Perhaps Zhou Yun's words were fulfilled, after two days, Xun Wu got a message from Bao Huaiying, asking him not to take on any new cases for the next two days, and to make more preparations in his free time.

Although he didn't know exactly what was going on, when he heard Bao Huaiying's words, Xun Wu also knew that there must be another big case.

Not only that, since Bao Huaiying said this to Xun Wu, Shuang Manqiu, who used to come to Fengzhou yamen to fish and drop by, has disappeared!

Shuang Manqiu doesn't touch fish anymore, this is going to be a big deal!

However, even if Xun Wu knew what was going on, he didn't feel any pressure. He continued to observe Fang Xian's work results every day and delved into the mysteries of the split-and-close knife technique.

It wasn't until another four days passed that an eunuch's father-in-law summoned him, which interrupted his rhythm of life.


Xun Wu followed the father-in-law, and soon came to a side hall of the palace. Here, the second prince sat on the main seat, while Bao Huaiying and Zhou Yun stood aside, and they seemed to be in a very unstable mood. , their complexions showed signs of redness. If nothing unexpected happened, they should have had a big fight just now.

In addition, the minister of the Ministry of punishment, the minister of Dali Temple, and the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate also stood here, but compared with the previous three, they were in a much calmer mood, and there were even a few people whose mouths were slightly turned up. The type that is lively but not too big a deal.

As for the other ministers, Xun Wu had never met them twice, and he didn't even know what they were in charge of or which department they were in charge of. However, there were not many of them, only three or four.

It was a few other people who really needed Xun Wu's attention.

Zhao Wumian and Bai Yupan stood quietly behind their respective departments, the Eighth Prince stood beside the Seventh Prince, and Jiang Tianmu stood behind them.

Something seems wrong.

Soon, Xun Wu realized that something was wrong.

A woman in a red police uniform ran to the door in a panic with a hurried pace. She was dressed slightly wrongly, and her clothes seemed to be mixed with other things, which looked nondescript. Behind her, It was Her Highness the Princess who sighed softly and stepped forward lightly.

Well, Frost Man Autumn is here.

Seeing the scene in the room, she exclaimed "噫", and hurriedly hid behind the princess. The princess sighed again, bowed her hands to the princes and loyal ministers, and walked into the room.

"Everyone is here." The Second Highness saw his sister finally arrived, coughed lightly, and said, "Then, let's talk about the next thing."

Several important ministers nodded.

Xun Wu didn't know what happened, so he stood behind Bao Huaiying and waited.

After the second prince finished speaking, the first person to speak was an official whom Xun Wu had never seen before. He stepped out, stood on the central path of the side hall, and began to narrate softly.

"Last year, Baofu Yin, Xun Huwei and Lan Dao investigated and searched, and got a piece of information about the Demon Cult. My department and General Man made an in-depth investigation. After repeated confirmations, most of the information has been confirmed. Only some information has been advanced due to time. invalid for that reason."

This is one of the many things that Man Jianghong was in charge of before. Last year, because of General Deng’s affairs, the Bao Mansion marched in a hurry and gave up most of the salutes. Only the information about the Demon Cult was laboriously carried with him, and later handed over to Emperor Shengwu, Emperor Shengwu So he asked Man Jianghong to send someone to investigate, and now he finally confirmed some of them thoroughly, so he told everyone.

The second prince nodded, and motioned for another person to speak.

"The two censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate also delivered a piece of information before..."

This time I'm talking about things related to Bai Yupan. Bai Yupan chased Yue Rushou. After several months of pursuit, analysis and verification, he has discovered a secret force hidden in the rivers and lakes.

"Combined with Xun Huwei's report in Xuanji Tower..."

Xun Wu felt a little headache when he heard the stinky and long report.

It can’t be said that it’s all nonsense, but it did waste a lot of time. To sum it up, it’s like—combining the events of Landao, Xuanjilou, and martial arts. Power is one.

Then came a lengthy testimonial.

Basically, the four famous arresters—except for Shuang Manqiu, all handed over some relevant inferences, experiences, and analysis. Finally, the officials summarized and thoroughly found out the name of this force.

Blood Spirit Island.

"If nothing else happens, Blood Spirit Island should be a faction separated from the Devil's Cult. Although it may not still be connected with the Devil's Cult, in order to prevent spoiling the emperor's plan, such evil gangs must not let go.

