
Accompanied by a violent pulling sound, a huge and luxurious ship was slowly pulled to the side of Blood Spirit Island.

Blood Demon had the usual crazy smile on his face, and he carried his ax on one shoulder, as if he was working as an overseer, watching the minions pull the boat to the shore.

This is the royal ship, which is filled with various luxurious materials. Although it has been in service for decades, it is after all a thing made by the late emperor to show off and boast, and its quality is naturally guaranteed.

After the ship docked, a group of people armed with weapons drove some maids and guards off the ship.

"Master Blood Charm, how do you deal with these people?" Someone asked her.

"Do you want me to teach you how to deal with it?" Although Xue Mei was laughing, she didn't seem to be laughing at all. Just a sound made the person who asked her stay where she was, silent like a cicada.

"That killed them all?"

"Are you a fool?" Xue Mei glared at him, his purple eyes were like wild beasts, "Kill these people, how can you have leverage to lure those two women out?

What happened to those two women when they were let go, need I tell you? "

"Yes, yes, yes!!" The questioner didn't dare to speak in an air, and nodded quickly.

"Lock them up so they can be raised. Don't scare them to death. They are our treasures."

"As ordered!"

The man hurried to order.

Seeing this person leave, Xue Mei subconsciously bit her lip.

A few days ago, Yue Ruchou found the royal ship at sea, notified Blood Spirit Island, and sent people to surround it.

This kind of thing, Xuemei personally doesn't care at all, and there is no reason to stop it, so Yue Ruchou quickly got the support of Du Xin, and got a series of sea support from him.

But even so, Yue Ruchou still thought it was not safe enough, so she hired two extra experts, betting that Xun Wu would not find Blood Spirit Island so early.

Yue Rushou really knew the masters on the ship very well. Xue Mei later asked the people who participated in the battle that the four famous arresters named Shuang Manqiu fought against the four first-class masters alone. Unable to take her down, Shuang Manqiu finally took the opportunity to snatch a small boat with the princess in his arms, and ran to nowhere.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she had to admit that there was a reason why Shuang Manqiu was so vigilant by Yue Rushou.

She didn't have the confidence to decipher Yue Rushou's concealment ability at all, but Shuang Manqiu was able to resist Yue Rushou's sneak attack, which showed that Shuang Manqiu's ability in "defense" and "vigilance" had to be solved. Far beyond her.

The current situation is that after experiencing the battle at sea, some miscellaneous soldiers died here on Blood Spirit Island, and the big royal ship was directly controlled, and many soldiers were also killed in battle.

Even, if Shuang Manqiu hadn't mastered a new martial art that Yue Ruchou had never seen before, the two of them would have been caught by Yue Ruchou.

Of course, the result was that the two of them ran away, very quickly.

The princess and the famous arrester were attacked at sea. Even a person without any sense of crisis should be able to imagine what will happen next.

Therefore, Blood Spirit Island urgently needs to catch those two people to prevent the news from leaking and attracting the imperial army.

Blood Charm had a premonition.

Blood Spirit Island is about to usher in a real battle.

This made Xue Mei flustered, happy, melancholy, and sighed.

Her teacher, Duren, asked her to leave Blood Spirit Island and go to the foreigner named Hilda to protect her from being attacked by Blood Spirit Island at least at this time.

In the current situation, in order to capture those two people, Blood Spirit Island must use more manpower. It is impossible to send people to Ryukyu to kill people, which may affect their plan to kill Xun Wu.

Killing Xun Wu is the top priority.

But the people of the royal family approached their island, forcing them to besiege them, but they didn't expect that they would miss when they sent so many people.

Therefore, Xuemei no longer needs to leave the island logically.

However, Xuemei herself knew that Duren actually wanted her to stay away from Xueling Island, to hide far away, to a place where no one could find her, and to live quietly.

Xue Mei narrowed her eyes slightly, with a faint purple light streaming from them.

Obviously, she wasn't going to leave.

Shuang Manqiu, one of the four famous arresters, and the princess...

Why do they appear in such a place?


It doesn't make sense, if it's just for fun, any state in the south of the Yangtze River is better than wandering around here. Wherever they circle, they must be looking for something, and they can only be looking for them.


They were looking for Blood Spirit Island, why did Xun Wu come here?

Is it really just a secret confrontation with Heaven?

According to the rumors in the Xunwu Jianghu, if someone dares to do something illegal, he will indeed follow up and investigate. Therefore, it is indeed a very good chance to lure him to the island and kill him.


If not?

