Thanks to Xun Wu's advance preparations, the crowd was quickly evacuated, but there were still many people from the rivers and lakes who caused trouble for Xun Wu's work.

In all fairness, it's not a bad thing for these warm-hearted Jianghu people to protect the prince.

But the bad thing is that because of their departure, the heavy crossbow guards around them are useless.

As soldiers who shouldered heavy crossbows and were able to harvest the lives of enemies on the battlefield almost like mowing grass, these heavy crossbow guards had a high status, but they couldn't use heavy crossbows to shoot the enemy and the people together!

However, even though they were unable to shoot, it was not a problem for the heavy crossbow guards to volley those assassins who shot cold arrows, while holding up the heavy crossbow to fight with the assassins who came to attack.

Although this heavy crossbow is exquisite, it is huge in itself, and its weight is naturally not small. Even if it is not used for shooting, it is only used as a blunt weapon, combined with the army formation and evil spirit of the heavy crossbow guards. It's not difficult for some second-rate masters who don't have long eyes.

But these assassination organizations are now in full force, not to mention second-rate masters, even first-rate masters have seven or eight, and the momentum is terrifying.

Moreover, the one who is really dangerous is the leader of the three assassins!

Naturally, these three are undoubtedly first-class masters, and, unlike other first-rate masters, they are quack masters who are considered good even among the first-rate masters!

One of the three used sticks, one used a knife, and the other held a crossbow and an iron sword, and rushed towards the prince in the shape of a character.

Nowadays, there are quite a lot of insiders, and there are not too few first-class masters, but this assassination organization does not know how to lurk nearby, but it just rushed out with all its tail, even if the four famous arresters in Beijing came There were three of them, and there were countless guards, but with the help of Jian Yu and other first-class masters, these three rushed over.

During this impact, they rushed towards Ye Yong wholeheartedly. Even if they were attacked by others during this process, they simply resisted, endured minor injuries, and approached Ye Yong.

They had learned from the third prince that because of his physical condition, the prince was unable to master martial arts no matter how much he practiced. He was a genuine ordinary person, so as long as he got close, they would have the confidence to kill him.

On the other side, because Xun Wu wanted to maintain the order of the crowd and cover the dispersal of the people, he was getting farther and farther away from the prince, but he was a responsible person after all, no matter whether there was any problem between them, it was impossible for him to watch Others were forcibly killed in this kind of scene, so they drew their knives without hesitation.

A saber aura like a silver moon swung out from Xun Wu's hand, but was easily dodged by the three of them.

"Hmph—" one of them sneered.

Is this the rumored Xun Wu's method of drawing the sword?But a little—

But soon, they discovered that Xun Wu was not attacking them.

But the big altar!

He actually took the initiative to destroy the altar. During such festivals, he destroyed the altar and shot out smoke and dust to obstruct their sight!

"Bastard!" An assassin immediately realized that the prince could take this opportunity to hide behind the shield of the imperial guards, so it would be a bit more difficult for them to assassinate, so he did not hesitate to forcibly stimulate half of his body's internal energy, The air in the entire altar was shaken.

With a second-rate body, it not only stimulates sword energy, but also makes a first-rate warrior have to release half of his internal energy. This Xun Wu is truly terrifying!

Under the cover of crossbow arrows, subordinates, and other first-class experts, the three of them finally came to the prince with injuries. Although the imperial guards barely surrounded the prince, the few Jianghu people who rushed to protect him at the first time were not bad, but The three of them are all assassins themselves, and they are best at explosions. Although the destructiveness of rounds is weaker than that of Luo Changfeng, they can exchange injuries for injuries and risk their lives when they release their internal energy crazily. Like bombs, they want to "explode the prince together death", even those imperial guards can't do anything about it.

"Boom—" the inner qi collided with the shield, and the shield-eating guard suffered force. Although his foot was steady, he still had to be knocked back, and just this simple impact immediately provoked the prince to vomit blood!

