Not far from the dragon's vein, two people, one old and one young, one tall and one short, stood on a tree.

Although they were standing on a tree, the strange thing was that not only did the two of them stand firmly on the tree, but the arrows that occasionally crossed the sky also avoided them as if they had eyes.

Xue Mei's face was anxious, worried in her heart, but she was really helpless, and she was shocked by the horror of the person in the mirror.

Her qinggong is very ordinary, usually she moves at high speed by explosive jumping, and the wide and long branches are fine. If it is that kind of slender branches, he can't do it like Xun Wu, Ji Lian'er, and Qing'e " Light as a swallow", but now, under the martial arts of the man in the mirror, standing lightly on a small bump, it is really amazing.

Her strength is not very good, but she can barely see her teacher, and even more so, the Lord of Blood Spirit Island.

She hesitated for a moment, rubbed the back of her head, laughed as always, and said awkwardly and politely: " came to help, didn't you?"

"Help? Help who?"

"Island owner?"

"Hehe..." The man in the mirror laughed softly, "What does he have to do with me? Why should I help him?"

Xue Mei knew that what he said was right, but she still wanted to fight for it, at least try, in case her teacher escaped danger, that would be fine: "He has practiced the exercises you created, so he can be considered your disciple, right?"

"There are too many people learning my kung fu in the world." The man in the mirror glanced at her, "Don't talk about it, even you are learning my kung fu.

What's more, Xun Wu's kung fu is the inner strength method that I have devoted the most to over the years. In terms of grade, it is no lower than Jing Xinzhi. "

Blood Demon was taken aback.

She didn't expect that this Xun Wu was also specially learned by the man in the mirror.

The man in the mirror took out the wine jug, and took two gulps.

He won't interfere.

He is a peerless master.

He's in the mirror!

As always, he will just watch what choices those who get their own skills will make.

However, even he was a little surprised this time.

He didn't expect that the blood and spirit response method that affected him watching the theater would be created by Wu Wuwu, which made him, who was thinking about making Xun Wu trouble them, lose a little bit of fun.

But what he didn't expect was that at the beginning, his disciple cut his own foundation, abandoned all his inner energy, and abandoned Jing Xinzhi would be trained so perfectly by Wu Wuwu, even better than Zhou Yun!

He speculated a little, estimated.

Although Sandu is much stronger than before, but his strength is limited. It is completely supported by dragon veins, blood energy, and fire energy; It is relatively close to the master, but one person has no willpower, has no internal energy and no combat experience, and one person has insufficient physical strength. The best thing is harvesting. Although it can be called strong in the first-class state, it cannot be called the peak.

On the contrary, Xun Wu, although the situation is similar to the two of them, his will and body pass the test, and his internal energy is far from insufficient, but Xun Wu's will is far beyond ordinary people, and he is specialized in cracking and breaking, and he is good at making his companions exert their strength to the extreme. .

With him around, Roman and Zhao Wumian could make up for their inability to display their perfect fighting strength.

Sandu is by no means their opponent.


The man in the mirror looked at the burly man wearing the huge prayer beads made of skulls, and couldn't help but change his mind.

Wu Wuwu, who followed Zhou Yun's ass back then, has practiced so well now?


If Xun Wu is facing a big defeat in life today, will Xun Wu just sink and fall, or will he make further progress... This is too interesting...


On the other side, among the dragon veins, everyone didn't know that there was a peerless expert who was watching them secretly, and even hoped that Xun Wu would play a little bit, make a little mistake, and kill two more people.

As for what Juelong said...they can't stop just because someone else said a little, right?

However, at this moment, Ren Pingsheng yelled frantically: "Quick! Stop!"

This old man in his [-]s and [-]s was also a master who ruled the world back then, and the arrogance in his heart was definitely not small. Usually, when he saw his enemy or someone who was better than him, he would definitely rush to fight him to the death, especially when he was attacked by someone. After many days of humiliation, he will not be calm and silent, pretending that nothing happened.

It was precisely because of this reason that he took Roman with him, wanting to come to Longmai to take revenge on Blood Spirit Island.

However, after seeing Juelong, Ren Pingsheng was not enraged and rushed to fight him to the death. Instead, he immediately yelled at Xun Wu and the others.

Generally speaking, you can say that he is "wise", "wise", and "a man who knows the current affairs is a hero", but you can also call it... cowardly.

Really cowardly.

When Xun Wu heard his words, he hesitated for a moment, and with difficulty wanted to turn the knife upside down and stick it on the ground.

When Zhao Wumian saw this scene, at least Xun Wu had to change his mind, and forcibly mobilized his inner energy, trying to cover Xun Wu and let go.

