The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 409 Confucian Hero 4K

The capital city has always been very lively, but today's capital city is particularly lively.

A large group of chasers gathered together again, blocking the water around a road, forcing Lu Meigui, who was watching the store today, to shout angrily, and was about to make a move, only to be stopped by his brother who appeared later.

"It's all these people, blocking our store!" Lu Meigui was very angry.

Hearing this, Yingxiong Lu shook his head, turned his head slightly, and signaled his sister to look to the other side. Miss Lu didn't know why, so she turned her head and looked, only to find that the large group excitedly gathered together, shouting, doing A team that greets someone with all sorts of grotesque gestures...their own dad is among them.


"Father doesn't have any hobbies...I've become acquainted with those chasing people these days, maybe he wants to go the way of chasing people." In recent days, the Lu family took advantage of their performance in martial arts to borrow some money. The next store in the market is now starting to sell medicinal herbs. Because everyone knows the performance of martial arts, Shengyi is on the right track.

Lu Fugui didn't think that his father was really the same as those chasing people. He knew that his father was a real businessman. Apart from the affairs of his grandfather, his father would not care about other affairs of the world. There are not many people who make his father really look up to him.

Lu Fugui was not bought as a hero, he was recognized by the people of Jinzhou by his own performance.

Just looking at his father like this, he doesn't seem to be very resistant?

Who the hell is it that attracts so many chasers to watch?

At this time, several hasty and excited "here we are" rang out, a figure came from outside the door, and saw a large group of besieged Jianghu people at a glance, he was startled and almost let go Dropped something in my hand.

It turned out that it was a middle-aged man with a small beard, a rather thin figure, and a vicissitudes of life. He led a few sheep, beat his back, and came to the capital!

"Ah—" Lu Yingxiong didn't care about it at first, but when he saw the person coming, he immediately exclaimed, "It's Mr. Zhou!"

"...Brother, do you know him?" Lu Meigui didn't know, so "Who is this? It's just to welcome him in such a big way? And he's leading two sheep... Where's the shepherd?"

When Lu Yingxiong heard his sister's question, he couldn't help but pouted slightly.

Compared with his younger sister who likes to make trouble, Lu Yingxiong is much quieter personally. Although his talent in martial arts is extremely high, he can basically be regarded as the leader of the younger generation after removing the monsters like Zhang Bumo and the outrageous guys like Roman. He likes to practice martial arts. On the contrary, he likes to learn Wen Dao very much, which is exactly the opposite of Duan Bielai who is very talented in Wen Dao but prefers to practice martial arts.

It is for this reason that he can recognize the person who comes at a glance.

"Sister, why can't you remember?" Lu Yingxiong was a little helpless, and said in a low voice, "Your favorite play Skull Hunter is written by him..."

"Ah—" Lu Meigui blushed.

She is very young and very active. Although Lu Yingxiong has a good temper, he is sometimes annoyed, so he sometimes tells her stories to let her calm down a little.

It's a pity that Lu Meigui really doesn't like those stories. On the contrary, she likes ghost stories very much. Unfortunately, she obviously never knows to remember the author.

Seeing Zhou Yun leading the sheep, nodding his head in response to those who greeted him, while continuing to move forward silently, he estimated that he would not be able to move for a while, so Lu Yingxiong continued to take time to explain to his sister: "Mr. He is a great Confucianist of the time, recognized by the literary world as one of the three great Confucianists today, and his martial arts are also unfathomable, and he has the prestige of a Confucian chivalrous man who is unpredictable."

"Ah?" Lu Meigui didn't believe it. "He? It looks like he would fall down when the wind blows. Does this mean that martial arts are unfathomable?"

She looked at it for a while, and obviously had the urge to go up and hammer it, but as soon as she made two gestures like this, Zhou Yun over there glanced over.

There was no murderous or murderous intent in this glance, but Lu Meigui looked at it, immediately lowered his head, and subconsciously touched his head. For some reason, he suddenly felt palpitations, and the pounding sound of his heart seemed to be in his ears. Extremely fast.

very scary--

Lu Yingxiong didn't notice his younger sister's expression, and said softly: "He killed the master before."


Lu Meigui's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at her elder brother beside her.


"Haha, little girl, how could your brother lie to you?" Just as Lu Yingxiong was about to continue explaining, a chaser who had just said a few words to Zhou Yun and was still a little excited turned around and started chatting. "It's no secret that Mr. Zhou killed the grand master, you must not listen to stories or go to theaters on weekdays, right?

This matter has been talked about for seven or eight years, but it is a classic passage! "

"Ah? Really!? This—is he also a master??"

