The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 264 The Falling Battle 4K

There was nowhere to draw strength in the air, although Xun Wu and Wu were close, they couldn't cause much harm to each other when they fought.


Because of the next period of falling in the air, Xun Wu and Xun Wu couldn't find the relay and stop point, so Shanji took advantage of this moment to release a black and red Buddha with a fierce face and rushed towards Xun Wu.

This is the effect of 【bale energy】.

Xun Wu had seen the users of evil spirit and blood energy in the military camp in Yunzhou before. On a single-to-one basis, this kind of power is actually much worse than the internal energy that the Jianghu people are good at in a single battle, but Skilled users of evil energy and blood energy can connect the forces of multiple people in a battle, and group combat is twice as strong as ordinary Jianghu people. If there are more than a hundred soldiers, soldiers who are good at military formations are enough to easily crush Jianghu people.

In fact, I really want to say that whether it is evil spirit, blood energy, internal energy or even other messy things, such as demonic energy and true energy, they are all the same thing, but they have different characteristics just like internal energy. All these things are changes of a relatively pure "Qi".

And just as warriors who have broken through to the first-class level can use external and internal energy, release sword energy, and create body-protecting energy, the users of evil energy who have reached the level of "first-class" will naturally undergo changes.

When a person who has experienced many battles, gradually adapts to the battlefield and possesses unique talents, his evil spirit will naturally form faster than other people on the same battlefield. Apart from the accumulation of daily practice, these evil spirits will be silently Transform his body to make his life more "resilient", so that he will not die easily from injury.

At the same time, evil spirit will also have something similar to "ghost".

The battlefield, life, and all kinds of things will bless this person, assist his evil spirit, and eventually become a fixed image with unique destructive effects and power.


Shanji was not called Shanji, and he was never a monk, and the name was inherited from a monk he killed.

The real Shanji was the disciple of the abbot of the Bodhi Temple back then, and when that real Shanji found out that his affairs had been exposed, he resisted desperately, but was killed by the general, doves occupied the magpie's nest, and became the current Shanji. season.

And the Buddha image used by Shan Ji at this time... is naturally the appearance of the real Shan Ji when he was dying.

In all fairness, when Shan Ji was about to die, his viciousness erupted, his anger was soaring, and his resentment was like substance. In this world, let alone scaring children, call Zhang Bumo, a kid who is afraid of ghosts, and he will be able to fight on the spot. Scared to hide under the table.

But Xun Wu would not.

"Ha——" Xun Wu yelled, and punched hard without hesitation. The roar of the tiger exploded, and the mere shadow of the Buddha was instantly crushed by him.

"How courageous!" In the air, the bodies of the two people were deformed by the wind. When Shan Ji said these three words, his mouth was pulled by the wind a few times, but he could still speak clearly.

The power of evil spirits released externally is not as powerful as that of internal energy. Most of the external shadows of this evil spirit are the psychology of attacking people, trying to make the victim collapse.

In Shan Ji's impression, most of his punches against Ruoyu first-class people were instant kills, but he didn't expect Xun Wu to be able to resist it easily.

"Normal!" Xun Wu followed Echo closely, trying to get the medicine powder from his pocket, but after thinking about the situation, he gave up this choice.

When the wind blows, it might disperse.

To be honest, based on Xun Wu's understanding of the world, this great monk's malevolent image is indeed very vicious. Except for the white jade plate, who doesn't care about it, it is estimated that few people will not be frightened when they see it for the first time.

But obviously, Xun Wu was among the few.

After all, Xun Wu is not from this world, not to mention the image of such an evil Buddha, even if he is a hundred times more vicious, even Zhenzi is not too scary in Xun Wu's eyes.

Isn't it just something more vicious?Not to mention the Buddha, even if it is Cthulhu, the Lord of Hell and other scaring things, in Xun Wu's impression, there are a lot of pussies. He has seen too much, and he can't be afraid at all.

Even if you just talk about horror movies, this image is completely unqualified, not scary enough at all.

Suddenly, Xun Wu noticed a platform protruding from the mountain wall on the other side.

Although falling at a high speed, Xun Wu's "Seeing Through" combined with the re-cultivated "Great Orange View" can still find nearby things worth paying attention to even in such a falling situation where ordinary people cannot see clearly.

He gritted his teeth, thought for a while, adjusted his body shape, and was about to throw a knife at a tree below, and was about to chop a tree and fly out, so as to step on and find an opportunity to borrow strength in the air.

However, although Shan Ji couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, he and Xun Wu fell at almost the same speed, so he could clearly see what Xun Wu was doing.

