The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 443 Experience Increased!? 4K

Compared with Bai Yupan and Zhao Wumian, Xun Wu needs to think more about the situation.

After all, Xun Wuduo brought two people to the island, so he was naturally responsible for it.

Fortunately, neither Cong Yun nor Roman are people with "ideas". Xun Wu also told them before going to the island, don't go too far, restrain others while ensuring their own safety, and then——

Find a boat.

This is also impossible.

Xun Wu's primary goal is to find the princess, so as to prevent everyone on Blood Spirit Island from "holding the princess to order the arrest".

But what about after finding the princess?what to do?It is also impossible to guard the island all the time. The enemy is numerous and powerful. Even if Roman's internal energy is ten times stronger, he will not be able to consume it in this environment. Being caught day and night, he has no ability to fight for a long time. .

Therefore, after finding the princess, sending the princess out as soon as possible is the most important thing.

Of course, it's not just the princess. On this basis, it is also very important to find a way to rescue the guards and maids on the princess's ship. Even if they cannot be rescued, liberating them will also help Xun Wu and others.

In short, these two people also have their own purposes. Even if they don't find an opportunity, the two of them will not mess around. The worst thing is to choose to find Xun Wu and cover Xun Wu. It is absolutely impossible to do something whimsical. .

Although it seems that there is no "spirituality" in this way, the two of them are also very clear that in this case, even waiting is better than tossing around. If Xun Wu's plan is accidentally disrupted, it will be a disservice .

Xun Wu is looking for clues.

Just as Zhao Wumian thought, Xun Wu's ability in "finding people" is indeed unique in the world. With the dual assistance of Dajuguan and Kanpao, he can find many useful things for him.

But, even so, it is still troublesome to find the princess and Shuang Manqiu.

The root cause is that although Shuang Manqiu is relatively weak in terms of "detection" and "analysis", she herself is undoubtedly the number one guard in the world, a reality that even a peerless expert can't change.

She was able to escape in the vast sea with a second-rate person like the princess, and she even avoided the pursuit of a big acquaintance like Yue Rushou. She didn't show the slightest flaw for two or three days. thing.

You know, in order to kill Xun Wu, this Blood Spirit Island spent a lot of money and called a lot of strong people back to the island. The defense was unprecedentedly strong, but even so, it still couldn't catch Shuang Manqiu, Ye Zhen Ji.

Who is Shuang Manqiu?

An ordinary catcher, an excellent guard!

Even Xun Wu had to admit that with all his strength, Shuang Manqiu was definitely strong. No matter how good his eyes were, he could only catch a few clues.

This is not surprising.

Shuang Manqiu was raised with the goal of being a princess substitute since she was a child. She is from a big family and has always had a good temperament, so she can pretend to be a princess, but she just pretends to be a princess and cannot protect her, nor can she be a substitute.

Except for the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting that she learned at the beginning and then left behind, Shuang Manqiu is good at as many things as stars, whether it is erasing traces, survival in the wild, cooking or other messy skills, she knows them all.

As long as she is not allowed to make decisions and not actively hurt others, she is a perfect partner.

From this aspect alone, she should live up to the title of "Four Famous Arresters".

Of course, Xun Wu wanted to hit her head twice now.

The princess is not someone who doesn't know the overall situation. Even if there is news about Blood Spirit Island, she will never get too close to avoid being held hostage.

The two armies fought, and the general was captured. Everyone knew that the battle could not be fought.

It was definitely Shuang Manqiu who was tossing around to make such a thing happen.

Just as Xun Wu thought.

At the temporary place where Shuang Manqiu and Ye Zhenji were hiding, Shuang Manqiu's wonderful inner skill stew shocked the princess who had always looked down on her "extra skills", but when she thought that this guy was hiding it from her, she tossed When something like this happened, she didn't have the slightest thought of praising, and she just wanted to scold her.

Fortunately, after experiencing the death of the crown prince, her temper changed a lot, and she was used to the royal style of "talking half-speak", so she held back.

After escaping, it's not too late to preach. At this time, let her calm down.

She looked outside, the sky was getting dark, and there were some faint rumbles in the island, which made her feel uncomfortable again.

On the other side, Xun Wu stopped again, rolled hastily, and hid.

