The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 261 The Assassin's Deception 4K Chapter

Below the Bodhi Temple, there is a huge hollow.

A great monk named Shan Ji chanted the Buddha's name while beckoning the monks back to their room.

He is one of the managers of Mingjingtai, and he is also the three senior monks of this Bodhi Temple. Before Xun Wu and others only met Shanshi and the senior abbot, they did not see him, precisely because of him Not in the temple.

In this cave in the mountain, in addition to the martial arts arena, there are naturally scattered rooms in the cave. These rooms are not only places for monks to rest, but also auxiliary "pillars" to strengthen the cave's bearing capacity.

Of course, as a natural cavity that has existed for an unknown number of years, this hole will not collapse so easily.

However, although he said "Amitabha Buddha", in terms of behavior, he did not look like an eminent monk. Instead, he was capable and down-to-earth. Under his command, all the monks followed orders and prohibited them, and their actions were uniform, and no one disobeyed them. , Resistance, like a person, slowly dispersed.

"Hmph, not bad." He put his hands behind his back, said secretly, and gently touched his round head.

"Who, stand up and be vigilant; that one over there, it's not time for you to change the guard, cheer me up!" He saw that the monks and soldiers on several sentries were a little lax, and shouted.

Those people were yelled at, and they shuddered instantly, and hurriedly stood up straight, trying to be serious.

He nodded again.

Although the place is extremely hidden and there are many internal and external agencies, it is indeed difficult for people to sneak in from his point of view, but military affairs are important affairs of the country, no matter how careful you are, you can't be careless.

He went around the entire hole himself, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he regained his energy and prepared to go back to his room to study the art of war.

After a while, the entire cavity became quiet, and after a while, a snoring sounded, as if a signal had been ignited, and the entire cavity began to sound one after another, deafening snoring sounds.

"Hey." Xun Wu let out a surprise in a low voice.

On the one hand, he finally understood how the people who came to the Bodhi Temple at night heard the "Sanskrit sound"; on the other hand, under the bursts of snoring, the actions of Xun Wu and others became more covert.

However, Xun Wu did not rush out, but continued to wait. After about a quarter of an hour, the great monk who had just walked into the room came out again—the snoring sound from his room before was obviously is fake.

He inspected one side of the room again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he let out a sigh of relief and walked towards his own room.

"It's really cautious." Xun Wu said in a low voice, while waving his hand gently, signaling the other two to move forward.

Bai Yupan nodded.

Unknowingly, Xun Wu has become the leader of the three-person team. Although the three of them cooperated with each other at the beginning, in fact, the three of them did not have the item of "leader". lead the team.

But soon, these thoughts of his were hidden, because he found that Xun Wu was much better than him in terms of commanding.

Because time was limited, the three of Xun Wu had already divided their responsibilities while they were waiting.

Just like before, the three of them each have a division of labor and are each responsible for one aspect.

Bai Yupan was in charge of watching people, Ji Lian'er was in charge of finding things, and Xun Wu himself had something to fix.

The three sneaked in quietly, and Xun Wu immediately walked towards his goal.

In this short time of one hour, Xun Wu was not just waiting, but first discussed the countermeasures, and then practiced briefly.

Xun Wu's first goal, of course, is to re-practice the Daju Temple again. He didn't find this martial art so suitable for him before. Now that he has time to practice, of course he has to practice again.

And this martial art really fits well with Xun Wu. It's only the second practice, and Xun Wu feels quite a sense of "combined mastery". I'm afraid that after a few more days of practice, he will be able to achieve what warriors are used to saying as "great success". realm.

Xun Wu slowly groped into the vicinity of a disciple's room, walked along the wall, avoiding people.

Compared with the serious and responsible monk, the remaining monks are relatively more relaxed.

Although many of them are monks and soldiers who have been trained for many years, after staying in this kind of place for a long time, these guard monks and soldiers will naturally have the habit of being lazy.

This is normal. After all, it is not the kind of modern army in the future. No matter how strict the ancient army is, it is impossible to be so cautious in this situation.

The awareness of these monks and soldiers was at best similar to that of the security guards in the big shopping malls that Xun Wu had seen in his previous life, and they would relax a little bit in places that were not monitored.

What Xun Wu was more concerned about, of course, was the identity of the leader.

Judging from what Xun Wu had just seen, it was hard for Xun Wu to believe that the monk had no military background.