What if Xun Wu came to the blood spirit on his own initiative and on purpose?

After all, one of the Four Great Famous Detectives had already appeared, and it was strange that Xun Wu, who was at the same level as the Four Great Famous Catchments, appeared.

What if... all four famous arresters came?

Even further, Xun Wu and Tianting are not simply exchanging, but... cooperating?

Xue Mei was startled.

If this is the case, then the day of Blood Spirit Island's destruction is approaching.

Blood Charm fell silent.

Does anyone else think of this possibility?

She thought that Sandu should have thought of it, but they didn't say anything.

And the four ghosts...she thought about it, but...she wouldn't say it.

She won't tell anyone what she really thinks.

As for the others, perhaps they can think of this possibility, but they probably don't think it will come true.

When she returned to the island before, she also heard some Yue Rushou's words from Devouring.

Obviously, the whole interior of Blood Spirit Island believes that the imperial court and the heavenly court should not cooperate.


"Hey hey hey..."

"What are you laughing at?" Just as Xue Mei was giggling, a voice rang in her ear.

She turned around and saw a thin, pale young man carrying a large box.

The smile on Xue Mei's face suddenly froze, and she subconsciously said, "Ghost urn? Why are you back?"

ghost urn.

One of the four ghosts.

He doesn't look old, he is about 30 years old, and he is relatively thin, but compared to these things, the most striking thing is the position of his arms——

His arms are empty.

This turned out to be a warrior with a broken arm!

A first-class master with broken arms, a first-class master with both arms broken, can become a first-class master of the four ghosts!

Moreover, he was the only one who, after appearing, Xue Mei didn't dare to continue to playfully smile—others, even if she was her master, she would not change her behavior.

It's not that she can't laugh when she sees other people miserable, or when she sees others are strong, even if others are stronger than her, or even hurt her, she will still laugh happily.

It's just that this ghost urn has a little problem.

"Come back, of course I'll be back." Guiweng's face was serious, "Why don't you make a mess of the island?"

"If you can't catch one of the four, I'll stay in Ryukyu until you're all dead?"

Xue Mei's face sank like water, looking at him.

"Xue Mei, you can fool others, but you can't fool me." He stared at Xue Mei with a fierce tone, "You are proficient in navigation and have amazing eyesight, how could you let the crying star discover this ship first?

It must be that after you found out, you kept silent on purpose, and didn't let us know until Yue Sichou realized it, right? "

"Ah, yes, yes, yes." Xue Mei didn't bother to pretend in front of this person, so she nodded her head.

"You are a disciple of Lord Duren, or one of the four ghosts, and the martial arts you practice are still the secret scriptures of mind and horse madness passed on by our Blood Spirit Island... What reason do you have to sit around all day? You don't have the slightest ambition to improve yourself ?"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes..." Xue Mei felt a little headache.

"If you have the ability to use it, it is more hateful, more wasteful, and more worthy of contempt than an incompetent person. Blood charm, you have clearly discovered so many things, and you are clearly strong enough, why do you still—"

Xuemei felt that she was going to be bored to death.

Fortunately, Xuemei is also an experienced person after all. When facing the ghost, she just simply "yes, yes, yes." Say.

"Blood Charm!"

"What are you doing?" Xue Mei had a headache.

Seeing Xuemei's appearance, Guiwen, who was getting more and more excited at first, slowly lost his momentum, and finally sighed: "Xuemei, this time is different.

In the past, you could rely on your strength and play around at will.

But you should also know, right?

Since the princess appeared in such a place, it meant that Blood Spirit Island was no longer safe.

Next, if you can't catch the princess and let the news spread, then everyone on Blood Spirit Island will die without a place to die... You must be serious. "

Xue Mei looked at him, raised her eyebrows, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth: "That's it, hehehe, I understand.

Well...In this case, I will leave the matter here to you. How about I go find those two people myself? "

Ghost Urn was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Xue Mei giggled, carrying the ax, turned and left without hesitation.

A murderer must hold the heart of being killed at any time.

I just want to kill others, but I never consider that others can kill myself, I just want to take advantage of it... This world is not so beautiful.

She was carrying her own axe, with a faint purple light in her eyes, like the first glow in the sky.

Good and evil are rewarded, and if you do evil, you must be ready to be killed and punished.

You don't even want to admit it, and you still teach me?


Her smile slowly disappeared, leaving only a cold face.

What a disgusting guy.

What a disgusting place.

That Shuang Manqiu was able to fight four people by himself, so his martial arts must be strong enough, if he died in her hands, it would not be in vain.