"Hahaha!" The assassin leader laughed.

However, he was about to stop laughing.

A touch of gold.

A golden light as warm as the sun shines from the center of the altar and diffuses to the surroundings, all the guards, heavy crossbow guards, Jianghu people, assassins, common people, all of them.

And the source of the light is naturally...

Emperor Shengwu, Ye Chengtian!

Many people stared wide-eyed and looked at him in disbelief.

The crossbow arrows flying in the air seemed to disappear all of a sudden, as if someone had pressed the pause button around the altar, everything became so quiet.

Many Jianghu people slowly opened their mouths, except for those guards who remained expressionless from beginning to end, even the four famous arresters, even those ruthless assassins, couldn't help but widen their eyes in surprise.

Only Xun Wu, not panicking or chaotic at all, yelled for the policemen to continue to protect the people, while he took off the big sword and knocked over a dazed assassin with one blow.

Seeing Xun Wu's performance, Emperor Shengwu originally wanted to show a smile and praise Xun Wu, but at this moment, no matter how much he twitched the corners of his mouth, he couldn't smile.With a sullen face, he waved his hand casually, and a golden, huge palm formed in front of him, like lightning flashed to the side of the three assassin leaders.

Seeing this scene, the leading assassin came back to his senses, and hurriedly prepared to attack Ye Zi with his internal force auxiliary weapon, but when the golden palm came in front of him, the three of them were sent flying instantly without even a chance to bear it go out.

Immediately afterwards, the golden palm did not retreat, and forced the three of them to the other side, and they were printed on the wall like stickers.

"Oh my god..." Shuang Manqiu subconsciously exclaimed.

"My mother..." Zhao Wumian's eyes were about to pop out, and he burst into a local accent.

Those three assassins, no one is inferior to him, but they were slapped away by Emperor Shengwu with a palm?

After slapping out a palm, Emperor Shengwu stopped pretending, lifted his foot lightly and tapped the ground, jumped up from the hall as if he was really flying, and landed slowly near the prince, accompanied by his jumping, A few more streaks of golden light rushed out with him as the center.

At this moment, he seemed to be the sun, and the streaks of golden inner energy were the rays of light he radiated.

The golden light did not distinguish between the enemy and the target, and almost caught everyone's sight. Xun Wu's eyes were sharp, and he stood at a "stable point" immediately, but the other people were all hit without exception.

But what makes people feel unbelievable is that after the imperial guards, heavy crossbow guards, catchers, and knights of the rivers and lakes were hit, they seemed to be completely fine. , while those assassins were frightened all of a sudden, their ten strengths were reduced by seven points, and they felt extremely difficult when practicing their skills. They were defeated in a short while, either captured alive or directly killed.

The sun can both warm and moisten all things, and it can also destroy everything.

"It's amazing, is this the grandmaster..." Xun Wu felt for the first time what a...grandmaster is!

What is, within the door!

Emperor Shengwu landed on the ground, let a few guards get out of the way, and glanced at the prince.

The prince did look much better in recent days, but his body was still the same, he vomited blood, passed out, and became unconscious just after being bumped.

Emperor Shengwu took a deep breath and looked quite calm, but in fact he was already on the verge of rage.

"Kill or kill."

His voice was very calm, but almost everyone in the venue trembled.

"Your Majesty, no!" Xun Wu hurriedly shouted, "You must survive!"

"Xun Wu, are you crazy!?" Shuang Manqiu felt anxious when he heard Xun Wu's words.

"Your Majesty, Xun Wu just said subconsciously—" Bai Yupan was taken aback. Emperor Shengwu looked like he would explode at any time. He was really afraid that Emperor Shengwu would slap Xun Wu to death!

But Xun Wu didn't care about them, instead he shouted again: "Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Emperor Shengwu looked back at Xunwu.


"Okay, then if you catch it yourself, you will be considered alive."

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