Even if he "doesn't move forward", Xun Wu has to leave his hands free, otherwise he would stand alone, wouldn't he be like a wooden stake?Even if Duji's destructive power is low, it is enough to kill Xun Wu. If he is free, Zhao Wumian and Ren Pingsheng turn around and face Juelong, leaving only Roman to protect Xun Wu. , Divide the army and lose.

"Okay, you guys stop." Juelong said again.

But this time, it wasn't Chao Xunwu and the others who said it, but the three behind Chao Xunwu and the others.

Seeing Juelong's eyes, Sandu hardly hesitated, and immediately stopped attacking, stunned Roman for a moment.

Taking advantage of this time, Xun Wu struggled to insert the knife into the soil. Although the best effect was not achieved, it is not bad to block the power transmission of the dragon vein at this position.

At this time, Xun Wu finally had the time to thoroughly observe the visitor behind him.

This person's hair is disheveled, but the hair is not particularly long, and the overall look is well-groomed.

There was a string of huge skull Buddha beads hanging on his body. After a little observation, Xun Wu was sure that it was not a human body - Xun Wu had seen many human bones at Bao Yuan's place, so he understood it. All kinds of wild beasts, among which tigers are the main ones, are quite terrifying.

In the end, he was naked to the waist, with protective covers on his hands, and a pair of wide monk trousers under his body, which looked like a monk.

However, the murderous look in his eyes couldn't be concealed, no matter how much he dressed like a monk, he couldn't hide the murderous intent in his eyes.


Suddenly, Xun Wu realized one thing.

The person in front of him, the so-called "big brother", is not steaming, not even a trace of anger!

Juelong slowly twisted his wrists with both hands, then raised his hands to the sides, and there was a sudden shock, and the air seemed to be shaken, and there were waves of ripples!

"No anger?" After a while, Zhao Wumian also noticed the strangeness and was in doubt.

Sandu's "big brother" is actually not angry?

"What? Is it strange?" Juelong twisted his neck, looked at the crowd, and said, "I am Juelong."

Absolute dragon.

Lord of Blood Spirit Island.

Although the few people on the side were quite shocked - after all, in their hearts, the Lord of Blood Spirit Island should be someone who used the power of dragon veins to crazily attack the realm of the master, but looking at it now, I am afraid that this absolute dragon has no or even The power of the dragon veins was used, but it was only a taste of the end, and it was not used in depth.

"Big brother—" Sandu shouted loudly.

Juelong nodded, and didn't pay much attention to them, but slowly looked at Xun Wu and the others: "There is no hole card in Blood Spirit Island, and the one standing in front of you is the last card of Blood Spirit Island." .

I will give you a chance, as long as you can defeat me, Blood Spirit Island will completely become a tree without roots and water without water.

The premise is - you can beat me. "

"You bastard!!" Ren Pingsheng immediately became angry when he heard his words.

A few days ago, Ren Pingsheng rushed to Xueling Island, wanting to investigate the dragon's veins, happened to meet one of the three crossings, and gained an advantage, at that time, Juelong appeared in front of him.

He drank all the people who wanted to besiege Ren Pingsheng, and then stood up and told him - since you are trapped here, why not fight with me alone, if you win, I will let you go, if you lose, you will be at my mercy .

What a proud person Ren Pingsheng is?

As one of the three Ryukyu masters, his status is about equal to the three peerless masters of the Central Plains—of course, it only refers to status.

If someone wanted to challenge him one-on-one, he would naturally not refuse, not to mention that at that time, Juelong made everyone retreat to an extremely long distance, so Ren Pingsheng would not be afraid.

He thought that Juelong would play tricks in the battle, or call people to sneak attack, or use the facilities on the island, but he didn't expect that Juelong would actually challenge him one-on-one!

What's even more frightening is that he didn't win the fight!

Ren Pingsheng clenched his fists, even though he was not young, but at this moment, he still couldn't calm down.

Xun Wu frowned.

On the face of it, the Juelong in front of him was completely different from all the people he had seen on Blood Spirit Island....

Others, even like Sandu, have flaws all over their bodies due to their skills and spirit, but this Juelong not only looks extremely calm, but also has no flaws, and looks perfect.

He has considered whether the Lord of Blood Spirit Island will come here, but such an important place is also in the hinterland of Blood Spirit Island. As the Lord of Blood Spirit Island, he is not on the front line, so he should be able to come here He was close to the dragon vein, but he didn't show up, and Xun Wu didn't observe any more people, so he thought that Juelong might have other things to deal with. Facing the "dragon vein" that was close at hand, he used his trick.

He never expected that this guy could escape his own observation and quietly observe Sandu's performance early on.

