The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 248 Knowing Why

As dead soldiers, this group of assassins basically didn't want to surrender, even if their combat strength was greatly reduced, they still rushed regardless.

Among them, some who were almost caught took poison and committed suicide, which made people frown.

However, even if this is the case, it can't stand the siege and interception of such a group of strengthened people. In addition, everyone has heard the words of Emperor Shengwu. It is not impossible for a group of people to help Xun Wu grab a living.

However, Xun Wu himself didn't have much expectations for catching a living person. Even if he caught a person, he didn't think he could get any effective information. It was just his duty, so he still yelled.

In the distance, Duan Long looked at the scene on the altar, and suddenly frowned, he hesitated for a while.

Because he was too close, he was afraid of being noticed by Emperor Shengwu, so he chose such a place, but when he saw the prince injured and fell to the ground, his heart was still beating wildly, and he almost slapped the table and came out.

He has been with the prince for so many years. He is both the prince's subordinate and the prince's friend. Seeing his friend vomiting blood, he is naturally impatient, but he has no way to leave.

Because he has promised the prince to only watch the whole process and not to move.

Before, the crown prince chatted with the third prince all night. On that day, the third prince, with sadness, melancholy, and ignorance, agreed to the prince and was willing to help the prince on the list.

In fact, during the interrogation of the three divisions that day, many things the third prince said were actually the truth.

For example, when the crown prince found out that his son wanted to rebel, the first thing he thought of was to use this opportunity to get Bao Huaiying back into court.

During the interrogation of the three divisions that day, the third prince seemed to be trying his best to fight against his brothers, but in fact, he was helping the prince and blasting out the hidden strength of the younger brothers.By the way... let the sixth prince learn a lesson, don't be so naive in the future.

At the same time, on that day, he wanted to try Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu again, to see if these two people, as the crown prince said, could become important officials that Sheng Jin could rely on after the crown prince died.

The crown prince discussed a lot with the third prince, but the most important point is that, except for the third prince, none of his subordinates knew about it, so what they did was so real, that kind of crazy, The killing intent without any scruples, and the look of desperately wanting to die with the prince, could make the emperor Shengwu who didn't move at first, but just stood on the altar and watched coldly.

The prince didn't know the strength of Emperor Shengwu, but he knew that Emperor Shengwu had been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and after so many years, he would not be weak.Therefore, he wanted to try to see how strong Emperor Shengwu was, so as to change his plan.

The crown prince had even prepared for Emperor Shengwu to be a master, but what Duan Long never expected was that Emperor Shengwu was so strong.

The same is the master, other people can't understand it, but he can actually understand it.

The Emperor Shengwu burst out light like the sun, making the people around him either stronger or weaker. It seemed very powerful, like an immortal descending into the world, but in fact it was not, it was just an application of inner energy.

In fact, under the Grandmaster, those first-class masters, even those martial artists who have touched the door, such as the old man Juetian and Xue Dahai, the martial arts they have learned may not be inferior to the Grandmaster, but if they really fight, they are almost no better than the Grandmaster possible.

There are many reasons for this, but the most important ones are the two biggest differences and characteristics between [Grandmaster] and ordinary warriors.

One is: internal air circulation.

The vast majority of first-class masters are full of internal energy, and can release sword energy and saber energy at will. What's more, they will not be tired if they fight for a day and a night like Shuang Manqiu. Roman can use external air to bombard the cell all day without stopping, but After all, they have limitations, and they need to meditate to recover in order to restore the inner Qi in the body.

Grandmasters don't need it. For them, inner energy, the most important thing for a warrior, will be infinitely close to infinity. They can recover while fighting, and even use their inner energy to travel long distances. Run out.

The second is: know why.

The vast majority of warriors, they practice internal strength and internal energy, and can easily control internal energy, and there are even some talented people whose ability to manipulate internal energy is more subtle than some masters, and they can play various wonderful operation.

However, this is just an "appearance".

Although they know that it is possible to do this, although they know that using their inner energy can enhance their strength and make them see and hear, they don't know why they can do this.

The master, on the other hand, is very clear about how to maximize the effect of inner qi, how to make inner qi perfectly enhance the human body, how to make his body healthier under inner qi, and even allow wounds to heal more quickly... .Except for outrageous things like regeneration of severed limbs, they can use inner energy to amplify almost all functions of the human body.

Emperor Shengwu didn't use any tricks at all just now, he just punched out his inner energy.He observed the result with his eyesight and calculation ability, counted all the people in the field, and used his own internal energy to change the circulation method of other people's internal energy.

For those he approves of, he will forcibly change to a stronger boost in a short period of time, making it easier to control the inner energy, and those he wants to solve, he directly restricts the flow of inner energy, and even reverses the effect. , making the body weaker.

Duan Long can naturally do this.But... not as relaxed and casual as Emperor Shengwu.

After simply thinking for a moment, Duan Long concluded that Emperor Shengwu definitely walked earlier and longer than himself on the road of master!

Duan Long's heart sank.

Although it is a big taboo to disturb the morale of the army to say defeat before fighting, but Duan Long knows that the possibility of forcibly killing Emperor Shengwu is one point lower.

However, Duan Long breathed a sigh of relief afterwards.

Fortunately, he is only a grandmaster, at least not a peerless powerhouse.

Compared with the illusory, Duan Long can't even imagine what kind of peerless powerhouse he is. The Grandmaster is far from being hopeless.

Duan Long himself is also a master, so he knows it very well.No matter how strong the grandmaster is, he is only a grandmaster, not a god. If he is besieged by a group of masters, he deserves to die.Although he is under a lot of pressure, he will not give up just yet.

On the other side, with the joint efforts of Bai Yupan, Zhang Bumo, and Shuang Manqiu, Xun Wu finally succeeded in catching an assassin before he committed suicide.

He grabbed the man's hands with one hand and tied them with a rope, and then asked the rest of the arresters to tidy up the scene, and by the way, he asked a group of people to record the names of everyone present.

Although many Jianghu people were a little unhappy, Xun Wu praised them verbally, saying that there might be rewards in the future, and he would also help tell the chasers about their brave deeds.

That good guy, except for some who are more reserved and those who are indifferent to fame and wealth, basically rushed to sign up with Xun Wu.

After finishing all this, Xun Wu couldn't help touching his chin, thinking of a strange thing.

Where did these assassins... come from?

How did such a large group of people hide under the investigation of the Imperial Guard?

Without the cooperation of insiders, it would be impossible for such a large group of people to hide the secret from the imperial army.

Those three princes were locked up...

Who could it be?

Xun Wu pondered for a while, looking at the prince who was rescued by the doctor of the prince's mansion who rushed over in a hurry, thoughtful.

Those assassins are so crazy, could they be released by the prince?

Xun Wu was a little suspicious, but he kept it in his heart.

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