in your performance, there is no fan to blow you, but your clothes will automatically without wind. Excuse me, are your clothes special props?"

"Or like the rumors in the world, you know how to make your clothes float by themselves?"

Wu Long shook his head:


"No?" Chen Shibei was surprised. "Then how did you do it?"

"It has to do with kung fu."

"Brother Long, how could this be related to kung fu? Don't lie to me."

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