Xun Wu thought for a moment, then realized that what Juelong said was probably true.

It's different from that "Nanmo", in the true sense, he wants to fight them one-on-one.

The reason is very simple. Xun Wu's vigilant nature can affect Xun Wu's nerves when Xun Wu is in danger, making Xun Wu feel that something is wrong and weird-that is, "the cat is shocked". This feature saved Xun Wu once when Du Xin made a sneak attack.

Although Du Xin is dressed as a monk, he actually has a very murderous intention, and he wants to kill him.

On the contrary, Xun Wu has never been aware of Juelong's threat—because Juelong never wanted to sneak attack or plot against him.

It was also for this reason that when Juelong came out, Xun Wu had no choice but to stop and stick his knife into the soil.

"Brother Xun, what do you say?" Roman asked in a low voice.

"What else can I say!" Before Xun Wu could speak, Ren Pingsheng took a step, stood in front of the crowd, and shouted angrily, "Juelong! Last time I missed, I will definitely win you this time!"

Juelong frowned slightly, and looked up at the sky.

"It's already dawn."

Not bad.

Xun Wu and the others set off late at night, and the warships attacked in the early morning, searching, hiding, traveling long distances, etc., Xun Wu and the others had already consumed too much.

He looked down at Ren Pingsheng: "Ren Pingsheng, you should take a rest first, recover your internal energy, and eat something.

Otherwise, even if you win, you trash won't be convinced. "

Ren Pingsheng was trembling with his anger, and he was about to go up and hammer two steps forward, but Roman hurriedly pulled him back.

"Senior, what he said makes sense. You should sit down quickly, eat some dry food, and meditate to recover some internal energy."

Zhao Wumian and Xun Wuze looked at each other.

Although the two were a little tired, they were both in good condition.

Zhao Wumian has rich experience and has many times of sleepless nights to investigate cases, so he is very able to endure; although Xun Wu is not very good at staying up late, but now it is early morning, which is Xun Wu's strongest time of the day. At that time, Xun Wu's vitality characteristic will take effect. Not only will Xun Wu's cultivation speed be accelerated, but other related characteristics will also be affected to a certain extent, becoming stronger than other time periods.

Usually, Xun Wu had never fought anyone at this time - after all, he was either exercising or sleeping early in the morning, and the fighting either took place during the day, or in the evening or even late at night, so it never appeared.

In addition, whether it is Xun Wu or Zhao fact, they didn't use their internal energy at all. The big head is mainly supported by Roman, and Roman...Roman's internal energy is infinite, at least in the first-class class, no one Can be richer than his internal energy.

Moreover, Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian were also experienced. They had been observing the place where Shuangmanqiu was trapped, waiting for Jiang Tianmu's gap, and took some time to eat something to recover.

Therefore, the three of Xun Wu did not rest, but let Ren Pingsheng meditate, rest, and eat something. Ren Pingsheng was not polite. Although he was an old man, he had a good appetite. I ate it all.

Xun Wu is not afraid of procrastinating.

After all, the power of the dragon veins was affected by Wuyu, and the transmission power of the dragon veins would also decrease, not only on the front line, but also on Shuangmanqiu's side. Originally, Jiang Tianmu and Cong Yun took advantage of the lack of people , there is a chance to rescue Shuang Manqiu, and now the possibility is several layers higher, when the three of them come over, it will be reinforcement again.

It's not the same thing when there is frost and autumn, and Xun Wu will have ten thousand new strategies to disgust Sandu.

Even in the worst case, if the two of them can't rescue Shuang Manqiu, then they have to turn around, and then the numerical advantage will return to Xun Wu's side.

In the final analysis, the timing and location of Xun Wu and others getting stuck are too good, and there is no other way on Blood Spirit Island.

Even if a particularly outrageous situation occurs, Xun Wu and others are solved by Juelong alone in a short period of time. The front line can only collapse because of the lack of four top experts and a lot of anger. There is still a dead end.

Ren Pingsheng sat in meditation for a while, and suddenly, his eyes widened, his eyes were full of light, he turned over and stood in front of Xun Wu and the others.

Juelong stretched out his right hand, fanned back lightly, and said, "Come."

"Good!!" Ren Pingsheng yelled angrily, and jumped up! !

I saw the two of them fighting together at the crossroads!

Ren Pingsheng's inner energy is abundant, his whole body's energy is like thunder and lightning, and his fists are powerful, like splitting mountains and cracking rocks! !

Really a hero among first-rate masters!Even Roman couldn't help being amazed!

Good fist!

in this way.

After half a cup of tea.


Ren Pingsheng was kicked by Juelong in front of Xun Wu and the others like a ball, which surprised them.

"Waste is waste, no progress."

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