As a general, he knows best that in battle, the most important thing to do is not to accomplish one's own goal, but to block the opponent as much as possible while accomplishing one's own goal.

But now, since Xun Wu wanted to use his saber, he naturally couldn't hesitate. He punched without any hesitation, and his evil spirit immediately dissipated, preventing Xun Wu from making a move.

Although this evil spirit is not powerful enough, it is still released after all. If it can't hurt Xun Wu, then stop him from moving!

Xun Wu was attacked by the evil spirit, so he had no way to draw a knife, so he could only resist with the giant gate and continue to fall.

Missing this opportunity, Xun Wu also fell off the level of the platform, and fell into a large clump of trees and rocks along with Shan Ji.


When the two fell into the rocks, the first thing they suffered was the impact of falling from mid-air, and then, under the influence of the rocks and vegetation, the two were inevitably hit and scratched by these things.

But at this time, Xun Wu couldn't control that much anymore, he used the giant que to slash downwards, trying to force his way into the slope, but found that he couldn't stop himself.

In his haste, Xun Wu did not insert it horizontally on the mountain wall, but directly chopped it down vertically, and the giant que was too sharp, it would not be too much to cut iron like mud, and the rocks on the mountain wall were not dense. , There are many gaps, and at the same time, it is full of vegetation, so that Xun Wu couldn't stop his body, and was still sliding rapidly.

However, if this is the case, it is not a big deal. After all, although it is still falling rapidly, it is still slowing down. As long as the speed slows down, Xun Wu will have a way to control the situation, turning over and jumping onto trees or stone walls.



It's the good season again!

Xun Wu's anger rose again, Shan Ji found that he couldn't stop his figure, he punched a stone without hesitation, right on Xun Wu's body, Xun Wu had to raise his hand and draw his sword to resist the stone, otherwise Xun Wu would be shot down immediately, completely losing his chance of surviving.

"Haha, little thief! How could grandpa let you run away!"


Xun Wu also shouted.

This Shan Ji didn't understand at all, and didn't realize at all, why Xun Wu wanted to draw the knife before, why he wanted to jump to the other side.

If he just fell into such a pile of vegetation, why should Xun Wu panic?

The dangerous one is the next paragraph!


The two fell out of the vegetation, and the entire field of vision suddenly became clear. Although it was night, the bright moonlight seemed to illuminate everything, allowing the two to see each other and the things under their feet.


Everyone, you should have seen [Slide], right?

When everyone was a child of a few years old, they should have seen this kind of thing in the community, in the park or even in the large children's playground.

As a very common and very basic entertainment facility, it and the trampoline have contracted many children's fun of tossing around.

This kind of entertainment that quickly slides from a height of several meters to the ground and piles of balls is both exciting and challenging. Even if many adults watch it, they can't help but feel itchy in their hearts. It is a favorite of many people.

Well, imagine that.

What if the [slide] is not on a safe and stable open space, with no caretakers and no cushions for falling, but is located at a height of hundreds of meters, on the edge of the roof of a high-rise building?

What happens if you slide out at this time?

Will - be smashed to pieces!

Now, what Xun Wu and Shan Ji are facing is this scene!

At this moment, the two of them are standing on the ground, but the ground is not flat, but a huge angle of inclination. Once slipping from this place, the two of them will fly several meters instantly, completely losing their grip Opportunity to live anything!

The two of them stepped on their legs and ran down involuntarily, but they couldn't stop, they could only keep trying to slow down.

And this time is also the time when the two are at their best recently!

Shan Ji stepped forward, and with Jia's left fist, he hit Xun Wu without hesitation.

Xun Wu didn't have the steel point in his hand at this time, so naturally he couldn't punch, he flipped his hands over and slashed at Shan Ji with the giant que.

Shan Ji used his fists against the sword, but his footsteps were not chaotic. He didn't lose his footsteps to accelerate his fall because of this momentary reason. Instead, he erupted his evil spirit instantly, and took advantage of this moment to attack Xun Wu's body with his evil spirit.

Xun Wu is naturally not afraid of evil spirits, but if he is affected for a moment and his steps are disordered, he will immediately slide down extremely fast.

But Xun Wu is not unprepared!

He has seen Shan Ji use his evil spirit many times, whether it is "See Through" or "Big Orange View", he has observed it many times, and now he has completely found the flaw in Shan Ji's evil spirit!

He held the sword with one hand, and quickly drew the knife with his right hand.

The knife comes out, the wolf howls.

Under the silver moon, after the howling of wolves, came the howling of tigers.

"There is no bodhi tree!" Xun Wu shouted at this moment.

