The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 439 Fishing and Conscientiousness 4K

On the Blood Spirit Island, the incumbent Sky Crying Star and one of the top four famous arresters, Yue Rushou, is wandering around the island.

As a woman who is seriously insecure, Yue Ruchou has become more and more at ease during this period of time. Although the Blood Spirit Island is not very good with the Sisu Sect, it is still of the same vein after all. This time, the blood Lingdao is going to design traps, surround and kill Xun Wu, and keep calling back the elites on the island.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was a little shocked when I saw it.

In fact, she has never been to Yingzhou so far. The title of "Heavenly Crying Star" of the Demon Sect was given to her by Xuanwu Xingjun. When she voted for the Demon Sect, they asked him to come to the south to seek cooperation. up.

After all, even members of the Demon Cult know that Yue Ruchou is very good at doing this kind of thing.

And although Yue Sichou didn't come to the Devil's Cult, but during this period of time, communicating with those members of the Devil's Cult, it can be regarded as barely understanding the internal situation of the Devil's Cult.

Just talking about the inside of the Devil's Cult, there are actually far from enough first-class masters. After careful calculation, I'm afraid there may not be as many first-class masters here as here on Blood Spirit Island.

This is actually not surprising. The Demon Cult and the Blood Spirit Island are different. Although they are both members of the Sisu Cult, the former was chased and killed by the Shengjin army. In the end, there were not many masters at all, so they fled to Ying Zhou, also did not recuperate immediately, but continued to the battlefield with a big name, and many people died.

Up to now, there are basically not many stars left in the older generation of the Demon Cult. The first-class masters are basically absorbed young people from Yingzhou, or their own geniuses like Cong Yun.

But even Cong Yun is actually trying to encourage the growth of seedlings. If you really want to say, there are not many top-notch geniuses at this level in their twenties.

And what about Blood Spirit Island?

Not only are there several experienced first-class masters, but there are also many young first-rate masters.

The root of it is that Blood Spirit Island ran early at that time and didn't hurt its tendons or bones. After all these years, it has managed well and become stronger and stronger, so it can have its current foundation.


After all, the Devil's religion has a master.

Of course, even so, Yue Ruchou felt stable.

After all, with so many masters ambushing the entire island, taking advantage of the right time and place, and there are super masters like Devourer, even if they don't do anything themselves, when Xun Wu comes, he will be able to surround and kill them immediately.

Without Xun Wu, with just a white jade plate, he should not be able to find himself.

While thinking this way, she saw a woman she had never seen before.

It was a young girl who looked young, with a huge black long ax in her hand, if there were no accidents, it should be the blood charm in the mouth of the devourer.

Generally speaking, when people from the rivers and lakes and partners meet each other, they should say hello, but who is Yue Sichou?

Will she just go up and say hello?

That's impossible!

Therefore, the moment she almost saw the blood charm, she hid back again, activating the effect of Yantao Yunxia's extinguishing magic skill, and her figure completely merged with the environment.

On the other side, Xue Mei didn't see her either. After all, the ability of "invisibility" is completely unpredictable for most people.

Now the blood charm is struggling with one thing.

After returning to Blood Spirit Island, she went out to observe for a long time, and accidentally found an extremely luxurious and powerful super ship on the sea. The ship kept circling in the sea. If it was someone else, she would feel lost But Xue Mei, as an old captain who is proficient in navigation and can steer alone, can naturally see that it is by no means lost, but looking for something.

Look for--

What else could you be looking for?

Isn't it just looking for this Blood Spirit Island?

This made her very tangled, not knowing what to do.


After a while, she didn't think about it at all, so she just pretended that this incident had never happened, grabbed her long axe, changed direction, and prepared to find a boat.

What kind of royal ship, I haven't seen it before. If it hits the island, it must be that those who look far away have neglected it, and it has nothing to do with me.

While thinking this way, she was still bouncing up and down the stairs happily, shouting at the people there: "Hey!!"

"Ah—" Several members of Blood Spirit Island saw her, and immediately responded, "Master Blood Charm."

"Hey hey——" Xue Mei kept her weird and distorted smile as always, and waved at the people above, "Han Zuo, Ji Ming"

When the two people in charge of looking at the distance heard Xue Mei calling their names, they hurriedly responded.

