When she heard that she was going to the Bodhi Temple, Ji Lian'er was not very happy at first.

It's not that she finds it boring, but that as a descendant of the Taoist sect, she can't get along with monks.

But this initial unhappiness only lasted for a short while, and then it was immediately taken up by the desire to make trouble and die.

She, Ji Lian'er, a descendant of the Saint Thief, has never confronted anyone in Buddhism, shouldn't she give it a try?

Moreover, with a temporary stealth token, even if the horse stumbles and is discovered by a certain monk, Ji Lian'er will not do anything, maybe she can still see the distorted and jealous expressions of those monks who want to beat her but can't .

This is so cool.

There were many legends about Saint Robbers back then, but they had little contact with Buddhism. Later, the descendants of Saint Robbers established a family. There were occasional frictions, but it was not lively enough, so this is obviously an opportunity for yourself!

Things that none of the predecessors have done, hey, here I come!

Xun Wu didn't expect her to be so deadly, but Xun Wu didn't care much about Ji Lianer's troubles. After all, Buddhism and Taoism, it's quite normal for Buddhism and Taoism to struggle with each other.

Boss Jin didn't think it was appropriate. She herself supported harmony to make money, and even Buddhists would cooperate. Let Ji Lian'er take it easy, and don't confuse any Buddhist master with anger.

"A monk who will be angry is worthy of being called a master?" Ji Lian'er asked back, which immediately made Boss Jin speechless, but Boss Jin is a sister after all, so he twisted Ji Lian'er's ear on the spot, making Ji Lian'er Son realizes who is the boss.

Ji Lian'er had no choice, so she agreed to Boss Jin and left Yuelai Inn with Xun Wu.

"Hmph—" Along the way, Ji Lian'er was still a little bit aggrieved, she rubbed her ears, looked at Xun Wu again, and snorted a few more times.

Xun Wu couldn't help grinning.

Is this complaining that I didn't ask to help just now and let Boss Jin let go?

Hey, put yourself in my shoes, if we switched places, would you help me out?Bao Yuan hit me with a book, aren't you having fun too?

How interesting!

The Bodhi Temple is not far from the capital. If ordinary people walk, they stop and stop for an hour. Bai Yupan borrowed a few horses from the post station in advance, which can save a lot of time even if they are not in a hurry.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xun Wu immediately took the time to ask Bai Yupan and Ji Lianer about the specific situation of the Bodhi Temple.

Xun Wu didn't know much about Buddhism, but in his previous life, because he had read many martial arts works and was curious about "Shaolin Temple", he took time to learn about Buddhism.

In his world, there are eight sects of Buddhism, but most of them have disappeared during the time he lived, and the Buddhism in this world is not the same as what Xun Wu knew, especially the "Pure Land" mentioned by Bai Yupan. "Zen" made Xun Wu even more puzzled.

As far as he knows, Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism seem to be two schools of Buddhism, aren't they the same thing?

Zen Buddhism is to practice Zen to realize that one becomes a Buddha, while Pure Land Buddhism is to visit the Buddha to go to the Pure Land of the Western Paradise. The directions are different. It is actually a Buddhist holy place?

Then, Ji Lian'er and Bai Yupan explained each other, and the other described it to Xun Wu, so that Xun Wu could understand the situation to some extent.

The world is different.

Just like the social status of catching up fast and Wu Zuo has greatly improved, because of martial arts, Buddhism and Taoism, two religions that can extend a lot of martial arts concepts, have undergone many changes on the road of development.

Whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, a lot of martial arts systems have been derived. Compared with the religions of the Xunwu world, these systems that created martial arts are more sought after, so the two have become more prosperous, even in the Xunwu world. In a certain era, two major religious groups dominated by Taoism and Buddhism launched wars with each other.

Because of these historical events, the Sheng Jin Dynasty has stricter control over the two, so in today's world, the religious power has been greatly weakened, and it has almost become a pure gang power, which is one of the reasons why the Demon Cult can expand wildly.

If these two religions were still so huge, the Demon Sect would have been crushed to death by the two of them.

"No wonder I rarely see those monks and Taoist priests." Xun Wu understood the situation a little bit.

For Sheng Jinchao, religion is fiercer than a tiger, and if he wants to inherit martial arts, there is no problem. If he wants to develop believers, he must be prepared to be stared at by Sheng Jinchao.

"Investigating Buddhism is not within the scope of the Metropolitan Procuratorate's responsibilities, but there are some records and management officials near the major temples, so no one will doubt me when I leave the capital to come to the Bodhi Temple." When they arrived near the Bodhi Temple, the three turned over After dismounting, Bai Yupan led the horse and tied them to a stable, while talking to Xun Wu and the others.

That's the way it is, no wonder Bai Yupan left the capital in an open and honest manner.

The Bodhi Temple was built on the mountain. Xun Wu squinted his eyes and asked after looking at the steps, "So, there should be many masters in the Bodhi Temple?"

"Expert? Average." Bai Yupan took the time to say again, "I heard that Bodhi Temple has a few first-class external kung fu masters, and there is also a host who can almost touch the edge of the master... However, first-class masters, no matter how strong they are, are just that. At most, it is as strong as Zhao Wumian, not much stronger than me."

When Bai Yupan said this in the past, he was very confident, but this time it seemed a bit ordinary and helpless.

The reason is also simple, the day before yesterday when he saw Emperor Shengwu make a move, Bai Yupan realized with just one move that the sword energy he was so proud of might not be able to break through Emperor Shengwu's golden palm...

As a master who has become a first-class player in his 20s, who is close to reaching the edge of a master in his thirties, and has achieved such achievements without using any external objects, he is really shocked.

"Huh? Someone went down the mountain?" Xun Wu was about to continue listening when he suddenly noticed a figure.

Ji Lian'er and Bai Yupan immediately followed Xun Wu's line of sight, and they both saw a small black dot.

"It's a woman!" Xun Wu said again, "it doesn't look like a portrait."

"What? How did you see it clearly?" Bai Yupan was taken aback.

"Huh? How is it possible, I didn't understand??" Ji Lian'er was also taken aback for a moment.

Xun Wu came back to his senses.

It is true that Xun Wu's eyesight is quite good, but after all, he is still a mortal with the naked eye. It is not difficult to see people hundreds of meters away, but it is still difficult to see clearly.

No way--

Hard to do!

I just tried the "Big Orange View" a little bit, and it has such a powerful effect?

Xun Wu thought for a while, and immediately thought of the reason. He thought about it again, and at the same time he figured it out.

There are many martial arts in the world, as long as you meet the right person, you will become very powerful. For example, "Peace Sword Art" Xun Wu learned it with just one glance, and Xue Dahai couldn't practice "Blood Spirit Correspondence Method" In the hands of the blood ceremony, it becomes the most terrifying exercise...

This "Big Orange View" may be a martial art that is extremely suitable for me to learn!

He didn't explain much, and he would teach Ji Lian'er a lesson after the preparations were over, but immediately continued: "Come on, let's go up the mountain and ask."

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