Since he had already found the target, Xun Wu naturally wouldn't rush around the house and slowly approached that room.

Xun Wu remembered the entire empty environment in his mind long ago, planning and designing in advance, so he was naturally very calm.

He first walked around to the westernmost side, which is the narrowest place in the entire hollow, and at the same time, it is also the place closest to the exit of Bodhi Temple. Correspondingly, this location naturally corresponds to the most remote location of the Mirror Tower, and almost no one will come .

Xun Wu had observed it several times before and was very sure.

Going around for a while, there is an empty latrine in the mountain, and it is also the most dangerous place for Xun Wu's trip.

When observing from a high place, Xun Wu could remember the patrol routes of the monks, but he had no way of predicting the situation of people going to the toilet nearby.

If Xun Wu observes for a longer period of time, maybe he can find a relatively fixed time and catch the monk when he is weak when he is about to go to the toilet or when he is out of the toilet, but Xun Wu has limited time now, so of course he can't .

Xun Wu waited for a while, covered his nose, and listened carefully with his ears pricked up. After confirming that no one was there, he bypassed the toilet.

After leaving the area with the highest uncertainty, Xun Wu focused all his attention, stood upright in a passageway, waited with bated breath, and counted silently in his heart.

Ten, nine, eight...

After a while, when Xun Wu silently counted to about three in his heart, Xun Wu heard footsteps.

Sure enough, a person slowly approached here.

Although the patrolling and supervising monks might not be too serious, as long as these monks walk here, Xun Wu will inevitably run into them. Unless they are all crayfish, if they walk from the front, they will definitely be found.

click -

Xun Wu's gaze was fixed, a gloomy light burst out, his hands were shaped like tiger claws, and he quickly turned around. From the other side of the alley, in turn, a vicious "cat's claw hand" came out directly, grabbed the patrolman's throat with one hand, and covered it with the other hand. While touching the monk's mouth, he turned around quickly and bumped into him in an instant.

The powerful force is accompanied by the weight of the Juque sword. Even this patrol, who has been practicing external skills for a long time, is still staring at gold stars, and can't tell north from south for a while.

Obviously, he was suddenly attacked by Xun Wu when he relaxed his vigilance. He was not prepared enough. Facing Xun Wu's powerful strength, he was overwhelmed by the momentum of the roaring tiger and dragon. He lost his mind for a while and was directly attacked Smashed dizzy.

Naturally, Xun Wu would not let go of this opportunity, grabbed him back to the alley, and punched him hard on the nose with a cat, knocking him completely unconscious.

Xun Wu tested his breathing with his hand and felt for his pulse. After feeling a faint vitality, he searched in his pocket, took out a bottle of poison, and fed it to him.

Of course Xun Wu could use brute force to completely break his neck, but that was too obvious. Although his face looks a little livid now, his facial features are not distorted. It is not possible to immediately realize the real cause of his death.

According to Roman, the poison can make the dead look overworked, and of course, just look.No matter what kind of clever poison it is, in the eyes of a truly professional expert—for example, in the eyes of Bao Yuan, it is all fake.

Xun Wu erected him and placed him obliquely by the wall, making him look as if he was in a coma as much as possible.

In this way, even if people who watched from other directions saw him, it would be all right.

After Xun Wu got rid of this man, he hid again.

Naturally, he didn't forget the patrol route. It's not the time for him to leave this alley, and he has to wait for a while before he can go out.

"I'm so strong."

While waiting, Xun Wu couldn't help but began to recall the situation just now.

After a moment of impact, Xun Wu felt that the physical strength of the patrolling monk soldier was not low. When Xun Wu bumped into someone before, he even felt a little golden sound.

The strength of this monk soldier is much stronger than that of the Yamen's arresters and the ordinary soldiers of the imperial court. Even if he doesn't feel that he has second-rate strength, he may be able to resist the attack of an ordinary second-rate expert for a short time.

Of course, Xun Wu is blessed with the two characteristics of vigor and vigor, so he is naturally not an ordinary second-rate master.

Xun Wu moved his palm a little.

Not only counting, but also thinking.

Although this "Maomao Boxing" does not have the blessing of Siam Kungfu, Xun Wu's strength is more than two times higher than that of half a year ago, and his strength has more than doubled due to the additional bonus of his professional title. At this time, if Xun Wu was asked to carry the big cauldron in Yinzhou, Xun Wu would definitely be able to lift it extremely easily.

