The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 438 Resonance 4K



After noticing that Xun Wu was actually stopped, Jiang Tianmu subconsciously asked.

No one could answer this question for him, because it seemed that this Xun Wu simply watched for a while, and then walked up directly, as if he could read minds, and directly spoke out the thoughts of this strange man.

He didn't learn anything at all?

" that's the case?" Just when everyone was wondering, Ji Lian'er, who had been stunned for a while, suddenly realized.

"You figured it out?" The others were taken aback.

What's going on, is there anyone who can keep up with Xun Wu's thinking speed?

Although everyone was shocked by Xun Wu's outrageous reaction, after all, we have seen it a lot, and everyone is not surprised, but Ji Lian'er is usually not much better than us, why did he think of it all of a sudden?

"'s inconvenient to say." Ji Lian'er noticed several people looking at her, and she shook her head immediately.

In the final analysis, it is very simple.

It is this Longdao Village that is unusual.

This kind of unusualness is not unusual in the social sense, but unusual in physical nature.

The Longdao Village in front of you, although everything looks normal from the outside, but if you take a closer look, you can find that the physique of the people here is obviously higher than that of the outside world, not only that, but also the plants, animals, walls, etc. , are obviously much larger than the conventional size of the outside world.

If only the body is bigger, it can still be said to be the result of training, but even the crops, hunting dogs and the like are also bigger, it would be very strange.

Zhao Wumian also discovered this point, and Xun Wu... saw it directly.

Just like he can see Jiang Tianmu's "Snow Ring", in his eyes, there is nowhere to hide this specious and unreal thing.

Of course, just noticing a trace of abnormality does not allow Xun Wu to be affirmed.

Ji Lian'er and Roman's successive questions and answers allowed Xun Wu to use his ability to detect words to continuously analyze and obtain some useful information from the dialogue.

In the end, Xun Wu was sure that this kind of power should be similar to that of Ji Lian'er's family.

Some people may have forgotten that the descendants of the robber saints and the Ji family depended on it to continue, and became famous all over the world for their magical powers.

Compared with other first-rate martial arts, this magical skill is actually much weaker. Except that the speed can be compared with some superior martial arts, the bonuses in other aspects may not be stronger than some second-rate martial arts.

But this martial art has an outrageous special effect, that is, the more people practice this magical art, the greater the environment they can influence, and under this influence, the environment will become more suitable for the Ji family Cultivation will become more and more suitable for practicing Cheng Huang Jing, and it is for this reason that the small Ji family, with a population of twenty or thirty, can have five or six young first-class masters.

Of course, Ji Lian'er would not talk nonsense about matters related to the core of the family, let alone tell others casually, so Bao Yuan and the others could not have imagined that there was such a thing in the world at the first time.

But Xun Wu was different, he knew it.

Ji Lian'er told him all the miraculous skills of the Ji family except the secret method, and also specifically introduced how to target her cousins. After thinking about it, Xun Wu thought about it and ruled out those who were too outrageous. possible.

As for Ji Lian'er, she didn't expect... First, she is not like Xun Wu, who can directly see those flame-like things floating in the air. The degree of fit is far less than that of Xun Wu; the second is... Ji Lian'er has lived in the environment of Ji's family since she was a child, and the feeling of being at home in Ji's family has always been there since she was a child. I am used to it, how can I think of it in the first place?

On the other hand, after Ren Qinan stopped Xun Wu, he immediately regretted it.

No matter what Xun Wu was doing, he didn't dare to take the initiative to stop him. Isn't this giving up the initiative?

Xun Wu turned around, hugged his fist again, and said with a smile: "It seems that brother Ren has changed his mind?"

"Heh—don't put on an air with me here." Ren Qinan calmed down and looked at Xun Wu, "I don't care if you were right or calculated, I'll tell you, don't say it outside, or..."

"Brother Ren." Xun Wu squeezed his chin with one hand, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, "You don't want people to know about your things, so naturally there is nothing to say. Xun will definitely not talk around with a big mouth.

But aren't you curious?Why did I mention dragon veins?

The root cause is that dragon veins seem to have appeared on Blood Spirit Island. "

Ren Qinan was sullen.

He, of course, was curious.

Of course.

For a long time, their Ren family has traveled the world as the "Queen of the Dragon" and "Guardian of the Dragon".

Now, another dragon vein that was not recorded by them appeared inexplicably in the rivers and lakes, so of course they would also be anxious.

Otherwise, he would not be the only one left in this village.

