The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 461 The Gift of the Azure Dragon


Ren Pingsheng fell in front of Xun Wu and the others.

Ren Pingsheng was a little embarrassed, but it was not surprising. He patted the dust off his body and coughed a few times.

When he saw Juelong before, he was already timid. At that time, he had no internal energy, and his physical strength was a little behind. After all, he was in his seventies and eighties, and he was not in Longdao Village, so he was naturally a little flustered.

When Ren Pingsheng was young, he also fought all over the rivers and lakes of Ryukyu. He was able to compete with Jiang Shenmen, and he was a fierce man who stood out from the crowd. Naturally, he also had arrogance and courage.


Heroes don’t mention the bravery in the past, naturally they don’t have so much ambition when they are old, and he is not the type of Emperor Shengwu. When he gets old, he just wants to rest and take care of his life. , He will not go out to look for it.

But if you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and this can't be changed.

It's just that when he was defeated by Juelong before, although he lost reasonably, he was a little confused and didn't understand how he lost.

The main reason is that at that time, he was still holding the plot of "I am an older generation and he is a junior, why should I look up to him", so although he was defeated, the process was a bit confused, and he did not know what to do. Didn't quite understand.

Now that he saw Juelong, he was worried that Xun Wu and the others didn't know how powerful Juelong was, and he didn't understand how he lost at the beginning, so he pretended to be arrogant this time, wanting to perform well in front of young people It's good to express yourself, no matter how much you explore the truth.

but didn't think...

It's not even time for half a cup of tea!He was beaten down again.

Ren Pingsheng was ashamed.

"Senior, are you alright?" Roman quickly supported him and observed his injury.

" problem." Ren Pingsheng shook his head in embarrassment.

At this moment, a voice interrupted his thoughts: "Thank you, old man."

He raised his head and looked at Xun Wu.

"Thank you, senior, for waking up the three of us... Otherwise, the three of us would have been recruited." Xun Wu said.

What he said was actually a bit "yin and yang", but in Ren Pingsheng's ears, it was called "like fairy music", and he immediately smiled, and hurriedly said, "No problem, no problem, small things."

But after he finished speaking, he frowned again, and looked at Juelong who was standing in the middle of the road, blocking Xun Wu and others' retreat: "Why is he so strong?"

"Yes..." Zhao Wumian also looked puzzled.

Although this Ren Pingsheng should not have fully recovered, but he is still a top-notch master at the first-class level. How can a master of this level be defeated in about half a cup of tea?

How can such a thing happen?

Also too fast!

It would be fine if this Juelong used some powerful moves, but Juelong easily defeated Ren Pingsheng who was going all out with his ordinary fists and feet in just half a cup of tea time!

But even if things happened in front of his eyes, he couldn't deny the reality.

"Didn't he come a long time ago?" Roman raised a possibility, "Maybe, he has been secretly observing our martial arts, and then thought of a way to break it."

When Zhao Wumian heard Roman's words, he nodded first, then shook his head.

"Lord Luo Shaoge's guess is pretty good." Juelong hugged his hands in front of him, and didn't take the initiative to attack. He just looked at Xun Wu and the others calmly, but his fists were tightly clenched. "I'm indeed on the sidelines." , observed your routes."

"It's just observing the number of martial arts, and it can't reach the current result." Zhao Wumian continued, "Old man, if you are in Longdao Village, are you confident that you can win against him?"

Ren Pingsheng frowned when he heard Zhao Wumian's question. He wanted to say "yes" out of face protection, but after careful consideration for a long time, he saw the expectant eyes of Xun Wu and Roman, and finally sighed. He took a deep breath and shook his head: "I don't even know how he is so strong, and how could he win?

Even in Longdao Village, with the help of the dragon's veins, I'm afraid I can't beat him, at most...[-]/[-]? "

He was bragging a little bit about himself.

"That is to say..." Zhao Wumian and Xun Wu looked at each other, nodded each other, and confirmed, "You are actually comparable to that hero Zuo Yanhan!?"

Hearing his words, Juelong closed his eyes slightly, then opened them slowly, and said, "Zuo Yanhan...I've heard of him, but I've never seen him.

I heard that he was born with a cold body, and there is a strong cold poison in his body, and he can only maintain his vitality by relying on the treasures of the opposite pole.

Many people say that he is almost a master, and many people say that he is the No. He said that it was precisely because of his cold body that he was able to be No.1 under the master.All these kinds, and so on. "

Juelong twisted his neck again: "These ideas are actually correct. But you guys have never considered a problem.

That is, is he unable to become a master, or does he not want to become a master? "

The crowd widened their eyes.

"What did you say?" Roman exclaimed.

