The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 262 Evidence and Chance 4K

Xun Wu hurriedly escaped from the room, and crawled on a corner of the cave wall, trying not to expose himself as much as possible.

Xun Wu didn't know what happened, but if there were no accidents, the fierce white sword energy must have been used by Bai Yupan, that is to say, Bai Yupan fought against someone.

In such a closed environment, and I don't know how to leave here quickly, after a long time of fighting, people will inevitably be chased and intercepted. Among the first-class people also belonged to the category of top-notch, and it was impossible to survive.

This made Xun Wu unable to bear the need to make a decision in his heart, should he try to find a way to see the situation of Bai Yupan, or should he take advantage of this time to leave?

Xun Wu knew that he didn't have much time, so he had to make a quick decision.

He was a little dumbfounded.

Before time travel, he preferred to watch all kinds of martial arts and costume movies, and was deeply impressed by a more classic theme.

The yamen catcher, Jin Yiwei, and the heroes of the rivers and lakes discovered that a certain person in the court was plotting rebellion and even uniting with other races in an attempt to subvert the world-but this is not the main line of the story, but a beginning.

This kind of content often becomes the beginning of the story. The real story is often that a young girl who is ignorant or has a grudge picks up and rescues a hero with intelligence one day, and then the young girl resolutely follows The hero's last wish is to deliver information to save the common people.

Because it is relatively common, Xun Wu still has a deep impression, and Xun Wu himself likes to think more, so he will naturally think of other possibilities.

Is this hero, fast catcher, and Jin Yiwei really just as sacrifices, simply to die a senior for the protagonist?Is there no inner logic?

Of course the answer is yes - Xun Wu is very clear now.

Of course, after seeing the hollow in the mountain, he could think of a way to let Bao. My lord directly asked to send troops to surround the Bodhi Mountain. Based on the friendship between the two, Bao Huaiying could probably trust Xun Wu, but Xun Wu couldn't do that. .

Because Xun Wu has no evidence.

Without evidence, why should Master Bao Huaiying plead for his life?If this is the case, what is the difference between Xun Wu and Bao Huaiying and "dry"?

Even if it is "doing", it does not directly mobilize the army to achieve its own purpose.

Therefore, Xun Wu must have definite evidence, just like the grave digging and autopsy in Yunzhou Prefecture proved that Zhao Yu was not dead, and the collection of information in Landao was the last way to surround the Moyu Gang and Jingxinlou. give evidence.

But now, the evidence is in hand. For the sake of the people and justice, Xun Wu should return to the city immediately, explain the situation quickly, and solve the danger of the monks and soldiers in the Bodhi Temple...

But at that time, could Bai Yupan survive?

Bet that the people here won't kill him?

Xun Wu frowned.

Although the white jade plate is not from their yamen system, since Xun Wu has become the team leader this time, of course he must try his best to keep the names of other people in the team as much as possible.Moreover, Bai Yupan's personal ability is extremely strong, and he is much better professionally than Fang Xian and Zhang Bumo in the yamen. Xun Wu has now become a "Xiaxia", but naturally there is still a way ahead. There are always head arresters in the world, and in the future, there will be famous arresters, god arresters, god catchers, etc. that will be recorded in the annals of history.

This white jade plate is a part of my plan to earn experience lying down in the future, so I can't give it up easily!

After quickly clarifying the links, Xun Wu can set off.

In this huge void, although there are some fluorescent lights, they are mainly lighting devices such as torches. Now, a big fire is burning, and there are countless sword qi, and other places are naturally dark. It seemed even more unreal, even the monks and soldiers who had adapted to the emptiness early, could not see clearly when encountering this scene, which gave Xun Wu a chance to quickly transfer.

Not long after, Xun Wu saw the white jade plate in the light of the fire. His face was ashen, and he swung the chain sword with one hand. He swung it in this small and narrow environment without being caught or tripped by other things. It looks as flexible as an arm.

On the other side, facing him, in the firelight, there was also a person who was waving a long sword to resist the attack of the white jade plate, aiming to attack the link of the white jade plate chain sword.

Although the light in the cave was not good, and the firelight made people's faces red, but Xun Wu could generally see the woman's figure clearly.

Obviously, she is Yue Ruchou.

It is quite different from the description of the white jade plate, and it is completely different from the portrait, except that the slightly frowned eyebrows are exactly the same as in the painting, and it looks like a woman who is sighing anytime and anywhere.