This made Yue Sichou, who was stealthily watching from the side, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This blood charm can actually call out the names of two miscellaneous soldiers with just one mouth?

This kind of thing seems normal, but as one of the four famous arresters who used to work in Dali Temple, Yue Bichou knows that it is definitely not easy to call out the names of his subordinates casually.

Even in a place like Dali Temple where the flow of people is small, Yue Sichou dare not say that she can call out the names of all her subordinates. After all, most of the time, she only needs to say hello twice, and some people respond like dogs. There is no need to rush at all. It is also called "Brother X", "Sister X", "Uncle X" and other nicknames.

And if she could call out all the ordinary arresters, in her impression, there seemed to be only the recent Xun Wu, and the former Man Jianghong, and others, even Bai Yupan and Zhao Wumian couldn't do it.

Oh——Ye Zhenji might be able to do it, she is too stubborn, she will definitely force herself to do it.

Then this blood charm...

During this period of time, she had observed the deployment of Blood Spirit Island. Because Xun Wu was to besieged and killed, these sentries must be guarded by some energetic minions, and the frequency of replacement was not low, so as to prevent slack due to long hours of work. .

So, is it a coincidence that she called out the names of these two people?Or is this blood charm really that powerful?

"It's too boring, you guys find a way for me!"

Just as Yue Rushou kept calculating in her mind, she heard Xue Mei's next words, her right foot slipped, and she almost fell down.

"This--this...Master Xuemei..." One of the guards obviously expected it long ago, but he still had no choice but to put on a wry smile and said to Xuemei, "How can we do this?"

"I don't care—you think about it quickly!" Xue Mei embraced her hands and snorted coldly, "Also, come down quickly!"

The two guards looked at each other, then climbed down the stairs helplessly, and came to Xue Mei.

Not only that, after the two came to Xuemei, they half sat down directly, and Xuemei didn't stop their movements at all, and nodded in satisfaction.

This he afraid that Xue Mei will look up at the two of them?

Most of the women in this era are not too tall, even those who practice martial arts, they are not too tall, but the blood charm is much shorter than ordinary women, so it looks very pocket-sized.

"My lord..." the guard asked Xue Mei again, "The two of us have important things to do..."

"Is it important to be important or not—is my business important?" Xue Mei snorted coldly, "Very good, since the two of you can't think of it, then let me think about it—if you can't think of it, then Hurry up and leave the island for me, and buy me all the newest gadgets!"


"What are you still doing?!"

"Then this sentry tower—"

"I see, I see!" Xue Mei's smile became wilder, and he grabbed the long ax with one hand.

The two of them couldn't twist an ax with their arms, and Xuemei was still the management of Blood Spirit Island. No matter how absurd they were, they had no choice but to take the money bag from Xuemei's hand and leave obediently.

But after the two left, the blood charm did not obey what he said before. After climbing to the balcony, he immediately took out a book from his arms, lay down on the wooden board, hummed a song, and read it happily. write a book.

This made Yue Ruchou, who had been watching, couldn't help a rare smile.

She herself is extremely beautiful, her temperament is extraordinary, and her body is full of sadness and sorrow, which adds a bit of softness, and this sudden smile is different from the past. If an ordinary man saw it, his heart would be hooked. Fortunately, her figure is completely integrated into the environment now, and no one can see it.

Is this the blood charm of one of the four ghosts?Looks like a child who hasn't grown up at all?

Abusing power and taking advantage of work, there is no sign of dedication at all.

Such a person can actually become a manager?It seems that this Blood Spirit Island is not much better than the Demon Cult.

But... Judging from this height and appearance, I guess it's not normal for a teenage girl in her twenties to be fun.

But... a teenager can become a first-class expert, and if it is changed to the Demon Sect, it is estimated that she will be confessed as a treasure, so let her do whatever she wants?It's quite normal.

This is because Yue Ruchou doesn't understand deeply enough.

Or rather, she has always been like this.Because she always thinks about running away and always thinking about the seller, although she has some understanding of every faction, and even after joining a faction, she can easily talk to people from those forces, but she doesn't understand those forces at all. more in-depth things.

