The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 410 The Mystery in the Cup 4K

Zhou Yun's martial arts is very high.

It's hard to say how high it is, but it's easy to say why it's so high——

He is a direct disciple of the man in the mirror.

In this era, let alone peerless masters, even if there is a first-class master in the sect who can reach the limit, he can already be called a great sect, and those sects who have become masters, even if they have no reputation before, can still be regarded as masters. Claiming to be "the first class in the Jianghu", no one will say that you are wrong.

This is the status of a master in the arena!

And if there is a peerless master in the master's school, it will be really amazing, even if it only shines for a while, it will be enough to protect the disciples and future generations for hundreds of years.

Like the Ji family, it is a typical example.

Going one step further, if there are not only peerless masters in the sect, but also the direct disciples of that peerless master... then the future is really boundless.

This means that this person is enough to inherit the Tao of that peerless master. Even if he can't become a master in the future, he will still be the strongest group under the master.

However, these are just backgrounds in martial arts. There are no more than three people in the world who know the background of his master's school.

On the contrary, Zhou Yun is really famous for the stories and comments he wrote.

Mr. Zhou followed Xun Wu and the two of them, walking slowly.

He originally wanted to find a random hotel, just make do with it, but he saved Hilda before, helped Hilda solve the problem of walking in Shengjin, and gave her a book that had been written for ten years, let her Going to see Bao Huaiying with this as a proof, I really feel my heart is full.

Hilda thinks that she can't pretend she didn't see it, and she can't let Mr. Zhou do whatever he wants.Originally, Mr. Zhou saved her life, which made her very grateful, and he gave so much extra help, so Hilda naturally remembered it.According to her thinking, the reason why she can know Xun Wu, Ji Lian'er, Bao Yuan, Boss Jin, shopkeeper Mo and others who have helped her a lot is because of Zhou Yun, so she respects Zhou Yun even more .

Because this matter is not troublesome, Xun Wu can naturally take Mr. Zhou to the official post station, let Mr. Zhou settle down, and lock up the sheep by the way.

However, even so, Hilda did not stop. Instead, she chatted with Zhou Yun seriously for a while, and finally thought about it, got up and saluted, and even knelt down directly. Zhou Yun, take care of yourself.

Xun Wu at the side was no stranger to it.

When Hilda met Mr. Bao for the first time, she made a lot of jokes. It's not a problem for a foreigner to make a mistake.

However, Hilda came to Zhou Yun not only to return the book, but also to answer the question Zhou Yun asked her at the beginning - who is the hero.

Hilda got up, walked to Xun Wu with small steps, then stretched out her hands, palms together, and made a gesture: "Mr. Xun Wu is the most chivalrous person I have met this year!"

"Cough cough... Hilda, blow it, blow it..." Xun Wu coughed twice and said modestly.

Zhou Yun showed a smile and didn't respond or refute anything.

When Xun Wu spoke, he had already looked at Xun Wu again from top to bottom.

Xun Wu's body is accompanied by the image of a dragon and a tiger, with a righteous spirit penetrating the sun, the moon seems to be in his eyes, and his body is like a star. He only looks at the momentum and momentum, and he can be called a hero.

However, what can be seen by the method of looking at qi is after all only the strength that appears on the outside, and it is hard to say what is going on inside.

After talking about this, Hilda wanted to take Zhou Yun to see her office, but Hilda has always been very particular, outrageously particular, after having this idea, she called Xun Wu out of the room alone, and seriously applied for After a while, she came back excitedly to find Zhou Yun, hoping that Zhou Yun could see her achievements this year.

Zhou Yun thought for a moment, then responded softly.

He has absolutely no prejudice against country, race, or sect, and he has indeed been thinking about a problem recently. Since Hilda invited him and Xun Wu agreed, he is naturally happy to leave.

But—before that, he had to deliver the two sheep to the palace man. Fortunately, there was already someone waiting for him in the palace, so he didn't waste much time.

The group returned to the Fengzhou yamen, Baofu Yin was still in the palace, and there were not many cases in the yamen, so the police officers were generally lazy, but Zhou Yun didn't respond when he saw it.

Later, he followed Hilda to her room and saw many things in Hilda's room, he saw piles of transformation items, strange potions, unknown synthetic items, a lot of A scroll filled with "ghost painting symbols", and the two magical weapons of Juque and Wuyu placed on the table.

"Oh?" When Zhou Yun saw Wuyu, he exclaimed a little, "Good knife."

After hearing this, Hilda smiled and nodded, and excitedly responded to Zhou Yun's words, saying: "This is the treasure that Xun Wu just brought back from the headhunter. I tried many methods, but I still can't figure out what it is. What kind of material, and I am afraid of irreparable impact caused by strong acid corrosion, I have always had a headache..."