Ren Pingsheng, who was afraid of getting three points in Zhao Wumian, left the village early and tried to find a way to find Blood Spirit Island.

You can say that the Ren family is arrogant, or you can say that the Ren family is domineering.

It's like two mine owners, one discovers diamonds and immediately seals off all the other diamond mines. It's really outrageous, but...

This is the rivers and lakes, this is the world, this is the world.

The Ren family's fist is big enough, so at least in this Ryukyu, the dragon vein will always be theirs.

"Brother Ren, you have a strong physique, Kong Wu is powerful, and you have almost no flaws on your body, but there is a faint trace of weirdness." Xun Wu said while touching his chin, and said, "Your body is flawless." , there are many burn marks, and it is not a real fire burning, but being burned and scalded by the inner air.

I know that there is another place, like your village, that has strange abilities. "

What I'm talking about here is naturally the Ji family.

Although Xun Wu had never been to Ji's house to visit or be a guest, Ji Lian'er chatted on weekdays and told Xun Wu a lot of things about Ji's house, so he barely understood it.

"But... Looking at the history books, they stayed in one place and hardly moved, and accumulated through the ages, which gradually became what they are now. But I have carefully looked at your place, Brother Ren... It seems that every once in a while time, it will migrate once?

I'm afraid you are looking for something, right? "

Ren Qinan stared at Xun Wu firmly.

half an hour.

"Okay, amazing. As expected of Xun Catcher, who is widely rumored in the world, he is really smart."

Xun Wu shrugged.

How should I put it, in fact, at this point, there is no need for Xun Wu to enter this village.

Because Xun Wu already knew what the dragon veins meant.

Speaking of which, it's actually very...unhygienic?

In the final analysis, since the dragon vein is on the land of Ryukyu and it is still close to the Naba dragon, it probably has something to do with it.

And after careful calculation, it can be found that this tyrannosaurus lives in a certain place, and it stays for decades without moving its nest.

Let's not talk about what those things on Blood Spirit Island that can explode the internal power of flames when eaten, in short, it is definitely not the blood of Tyrannosaurus, but other things related to Tyrannosaurus.

Just related things have such an effect, then...

What about the place where Tyrannosaurus lives and sleeps every day?Will those nests that have been lived by Tyrannosaurus for decades become ordinary?

Naturally not.

Tyrannosaurus is the strongest beast in the world!

Its every move seems to be able to change the world, one move is thunder, and another move is to turn the world upside down!


Since the Ji family can change the environment of their village through magic skills, why can't... the Tyrannosaurus?

He has an endless stream of "Qi" that feeds back from heaven and earth. The strongest anger in the world will naturally assist it, change its living environment, and make it more comfortable.

For it, this can only be said to be "building a nest" and "putting a pillow", but to humans, it can already be called "changing the world" and creating a "heavenly blessing".

After figuring this out, Ji Lian'er and his party felt that the originally tall Ren family seemed to be nothing special.

Having said so much, it seems that they are no different from those who herd sheep or raise snakes.


Ren Qinan snorted coldly: "Forget it, you can come in."

He thought to himself, since Xun Wu found out that Roman and the descendant of the Thief Saint were also there, there was nothing to say, why not be more generous and let them come in to have a look and earn some fame.

Xun Wu nodded and waved back. Cong Yun jumped up quickly, drew his knife and was about to go in with Xun Wu, but Xun Wu immediately waved his hand to signal them not to worry, and only called Roman and Ji Lian'er, Follow that Ren Qinan into the village.

As the three of them followed Ren Qinan to the village, the three of them felt that the weather was getting hotter and hotter. After walking for a while, Ji Lian'er fanned the wind with her hands disregarding her image.

Although the location of Ryukyu itself is relatively warm, it is indeed difficult for them to adapt to the heat.

Of course, in Xun Wu's eyes, as he followed Ren Qinan in, the red lines around him became more and more obvious.

Finally, after walking for a long time, Xun Wu saw a huge, glowing red boulder.

The three of Xun Wu immediately widened their eyes.

There is no need to explain this anymore. When the three of them saw this thing, they were immediately convinced that this thing must be a dragon vein.

Although it looks like just a huge stone, this huge boulder has its own extraordinary features. The outside of the ball is full of cracks, and crimson, magma-like blood-red substances emerge from the cracks. After that, , this huge stone ball, like a heart, beats and shines from time to time.


Xun Wu looked down at the red lines extending from the stone on the ground.

