The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 436 A few years ago was a 1K

Here in Ryukyu, there are many secrets, and the forces in the rivers and lakes are intertwined. No one can tell who is superior and who is inferior. If you want to ask who has the strongest martial arts, it is difficult to say one, two, three.

However, if you ask where you earn more money, the Ryukyu people will definitely tell you - "Jiang's family".

If you want to ask where it is easiest to become stronger and where you can go further, it must be Tianxuanmen.

And when it comes to Longdao Village, the last of the three Ryukyu powers... the people here are only "stubborn", "conservative", and "resolute".

It is clearly recognized as one of the largest forces in Ryukyu, but this Longdao Village not only does not allow outsiders to enter, but also drives away everyone who approaches.

If you just don't allow people to enter the village, why aren't people allowed to enter the surrounding areas of the village?

How is this different from occupying mountains as kings and occupying roads as robbers?

Of course, although Longdao Village acted like this, they were not robbers after all, and they would not plunder money. At most, they just drove away others. Even some Jianghu people were upset, they could only endure it.

Anyway, Longdao Village doesn't allow people to enter, and basically not many people go out. Therefore, everyone just acts as if Longdao Village doesn't exist, and goes about the world as usual.

However, even though this Longdao Village did not exist, basically few Ryukyu people would not know about it if asked. Pavilion", basically there are not many people in Jianghu who don't know where they are, and it is very easy to know the location of Longdao Village.

Therefore, Xun Wu and the others did not experience any twists and turns and arrived outside Longdao Village very easily.

But how to get in, it's time to talk about it.

After all, Longdao Village closed its doors to welcome guests and was very self-contained. Except for the young people who would be sent out every few years, basically no one would go out.

Even if you don't want to go in, just asking outside is extremely difficult. After all, you are not related to others, so why should they answer you when you ask them?

"Haha—it's easy." Ji Lian'er was very confident, patted her chest, and volunteered to walk out of the line. Several other women looked at her with surprise on their faces.

Could it be that Miss Bai also has acquaintances in this distant Ryukyu?

Some of them don't know Ji Lian'er's true identity, even Bao Yuan who knows, knows that Ji Lian'er's home is far away on the northwest border, and this Ryukyu Longdao Village is literally far away from each other. There is a way?

Ji Lian'er raised her head and walked forward, her steps were steady and she looked confident.

Xun Wu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Those who didn't know this thought that Ji Lian'er really had something to do.

To be honest, Ji Lian'er's appearance is too deceptive.

First of all, although Ji Lian'er has grown a lot taller, she still has a cute style. No matter in terms of body shape or height, there is a big gap compared with Bao Yuan and Cong Yun. Even if she is relatively well-proportioned, she is not so Standout Hilda, she's not very comparable either.

Of course, Ji Lian'er is still young after all, and her growth potential is obviously very high. She has just shown her talents in just one year, so the tragedy of Her Royal Highness will not happen.

And it is precisely because of this cute and refreshing appearance, combined with Ji Lian'er's explosive self-esteem, no matter what she does, she looks confident and sure, so she looks particularly bluffing.

But Xun Wuke is too clear that Ji Lian'er absolutely has no real evidence or intelligence now.

After all, if there was such a thing, with Ji Lian'er's temperament, she would have told Xun Wu a long time ago.

Ji Lian'er walked forward cheerfully, without panic. After walking for a long time, she felt her gaze. Then she raised her hands to show her hands, and continued to walk leisurely.


Ji Lianer immediately followed suit.


"Hmm... old friend!"

"An old friend?" The Longdao villager in charge of guarding was a little puzzled, "How old is a girl, can she still be an old friend?"

"Aha—our ancestors may be a family, of course they are old friends."

Ji Lian'er was confident and smiling all over her face, which made the guards a little confused.

"Ancestor? Are you?"

"Oh, what are you talking about, call your village chief out, he must know me!" Ji Lian'er pinched her waist, which was arrogance.

A little further away, on Xun Wu's side, several people looked at each other, unable to understand Ji Lian'er's behavior.

Xun Wu couldn't help but covered his face and shook his head.

Sure enough, there is nothing at all, just hard work.

However, Ji Lian'er's appearance like this is really bluffing.

In the past, in front of Longdao Village, it wasn't that they didn't come to make connections and get close to people, but after being intimidated a few times, they basically became cowardly, and their tone became softer and softer.Ji Lian'er is not like this, if you dare to question her, she will immediately turn around and choke you, if you don't understand, she will make a face on the spot, that's called arrogance, as if there are thousands of troops behind her.

