The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 240 The Witch's Talent

The next day.

Xun Wu had just finished practicing swords and swords, and was about to continue to use visualization to study the effect of [Ju Que], when a person approached him.


The young master of the Jishi Pavilion, who had watched the whole tribunal of the three divisions yesterday, but didn't say a word, finally approached Xun Wu after he was full of questions.

Xun Wu held the hilt of the sword in both hands and held it in front of him. Hearing Roman's doubts, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

A little too basic.

"Is it about the Minister of the Ministry of Justice...Then let me explain to you a little bit."

Has Roman never seen work like throwing pots these days?

He would actually ask why Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice asked that businessman to pledge, why did the imperial decree change his face at the speed of light?

This is a genuine basic skill in the officialdom. Xun Wu was a little helpless, but he still introduced the one-stop service of temporary workers, dumping pots, and running around to Roman.

"It's still like this?" Roman's eyes showed surprise.

He felt as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Although he is the young master of Jishi Pavilion, after all, Roman seldom stays at home, and he has basically never dealt with the affairs of Jishi Pavilion, so although he has encountered similar things, he himself is not aware of the existence of these things , Now listening to Xun Wu's systematic explanation, I suddenly understand clearly.

Roman's question didn't end. Xun Wu held up his sword to study and tried to touch it with his inner energy while answering Roman's question.

Roman is definitely not stupid, but Roman is so lucky that he has never encountered anything that threatened him in the real sense in this life, plus he meets kind people every day, so he doesn't understand many things, now If you are determined to reorganize the Jishi Pavilion, you naturally need to understand it carefully.

Yesterday, during the joint trial of the three divisions, not only did Xun Wu eat a bunch of melons, which made him feel good, but Roman also pondered for a long time and thought a lot.

And at this moment, on the other side, a woman walked over squarely.

She is Hilda, a white-haired witch. She seemed to want to ask Xun Wu something, but when she realized that Roman had asked the question first, she stood aside, standing there upright and straight, as if she was saluting. .

Now she has dyed her hair again, but because everyone knows her identity, Bao Yuan also changed her hair to white, so she didn't dye it white, but turned into the gray look before .

Not only did she change her hair color, but at the same time, she changed her hairstyle again for the convenience of movement.

The originally slightly scattered hair was divided into two parts. The long hair in the middle was twisted continuously, and finally formed into a bud-shaped coil, which was fixed behind the head; the long hair on the other two sides was braided into a twist Rotating around the bud, it finally became a flower-like twist.

That is, the head shape of a certain famous unpopular king saber.

Not only did she not abandon the hair she had raised over the years, but at the same time she looked very delicate and handsome, which made Hilda's whole temperament seem a lot more dignified.

Moreover, Hilda herself is too serious. When she doesn't speak, she really looks more like a knight than a witch when standing still, and she is even more handsome.

Of course, it's the handsomeness of a woman, which is different from Ye Zhenji's indistinguishable situation.

Roman still had a lot of things that he didn't understand, so he kept talking, Xun Wu said while winking at Hilda, suggesting that she come over.

But Hilda didn't seem to understand Xun Wu's eyes, and was still standing there.

After a while, he finally finished asking all the doubts in his heart, Roman thanked Xun Wu, and ran away excitedly.

Probably took notes.

Xun Wu put down his sword, stood it in front of him, and looked at Hilda.

Seeing this scene, Hilda, who had not changed her movements, body shape, or position, finally took two steps forward as if a mechanism had been triggered. Just like Roman did before, he gave a nondescript salute.

The corner of Xun Wu's mouth twitched slightly.

"Hilda, what's wrong with you?"

The witch nodded.

Xun Wu stretched his fingers and grasped the sword, feeling that his hands could not rest.

"Mr. Wu, I have a question that needs to be answered." Hilda solemnly and subconsciously gave a knightly salute, then put her hands together and bowed to Xun Wu as if she were greeting a new year.

Xun Wu was really laughed at by her.

"Okay, Hilda, just tell me if you have any questions."

This Hilda, like a group of studious students, went to ask the teacher questions after class, and asked the teacher in a hurry. After the teacher answered them one by one, everyone left satisfied, and Hilda was about to ring the class bell. When the time comes, go up to "line up" and "say hello".

A polite, serious and lovely witch.

"Then—then can you let me see this?!" Hilda's speech speed was relatively slow at the beginning, but after a few words, it became extremely fast.

What she was talking about, of course, was Xun Wu's giant que.

"Yes." Xun Wu nodded, turned the giant que to the side, and put it on the stone table beside him.

Hilda was a little excited, and almost wanted to pounce on the sword, but soon she stopped her impulse and approached step by step. When she approached the table, she first touched the sword subconsciously, and then from He took out a magnifying glass from the tool bag at his waist, raised it to his eyes, squinted one eye, and observed the sword with his right eye.

A few days ago, she wanted to take a look at this sword, just because she still had a few things to do, and she also wanted to make a model of a dog's head guillotine for Zhao Lue. Luo Changfeng's weapon situation, so there is no free time.

Today, although follow-up investigations are still needed for those things before, there is no need to be so anxious. She finally couldn't help the excitement in her heart and wanted to take a closer look.

The Eight Desolation Famous Sword is a sword that her teacher has never seen before!

"Xun Wu catches the head, can I try this with my inner energy?"

"Do you have internal energy?" Xun Wu was slightly taken aback.

In his impression, Hilda had never shown any inclination to know martial arts.

"Uh, only a little bit." Hilda was a little embarrassed, raised her hand, and made a gesture.

Hilda is internally angry, but she estimates that this amount is at most about the same as a seal, which is a standard low-level in the arena, very low.

But this is actually quite normal. Internal strength is something passed down from the Central Plains, and most of it is created with the ideas of the Central Plains. It is naturally difficult for them Europeans to learn.

If she was in danger, Hilda would naturally use something like explosives.

And her inner qi is completely different from that of ordinary Jianghu people. It is a kind of inner qi that can circulate and sense within the utensils.

In principle, it should be similar to Roman's healing, health preservation, and observation-like inner qi.

"It's amazing, is this the sword of the Central Plains?" Hilda was a little excited, and almost couldn't hold back her expression, "I have seen the spear of [Mist King], it is the treasure of our country of fog, it can change the weather suddenly , creating dense fog, very powerful...

This sword is actually similar to that gun..."


Xun Wu asked subconsciously: "Can you read skills?"

Hilda didn't understand.

Xun Wu knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, but he didn't panic, but asked in a different way.

"I can't see it, but I can feel it... This sword and that gun have much higher destructive power." She was a little excited, and she couldn't speak Chinese fluently.

Destructive type ah.

Xun Wu nodded.

It saved him a lot of thinking time.

"By the way, Hilda, can you teach others your internal strength?"

"Of course!" Hilda said without hesitation.

"Then why don't you write it?" Xun Wu thought for a while, then added, "As a reward, I can study this sword for you for a day, how about it?"

He wanted to show Bao Yuan.

"Okay!" Hilda became more excited. "Ah——if possible, let me use your crossbow for a day? I will make it different!"


Only then did Xun Wu finally realize that this Hilda is even more precious than he imagined.

Not a mere inspector!

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

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