Inner gas.

The most important thing among warriors in this world.

Although it is said that even low-level warriors can use their inner energy to fight, the higher the level of warriors, the more they use their inner energy.

When Xun Wu was just a third-rate warrior, he could only increase his strength through internal energy to make himself more agile.

When Xun Wu entered the second-rate realm, he could use his inner qi to concentrate his "momentum" on a certain person, and he could even explode his inner qi in a short period of time to push away things around him.

And when a person enters the first-class realm, he can use his inner qi to create various things that are different from ordinary people's cognition, such as shooting sword qi out of thin air to let the inner qi go out; Water, cooking, and further, drug making, detection, object finding, simulation, etc., a variety of functions, almost endless.

The world has never been short of geniuses, never short of talents. The public servant once felt that the suppression of geniuses on "mortals" was too obvious, so he wanted to prove himself by defeating Xun Wu, but in fact, in the infinite crowd of the masses, In this world, infinite "genius ideas" are constantly being born in this world.

Just like Xun Wu's view of the big orange was inspired by observing orange cats and creating martial arts, in this world, there are all kinds of martial arts.

However, so far, even the so-called "genius" still has limitations.

Only through that door can one see the wider world behind the door!

Zhao Wumian had been fighting Juelong for nearly a quarter of an hour, and Ren Pingsheng, who was watching the battle, was so shocked that his eyes popped out.

"Could it be that this picture can win without sleep?"


When Zhao Wumian heard this, he didn't think much about it.

He has no time, no chance!

After Juelong released his inner energy, there was a layer of emerald green light attached to his body. This light was not like anger or blood energy. It was ordinary and ordinary, just like fluorescent light, and it did not pose any threat to Zhao Wusian.

It's as if this layer of emerald green fluorescence is just a layer of special effects!

After releasing the emerald light, Juelong fought against Zhao Wumian again. When Zhao Wumian flashed around, opened his bow left and right, and used all kinds of moves, Juelong used the most basic Fist and kick, just smash his sword energy, smash his feather arrows, a straight punch, a diagonal kick, fight him with no fancy, no features!

But just like that, Zhao Wumian actually felt that he couldn't stand it anymore!

"Excellent." It was another unpretentious straight punch. After Juelong Jiangzhao Wumian repelled him, his right leg drew a semicircle in front of him with himself as the center, and after posing in a horse-step fist posture, his face looked shocked. Looking at Zhao Wumian disdainfully, "I still thought, if you haven't used a bow in the past ten years, you might be wasting your bow and arrow. I didn't expect you to practice the Kung Fu of Shocking String Sect, and you have already mastered the art of bow and sword... "

Zhao Wumian was slightly panting.

Jing Xian Sect is the only martial arts sect in the world that teaches people to use bows. Although its sect master is not a master or a master, he is unrivaled in the world of bow and arrow, and this sect is also one of the few sects that can attach projectiles and shooting objects to internal energy , a school that increases the power of bows and arrows.

Zhao Wumian used the bow back then because he had to use it on the battlefield. It just so happened that his talent was good, and he created some kung fu. After being promoted continuously, he had the opportunity to use this kung fu and perfected his own bow and sword skills. .

"But..." Juelong's complexion slowly darkened, "Are you actually injured?"

Zhao Wumian was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why Juelong was angry, but subconsciously reached his waist with his elbow.

Juelong's face became even colder, and he snorted coldly: "You didn't fight me in your best condition... Are you insulting this battle?"

The green light on him is more intense.

This made Zhao Wumian not know what to say.

So what to do, he is also embarrassed to say that he twisted his waist at this time, how embarrassing is that?

It's okay for Xun Wu to know, there are so many traitors and cultists around here, if they spread the word, he might as well kill himself here.

Juelong narrowed his eyes slightly, the green light on his body increased wildly and skyrocketed, forming a huge blue dragon shadow behind him!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wumian didn't think too much about it, he put the sword on the bow, bent the bow and put the sword on it, he wanted to shoot the sword like an arrow!

Seeing this scene, Juelong's complexion seemed to improve a little bit, he took a step forward, followed by the shadow of the dragon, and punched a very simple...

Straight punch!

"Strike of the Azure Dragon!"

The same unpretentious move name!

In the final analysis, it is "the punch of the blue dragon"!

Zhao Wumian let go at the same time, and the straight sword flew, accompanied by purple lightning, like a thunderbolt!