Although most of the time, there is at most Boss Jin or Xun Wu behind her, but it has to be said that she can borrow power.

Even when she was alone, it was the same as before, and once she started to confess, it meant that she had already moved to kill—just like the bandits who were poisoned to death by her in the mask building.

For a moment, the guard was a little uncertain. At this moment, a voice made him feel at ease.

"I heard someone chirping all the way, disturbing people's dreams. I wanted to make her suffer, but I didn't expect it to be a woman."

A tall figure came out slowly. It was a man who looked about 40 years old. He was eight feet tall, with big arms and round waist. His muscles were bulging and hard, like huge boulders. Standing there, he looked like a huge iron tower!

Compared to Jichou, she was two points more terrifying!

Everyone was startled.

Where did this tough guy come from? He looks really tall and too tall.

Ji Lian'er frowned, twisted her mouth, thought for a while, smiled, and said, "Hello, Uncle."

"Huh? Little girl, are you the one who said you belonged to our old friend? I want to hear it, so how do you explain it?" asked the macho man like an iron tower.

Ji Lian'er laughed, pinched her waist with both hands, raised her head, and said arrogantly: "Don't be scared——My name is Ji Lian'er!"

This statement is basically the same as "My father is Li Gang", the difference is only in saying his own name.

Ji Lian'er?

Not only from Longdao Village, but also from Xun Wu's side, two or three people became suspicious.

Is it a pseudonym?

"Xiaobai's real name is Ji Lian'er." Xun Wu took the time to explain to Hilda and Cong Yun, "However, it's hard to mention her name, so it's best not to tell anyone."

When the two women heard what Xun Wu said, they nodded immediately and silently remembered it in their hearts.

As for Bao Yuan, Luo Man, and Jiang Tianmu, they didn't interrupt at all.Bao Yuan and Luo Man knew Ji Lian'er's identity a long time ago, and they have been helping Ji Lian'er hide her real name. Jiang Tianmu himself also knew part of Ji Lian'er's situation, so he didn't think much about it.

This girl is not something they can win over.

"Ji Lian'er? Ji Lian'er...Ji Lianer?!" The iron tower man stared at him, and was suddenly startled, a few drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead!

"Are you acting as an agent of the robbers!?"

"Yeah." Ji Lian'er pinched her waist and nodded, "Yes, yes, you are very knowledgeable.

You Longdao Village claim to bear the blood of the dragon, and you are the queen of the dragon. It just so happens that my bandit family also has the blood of the earth dragon. Tracing the roots of the ancestors, you and I were thousands of years ago. Maybe we are still a family. , sure no problem, right? "

This is outrageous.

Generally speaking, when people with the same surname and surname meet each other, they always like to say something like "You and I are still the same family hundreds of years ago", but it is not too far away. It doesn't matter, after all, let's talk about it, everyone is after Yanhuang, so aren't they all relatives?

It was a family thousands of years ago, which really made many people laugh. Even the serious Hilda couldn't help laughing, thinking that she was indeed Ji Lian'er, she just could talk.

However, when he said this, it really made this strong man like a steel tower think for a moment.

They in Longdao Village claim to be descendants of the dragon. Generally speaking, people in the Jianghu like to regard such words as pure self-gold, just like the former emperor liked to call himself "Lao Tzu", and the Feng clan liked to call themselves "Feng Xue". "Heirs to others", everyone will listen to it when they brag.

But this is not the case for Longdao Village and the Ji family. They really think they are carrying dragon blood. Ji Lian'er of Longdao Village doesn't know, but their Ji family really uses the "awakening dragon blood" The peerless ultimate move to display.

Presumably, this Longdao Village must also firmly believe that it is the same.

However, to say so, Ji Lian'er is really not sure about using this kind of reason to get close.

But if you're not sure, you don't know. Try it first.

Who was I, Ji Lian'er, afraid of?

"Oh, no matter, let's just treat you as an old friend with me." The muscular man didn't argue, thought for a moment, then nodded, "Then, what's the matter with you?"

Ji Lian'er breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like something was going on, coughed, and asked: "Ahem, then I'll call you Uncle Shi... Uncle Shi, recently, there has been a sect that has harmed young people in the world, I don't know if you have heard of it?"

The man frowned: "Blood Spirit Island?"


"Hmph - please go back."

"Eh? Let's not ask?"

"Anyway, your body was entrusted by that person before, and you want to ask where the dragon's veins are?" The muscular man's face darkened, "Hmph, don't waste your time, otherwise, I will beat you out. "

Ji Lian'er scratched her head, looked at the man's expression, and didn't insist on asking, but in line with the principle of accepting as soon as she sees it, she said hello, turned around and left.