Her body looks very tough, and she is obviously a first-class expert, but even under the firelight, her complexion still looks quite pale, but in terms of body, she does not have the weak feeling of Cong Yun, and it is more caused by not seeing the sun for a long time. There was a slight change.

Bai Yupan was extremely ashamed.

Naturally, he would not shout out excitedly and angrily just because he saw an acquaintance and Yue Rushou. As one of the four famous arresters, if he can't even control his emotions at critical moments, why should he be a role model for arresters all over the world? ?

In fact, let alone him, even if Ji Lianer followed his path, she would still be discovered by Yue Ruchou.

It's not because of Yue Ruchou's ability to inspect and crush Xun Wu's three people, but because of Yue Ruchou's... martial arts!

The "invisibility" of "Yantao Yunxia Mingming Magic Art"!

Yue Sichou rests during the day and practices at night. At the same time, she uses the "invisible" ability to hide in this cave. Even the monks of the Bodhi Temple have rarely seen her.

In the dead of night, there are fewer people walking at night in places like Mingjingtai. Yue Ruchou usually doesn't concentrate on patrolling, and at most only glances occasionally.

But today, not far from her hiding place, Yue Rushou saw a person she couldn't believe.

For so many years, Yue Sichou even thought that she would never see the white jade plate again, but she never expected to see the white jade plate in the base camp of the Bodhi Temple!

This is not only fate, but also sin.

Yue Rushou's face was still sleepy and confused, but she didn't hesitate to move her hands. She fired several swords in a row, some of which were brightly colored, and several sword qi dissipated in the air, as if the release failed.

But Bai Yupan was careless, not only because of the warrior's instinctive consciousness, but also because he heard a lot of conjectures from Xun Wu when he discussed "Yan Tao Yun Xia Ming Mie Shen Gong" with Xun Wu before.

In Xun Wu's opinion, Luo Changfeng's "invisibility" of "Xiang Tianheng" is too eye-catching, and it is impossible for normal martial arts to show the appearance of Luo Changfeng's internal qi changes, so he guessed that Luo Changfeng must have been practicing for a while. up.

Xun Wu guessed at that time that Xiang Tianheng's destructive power and invisible uncertainty are the most powerful aspects of this martial art.

But now, Xun Wu's guess has come true.

While swinging the sword, Bai Yupan rolled his eyes, frantically recording the angle of Yue Ruchou's sword, so that he would not lose his defense if he used the sword energy against the sword energy.

The terrifying destructive power of Xiang Tianheng, when it hits other external and internal energy and weapons, the destructive power is naturally amazing, but in the final analysis, it still depends on the specific situation.

When Bai Yupan saw Emperor Shengwu's golden palm before, he realized that his sword energy could not block Emperor Shengwu's internal energy, and "Xiang Tianheng" would naturally not be an undefensible move.

As long as it is strong enough, no matter how sharp the sword qi is, it is impossible to break through the protective qi of one's body. Similarly, as long as the same sword qi is used, the extremely sharp sword qi will naturally have no effect.

But as he hit it, Bai Yupan couldn't help dripping a few drops of sweat from his forehead.

Naturally, part of the reason for this was the scorching flames, and part of it was surprised that Yue Rushou could master two kinds of Xianggemen's internal energy at the same time.

But this is just a small problem, the flames cannot threaten Bai Yupan, and although Yue Rushou has mastered two kinds of internal qi at the same time, Bai Yupan can go farther than Luo Changfeng and Yue Rushou on the road of "crossing the sky", so Not afraid.

What really worried Bai Yupan was that Bai Yupan was worried that this operation would fail because of his own mistakes.

At this moment, a few monks stabbed at the white jade pan with their sticks. The white jade pan let out a soft snort, turned his hands over, and the inner energy exploded. A powerful pure white sword energy swayed out, and it only took a moment to deal with anyone who dared to approach him. monk.

"Don't get close to him!" Yue Rushou raised his voice, "Stay away, wait for his internal energy to be consumed more than half!".

Her voice sounded a little weak, even weaker than Cong Yun, like a delicate girl who had been ill for a long time and might fall down at any time, soft, soft and pity.But if someone believes in her appearance and voice, she will definitely be overwhelmed by her vigorous and flexible figure, and it is absolutely impossible to believe that this person can be indistinguishable from a mature man with a woman's body up and down.

"Brother Bai, I heard that you are still looking for me all these years..." After such an interruption, Yue Rushou also had a plan to reminisce about the past, "Did you come here to find me?"

