With the efforts of the monks, the light of the fire gradually diminished and receded.

Bai Yupan panted heavily, clenched the chain sword in both hands, but did not stretch or extend it.

On the road of "crossing the sky", Yue Rushou did not go as far as Bai Yupan, but compared with it, Yue Rushou did not use a chain sword, but a simple long sword, and because she was too much for Bai Yupan. I am too familiar with it, and I often grasp the timing of Bai Yupan's shot to attack the link of Bai Yupan's chain sword. With Bai Yupan's knowledge, if this sword is extended, there may be accidents, and it will break and shatter. One against two, even one against one, he might be defeated.

However, what relieved him a little was that Yue Ruchou's physical strength gradually fell behind, which gave Bai Yupan a chance to relax.

While fighting in this cave, he retreated, and when he met the blocking monks, he drew his sword, and for a while, he actually retreated a few steps.

However, Yue Ruchou and Shan Ji were chasing too closely, which forced Bai Yupan to get closer and closer to the entrance. Seeing this situation, Bai Yupan's heart became ruthless, and the movements of his hands became even more stern, and he began to ignore his injuries.

According to this situation, I will definitely die, so why not kill a few more monks and soldiers, which can be regarded as a profit.

However, at this moment, he noticed that there seemed to be some monks beside the road who were not killed by him.

Moreover, it seems that several crossbows on the ground were stabbed into the wall with brute force!

"Oops, General! He still has a helper, and someone is leading him the way—they found the cave out!"

Since Bai Yupan can be seen and noticed, Yue Rushou, who is one of the top four famous arresters, can naturally see it. Although Shan Ji didn't notice the situation because he paid too much attention to Bai Yupan, he heard Yue Rushou so Said, naturally his complexion changed again.

cave! ?


Yes, since the cave in the mountain was discovered by a monk, there must be an original entrance, not the original secret passage, but this entrance is located halfway up the mountain, and it is very likely to be covered by natural vegetation and rocks, so No one else can find out.

Xun Wu——

He is signaling himself!

A burst of hope suddenly ignited in his heart!

Although he hadn't escaped yet, Bai Yupan already regarded Xun Wu as a lifesaver in his heart!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I exhausted my inner energy, so I took it easily.

"Stop him!" Shan Ji roared again, telling the nearby monks to rush forward to stop him.

After hearing his words, the few monks were hesitant at first, but after years of training, they had long been accustomed to being commanded by Shan Ji, and subconsciously tried to stop them with sticks, but they didn't want to be cut off by Bai Yupan's sword. stick, and another sword instantly caused a person to fall down in pain with his throat covered.

This looks fierce, but Sun-ji laughs out loud.

The reason is simple, Bai Yupan's sword is too slow.

Judging from the original strength of Bai Yupan, Bai Yupan was enough to instantly kill three or four monk soldiers with one sword, but up to now, not only could Bai Yupan not kill all the monk soldiers with one sword, it even took two swords to kill the enemy.

And this also blocked Bai Yupan at the same time, so that Bai Yupan had to slow down.

Shanji's physical strength erupted again, his whole body overflowed with blood, stepped on a deep hole on the ground, and jumped out at once, a pair of fine steel gloves rushed to Bai Yupan's shoulders without hesitation.

Bai Yupan gritted his teeth, and wanted to return to defense, but it was too late, he was hit with a bang, and was sent flying out on the spot.

Fortunately, the white jade plate had expected it a long time ago, and rolled on the spot the moment it hit the ground. Regardless of the gravel and vegetation stained on its back, it gritted its teeth and continued to run quickly towards the goal.

Yue Rushou released a sword in resentment, this sword energy was stronger than every previous sword, almost occupying half of the alleyway, Bai Yupan didn't expect that Yue Rushou would still attack when he was short of internal energy. Choosing to release such a terrifying sword energy, he had to raise his sword to resist.


The sword energy collided with the sword energy. In order to relieve the pain, some of Bai Yupan's internal energy was pressed against his shoulders. At the same time, because of his hasty action, he did not accumulate the same level of sword energy and could not resist the sword. In desperation, he had no choice but to abandon it. The sword fled.

Now, if he fought again, Bai Yupan would surely die.

He gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and ran fast, ignoring other monks to stop him, and finally saw some monks who fell to the ground.

He was overjoyed immediately!

"Bastard!" Shan Ji who was following behind cursed loudly, and he could see that Bai Yupan's companion took advantage of the effort just now to help Bai Yupan clean up the surrounding area, making it easier for Bai Yupan to escape.

After a few more moments, the pursuers felt a burst of coolness, as if a cold wind was blowing.