"It is precisely because he is not a master that he is even more legendary!" the chaser said directly.

Immediately afterwards, another chaser said: "Back then, the Demon Cult was very powerful, and the Four Star Monarchs were all masters, so they were all in the limelight.

You know, ordinary forces and sects, even one grandmaster, is enough to shock the heroes of the world, let alone these four grandmasters?What kind of scene was that?

However, although the demon sect is strong, it is a way of killing and exterminating, and the people all over the world suffer from it.That year, His Majesty sent Marshal Yue Jiye to lead the soldiers of the world to join forces to crusade against the Four Star Lords. Two of them died in the army, one was exiled overseas, and the last one... Qinglong Star Lord died in his hands.

Although no one knew the process, Qinglong Xingjun's corpse could not be faked. "

Lu Meigui couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes widened in shock.

"It's a pity..." The chaser who told the story couldn't help shaking his head.

"'s a pity." Several people nodded in response.

Lu Yingxiong couldn't help sighing, and nodded his head, making Lu Meigui, who was completely ignorant of the situation, couldn't help but twist his brother's arm.

When Lu Yingxiong was in pain, he couldn't help shaking his head when he saw his sister's curiosity and embarrassment, and continued: "Unfortunately, Mr. Zhou is both civil and military. , it's really not good."

"What do you mean?" Lu Meigui tilted her head in doubt.

"Mr. Zhou's not" Someone said.

"It's not just restlessness." Someone shook his head again, "The Zhou family is also a big family in the Jiangnan area, and there are even women married to the third highness, not to mention how powerful they are, but they must be ten times better than us mud-legged people.

It's a pity that people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants...

First, the poisonous woman wanted to murder the Second Highness, and then the Zhou family broke out in a major corruption incident. Although Mr. Zhou has strong martial arts and excellent writing skills, but... he is indeed not perfect, so the woman from the Zhou family is also considered Now, his own brother was involved in a shocking case, he really couldn't let him go..."

"Right now, Mr. Zhou is the only one left in the Zhou family, and everyone else has been executed. Even Mr. Zhou has been sent to the frontier, saying that unless he cultivates the legendary Ice Spirit Sheep, he will not be allowed to return to Beijing..."

"Huh? Then why did he come back?" Someone came back to his senses.

"Could it be!?" Someone exclaimed again.

Lu Meigui was not interested in those exotic beasts, but paid more attention to the other side. After listening to it, she couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "So this is it... Can this be called a hero?"

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"Little girl, what are you talking about!" Several people who were paying attention to her immediately turned their heads and glared.

Just as Lu Yingxiong was about to apologize to a few people, Lu Meigui immediately stood up straight, snorted coldly, faced them, raised his voice, and said, "It was originally, what kind of hero is this? Isn't this just a martial art?" Is it just a tall enough literati?

Saying so much is not selfish.

If the younger brother commits a crime, then be more straightforward, or take the younger brother away and fly away, even ordinary people can't stop him with his martial arts; "

"Little girl, you are talking nonsense. Mr. Zhou is loyal to the emperor and loves the people, so naturally he will not run away. Besides, he is his own younger brother. Isn't it difficult for you to force others?"

"It's difficult for a strong man?" Hearing this, the little girl snorted coldly, folded her arms tightly, and said to them, "Hmph. Is this kind of thing difficult? Then why do Bao Huaiying, Baofu Yin, and Xun Wu both Can it be done?"

Several chasers who were preparing to educate Lu Fugui's children, when they heard Lu Meigui carry out the two, were stunned and looked at each other in dismay.

If you say that Lu Meigui is making trouble for no reason, they can still talk about it, but they can't refute the example Lu Meigui gave.

What to refute?

Are you refuting that these two people are ruthless and unreasonable?

But that's not true—Bao Huaiying is stern and selfless, but it doesn't mean he is ruthless. He often stands up for the people. Isn't this "love"?Although Xun Wu himself is also a person with strict law enforcement, he is also a good man who is anxious for justice and sacrifices his life for justice. Can you say that he is cold-blooded?

Faced with such a sharp and powerful example, the few people couldn't say anything, but they were suffocated and uncomfortable. Seeing that Zhou Yun seemed to be going far away, they hurriedly shouted haha, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Humph—" Lu Meigui pinched her waist with a smug expression on her face.

On the side, Lu Yingxiong gently rubbed the back of his head, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Gao Rose...don't you hate Xia Xia? Why do you think of him at this time?"

Lu Meigui blushed a little again, and then punched his elder brother violently, causing his elder brother to dodge in a hurry. Then he stood on the spot, raised his right hand, raised his index finger, and raised it in front of his eyes, as if he was Demonstrating and giving examples like saying: "I...I just think that the Confucian man they are bragging about is really annoying, so I found a ready-made guy.