When he was about to leave, the hunk still held back, saying that he wanted to invite her to drink tea, and said that as long as they didn't ask about the dragon's veins, they would welcome Ji Lian'er.

Ji Lian'er returned to the team in the distance, shrugged, and shook her head with several people.

Xun Wu was not surprised, but the others felt a bit pity because they felt that Ji Lian'er really had something. In the past, there was no such thing as retaining people in Longdao Village, but Ji Lian'er was actually retained. Really great.

"It's okay, it's just that this group of people are too stubborn, it's not your fault." Seeing Ji Lianer come back, Hilda comforted her.

Ji Lian'er acted as if nothing had happened, she smiled at Hilda, and nodded with several people, she didn't look disappointed at all.

"It seems that Zhao Wumian has already come." Xun Wu said casually.

"How do you say it?" Jiang Tianmu didn't react, and after asking, he realized that it was a stupid question.

That man said, "Your body", obviously you have seen similar people, isn't that the people like Bai Yupan, Zhao Wumian, and Shuang Manqiu?

But why it was Zhao Wumian, Jiang Tianmu hadn't figured it out yet, and Xun Wu didn't explain it either.

Xun Wu didn't even want to explain, saying it would affect Shuang Manqiu's image in other people's minds—although there is basically no image, but Luo Man and Jiang Tianmu don't know it.

" about I try?" Roman said after hesitating for a moment.

"Young Pavilion Master, are you going?" Jiang Tianmu was taken aback.

Roman hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded solemnly.

Why was Jiang Tianmu surprised?

Because... Roman's identity is too unusual, as I said before, Roman just wants to go to the palace to eat and play around, and probably no eunuchs or guards dare to stop him, at most he will send someone to watch Then, I have to send someone to apologize.

This is not a joke.

As a living genius doctor who saved a large area and solved the plague, a doctor who became the golden doctor of Jishi Pavilion in his 20s, and the next generation of Jishi Pavilion's master and disciple of the boxing master, Roman no matter in terms of ability, In terms of identity or other aspects, he is a well-deserved No. [-] rookie in the world.

It is difficult for a peerless genius like Zhang Bumo to meet Roman under such circumstances. Even now that Roman thinks that he can't beat Zhang Bumo, he still has the self-confidence. It got the praise of "the young generation is the best", which spread wildly all over the world.

This is also normal, you must know that the last person who achieved this effect has become Baosheng Emperor and has been praised by hundreds of thousands of people.

The most rare and valuable thing is that Roman never used his own name to bully others, and he never bullied others. You must know that in Roman's situation, as long as he didn't do too much, even an upright court official would just keep his eyes open. With eyes closed, even Bao Huaiying would probably have to hesitate for a while if he found out that Roman had violated the law, but he never took advantage of his fame and never did anything excessive.

Of course—it was precisely because of this reason that Roman's reputation was always so good that when Jiang Tianmu met with Xun Wu and the others, he was a little terrified of talking when he saw Roman.

too much stress.

But if Roman went to visit Longdao Village now, if the news spread, it would somewhat imply that he was using power to force Longdao Village.

"Brother Luo. You don't have to do this." When Roman was about to leave, Xun Wu said.

When Roman heard Xun Wu's words, he turned around, looked at Xun Wu, met his gaze, and then bowed seriously.

Xun Wu knew that Roman had made up his mind.

"Brother Xun.

Before meeting Lord Lou and you, Luo has been traveling and practicing medicine in the rivers and lakes. I dare not communicate with anyone more, and I dare not chat with others easily, because... I don’t seem to care about reputation, but actually In life, he is completely burdened by fame, no matter what he does, he is timid.

It wasn't until I saw old man Juetian, and until I knew that the inside of Jishi Pavilion was not monolithic, pure and flawless, that I finally realized...some things, there is no way to hide.

I follow the guidance of my master and learn from you. At first, I just wanted to follow you to learn how to manage and how to self-examine, but after a year, I have understood.

What I really want to learn is not these, but the sense of responsibility. "

He clenched his fists, his tone was extremely firm, and he looked at Xun Wu: "Brother Xun, you have nothing to do with those common people and people in the Jianghu, but for the sake of the truth, for justice, and for the sake of peace, you risked yourself and used your unique skills to save the world in advance. Putting down those bloody explosives and being willing to bear this responsibility is exactly what I should learn and bear the most."

"I thought, I should, change."

Xun Wu was silent for a moment, then raised his hand and bowed to him too.

"Brother Luo, do what you can."

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