The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 245 "Chances"

After a night of friendly experimentation, Xun Wu has basically figured out how to manipulate the sword energy inside the giant tower.

It's not exactly the same as Hilda's speculation, the inner energy contained in the core of this sword can indeed be extracted, but it is more difficult to practice inner strength like usual.

If we only talk about "transformation efficiency", the refined internal energy in this sword can actually be completely, almost 100% absorbed into the user's body.

But this does not mean that the internal energy can be used by the owner of the sword.

In order to completely manipulate these internal qi, the user needs to carry out a further "change". When these pure internal qi enter the human body, it is not only necessary for the user to use the internal qi for protection to prevent it from colliding with the internal organs of the body. , and at the same time, it needs to be transformed relatively slowly. Only in this way can it completely become the inner qi cultivated by the user.

To put it simply, the sword absorbs the internal air that escapes from the air and when it collides with other weapons, and uses them as fuel for tempering, grinding away the nature of these internal air, and turning them into pure internal energy for tempering. Qi, and the absorber needs to re-endow these internal Qi that have no characteristics at all, and can't even prolong life.

Xun Wu experimented a bit with the two procedures and two processes, and found that the conversion efficiency was not as good as practicing by himself.

However, Xun Wu immediately figured it out. The reason for this was that he didn't have a high level of compatibility with the sword. He only basically mastered the ability of the sword. If you are proficient, this efficiency will become extremely fast, and you may even be able to replenish your internal energy in battle.

After studying all night, Xun Wu felt a little tired, so he yawned, put the sword beside the bed, and immediately covered himself with the quilt and fell asleep.

Although, beside Xun Wu, there are scholars who take time to study the imperial examinations after work, light up the lamp every night to read the works that no one can see, swordsmen who practice all the time, and swordsmen who want to learn everything Xun Wu does. Up to now, there is an additional divine sword that can refine and make oneself stronger, but Xun Wu still wants to say that he will never follow suit.

They roll as they like, but he absolutely insists on the "[-] to [-]" path unwaveringly!

The next day, Xun Wushen was refreshed. After practicing the sword, he called the master and started patrolling.

Although it was still early in the morning, the sun came out rather early in autumn and winter, and people from all walks of life in the small households in the capital happily opened their doors to prepare for the festival.

Although it was a little strange for Xun Wu to regard the emperor's birthday as a festival of the year, but after all these years, Xun Wu gradually got used to it.

In theory, this day is Bao Huaiying's holiday, so even if Xun Wu doesn't go to the Yamen today, doesn't patrol, and goes fishing in the streets, it's completely fine to have candied haws and roasted chicken with candied sugar, and he can get experience smoothly, but After all, there might be big news today, and Xun Wu is still looking forward to it.

He really wanted to see what the third prince could do.

And it just so happened that at this time, on the other side of the road, an old man who looked about 50 or [-] years old, with loose hair, unkempt appearance, and a walking stick, limped and walked slowly.

Xun Wu was taken aback.

One is that his men almost ran into the old man, and the other is that the old man seems a little... powerful?

In fact, Xun Wu didn't even feel the old man's vicinity before his subordinates almost ran into the old man. This was a very surprising thing for Xun Wu who possessed the skill of hunting dogs.

"Old man, are you okay?" Although he may be about the same age as Bao Huaiying, seeing his appearance, Xun Wu subconsciously called him an old man, "Did it scare you?"

"Oh, it's all right." Duan Long shook his head.

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows, seeing through the feedback and returning to Xun Wu very slowly compared to before.

The old man's appearance was not faked. His leg should have been broken for at least 20 years, but it didn't feel like a fall or something, but was interrupted by life.

The surroundings of the whole body looked very balanced, except for three or four flaws on the legs and waist, there were no flaws anywhere else.

Xun Wu frowned.

A master of the rivers and lakes?

First class limit?


Because Duan Long's physical condition is different from ordinary people, it is difficult for Xun Wu to deduce further possibilities only by relying on this little information.

"Is there something for you, senior?" Xun Wu looked at Duan Long and asked, "If it's not convenient for you, I can help you buy what you need."

On the other side, Fang Xian, who was following Xun Wu, nodded immediately, and immediately mentioned all kinds of daily necessities that Duan Long might need, and told Duan Long very intimately, where to go, how to go, where to go It is not suitable for a large crowd, where is the best place to sit and rest.

I have to say that although Fang Xian is much younger than Duan Long, this "parent of the common people" is really full of air.

"It's okay, it's okay." Duan Long shook his head, and then said, "I just came here to sit and see..."

After Xun Wu finished listening, he glanced at the nearby terrain, and then looked up at the restaurant beside him.

At that position, you should be able to see the frame of Emperor Shengwu's tour, and maybe you can also see the true face of Emperor Shengwu.

A master of this level, observing from this position... Xun Wu looked back at Duan Long again.

Could this person be Luo Changfeng's "teammate"?

"Are you Xun Wuxun's captor?" Suddenly, Duan Long said.

Xun Wu nodded, acknowledging it generously.

Duan Long walked into the inn with Fang Xian's support, and gave money to Xiao Er, and at the same time said to Xun Wu, "Xun Butou, my son is called Duan Bie, and I went to your yamen to sign up a few days ago, do you still have an impression?" ?"

When Xun Wu heard the name, he immediately thought about it and nodded.

He remembered that this young man had a good personality and a good level of education, but unfortunately he didn't have any skills at all, and the yamen was too dangerous recently, so Xun Wu didn't let Fang take it easy.I didn't expect to meet the young man's father here today, which is quite meaningful.

"My son often mentioned your name, and said that you pleaded for the people and devoted yourself to your duties. You are a first-class hero in the world." Duan Long praised Xun Wu sincerely.

In his eyes, Xun Wu, who was able to arrest Bao Huaiying's cousin with his own hands, is an indomitable man, a good man who is far more pure than him!

"Me? A hero—hahaha, your son is absurd. I just did my duty. If I just do my duty and do my own thing well, I will be praised. Wouldn't this world be in chaos long ago?" Xun Wu laughed and shook his head.

"Oh—" Duan Long couldn't help being surprised.

As expected of someone His Highness is optimistic about, this statement is indeed reasonable and thought-provoking.

If in this world, even this kind of people needs to be greatly praised, wouldn't it mean that there are not many people who are dedicated to their duties in the world, and everyone is as black as a crow?

It's a pity that in this world, it's not black and white. How many people can truly say "I dare" in front of the third prince without hesitation without fear of the powerful like Xun Wu?

Afterwards, Duan Long thanked him again, bid farewell to Xun Wu, sat on the roof and looked into the distance.

Xun Wu went downstairs and glanced at the roof again.

He frowned.

"Brother Xun, is there something wrong with the old man?" Fang Xian had followed Xun Wu for so long, so he naturally knew some of Xun Wu's habits better.

It is true that Xun Wu often chats with the people, and even listens carefully to the trivial things of the people with a smile, as if this is the most interesting thing in the world.

It is rare for him to frown step by step like this. Once this happens, it must be "something must be wrong about this matter".

"Brother Fang, stay here and pay attention to that Uncle Duan..." Xun Wu frowned, and said to him in a low voice, "Protect yourself. If something happens, save your life first."

When Fang Xian heard the words, his expression became serious, he nodded at Xun Wu, took a few arresters back, walked to the other side, and pretended to be on patrol.

Xun Wu didn't stay long either. After finishing the arrangement, he turned around and walked towards the main road.

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