The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 442 The Human Ghost Strategy 4K

After Xun Wu landed on the island, he quickly mobilized his internal strength and quickly hid in the jungle.

Although the three of Xun Wu have avoided the eyes of the Blood Spirit Island as much as possible, and even if the Blood Spirit Island is big enough, it is impossible for the people in the Blood Spirit Island to cover everything, but after all, the Blood Spirit Island has already laid a net of heaven and earth, causing the three of Xun Wu When approaching the island, they still had to be affected, so they could only scatter away from each other, and then they wanted to look for opportunities later.

Fortunately, when Xun Wu assigned tasks and decided to go to the island, Xun Wu knew that he was definitely not "lonely".

Zhao Wumian and Bai Yupan are definitely on the way.

This is not a trust in the two of them without brains, but a trust in their own abilities. He doesn't believe it. Those two have compared themselves so many times. At present, it is impossible to say whose comprehensive ability stabilizes the other two. , these two people will not notice the situation here.

The princess was attacked, no matter what she had to rush up to see.

Xun Wu didn't know what happened, but the behavior of the princess and Shuang Manqiu undoubtedly added a lot of trouble to them. Originally, there was no need to go to the island completely, and they could wait for the warship team to come on the way , to go to the island in advance to cooperate in the battle, but now it has become necessary to land on the island first, and then wait for the warship to rush here.

This makes it more difficult and troublesome to cooperate.

However, since this kind of thing happened, it can only be like this.

Fortunately, although it slightly affected the overall situation, it was not particularly bad.

Although due to a reason that Xun Wu couldn't figure out, Shuang Manqiu and the princess arrived at the Blood Spirit Island first, which caused some unexpected problems, but it was not all bad things.

The Blood Spirit Island was so well prepared that when Xun Wu was rowing outside, he felt a little numb, and in the end he could only rush forward.

If only the three of Xun Wu went to the island, the Blood Spirit Island party might suffer a lot of injuries. Now it’s all right, the princess’s whereabouts are unknown, not only Xun Wu, but Zhao Wumian’s side must also do their best. You have to act in a hurry, you can no longer hide and wait.

The imperial court has already suppressed everyone, and if the heavenly court looks at it again, it will be against the morals of the world!

Of course, because of the sequence of actions, the Heavenly Court should be slow for a day or two, and it will take half a day at the earliest to leave. After all, what Xun Wu told them today was just to investigate and did not let them follow.

They waited until Jiang Tianmu told them that they could press on.

For half a day, the pressure on the entire Blood Spirit Island will be all on the court's side.

About four or five people need to stand up to twenty or so first-rate masters, and there are countless firearms, arrows, hidden weapons, bombs...

Xun Wu felt a little headache thinking about it.

Forget it, it’s useless to think about it. The top priority is to find the princess before the people of Blood Spirit Island, otherwise the princess will mainly fall into the hands of the people of Blood Spirit Island. Maybe the Blood Spirit Island will escape again, hide in another place, and continue to suck the blood of the people of Shengjin.

But to be's actually really hard.

It is difficult to find the princess first in the base camp of Blood Spirit Island without alarming the members of Blood Spirit Island. Carpet-like search, and if they are entangled during the sweeping process of Blood Spirit Island, then the masters of Blood Spirit Island will gather together, let alone Xun Wu, even if you change Roman and Shuang Manqiu, they will not be able to withstand so many people.

The only thing that made Xun Wu happy was that this was supposed to be a big battle to "welcome" him, but now Youzhao Wumian and Bai Yupan fought together.

Just as Xun Wu was slowly moving, dodging, and collecting information in the grove, a huge bright white sword energy swept out from the other side of the island and soared into the sky.

Xun Wu stood there stunned for a moment. Outside the woods, a few minions of Blood Spirit Island who were patrolling looked up and screamed. On the other side, a man who looked like a team leader hurriedly called them to hurry up.

This scene evokes a glimmer of memory in Xun Wu.

last year.

In the Bodhi Temple, the same is true for the white jade plate, which suddenly started a fight with someone.

That time, Bai Yupan was attacked by the invisible Yue Rushou, that's why he had to fight with others, what about now?

Logically speaking, since Bai Yupan had already seen Yue Ruchou's secret method of invisibility, he shouldn't run into the same problem this time...

Xun Wu hesitated.

His relationship with Bai Yupan is still very good...

"What's the sound?" Suddenly, the minions who were walking briskly outside the woods seemed a little puzzled. They stopped and listened carefully, as if they were poking into the woods.