Where is the wind in this hollow in the mountain?Naturally, there is only the original cave entrance that was blocked by them with rocks!

The two hurriedly pursued and killed them, but at this moment, a crossbow bolt burst out. This crossbow bolt was not simple, not only extremely fast, but also carried internal energy, which shocked Shan Ji to block it with a fist.

What, a bow and arrow with internal energy?Could it be that the disciples of Jing Xian Sect came to spoil their good deeds?

Crossbow arrows and arrows are weapons and means for ordinary people to kill masters with their internal qi. The power has never been weak, and it is even more terrifying when it comes with internal qi. Even in the whole world, few sects can do it. Shan Ji naturally surprise.

However, in a short time, Xun Wu could only shoot this arrow.

Soon, Xun Wu grabbed the white jade plate with one hand and dragged him to the mountain road.

Bai Yupan felt a little weightless for a moment, but he didn't think too much about it, nor did he ask any more questions.

With his personality, he would not say "thank you for your kindness, and you will repay it in the future", he will only do it and repay the kindness.

Naturally, Xun Wu didn't talk nonsense, he pointed at the entrance of the mountain road and told Bai Yupan to go quickly.

"Don't go, little thief!" Shan Ji yelled, and jumped into the mountain path.

Yue Bichou sighed, leaning on the mountain wall, panting helplessly, she seemed to be unable to catch up, but then she thought of something, looked back at the monks and soldiers who followed, and began to order and order.

On the other side, Shan Ji jumped onto the mountain path and punched Xun Wu with one punch. The punch was so fierce that the wind almost lifted Xun Wu's hair, and it was accompanied by the smell of blood. It looked quite scary.

Xun Wu, on the other hand, was not afraid, his complexion remained unchanged, he punched with one hand, and he punched out, very serious and orderly, it was just an ordinary fist!

It's just that the Maozheng fist erupted in Xun Wu's hands, and the powerful force shocked the surrounding air, making the wind that was not small at night even stronger. As the saying goes, the wind comes from the tiger and the cloud from the dragon. Like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, it confronts Shan Ji.


Fist, fist pair, fist bump!

The two fisted each other, one was carrying a steel glove, the other was holding the last few arrows in his hand, they smashed each other, facing each other with fists, standing on the spot and looking at each other.

One of the two was full of evil spirits, the other was amazingly strong, but they were not repelled by the other party, and they just relied on their full strength to stand still!

"What a tiger fist!" Shan Ji praised.

Xun Wu was too lazy to say such meaningless words, so he turned around and ran away. He had bought time for Bai Yupan, and if he couldn't survive this, then it wasn't his problem.

It's just that Xun Wu ran, Shan Ji chased after them, the two were so close, and there was no chance for Xun Wu to move around in the mountain road, so they couldn't get rid of Shan Ji for a short time.

Shan Ji had a headache.

The strength of the red-clothed catcher in front of him is not very strong. After a few punches, he can feel that this person is at best a second-rate martial artist, but his strength is amazing, so he can fight with him. If he continues to fight, He can definitely handle him easily.

But at the same time, he could see that Xun Wu's lightness kung fu was several orders of magnitude better than his. If he escaped from the cave and easily reached the mountain wall outside, he would definitely be thrown away easily with just these two steps.

He was furious in his heart, and his viciousness was even stronger, and he even spurred another burst of energy, and slammed towards Xun Wu fiercely!

"Xun Wu!"

Xun Wu heard Ji Lian'er's voice.

The wind was loud and the weather was very cold. Xun Wu felt like he had lost weight.

Ji Lian'er obviously didn't listen to Xun Wu's words, or rather, Ji Lian'er listened, but didn't listen completely, but hid on the mountain wall, waiting for Xun Wu to come out.

But what she didn't expect was that the scene where Xun Wu came out turned out to be like this!

Because of the impact, Xun Wu and Shan Ji fell out of the cave and hit the mid-air directly. At this time when they couldn't bear the force and take advantage of the situation, if they fell down and rolled down like this, even the iron man would have to fall to pieces. mud!

It was impossible for Ji Lian'er to watch Xun Wu fall, quickly took out the things in her waist, grabbed a musket from it, and fired down without hesitation.


This musket turned out to look like a musket, but it was actually a special hook!

Under the powerful fire rate of the musket, the two of them were directly trapped by Ji Lian'er with the hook rope, and they were pulled to the mountain wall, but the weight of the two people was not enough to support with Ji Lian'er's strength. Qi was almost exhausted, and at this moment, he grabbed the rope without hesitation to support the two of them, preventing Xun Wu from falling.