After Hilda opened the chat box, she not only spoke quickly, but also had a lot of content.

Zhou Yun gently rubbed his forehead, came to her side, listened to Hilda's fast and complicated narration, while silently looking at Wuyu.

"I don't know where Xun Catcher got this knife?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"At the border between Fengzhou and Yingzhou in the east, there is a sect called Zangfeng Island. I got it from them."

"Fengzhou and Yingzhou..." Zhou Yun couldn't help pinching his lips, wanting to eat something, but found that there was no chili on hand, so he put down his hand and nodded slowly, "Feng Shan Yingshan once served In the ruins of the ancient battlefield, the local people spread the story of the Three Immortals in the White Night... So, this is the Scorpion Immortal?

Didn't see any poisonous gas? "

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning, looked carefully again, looked at the patterns on the handle, and speculated.

"Sir, you know?" Xun Wu was taken aback.

"...It's nothing." Zhou Yun thought for a while, but didn't answer.

If his younger brother hadn't been involved in that matter, Zhou Yun was still editing history, and by now, he might have revised a lot of things.

Seeing that Zhou Yun didn't want to explain, Xun Wu guessed that he had something to hide, so he didn't ask further, but explained the birth of Wuyu in general.

Zhou Yun immediately stood in awe.

He admired the matter of the old sword king, but what interested him even more was the behavior of Xun Wu, Zhang Bumo and others.

If there is no adulteration, then this person is indeed a young Yingjie.

"Where's the cup?" Zhou Yun asked.

Hilda rummaged in the past and brought a blue wine glass to show Zhou Yun.

"When Zhong Xiu first took out this wine glass, it was shining with a faint blue light, and then it became lighter and weaker. Now, it has completely lost its light." Xun Wu explained by the way that Ha's luminous cup does not shine.

Zhou Yun nodded slightly, pinched the stem of the cup, slowly turned the cup, and observed.

"There seems to be some lines engraved on this cup, but I... really don't understand these very well." Xun Wu couldn't help but spread his hands.

Xun Wu is still quite confident in deciphering, especially with the help of Dajuguan and Shibu, Xun Wu quickly discovered the weirdness of this cup.

But it's a pity... It's still the same sentence, Xun Wu knows too little about the "art" of this world.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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One Sword Sovereign

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Xun Wu can immediately perceive many things, but culture, customs, art, etc., no matter how similar they are, are still different from Xun Wu's world. It is difficult for Xun Wu to discover these differences by himself, even if he needs to Sometimes, Xun Wu will only be at a loss. Going further, Xun Wu is completely unable to understand those artworks that require a special historical background and humanistic background to understand.

Whether it is Taoism, Buddhism or other various things, Xun Wu needs the help of Bao Yuan and Ji Lian'er to interpret it.

Ji Lian'er was born in the Ji family, a Taoist branch, so she has a relatively deep understanding of Taoism, while Bao Yuan began to study Buddhist scriptures after returning to Beijing, and they all wanted to find out what was going on with this cup.

Although it seems that there is no difference, whether it can be figured out, there is no difference, but the two of them seem to be on the same page.

Xun Wu also had a headache.

He can feel that the two seem to have obvious intentions to fight and compete, but if you ask him to choose a support, it will be too difficult, at least now he feels that it is completely unnecessary to compare.

"So that's how it is." Zhou Yun turned around for a while, stopped, put the cup at hand, let Hilda and Xun Wu make way for a while, took out a piece of paper from the side, spread it on the table, and found another one. The small carving knife, just slowly scratched the cup on the paper.

Both Xun Wu and Hilda were a little confused, so after a few breaths, Xun Wu nodded after seeing what Zhou Yun had carved, and explained to Hilda in a low voice: "Mr. Zhou carved the above things on the paper. It’s up, it’s convenient for viewing.”

"Oh—" Hilda suddenly realized.

With a pen like a dragon, Mr. Zhou slowly carved out two rows of things with a knife, and displayed them in front of Xun Wu.

Xun Wu frowned, looked at the things above, and shook his head.

It can be seen that these two rows of things are obviously some kind of pictographic intention, with feather-like lines and sharp protrusions, but Xun Wu really can't recognize or understand them.