If she had studied it carefully, she would have discovered that this blood charm...was no longer a "little girl".

On the contrary, Xuemei is not young, even only one or two years younger than her, already 26 seven years old.

Treating her like an immature girl is real arrogance.


She also has a second nature.

This trait, in a way, made up for her first flaw, but...became her biggest problem.

That is - due diligence.

Some people may be thinking, why is due diligence a shortcoming?

After all, Xun Wu has always been a dedicated person.

Since Yue Ruchou is also a conscientious person, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Then, how is it possible!

Yue Rushou released her concealment and came out from behind, and almost at the moment she walked out, Xue Mei jumped up instantly, put away the book with one hand, and took the ax with the other.


The smile on her face remained the same, and she looked unchanged, but only she knew that at this very moment, her back was covered with cold sweat.

Who is this man?Can run so close to me, I didn't even notice?

"Ah, sister Xuemei, don't worry—" Yue Rushou walked slowly to the front of the balcony, showing her hands, with the same sad expression on her face, "Have you heard of me?"

Seeing this month's sad look, Xue Mei immediately realized that this should be the crying star that Devouring said.

What a weird effort, although she pretended to come from afar, it was definitely not the same thing, she was always hiding by the side.

when?Where did you start?

Xue Mei's palms were sweating, and she was afraid for a while.

It's too dangerous, fortunately this woman didn't make a move, otherwise I'm afraid I will definitely die!

She immediately made another decision in her heart, no matter how relaxed and relieved she was on the island, she could not put down the weapon in her hand, otherwise she would have no power to fight back while reading and singing at the same time like just now.

She can't put her life above the "friendliness" of others.

On the other side, Yue Ruchou naturally couldn't think of Xue Mei's real thoughts, so she just said a few words in a friendly manner, and then said something similar to "Sister, you don't seem to like guards, why don't you let me do it for you" and "I'm not afraid of trouble" Class words.

Xue Mei hesitated in her heart, but she knew that this woman was sent by the Sisu Sect to cooperate, and she should have been peeking at it for a while just now, and she couldn't reply with "I'm working hard".So, she just hesitated for a moment, then showed a brighter smile, happily jumped down from the balcony holding the long axe, turned the ax sideways, leaned her head on the long pole, and nodded sadly at the moon.

"That's great hehehe."

Seeing Xue Mei leave without hesitation, Yue Ruchou shook her head slightly.

Forget it, just a kid.

She jumped up a few times, stepped on the ladder, and jumped onto the stairs.

Watching things like this can't be sloppy.

Yue Sichou has a very clear understanding of this.

Especially under the premise that Xun Wu might appear on Blood Spirit Island at any time, he couldn't be careless.

Last year, Xun Wu and the others were instructed to sneak into Nei Bodhi Temple because of weak and lax defense. If she hadn't attacked the white jade plate backhand at that time, the news of Bodhi Temple might not have spread.

It made her take this kind of thing more seriously.

If she had reacted immediately and stopped Xun Wu and the others, she might be the new chief arrester of Sheng Jin now, and she would be able to sleep late on the big bed.

Then she looked at the sea surface, the sea surface was calm, there was nothing unusual, only the occasional flash of golden light.


Yue Rushou narrowed her eyes and looked around as hard as she could.

Golden light?

Shouldn't it be...

This is the second question of Yue Ruchou.

due diligence.

No matter which power she was in, although she always wanted to run away immediately when something went wrong, she would definitely do her best before that power collapsed and before she ran away.

Back then when she was hiding in the Bodhi Temple, she could completely let Bai Yupan go, or even take the initiative to contact Bai Yupan to be a tainted witness, but she must take action.

On Zangfeng Mountain, when Zhong Xiu asks her to help, even if she wants to run, she will help Zhong Xiu make all the preparations, design and arrange the structure of the place where Zhong Xiu's brothers and sisters must die.

This is her.

This is why she was able to join one force after another after pulling down countless forces.

"Is it the princesses?" Yue Rushou looked serious.

This blood charm was not interested in talking about it at all, but she directly discovered it.

She rolled her eyes.

"Remind them, if they can catch the princess, how big a bargaining chip it would be..."

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