On Xun Wu's saber, bursts of bright or dark light flashed.

The light is not conspicuous, on the whole, it is only the length of a line, but it flickers like an alarm.

"Ah—it's that one!?" Roman entered Longdao Village with Xun Wu that day, and at that time, he saw that Xun Wu's Wuyu changed when he approached the dragon's veins.

Xun Wu nodded.

That day, he saw the real dragon veins with Ji Lian'er and Roman in Longdao Village. It was also at that time that he noticed that his desirelessness had changed.

When approaching the dragon vein, Wuyu will become very "excited", and the blade will "shake" constantly.

But that's not fear.

In the final analysis, the so-called dragon veins are only related to Tyrannosaurus, not Tyrannosaurus itself or the blood of Tyrannosaurus. Not on Tyrannosaurus, but it is also impossible to be suppressed by some natural things.

Now, Wuyu's new sword spirit is slowly being born, and the power of this dragon vein is the ultimate tonic to assist and feed it.

At the beginning, the old sword king used the internal energy of Xun Wu and the heroes to force out the poison in Xie Xian's blade, purified it, and forged it again, turning it into the peerless blade that is extremely sharp, flexible and hard at the same time.

But although it is sharper than before, it has lost the spirit of the knife.

Thinking about it normally, Xun Wu can only build up his "mind" with this knife slowly, and when he "feels in his heart" and "passes on the body of the knife", this knife will also have a new spirit of the knife.

This will be a step-by-step process, there is no rush, even if Xun Wu has the knowledge of sword-cutting and saber techniques, there is no way to complete this process quickly.

But now—

He came across nourishment.

Just like the Scorpion Immortal back then needed the power of a group of scorpions to be cast, as long as it can swallow enough anger... this knife can naturally be formed quickly.

However, if this is the case, Wuyu can only give birth to the sword spirit related to "fire".

"What happened?" Standing with a sword in his hand, Du Ji, who was guarding the dragon's veins, frowned slightly, and talked to his companion in a low voice, "Why did you get angry at that knife?"

This scene really surprised him.

Generally speaking, only by preparing the corresponding things in advance can the increase within the influence range of the dragon vein be obtained.

This is not because there is a difference between the "dragon veins", but because there are differences in other aspects.

Just like Longdao Village, the people in their village can become stronger through the power of dragon veins, but it is because they have built Longdao Village for a long time, reclaimed and expanded the interior of Longdao Village, and transformed the local climate and environment, just like Like opening canals to divert water, it is to expand the power of dragon veins in the form of land and plants.

But here on Blood Spirit Island, it is completely different, because they got the dragon vein by accident, and they don't have the background of Longdao Village, so they don't know how to build it, so they simply rely on the power of fire and blood to lay it.

In this case, as long as they have not practiced their martial arts, it is impossible to obtain the power of anger.

But now, the saber in Xun Wu's hand was actually absorbing anger.

Although the speed is not fast, there is no doubt that it is absorbing!

"That knife is waking up." Du Ren has read a lot of poetry and books, and he also understands this, and he can see the situation at a glance. "How can it be so strong? What is it?"

Not only them, even the few people next to Xun Wu couldn't believe it.

The long knife in Xun Wu's hand is like a huge wind eye, frantically absorbing the fire that overflowed from the surrounding area into the center, on the long knife, that purple line that can't disappear for a long time, hovering on the knife, Already completely replaced by red, Xun Wu's hands even trembled a little, and the temperature around him rose crazily, forcing him to vent his inner energy so as to prevent himself and his companions from being burned.

Fortunately, compared to the poison of the scorpion fairy, the burn of this anger is not so outrageous. Xun Wu quickly found a suitable level to protect his companions from being burned.

"This is..." Zhao Wumian widened his eyes.

He had heard that Xun Wu obtained a peerless sword in Cangfeng Island.

In fact, this matter has long been rumored.

Although Xun Wu himself is not a person who can show off when he has nothing to do, but that day, those young masters who dealt with Zhong Xiu with Xun Wu and recast Xie Xian with Xun Wu were not all calm people. , Among them are the types like the "Nanshan faction" who yell louder than anyone else after the incident is over, although they don't provide much help.

In addition, Xun Wu can be regarded as "top class" among the "chasing people" now, and as soon as there is a story about him, it will spread quickly.

Therefore, many people know that Xun Wu got a "peerless sword" reforged by the master and a group of heroes.

But what exactly is this "peerless sword"?