Moreover, now Xun Wu's moves will be accompanied by the roar of the tiger and the roar of the dragon. This cat-mao fist is a bit more powerful than the fierce tiger fist.


Xun Wu sighed slightly.

It will no longer be possible to torture people with the cat fist.

After all, when Xun Wu said "Maomao Boxing" when he roared like a tiger, others would only take it as a deliberate mockery, not in the cute and miniature sense.

"No, no, no!"

Xun Wu hurriedly refocused.

How can you let yourself lose one hobby because of this reason?

You know, it is one of Xun Wu's great pleasures to use cats and cats to punch those who are not happy with Xun Wu.

I have to study carefully, how to control the roar of the tiger and the roar of the dragon.

Xun Wu himself didn't expect that this was the reason why he thought about how to control the effect of the characteristic for the first time.

As Xun Wu thought, he moved slowly. Except for the goal that had to be solved at the beginning, Xun Wu didn't kill many people afterwards.

When "death from overwork" occurs on a large scale, as long as people with a normal mind can realize that there must be problems, and the next few, as long as they don't have to be solved, Xun Wu can bypass them.

Moreover, as I said before, the guard formation in this cave is very good, but most of the monks have stayed here for a long time and have never seen outsiders, so it is difficult to really pick up the heart of caution. What Xun Wu needs to face is, Naturally, it is getting simpler and simpler.

Not only that, the more Xun Wu walked, the easier it became, and the more he walked, the more familiar he was, and he soon arrived at his target point.


Xun Wu breathed out a little, and tiptoed to the place where the great monk lived.

Because it is in the big hollow, the structure of the house is also different from the outside world, most of them are relatively simple, although the internal organs are complete, but if you want to climb, it may be easier to wake up others.

After all, Xun Wu didn't have Ji Lian'er's ability to run silently on the road, so he couldn't make a big commotion.

Fortunately, the people in this room had indeed fallen asleep, and were even talking in their sleep.

What xx flower, I will return to the vulgar and marry you after I finish this job, what xx you kid is making trouble for me again, and what kind of monks are really not a thing.

The more Xun Wu listened, the more interested he became, but he would not stop.

After all, today he was tricked by that Shanshi, but he is quite serious. The story can be studied slowly. In the worst case, he will be caught in the future and locked up in the prison to ask slowly. For example, the story of Luo Changfeng, Xun Wu is basically Just figured it out.

He sneaked into the room and found that there were many military books in the room, as well as some related documents and records.

Xun Wu laughed inwardly.

This is exactly what Xun Wu is more concerned about.

Xun Wu roughly glanced at it for a few times before suddenly realizing it.

It turned out that the cave in the mountain had been discovered by the predecessors of the Bodhi Temple nearly a hundred years ago, but the people of the Bodhi Temple never used it.

Later, the imperial court increased its control over religion, and the life of the major monasteries was not very good. It was just that the prosperous Jin Dynasty was powerful at that time, so Buddhism and Taoism did not dare to do anything.

It's a pity that the situation in the world will change one day. The prosperous Jin Dynasty declines, the forces of the world rise, and the Juetian Society has the meaning of sweeping the world. Although it was later wiped out by Emperor Shengwu, it left a trace in the heart of the abbot of the Bodhi Temple at that time.

Almost 20 years ago, when the Demon Cult made trouble in the Central Plains, a monk inherited the idea of ​​the abbot and moved his mind to accumulate strength and expand the Buddhist sect again. At this time, he planned to use this cave to do something big.

But... what they didn't expect was that just when they thought it was perfect and spent about ten years transforming the void, they were about to slowly adopt ordinary people, teach them the principles of Buddhism, and expand the Buddhist sect, when they were discovered.. .

Found out?

Xun Wu was shocked suddenly.

Then why is there—

That's it!

This monk is indeed a soldier!

Xun Wu was about to continue reading when suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance.

At the same time, there was another roar and explosion, and there seemed to be flames emerging vaguely.


Xun Wu was taken aback.

At the same time, the great monk lying on the bed seemed to be frightened, he trembled, wiped his face, muttered something, and seemed to be about to sit up.

Xun Wu cursed angrily.

There was no way, he hurriedly grabbed the things he thought he might use into his arms, and quickly rummaged out of the room.

As soon as he went out, he saw that not far away, there seemed to be raging flames burning, and the white sharp sword energy swirled and collided in the entire hollow! !

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