Hmph, although I can't do this kind of thing, but it doesn't matter, I'm very happy if I can embarrass them——

And... Grandpa said that if you know your enemy and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles. Since you want to defeat that guy, you can't wait for him to become weaker. Of course, I have to study hard! "

On the other side, Zhou Yun was also slowly moving forward.

Before, he heard the quarrel between the two parties.

This is normal. His martial arts are much higher than those of the chasers and the Lu brothers and sisters. He naturally understands the methods of listening, and he also understands the content of their quarrel.

However, when he heard Lu Meigui say that he was not worthy of being called a "Xia", he didn't react.

Because, he actually thinks so too.

After so many years of herding sheep in Bianhuang, he has also gained a lot of insights, and has been thinking about what the word "Xia" is.After thinking about it for so long, he finally came to his senses - he is not a hero.

The so-called Confucian Xia is just a simple title like Zhou Yun and Mr. Zhou. If I really want to say, it is actually no different from my own name for the two sheep, Dabai Erbai.

In the Jianghu, there are countless titles like X Xia and X Xia Xia. Could it be that these people are really called Xia?

No, absolutely not.

These things are just recognized pronouns.

A real hero should never be like him.

However, on the other hand, he listened to the people mentioned by the two sides.

One is Bao Huaiying - this is no problem, he is very relieved.

Back then, he saw Bao Huaiying scolding Emperor Shengwu in the hall with his own eyes. If he hadn't been cowardly, he really wanted to applaud and cheer on the spot, because Bao Huaiying's sharp words, logical logic, and strong righteousness were in line with Some kind of peculiar tune, people can't help but be amazed.

Fortunately, he held back, otherwise he would have been assigned years earlier.

But that Xun Wu, he didn't know very well, his chaser told him a little about Xun Wu's deeds, and on the way back to Beijing, he also heard a lot of rumors about Xun Wu, which can be regarded as adding a lot of impressions.

It's a pity that the farther the rumors spread, the more distorted they become. When he summed up other people's words and painted an image with three heads and six faces and three eyes in his mind, he knew clearly what he understood. , there is definitely something wrong.

But according to the little girl, this Xun Wu should and indeed is an excellent young man.

"Mr. Zhou—" Just as Zhou Yun was thinking, a group of policemen slowly walked towards them, led by two young men, one of them had sword-browed star-eyed and extraordinary momentum, and the other was a man who looked at him. She looks youthful and energetic, a gray-haired foreign woman dressed in strange clothes.

Seeing the savior, Hilda didn't care about maintaining etiquette anymore. She took a few strides excitedly and rushed to Zhou Yun's side. She hurriedly bowed to Zhou Yun twice, and then she came to her senses, and it was another knight's salute. , Clasping fists with both hands again, a lot of messy etiquettes took turns, which made Zhou Yun couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

this kid.

"How's it going?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Very good, very good!" Hilda nodded excitedly. At the same time, she quickly took the Hanwu Caprice from her pocket, which was handed over to Bao Huaiying, and then handed over to Xun Wu, respectfully. Hold it with both hands respectfully, stretch it forward, and say, "Mr. Zhou, you gave it to me to meet Mr. Bao. Now I am the chief alchemist under Mr. Bao, and I have met many Many heroes and masters of professional technology, this book is returned to you."

It was rare for Hilda to speak so much, which surprised Xun Wu.

But actually...

Xun Wu looked at Zhou Yun, his brows twitched wildly, and he was even more shocked in his heart.

When several people heard that Hilda had obtained Zhou Yun's book, they immediately opened their eyes wide, jumped their feet and raised their heads, wanting to see what it was.

Zhou Yun looked at the book, shook his head, and pushed it back: "Put it away, this is for you."

Hilda withdrew her hands in a daze and looked at Zhou Yun.

"I have rewritten a new one, yours, I will keep it in yours."

"Ah—ah! Alright!" Hilda stood up solemnly, took a step on the spot, performed a knight salute, and said loudly, "Mr. Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely bring this book back to the Holy See. Translate into French, spread your wisdom—"

Zhou Yun had a headache.

Hilda is such a girl, it's so easy to "officialize" things.

He sighed softly, turned his head to look at Xun Wu, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

It is hundreds of times better than the outrageous image in the rumors.Looking at his whole body again, the righteous energy permeates the sun, and the evil energy retreats, it can be seen that the rumors are true, he must be a good man who stands up to heaven and earth.

And Xun Wu couldn't help being a little surprised...

This man has no flaws...

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