After a period of time, the crowds on the street gradually increased. Xun Wu looked around and found nothing wrong.

The birthday is approaching, and there are all kinds of aliens in the capital, but of course there are no beast-eared girls, there are more Asian faces with different faces, and occasionally there will be some dark-skinned Kunlun slaves or people like Hilda. Most of the white race, but generally still dominated by Han Jiaerlang.

Near noon, a main road was surrounded by the heavy crossbow guards of the Shenji Battalion. At the same time, an open carriage slowly came out of the deep palace. There were many cavalry guards around it. , These are all the elites who followed Marshal Yue to fight in the north and south. Even if they are far away, they seem to feel a fierce aura, which makes people frightened.

But compared with it, this carriage is too crude.

Emperor Shengwu sat on the carriage, looked at the soldiers by the roadside, and at the people behind the soldiers line who were looking at him excitedly, he couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

As the most honored, noble and powerful person in the world, he could have had extravagance and desires, he could have enjoyed all imaginable things in the world, he could take the biggest car, and decorate the frame with the most gorgeous decorations , but after decades, he was already tired of seeing those things.

Coupled with the scolding from Bao Huaiying's palace 11 years ago, and what he saw in the subsequent investigation and unannounced visits to the world, he also lost the desire to enjoy luxury. Instead, he advocated thrift and frugality again and again. Therefore, even on this birthday, he will not ride in a canopy cart.

As for the opinion of the people in the Ministry of Rites?

In Shengjin Chaotang, his words are absolute.

After driving all the way, he got the laughter all the way, and he came to the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven.

Here, soldiers, arresters, and guards are protected almost everywhere on the inner, outer, and third floors. He got out of the car, came to the altar, and took various things from Qin Tianjian to sacrifice to heaven. Pray for good wind and rain, and the well-being of the people.

After that, there were various other activities. Although Emperor Shengwu was not too impatient, but after all, he was in good health, so it was no big deal.

Finally, the next step came to the final process, that is, the crown prince's ascension to the altar.

Under the nearly ten-year rule of Emperor Shengwu, every year on his birthday, the crown prince would appear on the stage as the crown prince and announce the achievements and mistakes of the prosperous Jin Dynasty in the past year. In this way, rain or shine, it is precisely for this reason that the reputation of the prince will be unprecedentedly high, and everyone in the world will recognize it.

After all, every year on the stage, not only will the merits and demerits of Emperor Shengwu be announced, but also the events of the prince over the past year will be announced. It is naturally spread in the mouths of people who chase people in the rivers and lakes, those who like to gossip, and those storytellers. As it gets wider and wider, people all over the world are more aware of the affairs of the imperial court and the royal family. It is for this reason that Sheng Jin has become more and more trustworthy in the eyes of the people over the years.

Today, the prince seems to be in good condition. He is very energetic and looks very healthy.

Emperor Shengwu looked at the crown prince, and was delighted that he couldn't find out.

If the prince's health can recover, he can rest assured that the prince will succeed him.

The prince read the things in his hands to the officials and the common people, and followed by the eunuchs and guards, he read out all the right and wrong of the past year.

On the one hand, it is the success of farming, production, and commerce in the Shengjin Dynasty; on the other hand, it is the increase in the population of the people after the resumption of production; So what about the performance.

After reading this, the prince followed up with an announcement.

Although Sheng Jin has returned to the scene of peace and health at this time, there are still foreign aggressions after all. The people of the Demon Cult are still waiting for opportunities on overseas isolated islands, and they may rush back at any time to cause cholera in the world. It was decided that the martial arts will be restarted in half a year, and more than a hundred military officers, three martial arts scholars, and a martial arts champion will be selected!

As soon as this remark was made, there were exclamations one after another around the entire altar, and a large group of Jianghu people who were ambitious or wanted to accomplish a great cause suddenly shouted excitedly, "Your Majesty is holy, Your Highness is holy!"

What is the purpose of learning martial arts?For the sake of fighting and killing, for the sake of being competitive?

No, the vast majority of people in the Jianghu learn martial arts, isn't it just to get a better life?

Now that the martial arts is being held again, this group of Jianghu people are naturally gearing up and are extremely excited.

But after saying this, the prince immediately began to read the mistakes of the Sheng Jin Dynasty in the past year.

First of all, there was a severe drought in a state last year. Although under the internal operation of the Shengjin Dynasty, the food and grass were still enough, and many people did not starve to death, but Emperor Shengwu and the prince still had to confess their sins to the heavens, and they still had to say that they were ashamed of the heavens and the earth .

Xun Wu shook his head when he heard this.

But he can't say anything. Under the background of this era, even if he thinks that Emperor Shengwu has done a good job, Emperor Shengwu still has to make such a gesture.

The vast majority of people didn't respond to this one. After all, they were not the ones who were affected by the disaster. Only a few people from other states who looked like peasants were tearful and knelt down and shouted for Shengming.

Next, it was the prince's own fault. He admitted that he didn't manage his son and younger brother well, causing one of them to conspire to rebel, while the other conspired for gold and assassinated Zhongliang of the court.

These two things were originally considered secret, but at this point in time, making the announcement to the world is more in line with Sheng Jin's performance in the past ten years, and there is no problem.

It's just that Xun Wu didn't expect that the prince really didn't hide anything, and even made it clear that "out of selfishness, he didn't want his son to suffer, so he sent someone to Yunzhou to conceal the news".

"Your Highness, you are so wise!!" Beside Xun Wu, a commoner burst into tears and couldn't help wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeve.

Xun Wu glanced at him for a while, and when he saw it through, he immediately realized that he was not a pretended child, but a real commoner.

He couldn't help looking at the high platform again.

Whether it is sincere or false, Xun Wu has to admit that if this continues, the prince will definitely win the hearts of the people, and none of his younger brothers can stop him.

When the prince finished reading, Xun Wu hadn't waited for the third prince's new job. Just as Xun Wu was in doubt, the prince slowly walked down the altar. At this moment, a burst of crossbow arrows exploded.

Xun Wu immediately looked around and quickly found a few positions, but compared to that, the direction of those crossbow arrows made the people in Beijing furious.


Almost subconsciously, a few Jianghu people who were relatively close rushed out of the line of guards and took up weapons to defend the prince.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Several guards also hurriedly raised their shields for protection.

But then, a more intensive rain of arrows swept over.

Xun Wu took out his crossbow and shouted, "Protect yourself! Retreat in an orderly manner! Don't worry, don't step on it!!!"

On one side, he shot an arrow in one direction with a hand crossbow, making a "boom".

"All arrests, follow me to evacuate the people!"

Xun Wu noticed the source and target of the arrow rain, but compared to the prince, he felt that the innocent people around him needed protection more, and he didn't want them to be accidentally injured, so he hurriedly called his subordinates to help evacuate the people.

And at this moment, in a place far away, on a tall building called "Wanbao Building", three people "fly" from a long distance!

They are the other three leaders of the killer group that is organized by the same organization as Luo Changfeng and used to assassinate others for profit!

They are the most loyal subordinates of the third prince, and they are willing to go through fire and water for the third prince. Before the third prince asked them to find a way to assassinate Emperor Shengwu, they did not hesitate.

And since the third prince has been imprisoned, they will change their target and kill the current prince according to the third prince's previous plan!

"Ye Yong, today is your death day!" One of them gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

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