In Longdao Village, Ren Qinan, a muscular hunk with a thick body and a terrifying appearance, was reading with a book in one hand and a Ringo in the other, nibbling on it from time to time, shaking his head while reading.

If some uninformed people see this scene, they will definitely have doubts in their hearts. After all, such a muscular iron tower, sitting on a small chair and reading a book, seems to be against the law. Broken boulders in the chest should be more in line with people's ideas.

However, if you really think so, you will make a mistake of "judging people by their appearance".

This Ren Qinan not only has an amazing physique, but also has an excellent mind. He has some knowledge in reading, writing, playing chess, calligraphy and painting.

After all, if one wants to become the head of a village, martial arts alone are not enough, brains are also the most important thing, otherwise, like a martyrdom, one will be plundered by some ambitious people in the rivers and lakes every few generations, wouldn't that be stupid?

However, he has never shown any dissatisfaction with other people's first impressions, and he is even happy when others subconsciously underestimate his "wisdom".

"Odd man! Odd man!"

"What's the matter?"

"There are people outside again!" The villager in charge of delivering the news shouted.

"What kind of wind has blown recently, one or two, always like to disturb people's quietness? Is it because the old man hasn't gone out for a long time, and these people have forgotten?" Putting the book on the table, he clapped his hands together, "You think we're easy to bully, don't you?"


"Hmph, come on, I know, he's smiling and friendly again, a master you probably can't beat, you don't dare to go too far, right?

These bastards... If the old man hadn't confessed, I would have let them go out on their knees one by one! "

"Yes!" Several villagers on the side echoed.

Ren Qinan nodded in satisfaction, rubbed his shoulders, twisted his neck, and walked out. Before he could take a few steps, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, and looked carefully, and was so frightened that he was hit from head to toe. Ji Ling stood there blankly, half-bent forward, standing on both legs, as if trying to escape.

At the gate of the village, there was a young man with long hair combed and a mild complexion. A medicine box was hanging half-hanging. He looked ordinary. It was Roman.

"A horse rider? Why is he here?"


Ren Qinan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a little frightened, but noticed that Roman had already looked over, so he bit the bullet, forced out a terrifying and ferocious smile, and walked forward.

"Oh...I'm on a horse—cough cough cough—that, Pavilion Master Luo, I have admired him for a long time, and I have heard about the name of the Master for a long time. I have only seen you in calligraphy and painting before, but I didn't expect to visit my Longdao Village. Shenghui.. oops.. oops..."

Ren Qinan's face was quite distorted, and it could be seen that he was very bad at speaking in this way.

Although the culture is reliable, it is obvious that he has not been a very civilized person.

"Eh..." Roman obviously had never seen this kind of battle before, and he was a little confused, but he still bowed respectfully and earnestly, and said, "Since Mr. recognizes me, I won't introduce myself. "

"Yes, yes, of course." Ren Qinan hurriedly said, "Young Pavilion Master of Jishi Pavilion, Savior of the Plague, Son of the Phoenix, Only Disciple of the Master of Boxing, Miracle Doctor of Jishi, Invincible in the World, No. [-] Rookie of the Young Generation, Young Pavilion Master Roman Luo, Of course I know, of course I know."

What he said, on the one hand, was to compliment Roman, and on the other hand, it was also to remind those ordinary villagers.

This is a super distinguished guest, don't overdo it, be polite!

People like Roman are extremely rare and valuable talents in the whole world. Generally speaking, if something happens to Roman somewhere, the local officials there may be held accountable , Asking why Roman was not well protected, some fellow Jianghu might criticize the Jianghu population there and ask them what they did.

Generally speaking, even some evil forces in the Jianghu, some disciples of the evil sect, will not do anything cruel when they meet Roman, except for members of the demon sect, or the psychopath like Sun San before. He would try to dissuade him to some extent, even the old man Juetian, who was better than him in martial arts back then, tried to dissuade him one after another when he saw that he intended to be an enemy of himself, hoping that he would not intervene.

This name is invincible in Jianghu.

And it was this kind of outrageous transitional protection that made Roman more and more timid, afraid that something would happen, until later he didn't dare to talk to others, and he hesitated for a while when he saw a patient. When we got acquainted, we didn't dare to say anything except medical skills and martial arts.

Otherwise, even if he is born with strong luck, it is impossible to go out and find rare treasures. Isn't it because he always likes to go to the deep mountains and old forests to avoid the crowd?