Since those patrolling people went out and gave Xun Wu a period of time to catch them, the defense strength of this Blood Spirit Island has not dropped again. Xun Wu speculated that someone from Blood Spirit Island should have carried out a unified command, otherwise As before, there should be some confusion.

However, knowing that the enemy had orders, Xun Wu didn't have the heart to "decapitate", that didn't meet his goal.

At this moment, a group of extra patrolling officers passed by Xun Wu holding wooden signs. Xun Wu immediately lowered his figure, locked his lips, and frowned.

Fortunately, Xun Wu dodged quickly, otherwise he was about to run into him!

This is?

At this moment, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, which startled him.

The experience has increased! ?

Xun Wu was taken aback for a moment——

Wait, what profession is this?

Hide your body and quickly scan the information in front of you.

There is more than two points of experience added to the catcher profession. This is not a problem. I am still performing tasks, so the experience is given according to the working hours as usual.

Then there is the young hero profession, which has gained a little experience. This is the reward obtained by the hunter before. If any of the two professions gains experience, the other will gain a fixed point.

However, what Xun Wu didn't expect was that besides gaining experience in the profession of policeman and a little fixed experience in the profession of young hero, there is actually a career growth experience!

And it's not a little, it's 1.5!

Sergeant experience started to increase?

Xun Wu hurriedly glanced again, and found that it wasn't his misreading, but it had really grown.

The profession of Sergeant is a profession that Xun Wu acquired after he obtained the fifth-grade military equipment after the end of the martial arts. Since he obtained it, he has not gained experience, but he did not expect it to increase today.

Anyway, with these people outside here, he could only hide, so Xun Wu simply fell into deep thought.

The job of being a police officer is to complete the job of being a police officer, and you can gain experience by working as a police officer. As a career as a guard, you must be in the area near Bao Huaiying to gain experience.

It stands to reason that for this sergeant profession, one should start serving as a soldier or enter a war in order to gain experience.

But now it seems that this condition is not so rigid.

I'm afraid, as long as you enter the battle, you can continue to increase experience?

That is to say, as long as it is determined by Sheng Jin to launch and protect something, it is considered a battle.

Furthermore, even a battle related to the princess could be considered a battle!

In short, some earn!

Xun Wu's mood of "feeling that he was cheated, but not very cheated" suddenly disappeared.

I said earlier that you give experience, and give experience everything is easy to say!

Because the two professions of catching fast and young hero are of high level and the things they give are getting better and better, it is impossible for Xun Wu to use those general experience to feed low-level professions. Wu must be happy!

Going one step further, the Devil's Cult will definitely give him experience in the future. According to the statistics, this Blood Spirit Island and the Devil's Cult must give him a first-level sergeant, a trait for nothing!

Fortunately, Xun Wu has always been calm, has a high level of occupation, and has a lot of characteristics. Otherwise, he might laugh out loud at this time, and there will be a big problem.

And at this moment, those people who were dressed and equipped differently started shouting again.

Xun Wu was studying the situation of the sergeant profession before, so he didn't hear what was shouted outside. This time, the group started to shout, and they only listened from the middle, but they could roughly hear what it was.

If you don't say anything, you can kill a royal maid every day, and then torture those people in the most terrifying way, turning them into flesh bombs.They said that the guy who came to Chongdao has been consumed by them to half-death, and they can't save you at all.

Xun Wu didn't hear the whole story, anyway, that's all.

Xun Wu thought it was ridiculous, and he didn't even know how to make it up.

It's true that the sound of sword qi is less, but isn't it gone?

How loud is the sound of the white jade plate's sword energy piercing the sky?Like an alarm, it explodes every once in a while, who would think he fell down?Who can be fooled by this?

If Xun Wu was still a little worried about the white jade plate at the beginning, now Xun Wu is not worried at all.

If you want to ask why, it is because Xun Wu and Bai Yupan know each other well. He knows very well that although Bai Yupan has more internal energy than himself, it is definitely not outrageous. It is definitely impossible to fight like Luo Man and Shuang Manqiu for an afternoon .

Xun Wu was able to be safe and sound all afternoon, and even hit a few swords at regular intervals later, Xun Wu knew that the white jade plate was absolutely fine.

Since Bai Yupan is fine, let's continue looking for the princess!

He didn't know how Bai Yupan did it, but there were only a few possibilities.

One, the white jade plate breaks through the demons and becomes a master.But now it seems that it should be impossible. If he is a real master, how can he be stopped by a bunch of stinky fish and rotten shrimp?Zao rushed into the island and hacked Yue Ruchou to death.

