Following Xun Wu's move, everyone in the room also took action.

The guards of the three princes are naturally good players one by one, but even if they can fight, the first-class masters in this room are not vegetarians.

It's just that Ye Shou is the prince after all, and there were not many people in the room who dared to stop him when he yelled out before. If he didn't break the momentum of the guard immediately, the third prince might really have left.

Thinking of this, Bai Yupan couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Rao, he, who does not consider himself a powerful man, hesitated for a while just now, but this Xun Wu did not hesitate, and directly drew his sword when the guards were shouting arrogantly. This courage, I am afraid that the entire Shengjin Couldn't find a few.

I'm not as good as him... Bai Yupan couldn't help but said in his heart.

And with Xun Wu who cut off the blade and momentum, there is no need to talk about the rest.

Without the suppression of this identity, it would be impossible for the third prince to leave the court.

Seeing this scene, the third prince didn't do anything more, just waited quietly.

After all, the third prince is a prince, and the incident this time is quite special. Bao Huaiying could not directly order him to be beheaded, so Zhao Lue could only hastily draw up a memorial to record all the events in the courtroom today and send it to His Majesty There.

Not long after, a red light flashed in front of Xun Wu's eyes.

He frowned slightly, then relaxed it.

Although this ability of mine does not have any task function, the function of giving experience after completing the event can also remind myself-as long as the experience is given, then a certain event is over.

After the third prince, it is unlikely that he will die, and he will not even be assigned. After all, he is "longevity". At most, he is only confined like the eldest grandson of the emperor.

But to be honest, Xun Wu didn't think that the matter of the third prince was over.

The "Gold Heist" matter has come to an end, but the third prince must have follow-up plans after that, and these plans have been well arranged, and there is no need for him to personally direct them.

However, no matter what, Xun Wu gained [-] more general experience. Although there is no way to satisfy the upgrade of the "Young Hero" profession, if he completes one more, it is enough to upgrade the "Young Hero" profession.

After a while, the father-in-law who read the imperial decree and asked Bao Huaiying to preside over the joint trial of the three divisions returned to the court.

In his hand, he carried another imperial decree.

He bowed to the third prince, then sighed, picked up the imperial decree, and read it.

Just like Xun Wu thought, deprive of all power, but slightly better than Ye Fengge, although he was also ordered to be grounded, a few great Confucianists would teach him poetry and books every day.

At least someone is talking, isn't it?

"Hahahaha——" Ye Shou laughed loudly, "Father, don't you really dare to kill me!?"

After hearing the imperial decree, he got up straight away, stretched out his hand and snatched the imperial edict from his father-in-law, and laughed a few more times.

The princes couldn't help frowning.

He laughed for a while, and walked outside indifferently. Halfway there, he couldn't help but glance at the second prince: "Second brother, do you really don't want to move!?"

The second prince remained silent.

He hasn't said a single word since the interrogation of the third division.

The third prince glanced at it, but didn't look any further. He looked at the prince, but didn't say anything.

Then, he looked at his younger brothers: "My silly brothers!"

When the princes heard this, they immediately felt a little annoyed.

But Ye Shou didn't care about their mood, instead he smiled and shouted: "After I go in, no one will take care of my huge organization!"

Immediately, Ye Wen and Ye Zong's eyes lit up, while Ye Xian closed his eyes indifferently, as if he was practicing.

The "dry" organizational structure indicates that he does not need a fixed leader at all. In other words, to run this organization, he only needs to have someone who can cover for them. The third prince is gone, the sixth prince, the seventh prince, It's all right, there is no reason why the third prince is necessary.

The eunuchs and guards couldn't stop him from talking, even if they tried to make him walk quickly, he was still laughing.

Xun Wu frowned lightly.

At the end of the interrogation, a group of people made friends with Bao Huaiying. Xun Wu had nothing to do. While waiting, he hid in a corner with Ji Lian'er, communicating in a low voice.

"Cat catcher, that third prince may not be that simple." Ji Lian'er whispered.

"The third prince was in charge of two unconnected organizations at the same time, but this time, we only dug up the root of [gan], and his other assassination organization did not dig out the secret at all." Xun Wu nodded. .

"The third prince is so insidious, if he has other powers, why don't he use them today, but only use half of his power?" Ji Lian'er was both surprised and excited.

Surprisingly, the third prince still has a secret to hide.

What's exciting is that there may be other follow-ups to this big case, and it's not just big or small!

In the gold robbery case, she only determined the location of the gold and found Huang Dachuan, an important witness. Although the importance was unquestionable, even considered an extremely important part, the amount was not enough after all, not as much as Xun Wu.

For such a serious matter, she must compete with Xun Wu.

"It seems that on the day after tomorrow's birthday, the third prince still has some tricks to use." Xun Wu also whispered back to her.

"Cat catcher, do you have any ideas?"

"It's not easy, if I have a chance to meet that Man Jianghong, maybe it's okay..."

"But even I couldn't find Man Jianghong, I'm afraid..."

Because she didn't need to practice all kinds of martial arts every day like Xun Wu, Ji Lian'er concentrated on studying lightness kung fu, and quickly practiced layer after layer of "Youzu".

Her talent in martial arts is not bad at all, and she has a family background in lightness kung fu. In terms of lightness kung fu, she has even surpassed Xun Wu. If it weren't for Xun Wu and the support of [Spirituality], she might not be able to catch up. It's time for Ji Lian'er.

However, even she, with the various observation skills, tracking skills, and probing skills inherited from her family, could not find Man Jianghong...

Man Jianghong is afraid that it will be difficult to survive.

"Forget it, the matter of your Uncle Huang is not over yet, I'm afraid he will be used by others after he is gone..."

"Then what are you talking about, won't it be over if I let him follow you directly?" Ji Lian'er was straightforward.

Moreover, based on Ji Lian'er's understanding of Huang Dachuan's experience in the past few months, it is really the best choice to follow Xun Wu, otherwise she might be coerced into rebellion again.

After that, the two discussed some details, and then determined the next main goal.

It was still Luo Changfeng.His inner line of defense has now been completely breached, and it is also an opportunity to follow the vine.

But no matter what, it was difficult for Xun Wu to make more preparations in the remaining day and a half.

There was only one thing left for them to do—to patrol the entire capital city and minimize the possibility of danger.

"In any case, I want to try not to hurt the people as much as possible."

Ji Lian'er nodded, and her mind was a little heavy.

The last move of the third prince was impossible to avoid.

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