Of course, on the other hand, it is precisely because of Roman's cowardice that people in the Jianghu and the world are willing to protect him, otherwise he will be arrogant and domineering all day long, bullying men and women, even if he has good medical skills, he will not be as clear as he is now. name.

Fortunately, following Xun Wu and others along the way, he has indeed grown a lot, and now is the time for him to pursue self-breakthrough.

Anyway, what should the first sentence say?

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Roman thought about it for a while, and started with polite words.

He has generally heard of other titles, but this is the first time he has heard of the son of the phoenix, presumably it is the praise of the Ryukyu area.

This is too outrageous, isn't it just seeing Phoenix once?Can this blow too?

"I don't know, why did Pavilion Master Luo come here?" Ren Qinan asked curiously.

Roman coughed and thought again.

Shouldn't we be proactive here?

What will Xun Wu say when he comes?

"Uh... I don't know if your excellency knows about Blood Spirit Island?"

After finishing speaking, Roman scolded himself in his heart, Roman, Roman, why are you being cowardly again, why are you still asking this at this time, why don't you just point it out?

When Ren Qinan heard Roman say this, his smile froze at first, then he laughed loudly and said, "I know, of course I know. I didn't expect Pavilion Master Luo to know about the Blood Spirit Island too!

Hmph, this bunch of dog-like things do some dark and rotten things, and the Young Pavilion Master actually knows about it?What a bunch of stinky dogs, I must slaughter them all! "

People have double standards.

Even a family like Longdao Village will have double standards.

According to Wumian, what is Blood Spirit Island?Hmph, that's it, we'll check later.

The Ji family came to Blood Spirit Island?Oh, that's easy to say, we are also investigating, but I know you must have other intentions, so forget it.

Roman came to Blood Spirit Island?Ahem, although I know you must have something to say, I just pretended not to hear it. As for Blood Spirit Island, we will definitely contribute!

Roman ruffled his hair lightly.

He is no longer the Roman who only knows how to practice medicine and only hides in the mountains and forests. It can be heard that this man is deliberately hiding from him.

After all, Ji Lian'er had already talked about the "Blood Spirit Island" before, and this person immediately realized that he wanted to ask about the "Dragon Vein", and it didn't make sense to change himself, and he suddenly became stupid , I don't know what I'm talking about.

Roman hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said, "I don't want to hide it from you sir, I'm actually here to ask, what exactly is this dragon vein?

You might as well tell sir... I am currently following Xun Wu and Xun Catcher, and I am currently investigating the location of the Blood Spirit Island. According to Xun Butou's investigation, this Blood Spirit Island is related to the Dragon Vein. It is very likely that it is in the Above the dragon veins! "

"Impossible—absolutely impossible!" Hearing Roman's words, Ren Qinan stopped pretending, his face changed, and he turned pale in shock, "The dragon veins have been guarded by us for generations, and I check them every day. How could they get in? Go? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ren Qinan was extremely convinced.

Xun Wu himself could not be sure whether the Blood Spirit Island was on the Dragon Vein, but if he knew the map and topography of the Dragon Vein, Xun Wu would be more able to analyze and research to find the exact location of the Blood Spirit Island.

Naturally, Roman also heard this analysis from Xun Wu, so he went on to say: "Well...Since you said so, I also have reasons to believe you. It's just that the blood spirit island is related to the dragon veins, and it is also genuine, otherwise , it is impossible for us to hear the dragon vein from the people of Blood Spirit Island. So... I still want to know where the dragon vein is... We just want to find Blood Spirit Island, not to enter the dragon vein, Even if we can't enter the dragon veins, we still want to deduce the connection between the dragon veins and Blood Spirit Island."

Luo Man solemnly clasped his fists and saluted, scaring several young Longdao Village villagers to run away immediately, even Ren Qinan was startled, and almost jumped back two steps, so he couldn't help it.

"This...Young Pavilion Master, it's really not me who monopolizes the dragon's veins...Actually, there is an unspeakable secret."

This moment confused Xun Wu's group of people.

In Jianghu, it is not just fighting and killing, but also consider the sophistication of the world.

And in this flourishing world where there is no martial arts leader, Roman, the young master of Jishi Pavilion, is the number one related household of the Son of Heaven. Ask humbly, even if you let go of those sects that have been passed down for a long time, the heads of those sects will probably welcome you in like the God of Wealth, and confess everything they know respectfully.