Xun Wu half bent over and hid quietly behind the tree without making a sound.

"Hey——what are you still doing in a daze!?"

"Oh oh oh, here we come!!"

Xun Wu was not nervous and continued to think about the previous question.

If someone else dies, or if someone else runs into an ambush, from a personal point of view, there is no need to save it. After all, in such a situation surrounded by powerful enemies, it is good to be able to protect yourself.

But...similarly, in such a situation surrounded by powerful enemies, the more one's own combat power can be preserved, the safer the individual will actually be.

So, should we go to see the white jade plate here?

While thinking, Xun Wu slowly moved his steps again.

I never expected this kind of thing to happen, otherwise I would have to bring Xiaobai without Roman and Cong Yun. In this kind of chaotic place, Xiaobai moves quickly, collects information from other areas, and then summarizes and tells him , Only then can we clearly judge the real situation and make the best decision.

But now, Xun Wu doesn't have any game functions like "mini-map", so he doesn't know what happened to his "teammates". If he "doesn't fight wild" and rush over, the "wild monsters" will be lost and people will be restrained If so, then this operation can basically be declared a failure.

And if Ji Lianer is here, then there is no need to be so entangled, just let her run over to see what happened. Compared with Ji Lianer who is good at hiding, Xun Wu is not confident that he can come and go freely in broad daylight and in the net of heaven and earth.

But Xun Wu's hesitation only lasted for a moment, and he immediately forgot it.

Compared with the most important thing of finding the princess, other things can be put aside. The princess must not fall into the hands of Blood Spirit Island, otherwise there will be no chips enough to exchange.

Blood Spirit Island may be happy to trade the princess for him, but Xun Wu is not a fool, and he doesn't believe that Blood Spirit Island is a fool. Wu self-judgment.

Xun Wu didn't believe that Bai Yupan would stumble twice on one problem, and he would never fall into the trap again, so he finally decided to go to the princess first.

He thought very fast, and while thinking, he changed positions, so it didn't take much time.

Moreover, it was just as Xun Wu thought.

Bai Yupan is one of the four famous arresters at the top of the fast arresting team. He is Xun Wu's good friend and a genius who competes with him for the No. 1 arrester in the world. How could he fall into someone else's trap?

He rushed directly to the island!

When he came up, he hacked the two guards to death with sword energy, and then pressed down a first-rate master who came, and fought with seven or eight second-rate masters, and killed a few people at the same time, which can be called extremely arrogant!

Now he is extremely crazy, but also extremely calm!

The previous him, because of Yue Rushou, made it more and more chaotic and crazy.

But now, he has already determined where Yue Rushou is, regained his calm heart, and then took the initiative to kill him!

Finding the princess takes time.

This is the base camp of Blood Spirit Island. There are many more people in Blood Spirit Island than them. He must buy time for Xun Wu and the others!

Even if he didn't see Xun Wu, even if he didn't know where Zhao Wumian was, it didn't matter!

He believed in Xun Wu!

He needs to buy time, even if it's just for Shuang Manqiu to take a few more breaths and regain his inner breath, it's worth it!

So, not only him, but the big ship he came on is also crashing towards Blood Spirit Island, vowing to kill him to the fullest!

Moreover, he believes that once the news about him is known to Blood Spirit Island, Yue Ruchou will definitely come here, even if he is just making suggestions, it doesn't matter to him!

It is not only a matter of business, but also can report personal grievances, this is the white jade plate!

"Is that bastard Bai Yupan dying?" On the other side, Zhao Wumian frowned and hid after taking several lives lightly, "Forget's him who makes for the princess...

No, you can't just look for someone. Xun Wu is better than me when it comes to finding someone...

There are too many people on Blood Spirit Island, and there are many masters. Rather than looking for people, what I should!

Yes, it is absolutely impossible for Xun Wu to be deceived by a disguise. His eyes are the best at distinguishing the truth from the false, but it is impossible for the Blood Spirit Island to be so familiar with the princess and Shuang Manqiu, so I should fake their whereabouts and try my best to Buy time! "

He immediately positioned himself, and then took the bow into his hand without hesitation. The energy in his body was floating, and gradually changed into a lone wolf-like temperament. shot out, followed by a bang.

Countless invisible inner qi fell from the sky and merged into the air.