[Wanglang Style] and a Buddhist gatha at this moment, like the most powerful sharp blade, not only easily cut the influence of the Demon Buddha in half, but even easily slashed at Shan Ji's body.



Shan Ji's body suffered from this knife, not only was there another wound, but the whole body began to burst out black, black or red evil spirits at the same time!

At this moment, he turned into a person with only external skills and no evil spirit!

Because of this knife, Shan Ji finally suffered a pain. Although the wounds on his chest and abdomen made him bleed, they didn't make him feel in danger. Only this knife made him really feel danger.

The evil spirit in his whole body was dispelled in a short time by this arrester named Xun Wu! ?

This sense of crisis made him realize that he might be killed by this second-rate warrior.

In his eyes, a catcher who is not on the table at all?

"Bastard!" He, who was originally very hot-tempered, suddenly became even more angry. In a very short period of time, he gathered the shattered and scattered evil spirits into his body, and swelled his body crazily.

This kind of rapid expansion is very likely to change his body balance, and now, although the two of them are trying to slow down their own sliding speed, they can't change the reality. His behavior will only kill himself and make him Fall even faster!

But he couldn't care less.

"Boy, you're just a fast catcher, why are you joining in the fun!" He shouted, "Isn't it fun to bully the folks every day?"

He seemed to say something similar to Zhang Buqi.

"The duty is here!" Xun Wu snorted coldly, "To protect the common people!"

Xun Wu also understood at this moment, if he didn't decide the winner at this time, and was blocked by the great monk again, he would be smashed to pieces!

"Common people!?" Shan Ji laughed again, "When I was on the battlefield for the common people and killed the devil's cubs, you were not even born yet!"

"What do you deserve to talk to me about?"

These words are naturally true, otherwise they would not be able to shout at Xun Wu confidently.

Want to take advantage of the language offensive?

Xun Wu sneered in his heart.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would also be treated by words.

But with these words, it is impossible to change Xun Wu's mind.

"Even if you have made great contributions, it cannot change that you are now a villain who gathers force to overthrow the imperial court and trap the people in misery!

If I am not worthy to speak of the common people, how can you be worthy of mentioning your past war experience? ! "

In just one sentence, it accurately hit the most contradictory part of Shan Ji's heart.

As a general, he used to protect the people and was the most respectable person in the world.

But as a general, after he left the barracks, he continued to train monks and soldiers to use as someone's rebellion. Whether it was professional or personal, it was the most obvious betrayal.

As Xun Wu said, how can such a man be worthy of mentioning the years of war?

Being stabbed in a sore spot in his heart, Shan Ji completely ignored him and swung his iron fist at Xun Wu.

Xun Wu took a deep breath, turned the giant gate, and cut off without hesitation——


Shan Ji sneered.

But soon.


His glove shattered instantly!

How can it be!

His eyes widened.

Gathering all the evil spirits in his body, how could his physical strength be strengthened at the cost of hurting himself, how could he be cut into pieces by a sword! ?

But Xun Wu knew it well.

Ju Que had collided with his glove several times just now, and the glove, which was originally not considered strong, had absorbed the most essential part at this time. With the assistance of Xun Wu's multiple strengths, chopping it into pieces was simply the easiest But things.

Although the fighting time was only half a moment, in this half moment, Xun Wu had been fighting him for a long time, and he had completely seen through everything about the sword "Shan Ji".

A sharp but rotten standard saber.

Looking at the shocked, crazy, and unbelievable Shan Ji, Xun Wu softly uttered a sentence again: "You are excellent.

farewell. "

Afterwards, Xun Wu exerted his strength again, knocking Shan Ji down with a bang.

Having lost all means of protection, and the evil spirit completely dissipated, Shan Ji stared, holding Xun Wu in the void, as if holding everything that had been there before.

But when he became a monk, he was no longer him.

Everything in the past was thrown into the air by him, and he will fall into the endless abyss.

Xun Wu heaved a sigh of relief, and waved his hands again. The giant que was inserted horizontally on the ground and bent under the force. But this time, Xun Wu was not in a hurry, and even used internal energy to assist. He didn't draw it out, but bounced him back like a spring. At this time, Xun Wu also used lightness kung fu to tap the ground, slid a little, and landed on the sword firmly.

At this time, two more ropes flew down. Xun Wu had quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed them immediately, looked up, looked at Bai Yupan and Ji Lian'er who were flustered, greeted them, and laughed, reassuring them.

His heart was still beating violently, the experience of falling from a high altitude was really thrilling!

But in the same way, Xun Wu's soul of death hidden in his body was greatly satisfied!

"It's really exciting!"


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