When Xun Wu and Zhang Bumo couldn't follow Bao Huaiying, Roman followed Bao Huaiying to act in the rivers and lakes. As soon as Fang Xian and Roman came out, no matter who they were, they would bow to each other. On the one hand, Fang Xian It can really bring the people closer together. On the other hand, those Jianghu people will lose their legs when they see Roman.

More importantly, there's no shame in it!

After all, if Roman begs for help like this, it must be a heinous event that endangers the world. If you are begged, and then tell others, if it spreads in the future, it will also raise all boats. to blow.

To some extent, Roman is the "top class" in this world, but unlike the top stars in Xun Wu's world, he is a top class star in the true sense, and he will not mess around, let alone for money No more faces.

Therefore, it is surprising that this person would reject Roman when there are no disadvantages but only advantages.

"This..." Roman hesitated.

He was thinking about what to say next.

Do you want to just pull your face down and report both your family and teacher.

On the other hand, Ren Qinan was also a little numb.

How to do this?

With this posture, Roman wouldn't want to kneel down and beg me, would he?

If he is like this, if I don’t talk about it, how can I mess around in the future?I heard that Roman has a "bad luck physique", as long as anyone who dares to go against him, step on dog shit when going out, he will cramp, his weapon will break immediately, what can't be done, what can't be done...

He was also under a lot of pressure.

Both of them are afraid to speak up now, and their thoughts are very complicated. They both wonder if the other party can take a step back, but neither of them dares to provoke them.

At this moment, a person stood up, and a person stepped forward at this critical moment.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look over, and saw a young man with an imposing appearance, sword-browed brows and star-eyed eyes, wearing a policeman's clothes, slowly coming out from behind!

"Brother Xun—"

Xun Wu immediately raised his hand and shook his head: "Brother Luo, do what you can, it's enough."

Roman was a little dazed.

Before he came out, Xun Wu told him to do what he could, but obviously, Roman only wanted to break through his inner demons. In fact, Roman might have broken through his inner demons, but it was very possible that he had transitioned instead.

Everything in the world is like this.

It’s too late.

This is also the difficulty of the "grandmaster".

In this world, how many people can have the pure and flawless heart of swordsmanship like Zhang Bumo?Even Luo Man and Zhou Yun, who have been taught by peerless masters, each have their own knots and flaws. Even if they break through their inner demons, new demons and new knots may not be born.

Roman's current internal energy is far beyond ordinary people, but as a disciple of a peerless master, he naturally has a goal in mind, but he has been unable to go any further for a long time. Countless internal energy is useless to him, and now he finally takes another step It is natural and normal to want to break through the knot in his heart, but if he is too persistent, it may ruin him.

Xun Wu saw this, so he hastily stood up.

He, Xun Wu, must never let his good brother have a new knot because of this kind of thing.

Compared with his brother's future, his own title is not that important.

Roman thought about it for a moment, took a deep breath, quickly took out his pocket, took a sedative pill he invented to suppress the shock, gave Xun Wu a fistful salute, turned around and left without saying a word.

Xun Wu likes the feeling of people in the Jianghu, who can leave as soon as they say it, without wasting a word.

On the other side, Ren Qinan also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was thanks to Roman's departure, otherwise he didn't know how it would end.

He looked Xun Wu up and down.

Compared with the well-known and explosively famous Roman, Xun Wu's reputation in Ryukyu is a bit small. Fortunately, he also knows about the strong and rookies in the Central Plains, and has seen their portraits.

But to Xun Wu, he was not as polite as Roman before.

"You are that Xun Wu and Xun Beixia, right? I didn't expect to be able to talk to Roman to talk to you. However, since Roman is gone, your ideas will only come to nothing. Be wise and leave quickly, lest I Do it."

When Xun Wu heard his words, he was not in a hurry, but raised his hand first, and reported his name: "I'm Xun Wu."

"I'm Ren Qinan." He opened his mouth wide, clenched his fist with his right hand and pointed a single thumb, pointing at himself, "The woman from before is also the one you found, right? I didn't look carefully before, but take a closer look now, the place where you were hiding before is also There are a few figures... Huh, hurry up, don't let me do it."

Xun Wu sized him up a few times, rubbed his chin, hesitated, and said slowly, "Dragon vein... so it's not the place... I'm sorry to bother you."

After Xun Wu finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait! Kid, stop for me!"

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