What's more, judging from Xun Huwei's experience, these forces are definitely not good people, and they often induce the people to practice evil skills, causing disaster to the world.Its crime cannot be punished, and it should be eliminated. "

Several officials immediately responded in a low voice.

Xun Wu and the others also followed suit.

Blood Spirit Island...

Is this the source of the blood-spirit correspondence method, the blood-spirit reflection method?

But the problem is... no one knows where the hell are they?

Next, Xun Wu finally heard why they were called in and why they were told not to accept the case for a while.

Although they don't know exactly where Blood Spirit Island is, the imperial court has deduced a general location, knows which area they are in, and knows that they are on an overseas island.Next, what Xun Wu and the others need to do is to find and explore their garrison. At that time, they will be the first battle of the Shengjin warship.

Xun Wu thought about it, and thought it was not bad.

Once the warship is completed, it certainly cannot be directly used in large-scale battles. If you don't try it first, the impact of various things at sea may be greater than the consumption of the battle.

Therefore, it is also very important for the Sheng Jin navy to have a suitable training target.

After confirming the matter, the meeting finally came to an end, but even after it ended, all the people did not disperse, except for those few officials that Xun Wu didn't know left, most of the rest remained in the side hall .

Xun Wu waited quietly, and it didn't take long for Bao Huaiying to start arguing with the second prince.

The content of the two arguments is not very interesting.

Bao Huaiying believes that this kind of major event should not be entrusted to one or two people to investigate, let alone Xun Wu and the others "race". They should work together, cooperate with each other, and search together, so as to save time and save more time. It's easy to use, rather than wasting each other's time and energy.

But the second prince also has a reason. He knows that, like Bai Yupan and Zhao Wumian, they each have their own censorship and investigation rhythm, each has its own network of relationships, and each has its own ability. Although they are forced to cooperate , and it is absolutely impossible to do bad things, but compared to exerting their respective maximum abilities, maximizing their own level, forcing them to cooperate, spending more energy, and reluctantly doing things that they are not good at, it will only waste their time. ability.

"Since ancient times, I have never heard of people who can cooperate with each other without training. Even elite soldiers who have fought a hundred battles need long-term guidance to cooperate seamlessly. If you are afraid because of this, give up eating because of choking, and think about training when you need it, wouldn't it be too late? "

This time Bao Huaiying is still very face-saving, because it is not a bad thing or a wrong thing in the true sense, and there is a difference in philosophy at the time, so he is still very polite when speaking.

Of course, being polite is being polite, but the second prince was very unhappy.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In the past month, Bao Huaiying has opposed many proposals in the court, and even belittled some decisions in the court several times. Even though Bao Huaiying is very face-saving this time, the experience of the past month still makes the second prince quite superior , flushed.

You can't say that he is good at nourishing qi. You really have to say that the second prince, who has never taken the initiative for decades, has a very good temper. Compared with other younger brothers who are hot-tempered, he is simply an eminent monk.

But as I said before, he has never "actively" taken the initiative, so when he started supervising the country, when Bao Huaiying retorted, he would naturally get angry easily—as he himself said, he had never experienced it before. It is easy to go wrong.

In fact, Xun Wu quite agrees with some words of the second prince.

Let him cooperate with the four famous arresters, it's not impossible to cooperate, but Xun Wu likes to coordinate and command, so forget about Shuang Manqiu, I think he will definitely listen to him, but Bai Yupan and Zhao Wumian will never be so happy .

Even Bai Yupan, who has a good relationship with Xun Wu, has his own pride in this kind of matter, and it is impossible to listen to Xun Wu like a marionette, let alone simply assist.

Even, because Bai Yupan's job is to criticize and monitor, the time spent on other people may be longer than the time spent working.

In the same way, there is absolutely no problem with Zhao Wumian's own strength. Not only is he a professional catcher, but his martial arts is also the top of the four famous catchers. However, he is very concerned about political affairs. You have to ask him to simply cooperate. Doing also quite difficult.

The two argued again, and finally, the second prince finally said: "That's better than this - simply let them compete with the last one in this investigation, whoever can be the first to discover the location of Blood Spirit Island, Then get the power to command, and the rest of the police need to obey his command for everything that follows, how about it!"

Everyone present could not help but frown.

It's not that this thing can't be done.

Rather, there is a slight problem.

Bao Huaiying thought for a moment, nodded, bowed, and said: "I have no problem."