No wonder it is called "Dragon Vein", it turned out to be like this.

"As you can see." Ren Qinan pointed to the huge stone "This is the dragon vein.

Tyrannosaurus changes its place of residence every few decades, and the accumulation of these decades will give birth to such a strange stone, which will burn continuously for decades, and finally disappear completely...

You should also know why I said that it is absolutely impossible for Blood Spirit Island to obtain the dragon veins, right? "

"Er...if this is the case, it is indeed impossible."

Xun Wu rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and said first: "Thank you, Brother Ren."

Ren Qinan snorted coldly and nodded.

"Well... Then, I have another question."

"Ask, ask quickly." He was very impatient.

"Are you all paying attention to Tyrannosaurus and observing what it is doing all the time?"

"How is that possible? Do you want to kill yourself?" Ren Qinan immediately shook his head, "The tyrannosaurus is [-] meters away, strangers are not allowed to enter, if you dare to offend, people may not be able to come, and you will be burned to death by the scorching fire.

Look at this scorching dragon vein, do you think we just want to swallow it for ourselves?If it weren't for the Longwei Divine Art that I have been practicing in Longdao Village, how could I get close to this thing so easily?If this thing flows into the rivers and lakes, how many casualties will it cause?

It is nonsense to keep people watching Tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurus may not move for decades, so how can people have the time to watch it? "

"It does make sense." Xun Wu took what he said was true.

Xun Wu then asked again: "Then... tell me, is there such a possibility?"

"What is possible?"

"It's just... when Tyrannosaurus was in a deep sleep, he was disturbed by the outside world, woke up, and felt hungry, so he left the place he was leaning on?"

" is indeed possible." Ren Qinan raised a hand and said, "This kind of thing is not impossible, but if it is true, we can't help you.

You have also seen that although this dragon vein has such a strong anger, as long as it is properly handled and protected, people outside the village will hardly be able to detect it—”

Before the words fell, a sudden change occurred!

I saw that the thing around Xun Wu's waist suddenly vibrated violently like a beating heart, Xun Wu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he quickly pressed the long knife at his waist, grabbed the scabbard, and stabilized Wuyu.

"Huh?" Ren Qinan stared, looked down, and then noticed that there was no desire in Xun Wu's waist.

Xun Wu could see that Wuyu's scabbard had already been wrapped with several fiery red rings before he knew it. This ring was so obvious that Xun Wu could see it even without using the Daju Guan Even, even if it wasn't Xun Wu, a few other people could see this kind of vision!

Xun Wu hastily pulled out Wuyu.

I saw that the thin long line in the center of the Wuyu blade was replaced by a fiery red line at some point, and the aura of the whole knife was far from the coldness before. The appearance changes, but it feels extremely domineering. Two huge flaming balls, like stars, revolve around the long knife, like a terrible tyrant, invincible all over the world!

"This is?"

A golden light flashed in Xun Wu's eyes, and he kept thinking.

"Your knife..." Ren Qinan's face was shocked, and he was extremely shocked, "It's not a mortal thing!"

Xun Wu ignored him, kept mobilizing his inner qi, and controlled Wuyu. After a long time, he finally suppressed Wuyu, let it calm down, gradually calmed down, and then silently put it back into the sheath.

"Could it be that the sword spirit is about to be born...Congratulations, Brother Xun." Roman watched the whole process and congratulated Xun Wu.

Xun Wu shook his head.

He didn't feel the power similar to Juque, so the current situation of Wuyu should be just the beginning.

"Should it be the influence of the dragon's veins?" Ji Lian'er rubbed her chin, pondering.

If you bring Wuyu home, can you breathe in some inner energy from Cheng Huang Jing?

This prodigal bitch started to abduct again.

"It seems that there is one more reason for you to find the Blood Spirit Island?" Ren Qinan on the side resisted the envy in his heart, and said, "If I expected it, it should be that your magical weapon is also forged by the body of a strange beast. Reflecting and resonating with this dragon vein... However, the dragon vein in my Longdao Village is too huge after all. Although it can cause its vibration, it is extremely dangerous to completely stimulate it.

And if you can find that little dragon vein..."

He looked at Xun Wu's Wuyu, and couldn't help admiring: "This sword is white and flawless, the blade is hard, bendable, burning and not hot, and it is extremely sharp. If it resonates with the dragon's veins, it will be born. Dao Ling will surely become a legendary soldier who is famous in the world and passed down for thousands of years!"

After the rain? .jpg

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