The cyans collided, and with the intersection of the two as the center, a strong storm broke out, and countless fires were blown away.

next moment--


The saber presented by the royal family cracked again, followed by countless crackling sounds.

The purple light was submerged by the emerald light, the long sword shattered, cracked, and finally was crushed into powder!

Zhao Wumian's eyes widened, he exploded with all his internal energy, blocked the bow in front of him, and consumed it crazily. Finally, he was punched in the forehead, flew out backwards, and hit the ground with a thud.

"You are very strong." After Juelong punched, he suppressed his slightly trembling fist, and calmly withdrew his move, as if he had lost his previous anger.

"Hmm..." Zhao Wumian fell to the ground, his qi and blood surged up, and he almost vomited blood. Fortunately, although he was injured, he had offset a lot of strength, so he didn't suffer too much damage.

On the other side, Ren Pingsheng opened his mouth wide.

This time he saw it clearly, he knew that he really couldn't beat Juelong at all.

This punch came out, if he went to catch it, he would probably be beaten to pieces.

"Cough—" Zhao Wumian tried to get up with difficulty, and Xun Wu went up to help him, which finally brought him back to his senses, coughed a few more times, and said, "Strange."

"What's so strange about this?" Ren Pingsheng was speechless. "It's not your fault that you lost. It's because he's too strong. This punch would have killed me."

Zhao Wumian Quan pretended not to hear what the old man said, and looked sideways at Xun Wu.

Xun Wu nodded.

He also noticed that there are many places in Juelong's performance that are very fragmented.

He looked back at Roman, who scratched his head and walked back blankly.

Although Sandu listened to Juelong and didn't do anything, it was impossible for him to reveal the information to him. Even if he heard him mentioning the cold house, he just kept silent and didn't let Xun Wu and others get any information.

"Sorry, Brother Xun, I disappointed you." Roman sighed.

"Disappointed?" Xun Wu shook his head, "Brother Luo, you think too much."

"Of course I can't hope that Sandu will be stupid at this critical moment and tell you something important."

"Really?" Roman breathed a sigh of relief.

If he didn't help at such a critical moment, then he would suffer to death.

Roman was silent for a moment, and asked, "Brother Xun, shall I go?"

He didn't know if Xun Wu had seen Juelong's shortcomings and flaws. Although Xun Wu's overall situation was definitely not as good as him, after all, he possessed magical skills, unique skills, and first-class boxing skills. , can also be delayed for a while.

Although he is much higher than Xun Wu in terms of numbers, he feels that it is better for Xun Wu to come last.

It's not that Xun Wu is stronger than him, but that Xun Wu and them are not warriors with the same characteristics. The longer the observation time, the higher the possibility of Xun Wu defeating his opponent.

Xun Wu is a "bottom" type of warrior.

Juelong takes his leisure time.

"Do not--"

Xun Wu glanced at Roman and shook his head.

Afterwards, he glanced behind Juelong again, where, although others did not observe it, he believed that Juelong should have noticed it.

After all, Juelong's martial arts are strong enough.

There, Jiang Tianmu, Cong Yun, and Shuang Manqiu were hiding aside, looking at this side carefully, as if thinking about when it would be better to sneak attack.

This is also normal, after all, there is no way to communicate across Juelong, they can only lurk like this and look for opportunities.

Although Xun Wu has always been an honest gentleman in the eyes of others, he has also done such things as sneak attacks, but compared to the few of them, Xun Wu is more worried about Sandu's sneak attack from behind.Now that Zhao Wumian and Ren Pingsheng were both injured, if Roman was injured again, there would be no one to heal him in such a dangerous situation. If Sandu made a move, it would be difficult for the two of them to escape unscathed.

Xun Wu withdrew his gaze and looked at Juelong, then silently lowered himself down and took the Wuyu planted on the ground in his hand.

In Xun Wu's impression, Wuyu stopped shaking a minute or two ago, which meant that he had already absorbed enough power from the dragon's veins.

He held it in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and then rubbed the handle of the knife, a red light shone on him, igniting his whole body like a flame.

But surprisingly, the flame is not hot, at least according to Zhao Wumian and the three of them, let alone the flame, they can't even feel the temperature.

"You can master the sword spirit just after being born?" Ren Pingsheng was shocked again.

He felt that he had been shocked more in the past few days than in his previous life.

But in fact, what is even more shocking is why there is no heat after absorbing so much anger?

