
The full name is Shangshanruoshui Zhenjun.

Not the arrested Suicune.

The phrase "the highest goodness is like water" comes from the Tao Te Ching, and the interpretation of this sentence is "the highest goodness is like water. Water is good at helping all things and not competing with all things. It stays in places that people don't like, so it is close to Tao."

As a Taoist descendant, this level of Taoist title is not something that can be called casually, just like no Taoist person dares to call himself "Emperor of Heaven". If there is one, he must be impatient.

Suicune is naturally not that kind of person, and he doesn't really care about his name that much, he just walks towards a certain place like a river, turning around the world, as if he is looking for something.

And just as Zhao Wumian said before, Shui Jun is one of the "Three Peerless Powerhouses", a true martial arts myth, and is also recognized as the number one master in the world.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts. Many people think that their martial arts are good, but they will always meet people who are better than themselves. People in Jianghu also like to compare and often like to evaluate some knights they have seen. His skills are astonishing, but he is a first-class good man.

Competition of combat power is very popular in any world, and it is also very lively.

People who are considered to be strong in martial arts, some people may feel that they are not worthy of their names, so they will try to challenge them, and some people—for example, Mr. Snake, think that they are better than the other four princes, so they want to prove yourself.

In this world, strong men emerge in large numbers, and there are hermits everywhere. People who show off their martial arts in a certain area often find that their martial arts are mediocre when they step out of their comfort zone.

The so-called "invincible in the world just out of the rivers and lakes, and it will be difficult to move an inch after three years" is also a similar thing.

And those who know the inside story know that there are even more powerful "peerless experts" in this world besides the grand master, so they will naturally talk to their acquaintances and talk about the three major martial arts myths in the world. One is stronger.

Generally speaking, between the man in the mirror and the boxing master, everyone has their own reasons, and they can always convince themselves that one is stronger.

But if Suicune is brought out, no one will question it.

Suicune is the real, undisputed strongest in the world!

This is something that needs no questioning, no suspicion, no need to argue, just like one plus one equals two, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, just like common sense.

The number one master in the world, this title is not passed down every year or two, but ten years, 20 years, 30 years, even when the man in the mirror and the boxing master have just walked the world, Sui Jun was already the number one in the world. One!

As for the matter between Emperor Shengwu and Suicune, we must start talking about it ten years ago.

Back then, Emperor Shengwu was awakened by Bao Huaiying's scolding, and he was deeply aware of his mistakes, but since he had already started asking immortals and refining elixir, naturally he would not forget it so easily.

After he worked hard to reorganize the world, continue to deal with various affairs in the world, and continue his path of being a sage king, he inevitably encountered many difficulties again.

At that time, Emperor Shengwu had just stepped through the gate of the master, and his health was getting better day by day, but at that time, Emperor Shengwu had not cultivated someone like Ye Zhenji who could go to the world for him to inspect and make unannounced visits.

At that time, the Devil's Cult, natural disasters, famine, and plagues broke out one after another, and Emperor Shengwu immediately realized that just staying in the court hall would not solve the world's troubles.

Only by going to visit the world in person, to see the affairs of the world on the ground, can we not be deceived by others, and can we truly govern the world well.

So, while he arranged for General Yue Jiye to encircle and suppress the Demon Cult, on the other hand, he let his son Ye Yong, who was still young and strong at the time, supervise the country, and he brought Zhou Yun, a Confucian man who had not yet been dispatched by him to the frontier, and others. A few big insiders traveled together in disguise, made private visits in micro-clothes, and inspected the situation in various places on the spot.

So that year, he saw the tragic situation of the people in various places within the Demon Cult's sphere of influence—from time to time, they were randomly slaughtered by crazy and sudden Demon Cult disciples in the name of practicing swords.

In the land of famine, thousands of miles of barren land, the bark of the tree is gnawed off, and the people exchange their children for food, a living purgatory on earth; where the plague breaks out, children are sold to bury their fathers, and doctors in Jishi Pavilion die of exhaustion and illness...

He thought that with decades of hard work, he had reorganized the world, but he didn't understand until he really went to see it with his own eyes.

What imperial relatives, alien races, Juetianhui, these things that challenge the imperial rule are just a drop in the ocean, what is it to the whole world?

After decades of changes, Emperor Shengwu has absolute power and is the most powerful person in the world. He can listen to Bao Huaiying's words, or drive him to the frontier, but he can't change the facts.

He thought that he had surpassed his ancestors, but he just brought the world back to the state before Gaozu rebelled.

If he is alive, he may be able to continue his life for Sheng Jinchao, but if he continues to be so casual, after his death, those problems that he suppressed will erupt in an instant, and Sheng Jinchao's collapse will only be in a flash.

When he was on his way back to Fengzhou with a heavy heart, at this moment, he saw such a scene on the side of the road.

A man with a white face and black beard, wrinkled skin, who looked extremely old, but not so old, sat on the side of the road.

There is a table in front of him, and on the table are some five elements and eight trigrams, and there are signs on the left and right sides, one is written as the best in the world, no one can compare, and the other is written to know yin and yang, a peerless fortune teller.

On top of the two signs, there is a horizontal banner that reads.

Don't ask about the future, you don't know the future; just ask about your heart, you are only half right

At that time, Emperor Shengwu looked at it twice, and because his heart was quite heavy, he asked his subordinates to put a few pennies on the fortune teller's desk.

In his opinion, this kind of charlatan is naturally his people. In today's world, he will set up a stall in such a sparsely populated place instead of a crowded place, because he has not managed the world well.

But at the same time, he understood that he couldn't give too much money, otherwise it would be easy for the fortune teller to encounter unexpected disasters in this chaotic world.

Then, he left.

However, after they walked for a while, Emperor Shengwu unexpectedly saw exactly the same, exactly the same match, the same person, singing the same song, setting up a stall by the roadside not far ahead.

He widened his eyes, went up to deliver a few pennies himself, and then ordered the people under his command to use all their strength to gallop along the road with all their strength.

As a master-level master, his footwork is even stronger than that of a good horse. Therefore, when he is fully engaged, the first-class masters under him can't even see his back.

But after he ran for a while, he was horrified to see that person appeared in front of his eyes again, and the clothes, attire, and arrangement of items were exactly the same as before, without any dust or panic.

It seemed that he had been waiting for Emperor Shengwu for a long time.

Emperor Shengwu stopped in front of the booth, fell silent, and thought.

"Don't know Chang Gao's last name?" He asked politely.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

Some suspected that it was his son who came to kill him, and some suspected that he had encountered some kind of demon master, but as the supreme being in the world, he was not timid at all.

"Your Majesty has lost his way." The fortune teller replied lightly, as expected, he already knew the identity of Emperor Shengwu.

"The name of poor Taoist is not worth mentioning, and it is inconvenient to disturb His Majesty's peace, so just call me Shuijun."

"Meeting is fate, His Majesty paid the poor twice. The poor will naturally count twice for His Majesty."

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