This is his unique skill - Thousands of miles to share the beauty, even separated by hundreds or nearly a thousand meters, still remaining, fixed-point, it is one of the most outstanding moves of archers for fixed-point strikes!Similarly, it is another extremely powerful camouflage trick, which can camouflage all kinds of internal energy!Although there is no truth, the camouflage is perfect. In the eyes of professionals like Xun Wu and Ji Lian'er, it is not worth mentioning, but it is very useful to deceive others, and it is an excellent "fishing". ""Shoot" stunt!

He nodded, hung up his longbow without hesitation, and jumped out.

At the same time, the ghost urn who had just obtained the command was extremely furious, and shouted at his subordinates angrily.

"Damn it, why have there been so many troubles all of a sudden! How did you prepare in advance!"

"This--this...Master Guiweng, it was a net laid by Lord Devourer before!" The man was stared at by Guiweng, trembling all over, but he still insisted on saying, "Although there are many people rushing up, But we found out—”

"Don't talk back!" Guiwen glared again, making him afraid to speak, "How many people are there!"

"A conservative estimate, there may be about six people!"

"Left or right?" Guiwen couldn't believe it, "Still left or right? This needs to be estimated?"


Guiwen didn't bother to break up with him, and continued to ask: "Where's the blood demon?"

"My lord... Didn't Lord Blood Charm leave before?"

"She won't come back at this time?" Guiweng's eyes widened. "If you don't listen to a voice, how can you fight against the enemy?"

Ghost Urn is right.

The big enemy is now——Although compared to the size of Blood Spirit Island, there are only a few people here, so it cannot be called a "big" enemy, but when the crisis comes, it is most appropriate to have a unified command within the organization. When one person wants to arrest someone, one person thinks about revenge, and one person thinks about killing people, then things are prone to chaos, and when chaos occurs, it is easy to have flaws, and if flaws appear, it is easy to be torn apart, and the loss will be even greater at that time!

Often, the collapse of a power is because of this small "tear".

Now that the incident happened suddenly, the command on the periphery of Blood Spirit Island naturally belonged entirely to the ghost urn, but if at this time, the blood ghost was outside and did not listen to the instructions and commanded at will, how much trouble would there be? !

While he was thinking this way, he noticed that a group of people had gathered and said that they wanted to catch the strong man who wanted to rush to the island.

"What are you doing here!" Ghost Urn's pale face was as red as a pepper, "You left, what about the surveillance on the island!? What if someone sneaked in by taking advantage of the chaos!?"

The ghost urn is about to explode.

"But... it's Master Blood Charm..."

"Now, listen to me!!"


Guiwen felt a little dizzy, but he could only start immediately and began to order: "Now, spread the news immediately, and everyone in the entire periphery only obeys my orders. Don't even listen!

I will kill anyone who dares to resist! "


"You guys, immediately return to my original position, continue to guard, monitor, and patrol, and if there is any abnormality, give me a ringing dial!"

"Yes! Uh... what about that madman?"

"Get lost! Do you hear me!" Guiwen scolded angrily, too lazy to explain to him.

"Yes, yes, yes—" The team leader hurriedly led the people back and ran away, continuing to guard his place.

Seeing these people run away, Guiwen turned his head to look at the other group: "The most urgent thing is to catch those two women, and increase my search efforts to find the traces of those two women. Once they are found, Just detonate the flare for me! You must find them before the people on the island, do you understand!"

"Understood!" The man didn't dare to talk back, and ran away immediately.

Guiwen cursed angrily, and looked at the subordinates who had been following him: "You go to Tiankuxing and let her figure it out for herself."

The man nodded, and immediately turned and ran away.

He sighed, then turned to look at a brother with a red scarf wrapped around his arm.

The red scarf is the symbol of the highest rank in Blood Spirit Island. In theory, even he, the four ghosts, is just a red scarf, but he is half a rank higher after all, so he speaks harder.

"Boss Guiweng, is there anything else I can do to help?" This man followed Guiweng, and he was also a self-motivated person.

Ghost Urn pondered for a moment, and said: "Blood Spirit Island is so big, and it is all our people. It is difficult to command and coordinate. Those who landed on the island from different directions cannot contact each other, so it is naturally more difficult. Phenomena not only affect their own plans, but also disturb each other, and in the end they even become fish on the chopping board.

When you are isolated and helpless, the mentality is the most important. Once you are upset, the things you do will destroy the interests of the group more easily...

You take people to spread the word, don't force them to show up, make them suspicious, and worry about each other, that's enough! "

"Wonderful——" the red scarf thief sneered, "That's right, I don't believe they can cooperate without being able to see each other or speak."

"That's right." Ghost Urn nodded, "When they show up, we'll attack them one by one!"

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