"What do you mean??" Zhao Wumian also exclaimed.

"That's right." Juelong let go of his arms, moved his fists, and looked at Xun Wu and the others, "Me too."

A master who doesn't want to be a master!

Isn't that still a master! ?

Although he doesn't have the power of a grandmaster, and even though he doesn't have all the means of a grandmaster, he is still a grandmaster!

The so-called master not only refers to a state, but also refers to a person with superb martial arts and powerful martial arts!

It is precisely because their martial arts have reached an extraordinary level that they can guide all ordinary warriors, so they are called masters.

A grandmaster who only has first-class energy, will, and momentum is not something that first-class masters can compete with.



When everyone was shocked, Sandu smiled at each other.

Xun Wu suddenly grasped the details.

Don't want to be a guru?

Etc., etc?


Xun Wu and Zuo Yanhan have communicated many times, and he is still acting as the head of the extremely sect, and he knows Zuo Yanhan quite well, so he also understands why Zuo Yanhan didn't become the master.

Because the cold poison in Zuo Yanhan's body cannot dissipate, this kind of cold poison is accompanied by his body, heart, mind... all internal organs, all of them are inherent existence, no matter what Zuo Yanhan does, whether he cultivates internal energy or external skills , these cold poisons will also increase with his growth.

Although the threat to the enemy will be stronger, it is also killing his life. Now, he can suppress the cold poison in his body with the effect of the scarlet fire arm, an inherited treasure of the extreme sect, but once he becomes a master, the cold poison will explode very quickly, In a short time, like a frost bomb, he will freeze a whole piece of everything including himself into an ice sculpture.

This kind of harming others and benefiting oneself is the reason why Zuo Yanhan was unable to break through the Grandmaster.


What's going on with this dragon?

Is there something on him that needs to be suppressed?


Obviously not!

His string of Buddhist beads is completely an ornament, and other things on his body are also ordinary clothes, even his upper body is naked, there is nothing abnormal at all!

Could it be that the dragon veins and dragon blood affected him?

No - it's impossible!

There is no fire or heat on his body, nor is his body bursting out such power near the dragon veins, which means that he has never used the dragon veins to practice, and he has never practiced related exercises!

Dragon veins have nothing to do with him!

He's just buffing his men with those things!

Then why doesn't he want to break through?

No - there is still a problem!

Those red scarf thieves, those red scarves, even if they don't know the real situation of Juelong, even if there is a gap between them and Sandu, they can't completely get the most important thing wrong, after all, they walk the world for Juelong Besides, they are already the core members of Blood Spirit Island—in this case, why do they say that the owner of Blood Spirit Island is looking for a way to break through the Grandmaster?

Since you can break through the Grandmaster, why do you need to find a way to break through the Grandmaster?

Isn't this bullshit?

Even if the causal order of the two is wrong, Juelong first asked people to find a way, and then didn't want to break through the master, there must be a reason!


Xun Wu narrowed his eyes.

What is the reason? !

"This guy wants to play heads-up." Zhao Wumian took a deep breath, "Xun Wu, your sword doesn't have the spirit of the sword yet, so don't worry; Master Shao, your long-lasting combat ability is much stronger than mine. If you find a weakness, you can also fight it." Win a point.

This guy is obviously a little impatient... Regardless of whether he is a grandmaster or not, I'm going to go!

Xun Wu, please leave it to you! "

After saying that, Zhao Wumian jumped out of the team, holding a sword in one hand and a bow in the other, and stood in front of Zhao Wumian.

Juelong still had his leisure, staring at Zhao Wumian.

"Zhao Wumian?" Jue Long lowered his forehead slightly to show his respect, "I recognize you. Back then, on the battlefield, you and your companions shot and killed the Sirius of the Sisu Cult, and with second-rate bodies, you killed a first-rate master of the Tiansha level... .Heh, you are stronger, much stronger than this waste who stays in the small land of Ryukyu."

"Nonsense!" Ren Ping was furious.

Juelong ignored him, and continued: "The so-called strength is not martial arts, but the whole body. A trash who has always only competed in the arena is far from your opponent... But, hehe, the one who shot and killed Sirius back then At that time, I was already the Nanji Tianshangxing of Sisu Sect.

In terms of strength, Sirius couldn't pass twenty moves in my hands back then. "

"Hmph, back then, I didn't have the internal strength I have now." Although Zhao Wumian had a family behind him, he basically came from the grassroots. What he learned and used all came from the imperial court. The skills he has learned so far are also due to the four famous arresters. The internal strength obtained, as for the various arrow moves, are all created by himself. "Even if the Sirius is resurrected, I can shoot him to death with one arrow now!"

