The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 239 Kill or not kill

into the night.

The sparse stars are like a game, and the crescent moon is like a hook

The sky was not very clear, and Xun Wu and others continued to inspect the capital.


With his hands behind his back, the prince paced slowly in the room with doubts on his face.

In his room, besides himself, there are three other people who are not too young.

One is white and beardless, with fat head and big ears, with a naive smile, like Maitreya;

These three people are the current leaders of the prince's staff, counselors, and warriors. They are "Little Maitreya Shanshi" from the "Nirvana Sutra" of the Bodhi Temple, and "Jiang Yun", the prince's young master, the former number one hero in the world, and the master of Playboy. , and "Duan Long" who seems to have no reputation but firmly stands at the head of the three.

"What is your Highness thinking?" Jiang Yun stroked his beard and asked.

"My royal father, why didn't you kill the third brother?"

Several people looked at each other, unable to answer.

Of course, the prince was actually not asking them, but thinking for himself.

Could it be that the father really believed in some bullshit criticism?

Although there are monks under his command, Ye Yong never believes in any ghosts and gods.

In his opinion, even if there is a god in the world, at best it is just some incredible guy with high martial arts.

There was a brief moment of silence in the room, and after a while, Duan Long tapped the ground lightly with his walking stick, and asked in a calm voice, "Could it be that Your Highness is really about to make a decision?"

Little Maitreya and Jiang Yun also looked at the prince.

The prince didn't speak. He raised his hand and moved his limbs a little bit. It seemed that he had completely got rid of the illness, very normal and ordinary.

His body seems to be better, just like when he was in court during the day, he didn't cough much.

All three were silent.

"Your Majesty mistakenly believed in quack warlocks and indulged in illusory ways. In order to prosper the world, His Majesty naturally..."

"Okay, Jiang Shaofu, don't put money on my face." The prince immediately interrupted Jiang Yun.

As a "hero", as the former No. [-] hero in the world, Jiang Yun is naturally very good at whitewashing, but the prince is not interested in it.

"My father is not stupid, and I am not going to go to the side of the Qing emperor. It is a heinous crime to seek rebellion. Whether it succeeds or fails, it is a mistake." The prince said.

The three of them looked at each other, and Duan Long replied in a calm voice, "I swear to follow His Highness to the death, and I will not retreat an inch."

"Hahaha...don't get too excited, you three. You will still serve the world in the future. After I die, you will continue to benefit the people of the world. How can you be smashed to pieces?" The prince laughed.

When he didn't feel any pain in his body at all, and he didn't suffer from any disease at all, he finally showed his former demeanor, extremely confident and enthusiastic.

However, the three of them couldn't laugh.

Tonight, the golden doctor of Jishi Pavilion, the famous doctor invited from the main pavilion, made the final and final judgment for the prince.

Up to seven days.

Ye Yong has only seven days left to live, unless the phoenix comes into the world, he can live for another year by mixing several kinds of rare fruits with phoenix blood.

And, at most one year.

at the same time...

The imperial palace, the place where books are collected, and the study of Emperor Shengwu.

The third prince Ye Shou came in stumbling.

He was a little surprised, he didn't expect Emperor Shengwu to summon him suddenly at this time.

The third prince walked into the study room, and he was somewhat relieved that he didn't see Man Jianghong.

It seems that I still left some good news for my elder brother.

"San'er, come here."

Hearing this sound, Ye Shou took a few more steps forward, and finally saw Emperor Shengwu who was full of vigor and vigor, flipping through the memorial.


Although he laughed at Emperor Shengwu for a while during the day, when the third prince saw Emperor Shengwu, he was still very respectful.

This is not because he is afraid of Emperor Shengwu's status, but because Emperor Shengwu is his father.

"Your performance today really impresses me." Emperor Shengwu was watching Bao Huaiying's memorial.

The content of the memorial is detailed, the evidence is clear, and the typesetting is excellent, and the writing is also extremely beautiful, even Emperor Shengwu couldn't help but praise it.

"Haha." Ye Shou didn't say much, just laughed.

"What? You did such a thing and got my praise. Why don't you talk about it?" Emperor Shengwu asked leisurely.

"Is there anything worthy of praise? Does the father think that I am an idiot like the sixth and seventh brothers?" Ye Shou sneered.

Emperor Shengwu laughed lightly, and looked at Ye Shou, there was no anger in his eyes, but kindness.

"Do you know why they didn't kill you?"

Ye Shou frowned.

"Murdering Zhongliang of the imperial court, storming the prison of the Ministry of Justice, planting bombs on the road I will patrol the next day, and preparing killers to assassinate me, let alone grounding, it would not be strange to kill you."

"Hmph..." The third prince couldn't help but sneer, "Isn't that what Suicune said?"

Emperor Shengwu looked at the third prince and shook his head.

"Do you think... your fourth brother was really killed by the Demon Cult?"

Hearing the words, the third prince felt like falling into a cellar of ice and trembled all over.

"Fourth brother..." The third prince was dumbfounded, thinking of many things, but couldn't say them out.

"When the Demon Cult was at its craziest, he actually believed in the Demon Cult's tricks. He wanted to use the power of the Demon Cult to sacrifice blood to the people of a mountain city to obtain some peerless magic sword... Therefore, he had to die."

Emperor Shengwu spoke calmly, and slowly revealed a secret that few people in the whole world know, an absolute secret that even the current Demon Cult members don't know.

The fourth prince, Ye An, was not killed by the assassins of the Demon Cult, but was actually secretly executed by Emperor Shengwu!

What criticism does not criticize, as long as he wants to kill, he will kill!




The third prince was stunned.

Obviously, he was thinking, so why not kill him?

It's not incomprehensible for you to spare his life as a child of the royal family, but I'm already like this, so why keep me?

"It's very simple, because I found that you have really grown up."

Ye Shou was speechless for a long time after hearing this.

"Although I haven't taught you anything, I watched you grow up. You pretended to be ignorant, ignorant, and arrogant in front of others, but at most, you deceived some uninformed people. Those of you Brother, no one believes that you would be so stupid.

But one thing is actually true, that is, you and your eldest brother are indeed at odds, and everyone believes it, including me.

But I didn't expect that you would help your elder brother at this time.

I am very satisfied that you can [grow up], so I will save your life. "

Ye Shou was silent.

After a while, he said: "That's right, I don't agree with him, I think he just became the prince because he was born early. My brother is definitely not inferior to him, but because of him, my brother never behaved." With my own talent, I will always be that green leaf."

He clenched his fists, obviously being told what was on his mind: "Why can he be famous all over the world, he can get the appreciation of the courtiers, and my brother can only be that foil?

My brother can bear it, but I can't bear it, so I must fight against him, and must prove that we are better than him..."

He let go of his hand and couldn't help sighing.

A few months ago, when the crown prince came to visit in person, he finally realized that he would forever lose the one who disliked him, who would point out mistakes to himself, and who would teach him more after every competition. big brother of stuff.

It made him think a lot.

Therefore, he is willing to help the prince once, regardless of the consequences.

"In the past dynasties, whenever the throne changed, there would be a gap between the princes, and the dynasty would be chaotic." Emperor Shengwu said calmly, as if he was talking to Ye Shou, and he seemed to be saying to himself, "I am very satisfied with you." what you've done these days.

San'er, you should meditate in the palace and cultivate your own temper. "

At this moment, Ye Shou still had many questions to ask, but in the end he could only retreat.

"The day after tomorrow, what will happen?" Emperor Shengwu looked forward to it.

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