Although the two men snatched the boat and ran away, she knew that if they snatched the boat at sea and then ran around without a certain level of navigation, they couldn't run away at all.

Moreover, there was no fresh water or food on the besieged boats. They had to go to land to rest and eat, otherwise they lost their strength and would be fish on the chopping board.

Those two must be in the nearby small islands.

On the other side, the boats of Xun Wu and the others also approached the nearby waters after changing targets one after another.

"Wait—" Xun Wu suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked into the distance, and shouted.

"What's the matter, Brother Xun, did you find out?" Jiang Tianmu asked immediately when he heard Xun Wu's voice.

"Not right."


Jiang Tianmu tried to imitate Xun Wu's appearance, covering his eyes with his right hand, blocking the light, squinting his eyes, and looking into the distance, but he felt that he couldn't see anything at all.

"That island—that island should be Blood Spirit Island!"

"What! That's great—" Several people became excited.

"No—there's a problem."

Xun Wu's face was serious, the problem was very serious!

Next to the island, he saw a big golden ship!

That's definitely the princess' ship!

Shuang Manqiu actually found the Blood Spirit Island one step ahead of him! ?

Xun Wu was shocked.

Although, when they left the capital, Xun Wu and the others had the task of finding the Blood Spirit Island first, and passing the news to the shipyard and the capital after obtaining the evidence, would be the "winner", but in fact, Xun Wu, Bai Yu Pan and Zhao Wumian defaulted to the fact that whoever landed on the island first was the winner.

It turned out to be good now, the three of them only had each other in their eyes, and they all ignored Shuang Manqiu and Jiang Tianmu, and now Shuang Manqiu arrived first?

No matter what method Shuang Manqiu used, she was the one who arrived at Blood Spirit Island first!

Although Xun and Wu have different types of responsibilities, they all have a clear understanding as "catch-ups": no matter what the method is, as long as it is not illegal, it will be useful.

It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat!

But there is another problem, the boat is there, but looking at the situation around the Blood Spirit Island, I am afraid that the situation of Shuangmanqiu and the princess is not good!


Xun Wu thought for a moment, and said: "Although it is a step late, we still have to go up and have a look. Brother Jiang, wait for us to get closer, and then find a chance to rush up directly from the sea. Go back by yourself and pass the news here. To the military port and the capital."

On the other side, Zhao Wumian also discovered the situation here, and, like Xun Wu, he thought deeply.

Then, without hesitation, he yelled "Fuck".

Shuang Manqiu found the Blood Spirit Island first, he didn't care, if he lost, he lost, but what really made him curse was the environment of the Blood Spirit Island, which was obviously abnormal, it was "siege" Search "Ah!

If the princess died here—no, even if it was only hurt, the Second Highness would give up on him completely, and there would be no "official career" at all in the future. What's more, the Second Highness might be scolded by His Majesty for several months!

He could even imagine what Emperor Shengwu would scold.

Just let you supervise the country for a few months, you can't even do a little thing, and you lost your sister in a few months, if you really ascend to the throne in the future, will you lose the Ye family's foundation? !

How could Bao Huaiying scold him?Emperor Shengwu was afraid that he wanted to give him a punch.

"...Give me my bow, you two go back, and send me back the location of the island in front, hurry up, understand?" At this time, he completely ignored teaching these two people in a friendly manner, and ordered the whole He immediately picked up his longbow and jumped, and he was about to cross out.


Compared to Xun Wu who calmly prepared his strategy, although he was in a hurry, he still arranged Zhao Wumian, so the last person was a little crazy.

A few days ago, Bai Yupan accidentally noticed an invisible sword energy in the sky, and he was sure almost instantly that it must be Yue Rushou!

From the point of view of investigation, Bai Yupan undoubtedly lost to Xun Wu, even worse than Zhao Wumian.

All this is because he was too crazy and not calm during this time.


He stared fixedly at the distance, grabbed the long sword in his hand, and swung the wood pulp with his internal energy like a windmill at high speed, creating two long water waves on the calm sea!

The inner energy is being crazily urged by him, surging like a wave!The inner energy that had not changed for several years seemed to become more tenacious and more terrifying!

His momentum, his courage, and his sword intent are soaring and soaring at a crazy speed!

The water waves seemed to be cut into pieces by his vigor, and even the clouds seemed to be shaken into pieces by his vigor!

Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the king of the cloud is coming and going! !

His heart is firmer than ever before!Unprecedented power!


I'm coming to kill you. "

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