Xun Wu wanted to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to look for the white jade plate, but it might just be a coincidence. Before Xun Wu could reach the middle of the journey, he saw the white jade plate under a restaurant.

It was obviously a working day, but Bai Yupan was wearing coarse clothes, drinking wine from a big bowl in a restaurant, and eating pork head with big mouthfuls.

This small life, if you look at it according to Wumian, you will be jealous of the root bleeding.

Xun Wu didn't call Bai Yupan immediately, but now he observed from the sidelines to see what was going on around Bai Yupan, and after confirming that Bai Yupan didn't treat Zhou people cautiously, it didn't look like he was investigating in plainclothes , and then went up.

"Brother Bai." Xun Wu clasped his fists and shouted.

Bai Yupan looked up at Xun Wu, his face was already full of smiles, he stretched out his hand to signal Xun Wu to sit down, and casually threw a jar of wine at his side towards Xun Wu. mouth, put it in front of the table, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit down.

Seeing that Xun Wu received the wine, Bai Yupan laughed, grabbed another jug ​​of wine, unsealed it, then raised it to Xun Wu, and said with a soft smile, "Come on, I wish you, Lao Xun, the fifth of the four famous arresters." !"

"Oh, brother Bai is wrong, it's [Catcher], not the Four Great Catchmen." Xun Wu laughed, and touched the white jade plate with the wine jar, gulping down a big gulp.

"Hey—" After drinking almost a large bowl, the white jade plate put down the wine jar, and said, "Hey, they are all the same, they are almost the same anyway."

He doesn't have very high requirements for this kind of false name. For him, as long as he has a high level and can do things, any title is the same.

After drinking, Xun Wu was not in a hurry to speak, and was silent for about half a minute, Bai Yupan still couldn't hold his breath, so he said, "Okay, okay, if you don't want to ask, I'll tell you.

Everyone in the capital knows about the matter of catching the hero. "

Bai Yupan wanted to wait for Xun Wu to ask "Why do you know that I became a Xia catcher", but obviously, Xun Wu was not very interested in this either.

He doesn't care why others know, it's better to know, yes, I'm the catcher, remember to brag about me when you go to other places!

"The way the superiors do this means scrutiny..." Bai Yupan muttered to himself, but he wasn't too worried.

In his opinion, except for his poor martial arts, Xun Wu is perfect in everything else, and for things like martial arts, as long as he finds a way, there are always other means to make up for it.

What is really important is actually something other than martial arts.

"Old Xun, what do you want from me?" Bai Yupan probably had enough to drink, kept holding peanuts with chopsticks, and looked at Xun Wu curiously.

"About the two people, one is Man Jianghong, and the other is Yue Rushou."

The hand holding the peanuts in the white jade plate couldn't help but stop.

"Manda...General Man is not someone who dies so easily." Bai Yupan hesitated, "He went to the battlefield when he was a teenager. It is not easy to kill him...I think about it, I also met those three assassin leaders that day. At a glance, compared with me in martial arts, it can only be said that each other wins and loses. You may not win me. Although my martial arts are better than General Man, it is impossible to kill him...

So, do you think it was Yue Rushou who intervened? "

"The three assassins were later killed by His Majesty's angry sword before leaving, and the corpses were not left in the Yamen, they were dragged out of the city directly, and it is estimated that not even a single bone was found.

The remaining survivor, even though he confessed something, doesn't know what the three of them are doing..."

Xun Wu spread his hands helplessly.

"That day...the scene that day was quite weird. I was busy fighting at the time, and I was frightened by His Majesty's magical skills. I didn't think about it for a while, but later I realized that there were some problems..." Bai Yupan also said hesitantly.

Xun Wu nodded, neither of them elaborated, they just kept silent.

"So, I really want to continue to investigate that [why]..." Bai Yupan frowned.

Obviously the third prince has been imprisoned, but this organization is still standing and spinning at a high speed.

"Didn't you get anything effective from [dry] these days?"

Bai Yupan hesitated for a moment.

Afterwards, he sighed again: "Actually, I got something useful."

Bai Yupan raised his head and took a big gulp of wine. After he swallowed it, he wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and let out a soft breath: "That day, the interrogation of the third department ended, you asked me to talk to Luo Changfeng, I asked A lot of things, but he didn't say a few words of the truth.

But I chatted with them about Luo Changfeng through the [dry] channel, and in the end I actually got a message about... her. "


Xun Wu looked at the white jade plate and looked it up and down.

It's been several days, why did you just tell me?Are you going to tell me without asking?

Embarrassed by Xun Wu's look, Bai Yupan couldn't help but sighed again, raised the wine jar in shame, and took another sip.

Only now did Xun Wu understand why he had to drink while chatting just now. It turned out that he was drinking "fortified wine"?

"Ashamed, ashamed... I'm really ashamed, Xun Wu, compared to you, I'm still too selfish, too ignorant." After Bai Yupan finished drinking, he raised his head and drank again, which made Xun Wu very sad. Doubt the gold content of this "fine wine".

"Don't drink it yet, tell me what the news is so that I can continue to distinguish." Xun Wu followed up and said, "When something happened to relatives and friends, they didn't report it immediately, but hesitated. It's normal to hesitate. There are not many people in the world Individuals can do it, so I certainly wouldn't force others to do it."

Bai Yupan put down the wine again in shame.

If others comforted him like this, he would admit it, but Xun Wu really had to do this kind of thing of grabbing relatives and friends in seconds, he really couldn't bear it.

However, he is not a hypocritical person, he drank three mouthfuls of fine wine and apologized, since Xun Wu was in a hurry to ask about the situation, he just said it directly.

"Actually, their people accidentally saw a woman who looked like Yue Sishou outside the Bodhi Temple before, but they disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the identity of that person could not be determined."

"Bodhi Temple?" Xun Wu heard this place name for the first time, so he asked a little more, "What kind of temple is this Bodhi Temple?"

"Temple?" Bai Yupan froze for a moment, then said, "Don't you know Bodhi Temple?"

Xun Wu was not interested in Buddhism, so of course he didn't know, so he shook his head.

"Uh..." Bai Yupan didn't know what to say about Xun Wu, so he had to introduce, "Bodhi Temple is not a temple, but a martial arts gang. Of course, because it is a group of monks, so if you want to talk about temples, they actually have them. It’s just built outside the sect, and no one would go up the mountain to light incense or give away incense on weekdays. Therefore, someone would be surprised to see a woman suspected of Yuesichou near there.”

I see, Xun Wu nodded.

"The reason why this Bodhi Temple is called so is because there is a towering Bodhi tree in the place where the Bodhi Temple was built. It is said that the founder of the Bodhi Temple realized Buddhism under the tree and created one of the eight strange scriptures of Buddhism. "Nirvana Sutra"...Nowadays, the prestige of Bodhi Temple in Jianghu is no less than that of White Horse Temple, second only to Buddhist holy place, Pure Land Zen."

"Is that so, I understand." Xun Wu nodded in response, "Where is this Bodhi Temple? How to get there?"

"It's not far to the east of the city...Are you going? I'll lead the way." Bai Yu got up and was about to leave.

"Don't worry, I still have someone to see later, since you want to go, why not do this, we will meet at the city gate in half an hour and go together."

Xun Wu is going to call Ji Lian'er this time.

"Alright..." Bai Yupan thought for a while, then sighed, "I should also make more preparations."

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