"Hahahaha!" Shan Ji laughed out loud!

Originally, he only wanted to kill Xun Wu. Given his situation, he might not necessarily fall to his death, but now, in order to save Xun Wu, Ji Lian'er gave him a chance to wipe out all three of them!

Without hesitation, he bumped his head towards Xun Wu's forehead on the spot.

As a bald head, he has learned martial arts similar to iron head skills.

But Xun Wu didn't think of fighting him at all, he turned his right hand and took this opportunity to cut the rope with the edge of the giant que.

Shan Ji lost weight in an instant, but he had expected that the head bumped not only did not go sideways, but hit Xun Wu's left hand holding the mountain wall in an instant, causing them both to fall down again at the same time!

"Xun Wu!" Ji Lianer shouted again.

Now she had no other choice, and jumped from her footing without hesitation. Compared to the two, she stood taller, and she was not knocked down because of the battle, so she was able to jump easily in the mountains.

Bai Yupan gritted his teeth, his physical condition was not very good, his internal energy was a bit exhausted, and the sword in his hand was gone, but it was impossible for him to see his savior in crisis without being moved, without hesitation Follow Ji Lianer and run down.

It's just that the two of them are too far away, and the battle is more dangerous at high altitude.

Xun Wu fell with Shan Ji again. Although he lost control of the surrounding environment, this time it was much better than the last time when he couldn't rotate or move his weapon.

Accompanied by the roar of the dragon and the roar of the tiger, Xun Wu's saber power reached its peak in an instant, and a silver-white saber light seemed to become the moon in the dark night, slashing towards Shan Ji who was close at hand.

However, Shan Ji is a top-notch master after all, and he is also a specialist in external skills. With the combination of evil spirit and external skills, he insisted on holding on to this move, but there was a long and narrow bloodstain on his chest, but he did not die.

Shan Ji laughed again.

The knife didn't kill him, but instead forced him to get close to the mountain wall, giving him the opportunity to grab the protruding tree branch in the mountain with his left hand.

On the other side, without Shan Ji making trouble, Xun Wu quickly retracted his saber, untied Ju Que's hanging bag at the same time, and inserted Ju Que horizontally towards the mountain wall at the fastest speed!

Juque deserves to be called the "Famous Sword of the Eight Desolations"!

When Xun Wu released the saber energy, the old force had just gone, and there was no way to use internal energy to assist him, but he could still rely on brute force to harden it on the mountain wall. Afterwards, Xun Wu used internal energy to move, like a light little bird Like a cat, it turned over and jumped onto the blade in an instant, and stood firm.

Seeing this scene, Shanji's smile disappeared, and his right hand ignored the bloodstains squeezed by the wall due to the decline, and smashed the mountain wall without hesitation. A large number of gravel and branches were shot down by him, and fell in the direction of Xun Wu.

Normally, this kind of attack is not very threatening. After all, Xun Wu's lightness skill is enough to dodge it, but in this kind of situation where there is no way to escape, falling objects from a height of two or three meters is enough to destroy Xun Wu's attack. life!

Without hesitation, Xun Wu used his scabbard to resist quickly. Although a few falling rocks hit the giant gate, it was not enough to make Xun Wu lose his balance.

Immediately afterwards, Xun Wu immediately counterattacked and drew his knife out.

This knife did not carry the "Wanglang Style", but the most common and simplest move of Stardust swordsmanship. Because of this move, Xun Wu's target was not Shan Ji, but the branch Shan Ji was holding!

click -

With just one knife, the branch Shanji was grabbing was immediately cut open. Originally, it was already bent when Shanji was hanging on it. Wu Yidao wiped out and fell down again on the spot.

Xun Wu didn't relax, taking advantage of Shan Ji's fall, he slashed at Shan Ji's opening without hesitation.

"Well——" Shan Ji took a stab, and his face became even paler, and the blood flow naturally became faster, but he didn't hesitate, and even threw something with one hand, and put it on the hilt of Xun Wu's sword!

It's the rope!

It turned out that when Shan Ji fell for the second time, he grabbed some ropes, which played a role at this time, and they were put on Xun Wu's sword, and did not continue to fall!


Xun Wu's expression changed!

If they hang together, Xun Wu can continue to fight, but Shan Ji is in a position that shouldn't be!


Due to the force problem, one side of Juque's hilt began to be lowered. At this moment, Juque's powerful blade easily smashed into rocks, and like a lever, it easily dug a small hole——

And this made Jian and Xun Wu have to slide out of the mountain wall due to gravity and continue to fall!

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