The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 444 1 Again, Again 3 4K

red scarf.

The "highest level" unit located in the Blood Spirit Island system.

In terms of organizational structure alone, this Blood Spirit Island is actually a typical pyramid structure, Juelong is the leader of the organization, Sandu and Sigui are the cadres of the organization, and the others belong to them, one by one.

However, the origin of Blood Spirit Island is not like this.

All this is due to its predecessor, the Four Places of Education.

No matter what happened to the Devil's Cult, at the place where it was born, it did have some ideas of benefiting the world.And I want to know more or less than everyone, this kind of "grassroots" and "cottage" type of organization, more or less have some "bandits" and "brothers" plot.

In fact, there is no real class distinction between "Xingjun", "Heavenly Star" and "Earth Star". They are all "sha" - heavenly evil and earth evil.

However, later on, power and class gradually formed, and the so-called "brother" was just a verbal title.

Blood Spirit Island was born out of the Devil's Cult. Although he didn't want to admit it, he did inherit a lot of ideas and ideas from the Devil's Cult. At the very beginning, everyone wore red scarves and wanted to prove themselves. At that time, the "red scarf" It is a symbol of brotherhood.

But 20 years later, many of the original "brothers" died, and the young people who made up later were looked down upon by the elderly, and secondly, they felt that these people robbed their own resources, so they would naturally have "discrimination". ".

What's more, the vast majority of people on this Blood Spirit Island practice evil martial arts, so how could they treat each other normally?

Nowadays, "everyone on the island is a brother" is just a scene, and the red scarf is the uncle, and the people of Blood Spirit Island are all proud of wearing the red scarf. You have to do what the red scarf wants you to do. How are you?

This red scarf man, surnamed Liu, is 36 years old, a first-rate martial artist, but even though he is a first-rate martial artist, he is not really a powerful character among the red scarf crowd, only a throwing knife is considered powerful.

Over the years, he relied on his status as a red scarf to dominate Fuzhou and Xueling Island, and he didn't want to practice hard. After a few years, he was chased by those behind him. According to the internal appraisal of Xueling Island, If he loses in the next competition, he will probably be deprived of his red scarf and become an expatriate bandit and water bandit leader like Jiang Hong.

He could never accept such a thing.

He is used to eating big fish and big meat, so it is naturally impossible for him to accept fasting.

Fortunately, recently, he also had the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and practice swordsmanship.

Just now, a young warrior dressed in rags and with rags on his back passed by in front of his eyes. He looked quite handsome and felt unhappy, so he threw the knife away.

He wanted to see this man startled, and then bumped into his own throwing knife when he tried to avoid it, so that even if he scratched his face, he couldn't find a reason.

Unexpectedly, this kid was quite courageous, he didn't dodge or dodge, and let the flying knife pass by his side.


He was quite upset.

Blood Spirit Island is not a normal sect.

These upper-level masters also have a crushing status gap with these low-level personnel.

In normal sects, even if it is not the rigorous style of work of Dongshan sect, most sects will strictly investigate the infighting among disciples in the sect to prevent problems within the sect.

But Blood Spirit Island is different.

Most of the ordinary gang members here are just the offal who drank a sip of soup with the blood spirit island, and the rest of them are mostly the guys who have been controlled by the blood spirit island for life and death, but they are not red scarves. Some second-level masters of Blood Spirit Island can hold the power of life and death inside Blood Spirit Island!

After all, human lives here are completely worthless, and there are low-level people everywhere in Ryukyu who want to join their Blood Spirit Island and change their living environment to "get ahead".

Blood Spirit Island is certainly scary, but the suffocating environment of Ryukyu controlled by the big families is also forcing them to do evil.

At this time, the handsome young man saw him talking, turned around quickly, bowed his head in fear and respect, and said, "My lord, did you call me?"

Liu Feidao's mouth grinned, the corners of his mouth turned up, and his mood improved a lot.

Hmph, no matter how good-looking you are, you still can only worship me?

He looked at the young man in front of him and sized him up again.

Because his head was lowered and his hands were in front of his body, he couldn't fully see his whole appearance, but he generally felt quite handsome.Clothes were very wrinkled and looked like they had been through some kind of mess.There is a huge thing on the back, wrapped in a lot of rags, I can't tell what it is.