Second, Bai Yupan has a helper.This should be the most likely thing. Considering that Bai Yupan's journey is completely different from theirs, it is very possible that Bai Yupan borrowed manpower from the army halfway, but this group of people obeyed what the second prince said. Things, unless you wait until the birth of "No. 1 Catcher in the World", if you don't help, then you didn't hit the island with the white jade plate.

But now, the whereabouts of Her Royal Highness is unknown, they are even more anxious, how can they care about the orders given by the second prince?

Shouting this kind of words, Xun Wu really didn't know what the person who made up these words was thinking.

Who are you lying to?Shuang Manqiu wouldn't believe it!

He admitted that this method of shouting with placards can indeed affect people's mentality, but the level of people who edited this is not good enough, so it does not affect people's mentality, it is another level of stress relief!

Just when Xun Wu was about to wait for these people to leave, and then he left happily, a figure suddenly appeared in front of many minions of Blood Spirit Island, carrying a long axe, frowning, looking at them: "Where are you going?" What are you doing!?"

"Master Blood Demon—" Several people hurriedly bowed to salute upon seeing Blood Demon, "It was Lord Guiweng who ordered us to spread the word on the island."

Blood Charm?

Xun Wu chanted the name.

This blood demon seems to be one of the four ghosts that the water bandit leader mentioned earlier?

It turned out to be a woman?

Xun Wu frowned.

He hid in the dark of the stairs, observing from the corner of his eye.

From the point of view of height, this woman is quite short, maybe only taller than Master Chen, her face looks a bit immature, but Xun Wu is Xun Wu after all, and people are never judged by pure height and appearance , although this blood charm is short, her figure and body development are not a problem at all. Unless she grows explosively, she is by no means a teenage girl.

In addition, her face seemed very immature, but it was covered up by a smile. Xun Wu could tell that she was by no means an ignorant girl after a few more glances.

"That's not what I asked!" Xue Mei pointed at those people, "It's too stupid for you to shout these things, are you afraid that others will not know that you are using tricks?"

Several people looked at each other and said hesitantly: "Eh... this is an order from a master of the red scarf..."

"The surname of Bu is still surnamed Han, isn't it too stupid? Change it quickly."

"But... Lord Guiweng has ordered that no matter who it is, it is not allowed to change the tasks during his command...We can only do this."

Xue Mei raised her eyebrows, and the smile on her face froze. After a while, she hummed and said, "You think my command is not good, do you think your command is stronger?"

Although she was not very happy, her smile was still cute. With her long axe, she looked beautiful, cruel and evil at the same time.

However, even so, she couldn't change the status quo, so she could only watch the group of people leave, while she turned her head and looked around, and happened to see where Xun Wu was hiding.

She squinted her eyes and looked at it carefully, so that Xun Wu couldn't help but start to mobilize the flags and drums.

She is good at sailing, if she is at sea, she can still identify with confidence, but on land, she really doesn't know where to hide.

No one wants to play peek-a-boo with her.

Shuang Manqiu was too difficult to catch. She studied it all afternoon, but she didn't gain anything at all.

She shook her head, turned and left, ready to look elsewhere.

After she left, Xun Wu left the stairs.

This kind of hiding position was also taught by Ji Lian'er. Originally, Xun Wu thought that he would have little chance to practice it, but he didn't expect to use it at this moment.

Xun Wu followed the clues and continued to walk inside the Blood Spirit Island.

This Shuang Manqiu is really a daring person with a high level of art. Knowing that there are many people outside, he dared to go to the inner island.

Looking at it now, in order to increase the manpower on the outside, the Blood Spirit Island has indeed lost a lot of people inside, and it is indeed good to hide inside.

The four ghosts just now left, and there should be even fewer people left behind.

Xun Wu also walked more cautiously. He ran into several patrols one after another, and escaped without any risk. Xun Wu even found an opportunity to knock out a man who was about the same size as himself, and snatched his clothes. Camouflaged and continued to sneak cautiously.

Right now!

"call out!"

When Xun Wu cautiously walked away for another cup of tea, a flying knife arrived unexpectedly and stabbed directly at Xun Wu's side!

"You, practice the knife with me!"

It was a man with a red scarf who stopped him forcefully and asked him to practice his sword!

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