"It's normal for you not to understand." After Zhou Yun finished engraving, he put away his things, blew on the debris on the paper, and said in a low voice, "More than 580 years ago, there was a small country named Marsh. Because it was in the south of the Central Plains, it was It was called Nanzhao. At that time, the world was in turmoil and the Central Plains was divided into more than sixteen countries. Seeing the opportunity, Ge Lefeng, the lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom, wanted to draw a picture of the original. In order to please the people of the Central Plains, he promoted Han rituals and took Chinese names in the country. Later, it was simply renamed Fengshi."

"Oh?" Xun Wu understood at a glance, and immediately understood, "So...this is the marsh text? No wonder no one recognizes it..." Xun Wu suddenly understood.

"That's right. This is the marsh text." Zhou Yun pinched his lower lip lightly, and said, "Back then, the Feng family raised troops in Yingzhou and fought against Taizu in Fengshan. Later, a catastrophe happened, and your sword was born. ..

The Feng family has lived with our Han people for hundreds of years, and their blood has long been assimilated with me. Naturally, they have abandoned the backward Marsh Wen early... Now it seems that when the Feng family rebelled back then, it was probably out of some kind of Intention... Maybe it's status, maybe it's to unite people's hearts, and I picked up these things again and engraved them on this cup. "

Hilda leaned over curiously.

She can generally understand this, so she didn't feel too surprised - it's quite normal, besides French, there are so many other messy languages, so it's not surprising.

To be honest, people in the Central Plains do not only speak one language, and each region has its own dialect.

Xun Wu continued to look at the things on the table curiously, and at the same time asked Zhou Yun what these words meant.

His curiosity was piqued.

He is most interested in these hidden secrets.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but nodded when he heard Xun Wu's words, pinched his chin, frowned, and watched seriously.

His cultural level is extremely high, and he is not on the same level as He Jing's pretentious person. Although he has been away from the Central Plains for several years, it has also given him more time to concentrate on learning. Not only has he been very good at literature and history. Growth, some items that he is not very good at, have also been improved a lot by him.

Countries and historical writings are what he is good at—studying history, these things are absolutely unavoidable. He is naturally good at it, but the marsh language is indeed relatively barbaric. The shock disappeared into history, even if Zhou Yun wanted to solve it, he still had a headache.

In short, after thinking about it twice, Zhou Yun roughly figured out that these two strings of words should be talking about "treasure", which is the location of something hidden by the Feng family.

"Treasure!?" Hilda's eyes lit up, obviously very interested.

"Treasure?" Xun Wu pouted, losing most of his energy.

Zhou Yun rubbed his forehead, and finally concluded: "There are a few words, I don't have the impression, it's hard to guess what they mean, they may have been created later... I'll write them down first."

Zhou Yun took a brush and wrote next to the engraved words.

"Heaven, ---, auspicious, auspicious, ---, ---, township; ---, dragon, horizontal, travel, to, treasure, Tibetan."

After Zhou Yun finished writing, he couldn't help pinching his eyebrows again.

That's all for the first line of words. Although the next line is also missing, it is a description of the geographical location. You only need to know half of it to deduce the range.

"The second word might be 卐, but it's very different from the one I know."

After reading it, Xun Wu felt a little dizzy in his head, and couldn't figure out what was going on at all. A large pile of messy words were placed together, which made him feel very messy.

But immediately afterwards, Xun Wu suddenly felt blessed, and a series of sentences flashed inexplicably in his mind.

It's observation!

A thought flashed through Xun Wu's mind, and then he blurted out immediately: "Tianfeng Xiangrui Taoyuan Township, Tyrannosaurus is rampant to the treasure.

Mr. Zhou, tell me, could this be the habitat of Tyrannosaurus? "

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, then read it twice, then nodded slowly: "It is possible."

Xun Wu thought twice, then stretched out his hand to pick up the cup, found out the position corresponding to the word "dragon and phoenix", and slowly spun the cup, with a faint golden light shining in his eyes.

"Oh? Big Orange View?" Zhou Yun was slightly surprised.

There was a faint golden light in Xun Wu's eyes, and he constructed a plane figure in front of his eyes, simulating which places would be particularly obvious and which places would be particularly dark if the cup glowed, and compared and analyzed it.

"It really is a map..."

Zhou Yun didn't speak, and fell silent again.


He closed his eyes, as if returning to more than ten years ago, a series of voices flashed by his ears.

Sir, we have found a place that absolutely no one will ever find!Dragons, there are dragons!The legendary dragon vein!In that place, no one can find us!

"If it's really Tyrannosaurus, then... you and I are really lucky."

Xun Wu sensed that there was something in his words, it was definitely not a simple exclamation.

Seeing Xun Wu's reaction, Zhou Yun couldn't help but shook his head again: "Sharp, intelligent, really excellent.

Wait, maybe in a few days, you will know what I mean. "

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