At the waist, it seems to be a knife?

"Come here if I tell you, what nonsense?" Liu Feidao shouted angrily.

"But—" the young man lowered his head even lower, and said, "Master Guiweng has ordered us to take the sign and spread it everywhere, and we can't stay for a while."

Although his voice trembled a little, overall, he felt full of energy.

Liu Feidao frowned.

How dare you come out and press me with a ghost urn?

Anger welled up in him.

Horse riding——

He really can't do anything.

As I said before, although there is no class on the surface of the Blood Spirit Island, the red scarf people are theoretically the core of the Blood Spirit Island, but the four ghosts can overwhelm their ordinary red scarves.

Not to mention, now that the periphery of Blood Spirit Island has been handed over to Gui Urn for management and command, if he dares to jump at this time, he may have to take off the red scarf in advance, and be reduced to fighting desperately with that lunatic who rushed to the island. the point.

That is absolutely impossible.

He snorted again and looked at the young man.

The one with the cloth wrapped around the back, so it should be those brands?


Noticing that his mood had changed, Xun Wu lowered his head even lower.

Although he took away the coat of a lower-level gang member, Xun Wu knew that his ability to disguise was limited, and he would never be able to reach the level of Ji Lian'er. If he met someone with good eyesight, he might recognize him It's here, so he can only choose to bury his head down.

The good news is that Xun Wu has not gained nothing in the past half a day. He already knows something about the internal situation of Blood Spirit Island. At this time, it is indeed good enough to bring out the "ghost urn".

"Go away, go away."

Xun Wu breathed a sigh of relief, quickly bowed his head to answer, turned around and left.

Xun Wu didn't know whether the person in front of him was strong in martial arts, but there were still many flaws. Although Xun Wu lowered his head, he did observe it.

Although it is not impossible to do it, but after all, it is a member of the Red Turbans. According to the information collected from Jiang Hong, members of the Blood Spirit Island at the Red Turban level must be top-notch experts.

Since he is a top-notch player, if he wants to win, he must put in a lot of effort, and if he is a person who is good at defense, there is no way for Xun Wu to win directly, and if there are twists and turns, it will be a headache.

It would be best if he could be cheated directly.

However, before he could take two steps, another voice came from behind.

"and many more!"

When Xun Wu heard this voice, he could only freeze in place.

Although Xun Wu has not collected many clues now, he also has little time. He doesn't know how many people the white jade plate brought and how many supplies are on board, but if one boat is used against one island, the resources will definitely not be enough. The time he can buy himself is limited.

On the other side, although he didn't see Zhao Wumian, he had observed the surrounding environment and the sky, and seen the inner qi that flickered several times. It was the secret signal that Xun Wu and the others had seen in the palace. He's also buying himself time.

Although Xun Wu was not flustered, he had to seize every minute and every second, and he couldn't let the brothers hold on and play slowly by himself, otherwise, it would be wasting the time the brothers had finally won.

"Boy, you don't seem to be right?"

Xun Wu frowned.

Did this guy find something wrong?

"My lord is saying?"

"Heh." Liu Feidao looked at Xun Wu's dazed look, with the corners of his mouth upturned, and sneered, "Boy, I've assigned you a task, you take it, and I don't care about you, but you linger, shrink back, Are you lazy?"


have to.

Xun Wubai was worried.

It turns out that Xun Wu was asked to "respect" him?

Xun Wu had encountered this kind of speech technique several times when he was walking on the rivers and lakes before. At first, he didn't understand what it meant, but after encountering it many times, he realized that he had to give money and things himself.

If later Xun Wu said that he didn't know what he was talking about, this person would say that he would report you to be lazy, so that you couldn't eat it, and then Xun Wu would have to beg him not to talk nonsense. And he would logically ask Xun Wu to give him some "meaning" so as to let Xun Wu go.

This set of routines may be older, more basic, and easier to use than most martial arts routines. Throughout the ages, there may have been such a set of procedures since someone started.

Although Xun Wu was upset, he still performed with him to satisfy this person's psychology.