Everyone also knows that people in the Jianghu, especially those who are powerful in words but mediocre in action, are even more powerful in their bragging. Some of the people who participated in the incident were especially good at bragging. Therefore, everyone is not sure, this " How powerful is the knife.



The older generation and masters with reliable tutors know that besides grand masters, there are peerless masters who are more powerful, more terrifying, and the dragons can't see the end. Each of them is the essence of an era, and each of them, once They are all invincible fighters in an era. Each of them has transcended the master, transcended the realm that most people in the world cannot enter in their lifetime, and become the existence of land gods.

Calculating forward, only characters such as poets and robbers can become "peerless", and only such existences are worthy of the word "peerless".

Nowadays, a knife is also worthy of being called "peerless"?

How powerful can it be?

Is it possible that a knife can still achieve a master-level effect?

Not only does Zhao Wumian think so, in fact, Sandu also thinks so.

No matter how powerful the sword is, how powerful can it be?Eight Desolation Famous Swords, the Twelve Divine Swords of the Sword League, and the Supreme Swords of the Sword League, although they have different abilities, they all have limits in the final analysis, and swords like the Eight Desolation Famous Swords were indeed in the Warring States period. It is a rare treasure that cannot be found, but with today's forging knife technology and material technology, it has become something that can be copied.

"Grass." Du Xin couldn't help blurting out.

at this time.

at this juncture.

No Amitabha Buddha will work anymore.

Only cursive characters can express his heart——

Why does this sword seem to be able to achieve the effect of a master! !

Zhao Wumian also stood stupidly for a while, watching Xun Wu struggling to move forward with a knife, and hurriedly said: "Everyone!!! Don't be dazed, hurry up! Come on - cover Xun Wu and move forward!"

On the other side, Sandu was stunned for a while after all, but Xun Wu just took three or four steps like this, giving Zhao Wumian and others time to cover Xun Wu's advance, and immediately exchanged opinions in a hurry.

"Stop him, he can't control that knife perfectly!"

"Don't let him get close to the dragon's veins!"

The corner of Xun Wu's mouth twitched, feeling a bit difficult.

When I was in Longdao Village before, although Wuyu also erupted to a considerable extent, at that time, Xun Wu immediately controlled Wuyu, leaving it no room to play.

But here, Xun Wu first let go of Wuyu's control, allowing Wuyu's bottomless "appetite" to absorb a lot of anger.

As the saying goes, things must be turned against each other, this Wuyu can usually cut off all abnormal internal energy attacks on Xun Wu, but after swallowing a large amount of anger, the sword spirit went berserk, and started the mode of "great greed" and "extreme greed". , the anger in the air is accompanied by the blood energy, which is something accumulated by the Blood Spirit Island for a long time. After being devoured by Wuyu, it is like the scorpion fairy back then, reflecting the effects of all the anger and blood energy swallowed on Xun Wu's body. Xun Wu's body was hot and his heart was manic.

Fortunately, Xun Wu was firm in his heart, and at the same time relied on Zhengqi Changge to perfectly control his emotions, and rushed directly without getting ahead, so that his partners had time to assist.

Roman opened the way with fists, and Zhao Wumian assisted from the side. Although Ren Pingsheng didn't have enough internal energy, but seeing that Roman was on the way, considering the safety of his little savior, he hurried up to help.


Du Xin immediately understood Xun Wu's thoughts.

If according to the previous situation, there are three of them forming an formation, no matter whether it is sword energy or bow and arrow, they will not be able to break through their defense. In this way, they can persist until the people in the heaven and court are pushed back, and then come back to pack Jia Xun Wu and others, in this way, they will be hard to escape, and they must be turtles in the urn.

This was originally a strategy that had absolutely no problems and was absolutely achievable, but unexpectedly, it was still broken by Xun Wu!

Moreover, it is something they have never imagined, or even imagined at all!

Who would have thought that the peerless sword in Xun Wu's hand turned out to be a literal peerless sword, and the absorption speed of a sword was even faster and more than the speed of the three of them combined to absorb firepower and strengthen themselves!

Even if it is not so fast, only half of the effect is still killing them!

Because one of the three was injured, they couldn't form a formation perfectly, which caused their serious lack of means of active attack-if Du Xin's arm was not injured, he used the Buddha's palm, and the three of them worked together to force Xun Wu back and let them Can't move an inch.

But now, crossing the heart can't be the main player, whether it is crossing oneself or crossing others, there is no way to achieve the effect of crossing the heart.