"Okay!" It seems that because he finally said that he won Bao Huaiying once, the second prince seemed very happy. After he said this, he immediately glanced at Xun Wu and the others, coughed, and said, "Everyone should understand. , In the next few months, the few of you will hide your purpose and carry missions to the southeast. No matter what method you use, no matter where you get the news, as long as any one of you can find out the location of Blood Spirit Island first. , spread the news to the capital first, then...

I will declare to my father, let that person become the world's chief arrester and even the world's No.1 arrester! "

Xun Wu's heart shook.

Bai Yupan and Zhao Wumian also stared immediately.

Although none of them care much about fame.

But they are so strong.

No matter it is Zhao Wumian or Bai Yupan, they will not admit that there is another catcher who can be better than himself!

As for Xun Wu, it goes without saying.

The name of the No.1 arrester in the world, he is going to decide!

Seeing the three detectives who suddenly became excited, Shuang Manqiu scratched his head, wanted to speak, and poked Ye Zhenji's waist lightly. After a moment, she immediately calmed down.

Could Ye Zhenji know what she was thinking?

She must have felt that she would lose in this matter, and there was no need to participate—but Ye Zhenji is interested!

"Of course—it's not just you." The second prince remembered something, and turned to look at the eighth prince, "If other people can find the location of Blood Spirit Island, they will also be rewarded.

There are rewards and punishments, and the rewards and punishments are clearly defined. This is the rule that has continued since my prosperity and Jin Dynasty.You should investigate seriously, don't slack off, or you will be punished in the future. "


Xun Wu followed suit.

At this point, the meeting is finally over - only for Xun Wu and others, Bao Huaiying, Zhou Yun and the second prince seem to have other matters to discuss.

After Xun Wu left the side hall, he went to the appointed intelligence room.

In order to prevent surprises, Xun Wu and others not only had to carry extra missions to travel, but at the same time, the information was also specially placed in a room inside the palace, and no one else was allowed to enter without special permission. Among them, there were other documents submitted by Zhou Yun. As for the information, Xun Wu didn't know where Mr. Zhou got the information because he lived outside the Great Wall.

"Brother Xun."

At this moment, a voice disrupted his plan, he turned his head and saw Zhao Wumian approaching with a smile.


This scene seems familiar.

Xun Wu glanced left and right, and sure enough, he saw the white jade plate on the other side. When he saw Zhao Wumian calling Xun Wu, he immediately came over.

The three of them gathered again in the palace, and the purpose was probably the same as when they first got together.

"I heard that brother Xun was happy to get a peerless sword, but I haven't congratulated him before." Zhao Wumian walked up and cupped his fists to congratulate.

"Brother Zhao, Brother Bai." Xun Wu greeted both of them.

Bai Yupan had met Xun Wu once before on Zangfeng Island, and he didn't reminisce about the old days, but just said hello.

"Zhao Wumian, what are you doing here looking for Xun Wu?" Bai Yupan was as blunt as ever, "Isn't it because you want Xun Wu to quit this competition?"

"Haha, Brother Bai, what are you talking about." Zhao Wumian shook his head and said, "Don't you want to chat first? By the way, we can go for a walk together."

Bai Yupan sneered twice, folded his arms, glanced at the side of the road, and said, "Stop putting on airs, who can't see it? Don't you think so, Old Xun?"

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly.

"Cough cough cough..." Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Bai Yupan couldn't help but coughed twice, feeling very embarrassed, and said, "That's right... Your Highness did do it on purpose this time, deliberately making me wait than last time."

"He has so much confidence in you?" Xun Wu asked.

"I'm have unique information?" Bai Yupan thought darkly.

Embarrassed, Bai Yupan nodded.

Xun Wu was not surprised either.

"Let me see, since there is a competition, then we should rely on our own abilities... Therefore, I want to stop the two of you." Zhao Wumian said.

Although, the second prince trusted him so much that he even gave him unique and more advantageous information, and gave him a chance to be in the top position. Compared with Wumian, this is quite good news.

It's just that...if he really wanted to compare with Xun Wu and Bai Yupan, he still wanted to do it fairly.

"Oh, the authorities are obsessed." Bai Yupan's expression became much calmer when he heard Zhao Wumian say this.

Xun Wu raised his hand, waved it, and said, "Brother Zhao, there is no need to do this. Detecting cases, investigating, and searching are not duels in the arena. We should use everything that can be used. Whether it is subordinates, Bosses, friends in the world, or any other help, is within the fair range for you and me.

Even... from my point of view, the only way to be a winner is to win with all your strength, right? "

Zhao Wumian paused a little after hearing the words, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Then, it's up to each other!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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