Xun Wu rubbed it again, raised the knife in front of him, looked at the fiery red line on the knife, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then nodded with satisfaction.

This is exactly what he needs.

Afterwards, he put the knife back into its sheath without hesitation, and took a few steps forward.

"Oh?" Juelong looked at Xun Wu coming forward, and was a little surprised, "I thought you would be the last one to come."

"Or..." He cast a slanted glance back, looking at Jiang Tianmu and the three of them, "Wait for the three of them to come over and go up together."

"I'm more direct." Xun Wu said.

"Direct?" Jue Long couldn't help laughing, "Haha, Xun Wu, you can't fool me. How can you be direct? Just now, my brother, you fooled me badly."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about." Xun Wu moved a little bit to warm up, and said, "I mean, I'm very direct with prisoners.

Whatever other people want to do, I will do to the villains and rebels! "

Xun Wu's words, like Huang Zhong Dalu, fell to the ground with a sound, no one would hear his words and laugh at him, because everyone present knew that what Xun Wu said was true.

Especially Juelong, Sandu and the others knew that they had contacted Xun Wu a lot on Xueling Island, so they knew very well that no matter what kind of villain they were, he would target them back in the same way.

Since Xun Wu's debut, no matter whether it's the bamboo hats of the Dongshan faction, the subordinates of the emperor's eldest grandson, the crazy blood ceremony, or the enemies one by one...

" mean, I want to be singled out, so you want to beat me in singles?"

"Not bad." Xun Wu's expression remained the same, he didn't mind Juelong's murderous aura at all.

"Okay. How courageous." Juelong stretched his hands and wrists, and then pondered for a moment, "Although you are not the commander-in-chief of the court, I know that you are extremely important to the dog emperor... From this perspective Speaking from the outside, you may be more valuable than the princess who ran away after Shuang Manqiu."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

Juelong stretched his neck, grabbed the Buddhist bead on his body with one hand, pulled it hard, and threw it to the ground, his whole body exploded with emerald light continuously rising: "Xun Wu, catch fast, knight, my life and death enemy of Blood Spirit Island ...The exercises you have learned, without accident, should come from the same vein as me, right?"

Everyone was startled, even Sandu in the distance shouted in surprise.

"That's right." Xun Wu slowly lifted the giant que to the front of his body, stuck it on the ground, and then bursts of white light lit up on his body, "Wu Wu Wuwu, the lord of Blood Spirit Island, is a thief who harms the world's youths and young people... what you have done The exercises I learned should also be done by the senior man in the mirror."

"Hahaha..." Wu Wuwu laughed loudly, "That's right! You guessed it—"

All the people present were shocked by this shocking news.

It turns out that Xun Wu is also the descendant of a peerless master?

"Although the martial arts of Senior Man in the Mirror are spread all over the world, in fact, as long as you get in touch with them for a long time, you will always realize the core of those martial arts created by Senior.

You are upright, impartial and selfless, and you are upright, but also vaguely reflect a more noble meaning... This is the opposite mirror.

The senior traveled the world and created countless martial arts, just to make those people look in the mirror.

The martial arts you have learned should be so many years, the only one I have seen that can compare with my body, what is it called? "

"Song of righteousness!"

Juelong's eyes were suffocated.

Everyone was also taken aback.

Taken from Mr. Wenshan's upright song?

"Awesome—I didn't expect—" He really didn't expect that the man in the mirror would create such an internal strength after so many years.He felt a little itchy, but quickly suppressed his excitement.

Afterwards, he put on a posture, looked at Xun Wu again, frowned slightly, and said, "You won't draw your sword? Look down on me?"

Xun Wu crossed the huge que, echoed the same way: "Why did you really move your heart?"

Juelong was taken aback.

Xun Wu lowered his body slowly, stared at Juelong, grasped the giant gate, and exploded at any time, but said at the same time: "From the beginning to the end, you did not follow your own ideas, but followed other people's ideas!

Don't you respect this duel? "

Juelong was shocked again.

At this moment, Xun Wu seized the opportunity, using the power of Youzu Kungfu, a black shadow appeared in front of him in an instant, and directly slashed at him.

Juelong was a little flustered, and his mind went blank for a while, but he still instinctively exploded with inner energy, and a green light appeared on his body, and he resisted with one hand.



In Juelong's original position, Xun Wu's giant tower actually made a hole in the ground!

He raised his sword slowly, rearranged his posture, and looked forward.

Juelong looked annoyed.

He actually took a step back!

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