What Duren focuses on is the way of "array", "education" and "study of exercises".What crosses the mind and concentrates is the way of glaring golden light and attacking and defeating the enemy.And Toji...

Crossing oneself, naturally is to protect oneself...

When he was in the main battle, with the help of the terrain, his defensive ability reached its peak, and Xun Wu and the others would definitely not be able to hurt any of them again.

But it is also difficult to stop Xun Wu and others!


Why can Xun Wu move forward so confidently?


I would like to thank Mr. Zhou Yun Zhou.

As early as when Xun Wu, Zhao Wumian, Bai Yupan and others were accepting missions in the palace, they solved the puzzles in the palace and found the stone tablet in the palace. Through decoding, they understood the message Zhou Yun left for them .

He has known for a long time that there are three people in Blood Spirit Island who are respectively good at the three schools of Kungfu of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and each has its own characteristics.

Just now, Zhao Wumian talked with Du Xin, and came up with some words, knowing that he was indeed Zhou Yun's student back then, and Zhou Xi also proved it from the side.

Later, when the dragon veins were pulled out and Duren rescued Duxin for the first time, Xun Wu also observed Duren's kung fu. Although there were differences, the framework was exactly the same as what Zhou Yun told them.

This allowed Xun Wu to further confirm that Sandu was Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

However, Xun Wu can't be too arbitrary.

Although he still believed in Zhou Yun's information, after all these years, he still needed to confirm the specific situation of Sandu.

The three of them have practiced all kinds of evil skills now, but after Xun Wu's sword qi and Zhao Wumian's shooting, Xun Wu has also observed a clue, and he is sure that unless they have a super hole card, the fighting style of the three is also different Zhou Yun's record is similar.

And the final result is - that's it, it's fully resolved.

It was under this judgment that Xun Wu had the confidence to let Jiang Tianmu and Cong Yun leave.

Now, Xun Wu is confident, let a few companions assist him, let him go forward step by step, and he is not worried at all that Sandu will rush over angrily.

This reason is too simple.

The three of them were in a stalemate with Xun Wu and the others, and Xun Wu approached slowly step by step. Even if he could absorb the power of the dragon's veins, it was not too much.

But if the three of them leave, Zhao Wumian and Luo Man are determined to destroy the dragon veins, and Xun Wu throws away the knife and uses the sword directly. At that time, the dragon veins will immediately shatter, and it is impossible for Xun Wu to be instantly killed by them!

This is not a home exchange!It's a delivery home!

What Xun Wu is doing now is not to destroy the dragon veins, but to block them.

Just like a river will branch when it encounters mountains and rivers, small rocks, the river does not need to mind, but some big blocks or diversion channels will change the flow of the river.

Now, since Xun Wu didn't have enough destructive power to break through the protective formation created by the three of them, he simply approached the formation and the dragon's veins.

I won't destroy it anymore, just build a "small river" at the "water source", isn't it too much?

Just suck "a little bit", really "a little bit".

Du Ji crazily mobilized his internal energy and anger, and pushed with his palms, trying to force Xun Wu and others to retreat, but Roman was not a vegetarian, so he just punched him a few times.

You can't break your tortoise shell, but you can't look down on our 60-year-old inner spirit!You have the support of the dragon veins, you can release your internal energy at will, I can do it too!

"Brother—why haven't you come!!!" At this time, Duji lived in Bengbu.

Although he is a cultivator, he is not the same as Duxin. He does not specialize in studying Buddhist scriptures like Duxin. He only practices, eats well, and sleeps on weekdays. ", for him, his own life is the only thing worthy of attention.

What time is this, why is Juelong still not here! ?

If it is broken here, even if the front line can make a counterattack in a short period of time when the anger is rising, it will not help. There is no chance to regroup, or escape the siege, and leave the island!

Now, although it is not broken, it may not be broken, but Xun Wu is here to block it, and the power transmitted by the dragon veins will be weakened by most. Where are you going!

"I'm here early."

At this moment, a voice passed through, Xun Wu gritted his teeth, and flung back with difficulty.

I saw a tall man with a naked upper body and monk trousers, with fierce eyes and a string of skull prayer beads, slowly walking over.


Zhao Wumian was taken aback for a moment, Xun Wu was affected by the sword and couldn't look around, but he didn't even notice this person, he just thought he suddenly appeared like a ghost!

"Juelong!!!" Ren Pingsheng screamed in panic.

"What a waste." The man muttered in a low voice, "Let me do everything. When will you be able to get close to the master?"

He stayed where he was.

"Don't leave, otherwise, I will sneak attack you."

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