The three of Xun Wu quickly reached the mountain road and walked around the mountain road.

After a while, the three met the woman who came down from the mountain.

She is almost 27 or eight years old, she should already be a woman...

Xun Wu subconsciously shook his eyebrows.

He felt that his eyesight was too good, but after all, it was not Xun Wu's almost instinctive ability to see through, but just the application of martial arts. Xun Wu tried it a little, and then stopped his strength and became normal.

"Sister, did you just go up to the mountain to pray to Buddha?" As a girl sister who can say that she is younger than herself without changing her face, Ji Lianer still has a lot of experience in dealing with women, and in this kind of place, the two men It is not appropriate to ask a lone woman to ask questions.

The woman saw that Ji Lianer was cute and cute, and also looked at the police and guard uniforms on Xun Wu and Bai Yupan, so she naturally didn't have any more fear. She smiled and answered Ji Lianer's question, and Ji Lianer started to expand on this question, After a while, I chatted with her and asked a lot of things.

The woman did come to offer incense, but she didn't come to pray for immortals and Buddha, but to see her brother.

According to her, her family was in a critical situation more than ten or twenty years ago. It coincided with the war. In order to support her eldest brother and her, her father had no choice but to sell her younger brother. The family redeemed him again, and he became a disciple of Bodhi Temple.

Over the years, their family's life has gotten better and better, and she finally found a good husband's family, but she still misses her younger brother, so she visits occasionally.

"So it turns out that the masters of the Bodhi Temple are all good people!"

"Yes, yes!" The woman replied a few words, then turned and left.

The three of Xun Wu saw off the woman with smiles on their faces, and then continued to walk up.

"Old Xun, how much do you believe what the woman said earlier?"

"Five points."

"Ah? ——The elder sister just now, she often shifted her gaze from left to right, and didn't answer my question seriously. I think it's pretty good to have three points."

"Oh? You think so too?"

While chatting, the three of them came to a conclusion.

In fact, it doesn't matter how true it is. If you grasp the key points, those unimportant things don't matter.

The point is, it is true to redeem people, and it is true to accept disciples.

The daily food and drink in this Bodhi Temple are all made by themselves, and the incense is not very good. Where did they get the money to support so many people?Can even spend a lot of money to redeem people?

Of course, because it is a Buddhist school, it may not have higher material requirements like other sects. It eats vegetables and recites scriptures to practice martial arts every day.

But even if this is the case, practicing martial arts requires a lot of physical strength, and still requires a lot of money and food.

Farming and eating wild vegetables alone cannot support so many people who practice external skills.

"I've never heard of any property in Bodhi Temple." Bai Yupan said, leading the way.

"It should be donated by someone who has a heart for my Buddha." Xun Wu understood the twists and turns.

"Okay, I understand." Ji Lian'er basically understood.

Although they are descendants of saint robbers, they are considered a relatively remote branch in the Taoist sect, and they have even completely lost their cultivation, and only focus on things like sneaking in and stealing, but they still know some religious "skills" very well.

"So, there might be something wrong with this Bodhi Temple," she said again.

"It's normal." Seeing that he was about to arrive, Xun Wu quickly added, "Everything can pop out near the capital of a country."

After finishing speaking, the three of them said nothing more, walked a few steps, came to the gate of the mountain, and bowed to a little novice sitting cross-legged on a rock.

"Little Master."

The little novice was startled, opened his eyes and looked at the Xun Wu three, jumped down hastily, and made a Buddhist salute to the three: "Amitabha, three benefactors, the little monk is rude."

Xun Wu laughed lightly, cupped his fists and said, "It's okay, it's the three of us who disturbed the little master's practice."

The little novice had an embarrassed expression on his face. He was really sleepy, so he was not practicing.

"The three benefactors are here..."

"I am Bai Yupan, the chief catcher of the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Before the little novice asked, Bai Yupan took out his token and said to him, "The three of us are here to visit the abbot of your temple today. Ask the little master to recommend."

The little novice was startled again. He glanced at the token twice, pretending to be checking the authenticity. After a while, he was still confused, but he didn't know how to deal with it. Finally, he turned around and gave Xun Wu three people lead the way.

The three of them were observing while walking.

The height of the whole mountain is not low. When Xun Wu and the three were standing in the distance, they didn't feel it. When they stepped into the temple, it seemed that there was a brilliant Sanskrit sound filling their ears.

In addition, I can occasionally see a few disciples from the Bodhi Temple, all of whom are strong young men, with strong Kong Wu, full of muscles, and look impressive.

Naturally, the three of them would not ask questions at such a time, but glanced at each other and nodded affirmatively.

This Bodhi Temple is not ordinary rich.

To be able to cultivate so many muscular men, the Bodhi Temple must have a lot of savings.

After bypassing the front yard, Xun Wu and others came to a pagoda. The gate of the pagoda said "Sarira". It seemed to be a stupa. After walking half a circle around the stupa, they suddenly saw a big tree.

It is the bodhi tree.

The Bodhi tree is on the high mountain. It is lush and tall. It is said that it is nearly a thousand years old. The outer gate looks like an ordinary willow, but it is extremely tall. There are strange sounds like the voice of Buddha. The whole Bodhi Temple The Sanskrit sound is probably produced by this tree.

It is a strange tree!

Xun Wu has a general understanding.

Because he had already eaten the kylin fruit, Xun Wu was much more receptive to strange treasures in this world that might possess powerful abilities, so he wasn't too surprised to see such a "Buddha tree".

Under the guidance of the little novice, the three of them walked under the tree. Next to the tree, there was a house built next to the tree. The little novice knocked on the door. The three walked into the house.

A voice of "Amitabha Buddha" sounded, and I saw that there were still many parts of trees inside the walls of the house. Near the trees, there were a few futons. An old monk with gray eyebrows and faded cassock was sitting The futon in the middle slowly opened its eyes, observed each other with the three of them, and then recited Amitabha again.

Xun Wu took a brief look. Although the old monk was wearing a dilapidated cassock, his body had very few flaws, and his physical strength was even more outrageous.

"Master." The three saluted, and Bai Yupan took out his token again, proving the identities of the three of them, and bluntly said that they had official duties.

"I don't know why the three benefactors are looking for the poor monk?" the host asked.

In the prosperous Jin Dynasty, most gangs would not be too hostile when encountering arrests, even if they were called "imperials of the imperial court" on weekdays.

After all, the imperial court has big fists.

"Master, have you ever seen this woman before? Or have the monks in the temple ever seen such a woman?" Bai Yupan took out the portrait of Yue Sichou and showed it to the old monk.

The old monk shook his head.

"Master, monks don't tell lies." Ji Lian'er followed up.

The old host still shook his head.

"The poor monk has never met the three benefactors. If the matter is very important to the three, the three can ask the disciples of each courtyard in the temple by themselves. The poor monk will tell them to cooperate with the three."

Xun Wu had already observed a lot on the way here, and many young disciples in this monastery had a certain sense of scrutiny of him, not to mention any hidden secrets, but there were indeed some problems.

And the abbot was not surprised by the arrival of Xun Wu and the three of them, there was a vague sense of waiting for a long time between his brows, and it was definitely not "don't know".

Knowing but not speaking, naturally there are problems.

"Then thank you abbot."

Xun Wu glanced at Ji Lian'er, and Ji Lian'er immediately grinned.

You have come to the right place.

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