Zhao Wusian is very upset.Because this Juelong's performance clearly looked down on them, with an expression that he was sure of them.

Juelong's eyes lit up, his eyes flashed, his body trembled uncontrollably, his fists trembled, and he was quite excited.But soon, he suppressed this excitement, took a breath slowly, calmed down, and chuckled lightly: "Okay! Have courage! Have ambition! Come——"

Compared to provoking Ren Pingsheng with a fan back with one hand, Juelong respects Wumian, a younger person, much more.

Zhao Wumian held a sword in one hand and a bow in the other, and with the help of the flying birds of the Shocking String Gate, occasionally the bowstring would move with the wind in close combat, and two arrows burst out to interfere with Juelong. The fight was actually much stronger than Ren Pingsheng !

"Ah." Ren Pingsheng is not blind.

With the scene in front of him, he couldn't lie to himself at all.

It can only be said that there is a reason why the four famous arresters can be the four famous arresters.

On the other side, Xun Wu watched the battle between Juelong and Zhao Wumian for a while, and turned his head to Roman and said, "Brother Luo, go talk to those three."

"Huh?" Roman froze for a moment.

Chatting with people at such a tense moment?

Let's not talk about the atmosphere or anything, will those three people chat with me?

But since Xun Wu said this, Roman naturally hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

But he was still puzzled: "What is there to say? What are you going to tell them?"

"What do you want to talk about... Let's start with the wound first." Xun Wu said, staring at Juelong's side, his eyes were condensed with golden light, as if about to shoot lasers, he kept observing the flaws on Juelong's body "By the way, have you read Random Thoughts on the Han House?"

"I've seen it." Roman nodded quickly.

There isn't much entertainment in this day and age, and Roman doesn't want to see patients every day, so he naturally wants to find something to do in his spare time.

In addition to practicing boxing, in his situation, he can only read books, and this "Thinking in the Cold House" is currently the "No. [-] best-selling" book, so he naturally has to read it.

"That's fine, just talk to them, you can talk about anything." Xun Wu said, "If they don't want to talk, you can just look at the knife and hint at them wildly, or you can punch them twice."

"to make."

Xun Wu tilted his body and said to Roman, while staring at the situation of the battle. Finally, when Roman had just taken two steps, Xun Wu's eyes were fixed, and he shouted: "Langtou!"

Wolf head?

Xun Wu's voice was extremely loud.

Everyone was shocked by this, but at the same time they were puzzled, what wolf head?Where are the wolves?

However, when the two people in the battle heard Xun Wu's voice, they were all stunned for a moment, and then Zhao Wumian thrust out his sword without any hesitation, slashing at Juelong's waist.

There, the string of huge skull prayer beads hanging on his body, there is a wolf's head!

However, although Zhao Wumian didn't hesitate, he still paused for a moment because of Xun Wu's voice, and missed the best time, just scratching Juelong's waist.

"Excellent." Juelong looked at the tiny opening in his waist, his eyes showed strange emotions, he seemed a little excited, and his body was trembling, but he stopped soon.

Xun Wu took two steps forward, put his hands neatly in front of him, and said: "I'm sorry, I just offered to help you, Your Excellency is indeed extremely powerful in martial arts."

This is the gift of martial arts.

Xun Wu couldn't determine the current situation, so he could only give it a try.

He observed that although Juelong was not polite, he always acted with etiquette and pomp, so he said he wanted to try.

"Where is that, Your Excellency's eyesight is also very good." Although Juelong was excited, he quickly restrained his emotions, shook his hands shyly, clasped his fists, and bowed to Xun Wu.

In this kind of atmosphere, Zhao Wumian can only follow him at a loss.

"Since that's the case... I'm under Jue Long Wu Wu Wu Wu, please advise the two of you."

Zhao Wumian vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he still responded: "The next four famous arresters, Zhao Wumian, dare not give advice."

Xun Wu also went on to say: "I'm arresting Xia Xun Wu, please enlighten me."

Juelong hooked the corner of his mouth in satisfaction.

Formal salute!

This is a part of Jianghu etiquette - similarly, attacking before saluting and then apologizing is also one of etiquette.

Now that Juelong is formally saluting the two, it is a bit weird, but at the same time, it is also a respect for them.

In his eyes, these two people, even if their internal energy is inferior to Ren Pingsheng, are several times more dangerous and important than Ren Pingsheng!

"Hehe...Zhao Wumian, you can do it again. Of course, Xun Wu, you can speak casually. After all, this is not a ring...but, I have to make a move."

The next moment, centered on Juelong, a huge semicircular air wave exploded, blasting a lot of anger!

"Gift of the Azure Dragon!"

He let it go with his internal energy!

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