Xun Wu raised his eyes.

Great opportunity!

He hid aside and couldn't help thinking.

"Hmph, no!" Bai Yupan shouted confidently.

His answer was very decisive, it could be said to be decisive, without hesitation at all, and he said quite sincerely, no one would think that what he said would be a lie.

In fact, with Bai Yupan's temperament, he would never tell lies at this moment.

Although at the beginning, he was indeed looking for Yue Sichou, but when he found the hollow in the mountain, Bai Yupan changed his mind.

"You are really looking for me..." But, hearing Bai Yupan say this, Yue Ruchou blinked her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth a little, as if she was smiling, but the sad look still couldn't go away go.

Xun Wu touched his chin again.

This month seems to be emotional?


A very weak voice rang in Xun Wu's ear. Xun Wu didn't turn his head or reply, but raised his hand and made an "ok" gesture beside his hand.

He believed that Ji Lian'er could see it.

As a descendant of Saint Thief, Ji Lian'er can be said to be the strange thief among the strange thieves. Even in a place heavily guarded by the mask building, Ji Lian'er would only hurt her leg at most, and at that time Ji Lian'er didn't have the internal energy she has now. , Qinggong, although this cave is big, to Ji Lian'er, only Yue Bianchou is a threat - she was trampled out by the white jade plate ahead of time.

In fact, Ji Lian'er was also a little scared. She thought about how the white jade plate was discovered. This situation is too incomprehensible, and it would be useless to change her.

Passing by an invisible person without knowing it, for the vast majority of people in the world, let alone experience it personally, I'm afraid they can't even imagine it.

Of course, Ji Lian'er would definitely not come to help Bai Yupan, but Ji Lian'er believed that Xun Wu would definitely come over to see the specific situation, so she followed the trend.

[I found a secret passage in the north, you can jump from the cave to the outside of the mountain. ]

Xun Wu gestured again.

[I'll tell you the route, remember it well...]

Xun Wu nodded while listening, and then lowered his two fingers, shaking them non-stop, as if walking briskly.

This is to let Ji Lian'er go first.

[Row. ] Ji Lian'er didn't have any polite words at all, and told Xun Wu on the spot.

At this moment, it is time to race against time, and it is impossible for Ji Lian'er to waste Xun Wu's time and influence Xun Wu's decision at this time.

Of course, as to whether she really listened to Xun Wu's words and left obediently, that's another matter.

Xun Wu revised the map in his mind again, set a new goal for himself, thought for a while, but did not act.

Because there was one more person, Xun Wu hadn't finished observing.

Not long after, a group of footsteps sounded, and at the same time, there was a big monk shouting at the top of his voice.

This person is Shan Ji, who is also... a first-class expert.

When he saw Bai Yupan and Yue Rushou were in a stalemate, neither of them could hold the other, he burst out laughing and shouted, "Don't panic, Moon Lady! It's the future!"

He immediately roared, and there seemed to be faint Buddha lights around him, but then, these Buddha lights around him were like a scene in the water hit by a stone, and they were directly shattered by another burst of blood!


A wave of fierceness sounded along with his angry shout, and behind him, there seemed to be a big Buddha with a furious face and a sharp weapon in his hand, shouting crazy numbers, and attacked the white jade plate.

Bai Yupan was shocked again.

The evil spirit of blood in the army! ?

Still first class! ?

This is a general who has really been on the battlefield!

Bai Yupan was terrified, but his body movements would not stop.

He quickly bent down to avoid it. Although he bent down, the chain sword in his hand stabbed at the black Buddha like a snake that suddenly attacked. The white sword energy burst out instantly, and chopped the black Buddha into pieces in just a moment.

"Good work!" Shan Ji praised, and the blood and black blood energy all over his body was almost formed, but this kind of application is the most basic and stupid application in the army. He just tried it out like this, and immediately recovered the blood energy.He stared angrily again, his body muscles tensed up, and he turned into a brass-like iron man after a few rounds, he jumped up and smashed towards the white jade plate.

This kind of power, Bai Yupan knew that he couldn't force it, and the evil spirit in the army was the most restrained assassination and cold arrow type of martial arts.

Looking at this scene, Xun Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, without hesitation, he began to detour.

According to this posture, although Bai Yupan will be suppressed by the two of them, he can still survive for a short time, and because of the unique ability of cutting vegetables with the sword energy that Bai Yupan has learned, those important monks and soldiers will not be wasted at will. a chance.

A chance for Xun Wu to save him.

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