On the other side, Liu Feidao had a ferocious smile on his face, but he was also caressing in his heart.

Although, since he became a red scarf man, he has been doing poorly, but it does not mean that he is an idiot.

The red scarf is the most advanced symbol of Blood Spirit Island. Blood Spirit Island has always been able to maintain its vitality and competitiveness in the arena, and it has been able to erode so much money. Ability also needs to be guaranteed.

Just like the members of Blood Spirit Island that Xun Wu met in the Xuanji Tower, and the red scarf bandits who helped He Jing, they may not be called top-notch smart, but "self-protection" is still enough.

It's not that he is boasting. When he won the red scarf back then, he relied on his comprehensive ability, whether it was fighting, trading or using his brain, he had a certain level.If it wasn't for the fact that the so-called Four Ghosts didn't exist back then, he definitely wouldn't be just dawdling around.

In the first moment just now, he was jealous just because Xun Wu was handsome, and bullied him casually.

But then, he felt something was wrong.

The young man in front of him, when he saw it for the first time, was just jealous, but when he turned his head to leave, Liu Feidao looked at Xun Wu's back, looked at his vigor, and couldn't help feeling suspicious .

To be honest, although he is mentally disturbed from practicing kung fu, prone to jealousy, and he plays badly every day, waiting to die, but in fact he also knows his family.

The people above are mentally abnormal, the brains of those at the same level are abnormal, and the people below are not in normal state. This is Blood Spirit Island.

In short, those ordinary gangsters, because they have been bullied for a long time, their martial arts are not normal, and some who have started to learn the blood spirit skills are even worse. Coupled with malnutrition and other reasons, how much There will be some problems.

As for Xun Wu, although he seemed to have no problem walking, he was too full of energy. Although he didn't have any aura or momentum, it seemed to be nothing, just a little better than ordinary people—but, on Blood Spirit Island, A little better than ordinary people, but not ordinary at all!

Therefore, he tempted the man with this.

He wanted to see how this kid would deal with it.

There was nothing wrong with the results of the experiment. This kid didn't seem to understand the tricks, and after arguing with himself for a while, he finally realized that he needed to take the money, and took out a fake dirty bracelet from his pocket .

From his eyes, he could tell that it was a fake bracelet, but the way of wrapping it was very careful, it was wrapped with rags for a long time, it was very precious.

This is what Xun Wu got by grabbing the clothes before, not because he wanted to rob money, but just as a precaution, and it just happened to be used.

Liu Feidao took the bracelet into his hand, smiled and patted the shoulder of the person in front of him, praised him a few times, and said that he would speak well to the captain in the future and get him promoted, which made this person extremely excited.

This smile is too real, not fake, and his eyes are sharp when he hears "promoted".

"Okay, take a break first." Liu Feidao smiled.

Now that he had collected the things, he would naturally show a little kindness and listen to the young man's praise for him.

As for supporting young people?

Hahaha, how is that possible.

When he finds the captain of this person, he will definitely be severely criticized and tortured!

The strong can treat the weak like this, playing with and torturing at will!

This is the true core of Blood Spirit Island!

Power is everything!


His eyes were closed again, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, he slowly took out a throwing knife from his pocket.

Since there is no problem, it's time to make yourself feel good!

How dare you dangle in front of me even if you are just a piece of trash, who gave you the courage! ?

He slowly gathered his inner energy, and prepared to use a whirling knife, and when the young man walked a little farther, he would throw it at him and slash his face!

Of course, if you run now, I might spare your life, but if you listen to me, lie down and rest, hehehe...

Then be blamed on me, after all, I have already given you a chance.

However, just as he was thinking this way, he felt something was wrong.

What's wrong?

He didn't expect it, but it didn't matter anymore, he grinned ferociously and threw a throwing knife backwards.

Of course—

people! ?

His eyes widened.

Just when he was still in shock, a figure appeared on his back strangely, and a long silver-white blade shot out suddenly, drawing a bright crescent moon in the dark night.

"Woo—" Before he could yell out, a big hand grabbed his neck violently from behind him, and then, another knife came out, piercing his heart!


This sound, shouted in the heart.

Xun Wu suddenly exerted force and twisted again, breaking his neck completely!

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